A trident ( /ˈtraɪdənt/), also called a trishula or leister or gig, is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and was also a military weapon. Tridents are featured widely in mythical, historical and modern culture. The major Hindu god, Shiva the Destroyer and the Greco-Roman sea god Poseidon or Neptune are classically depicted bearing a trident.
Tridents can be distinguished from pitchforks in that the latter is an agricultural tool with two to six tines (also called prongs) which are shaped in such a way that they can be used to lift and pitch (throw) loose material.
The word "trident" comes from the French trident, which in turn comes from the Latin tridens or tridentis (in Lithuanian tridantis or trishula first meaning three teeth and the second meaning three spikes or pillars): tri "three" and dentes "teeth". Several Indian languages use a similar word for "trident", trishula (tri-three + shool-thorn), derived from Sanskrit, meaning "triple spears". It is also very similar to the Sanskrit word "Tri" - ( त्रि - Three ) "Dunt" ( दंत - Tooth ). The Greek equivalent is τρίαινα, tríaina, from Proto-Greek *trianja, threefold, cognate with the Latin triens.The "trident" of Poseidon is his weapon'.
Blue Destiny / Trident Music Clip
Royal Navy Test Launches Trident II Nuclear SLBM [HD]
Finnick's Trident (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) - MAN AT ARMS
The Trident Missile System - Modern High Tech Weapons - Full Documentary
"FULLY UPGRADED TRIDENT!" - Advanced Warfare EXO ZOMBIES "DESCENT" Gameplay! Trident Upgraded!
The Trident Missle System - Modern Military Weapon - Documentary TV
BEA Hawker Siddeley Trident 1C Promo Film - 1968
9/16発売Trident 2nd ALBUM『Blue Destiny』全曲クロスフェード
Trident Un simplu sarut
『劇場版 蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アスル・ノヴァ−DC』Blu-ray 特典Blu-ray Disc 「Tridet 1st LIVE “Blue Snow” ダイジェスト
MH370 Illuminati Symbolism Revealed - The TRIDENT Rabbit Hole
Nobodies x Supa Bwe - Trident
Trident nukes whistleblower: Weapons access easier than 'most nightclubs'
300 Trident - New Ammo in RatedRR Slow Mo
Damascus: Note the exasperation of the crowd? We're tired of this tyranny. Of having to go back and do the same things over and over again with no PROGRESSION. And for what? Are we bein trained for positions higher up on the ladder? Cuz if that's the case I ain't interested in promotion. We have sworn off ALL existence. We will stand here steadfast in nothingness until the whole wide world is here with us. Calm, cool and collected in the dark.
Blue Destiny / Trident Music Clip
Royal Navy Test Launches Trident II Nuclear SLBM [HD]
Finnick's Trident (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) - MAN AT ARMS
The Trident Missile System - Modern High Tech Weapons - Full Documentary
"FULLY UPGRADED TRIDENT!" - Advanced Warfare EXO ZOMBIES "DESCENT" Gameplay! Trident Upgraded!
The Trident Missle System - Modern Military Weapon - Documentary TV
BEA Hawker Siddeley Trident 1C Promo Film - 1968
9/16発売Trident 2nd ALBUM『Blue Destiny』全曲クロスフェード
Trident Un simplu sarut
『劇場版 蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アスル・ノヴァ−DC』Blu-ray 特典Blu-ray Disc 「Tridet 1st LIVE “Blue Snow” ダイジェスト
MH370 Illuminati Symbolism Revealed - The TRIDENT Rabbit Hole
Nobodies x Supa Bwe - Trident
Trident nukes whistleblower: Weapons access easier than 'most nightclubs'
300 Trident - New Ammo in RatedRR Slow Mo
Crackòvia - Trident Family: Mathieu rínxols d'or
『ブルー・フィールド』Trident Music Clip
Trident is an abomination to humanity
Trident「Blue Snow」Music Clip
Chester Watson - Trident
Crackòvia - Trident family: Parlaments
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