Leaders sound budget alert as deadline set for tax reform

Gareth Hutchens, Matt Wade, Mark Kenny 3:27 AM   Australia's federal and state leaders have issued a stark warning of growing budget pressures across all levels of government amid calls for the federal government to dramatically reset voter expectations about the health of Australia's public finances.

Latest political news

'No captain's pick' on sex discrimination role

Former sex discrimination commissioner Liz Broderick.

Judith Ireland 5:08 PM   The Turnbull government will use a selection panel to pick a new sex discrimination commissioner, in a move that follows concerns the high profile position would be filled by a "captain's pick".

Shorten contacts police over driving offence

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten in Parliament House.

Fergus Hunter 10:58 AM   Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has reported himself to police for using his mobile phone while driving, an offence that attracts a $443 fine and the loss of four demerit points.

Plan for terrorists: reform or stay locked up

Dan Tehan

David Wroe and Mark Kenny   Convicted terrorists would be treated like paedophiles and kept behind bars even after their sentences have expired, under a proposal to be considered by federal and state governments.

Comments 29

GST rise still on the table after top talks

Treasurer Scott Morrison

Mark Kenny, James Massola, Matt Wade   Tax reform that could result in the states regaining a dedicated share of income tax for the first time since the 1940s appears possible after federal and state treasurers meet.

Bishop offer puts staffer's wife in the picture

Former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop speaks during the condolence motion for the late Don Randall, at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday.

Heath Aston   A potential new candidate to succeed Bronwyn Bishop in Mackellar has emerged amid rising factional angst at the former Speaker's determination to resist retirement and contest another election.

Abbott is a 'very unusual man': Shorten

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten whispers to then prime minister Tony Abbott earlier this year.

Lisa Cox   Tony Abbott is a "very unusual man" who is presenting a poor image of Australia overseas, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says.

Germany is looking to Australia's success

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with German Chancellor Angela Merkel last month.

Latika Bourke   Germany is a global powerhouse but it wants to follow Australia's lead on one of the most politically sensitive issues Chancellor Merkel is facing to date.

COAG to weigh preschool funding shake-up  

The proposal would change funding for preschools.

Judith Ireland   The government is considering funding preschools like it funds schools, with different amounts for private and public organisations, under a model to be discussed by COAG.

View country through Aboriginal eyes: Keating

Former PM Paul Keating says Australians still have work to do in attitudes to first people.

Michael Gordon   Twenty-three years after he confronted Australians with the truth of Indigenous dispossession, Paul Keating has delivered another profound message on reconciliation.

Magnate calls on Turnbull to intervene

Indian billionaire Gautam Adani visited Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull asking him to stop challenges to big coal and gas projects approved by government.

Lisa Cox   Billionaire miner Gautam Adani has  asked the Prime Minister to prohibit court-sanctioned environmental reviews of major developments such as a $15 billion coal project in Queensland.

Comments 12

Comment & Analysis

Politics, climate, Islam, and the credibility gap

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   For politicians, the daily quest to convey conviction is hardly aided by their tendency to shift ground when it suits without even acknowledging they've done so.

Comments 68

Keep unrepentant terrorists behind bars


Dan Tehan   Terrorists who remain unreformed by a jail term should be subject to indefinite detention.

Comments 17

Arch conservatives offer nothing but guff

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   Abbott and Trump are not intelligently discussing Islam, they’re just demonstrating that their brand of politics is fast collapsing.

Interpreting Australia through Aboriginal eyes

Aboriginal art and culture draws from the land, for Aboriginality and the land are essential to each other and are inseparable.

Paul Keating   Our identity cannot be separated from that of Aboriginal Australia.

Let Muslim progressives speak for themselves

Tony Abbott

Reem Sweid   Muslims do not need a Western cultural supremacist like Tony Abbott to tell them what Islam needs.

New innovators don't need huge tax breaks

The square kilometre array site in Western Australia. Australia and New Zealand bid to host the SKA in Murchison Shire in WA. It will be the biggest and most advanced radio telescope ever constructed, consistsing of 3000 dishes.

Nicholas Reece   The PM's innovation statement is a good start, but it falls well short of being the game changer that the Australian economy needs.

Comments 20

Don't fall for the super industry's scare tactics

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Retirees’ cost of living is not as outrageously high as the industry would have us believe.

PM switches to forward-looking formula

The Turnbull government on Monday launched reforms to make it easier to bounce back from a business failure.

Mark Kenny   In a rapidly changing world, only the fleet of foot can prosper. That is Malcolm Turnbull's message.

Barnaby Joyce should be worried

Peter Reith.

Peter Reith   Ian Macfarlane's party switch has been billed as a coup for the Nationals, but it's hard to see how it will help them or the Coalition.

Comments 47

Our tax system is heading for trouble 


Amanda Vanstone   You do not make less-wealthy people richer by making the rich less wealthy.

Treatment is better than imprisonment 


Tim Dick   Another music festival, another drug death, making two at different Stereosonic events within a week.

Comments 39

Our flag should signify unity, not prejudice

Susie Latham

Susie Latham   We need to unite against terrorists who want to divide us, but what about the right-wing extremists who want to do the same thing?

Objectivity can be subjective

Paul Malone thumbnail

Paul Malone   I would argue that every journalist - indeed everyone - comes at the news from his or her own subjective position.

Where to now for an unseated PM?

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   The government may have moved on, but Tony Abbott is still adjusting to his new reality and coming to grips with life beyond the prime ministership.

Super-rich get to keep their tax secrets

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 13:  Minister for Resources Josh Frydenberg poses for a photo on November 13, 2015 in Melbourne, Australia.  (Photo by Wayne Taylor/Fairfax Media)

Heath Aston   The tax booby trap left behind by Labor's former assistant treasurer David Bradbury was designed to blow up in the face of the Coalition in 2015.

So, what was all that about?

Noel Pearson says he is at his wit's end, after two years of working closely with the goverment on behalf of Indigenous people appears to have come to nought.

Michael Gordon   Nine months after it was delivered, a bold blueprint for Indigenous empowerment co-written by Noel Pearson is still awaiting a formal government response.  

Seven bad habits Parliament should kick

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   As Parliament rises for the long summer break, there are some habits it should leave back in 2015.

Great game not a spectator sport

The innovation statement represents Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's first major policy initiative since taking the top job.

Michael Fullilove   Since the Paris attacks, Malcolm Turnbull has been pulled onto the global stage. The conflicts in Syria and Iraq, the exodus of refugees to Europe, terrorism, the future of the liberal international order – these have been the issues on the minds of leaders.

Comments 1

Malcolm in the muddle

The longer Mal Brough refuses to step down as Special Minister of State (until he is either cleared or charged over his role in the demise of Peter Slipper), the more the issue becomes one of Turnbull's judgment in appointing him in the first place.

Michael Gordon    Turnbull's almost messianic status in the electorate will only last if voters continue to see him as a cut above the desultory politics of the past eight years.

Top mandarin warns: our luck has run out

Jessica Irvine

Jessica Irvine   Complacent, ill-prepared and in denial: Australia's next top mandarin didn't hold back in a recent paper on the challenges facing the Australian economy.

Comments 87

PM's Abbott problem simply won't go away

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   Tony Abbott is causing waves and Turnbull will have to work out whether to ignore him, embrace him, or perhaps even induce him to leave.

Special features

Death, taxes and an expanding security state

This COAG meeting has been a broad consultation, Malcolm style – politics as the art of the positive.

Malcolm is an Abbott in Turnbull's clothing

There is largesse being extended to Malcolm Turnbull that would never have been granted to Tony Abbott.

Shorten: "I never give up. I don't and I won't"

Deborah Snow Bill Shorten might be at record lows in the opinion polls but he is determined to fight it out, town hall meeting by town hall meeting.

Finding the 'thing': Photographing Malcolm, Tony, Bill and Julia 

Every politician has their 'thing' that makes them familiar.

Jobs growth is nothing like the 71,375 touted 

Peter Martin No one can accuse Employment Minister Michaelia Cash of failing to take advantage of an opportunity.

Why a rise in GST may now be off the table

Peter Martin So out of favour is the idea of increasing the GST that by the time the government releases its tax options paper in the new year a 15 per cent GST might not even be on it.

Family parted by war to be reunited after Australians pitch in

When Arop Majok's village was raided, it kicked off a 21-year ordeal that, thanks to the generosity of Australians, may soon end.

Tony Abbott is turning into Kevin Rudd

Judith Ireland On paper, Abbott could not be further from Rudd. And yet Abbott is displaying so many Rudd-like attributes it is eerie.

How the PM found $1.1b for his innovation plan

The Turnbull government's innovation package was launched on Monday with all the trappings of a budget - in a media lock-up accompanied a blizzard of fact sheets and costings. And, like any budget, some creative accounting.

Raising GST to 15% is far harder than it seems

The agenda paper prepared for Thursday's treasurers meeting ought to come with a big red stamp that reads "danger".

Mr Hockey goes to Washington

Mark Kenny Ever noticed how the loudest advocates of free enterprise and the private sector, are also the most reluctant to leave the public sector? How those politicians who lecture us daily on the evils of bloated government, seem to suckle most determindely on the public teat?

How Pyne swotted for the big spend-up 

Matthew Knott The Innovation Minister is learning how central he is to the Prime Minister's vision for government.

Turnbull banks on a forward-looking formula

Mark Kenny Standing still means going backwards. Movement. Agility. Innovation. In a rapidly changing world, only the fleet of foot can prosper. That is Malcolm Turnbull's message.

CSIRO comes in from cold with funding boost

Judith Ireland When CSIRO officials looked at the budget papers in the May of 2014, they could see that winter was coming.

Where to now for a newly unseated PM?

The government may have moved on, but Tony Abbott is still adjusting to his new reality and coming to grips with life beyond the prime ministership.

Tax disclosure exemptions for richest preserved in 11th-hour deal

Heath Aston The tax booby trap left behind by Labor's former assistant treasurer David Bradbury was designed to blow up in the face of the Coalition in 2015.

Three stunned ministers, two Depp's dogs and one wild party

 There was nastiness and conniving but also some genuinely touching moments. We look back on the most memorable events of this year.

So, what was all that about?

Michael Gordon Nine months after it was delivered, a bold blueprint for Indigenous empowerment co-written by Noel Pearson is still awaiting a formal government response. &nbsp;

Were you paying attention this week?

It was a packed and messy week in as Parliament wrapped up for the year. Were you paying attention?

PM's Abbott problem simply won't go away

Mark Kenny Tony Abbott is causing waves and Turnbull will have to work out whether to ignore him, embrace him, or perhaps even induce him to leave.