UFO hunters catch a 'MOUSE' on Mars: Rock resembling a small rodent is spotted in the latest
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 44
UFO hunters catch a \'MOUSE\' on Mars: Rock resembling a small rodent is spotted in the latest images from the Curiosity rover The \'mouse\' was spotted by amateur astronomer Joe White from Bristol He noticed the bizarre rock on the ridge of the red planet\'s Gale Crater Nasa has been beaming photos from Mars since Curiosity landed in 2012 It follows on from the release of an image last week of a rock on Mars that is said to resemble Nabu - the god of wisdom to the Neo-Assyrians UFO hunters spot a \'MOUSE\' on Mars in the latest images from the Curiosity rover Giant \'MOUSE\' pictured scurrying around on Mars by NASA\'s Curiosity Rover Could this be a MOUSE on the surface of Mars? From rats and lizards, to a spoon and even the face of a god, images beamed from the surface of Mars appear to show all kinds of everyday objects and animals on the red planet. The latest was taken near the Gale Crater and appears to show a small mouse scurrying across the ridge of the 96-mile (154 km) rock structure. It was spotted by amateur astronomer Joe White, 45, who noticed a chunk of rock in Nasa\'s footage that looks bizarrely like a small rodent on the surface of the planet. Scroll down for video The \'mouse\' was spotted by amateur astronomer Joe White from Bristol. He noticed the bizarre rock (pictured) on the ridge of the red planet\'s Gale Crater. The image was taken using the 6ft-high (1.8 metre) right-hand side mast cam on the Curiosity rover on 27 October Nasa has been beaming photos from space since Curiosity landed there in August 2012. Mr White, a space video journalist from Bristol...