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Learn what you are not told:, Linguists and historians define the Ukrainization as a policy of promotion and forced implantation of Ukrainian language and culture into different spheres of life. What is more, this phenomenon exists for hundreds of years. This is the essence of one of the directions in the fight against Russia led by its Western enemies. As far back as the last King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jan Kazimierz admitted that “the chief threat to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is in the striving of the peoples of Little Russia (Malorossiya) and Belorussia towards Moscow, which is connected to them by the language and religion.” In the 20th century, Adolf Hitler stated: “We only then can overcome Russia when Ukrainians and Belarusians believe that they are not Russians”. It seems the Western bigwigs of the modern world are ready to use the whole wide range of means to split the fraternal alliance of the Slavic peoples.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. In this speech Zhirinovsky speaks about Ukrainization of Russia, after the revolution of 1917. Through this, he explains that these are some of the roots of today's troubles in Ukraine. Now that I'm thinking about it, it all makes sence now. Ukraine, being created as an anti-Russian state, was intended to make the whole Russia anti-Russian. And civil wars should have finished the job. In the beginning he makes a comment about the previous speaker. It ends at 0:50 if you wanna skip it. Speech in Duma on: 09/12/2014 Abbrivations: RSFSR - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic CPRF – Communist Party of Russian Federation CC - Central Committee RCPB – Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks DC – District Committee Remarks: 1. The previous guy was saying that allegedly they didn't wanted any electronic cards, databases. But instead give us our old Soviet passport back, and everything in paper printed form. 2. Paragraph 58 of penal code of RSFSR of 1922 - is a paragraph on charge of counter-revolutionary actions. Read more here: 3. Neo-Russia – it’s a Novorossya. I just like to call it Neo-Russia. And basically, it’s pretty accurate, because Novorossya is exactly what it means – New Russia. 4. Pointing at CPRF section. Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
This video shows you how to pronounce Ukrainization
UKRAINE, Simferopol : The local parliament in Crimea took another step towards seceding from Ukraine on Thursday, asking to become part of Russia as EU leade...
Мнение": Россия и Запад: исторические уроки Выпуск от 23.06.2014 Автор: Эвелина Закамская Какие исторические параллели и уроки можно увидеть в сегодняшних со... - - SUBSCRIBE FOR PREDICTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - WORLD LONGEST AIRCRAFT AIDS 'CURE'...
“Sangre y lágrimas de Ucrania” es un nuevo documental creado por el equipo de Cassad TV sobre el genocidio de la población rusa de Donbass, sobre los crímenes de las autoridades de Kiev contra su propio pueblo. El documental está basado en hechos reales y los testimonios de los participantes civiles contra quienes está luchando el ejército ucraniano. Los creadores de la película muestran en orden cronológico los acontecimientos que precedieron la llegada al poder tras el golpe de Estado del gobierno títere de Ucrania y los crímenes cometidos por los militares ucranianos durante la gran operación punitiva en el sudeste del país, cuyos habitantes se negaron a reconocer la legitimidad de las nuevas autoridades de Kiev. Durante la operación de castigo, por orden de las autoridades de Kiev, se usan contra la población civil de la región la artillería pesada y aviones, perecen los civiles, incluso mujeres y niños. El objetivo principal que persigue el gobierno de Ucrania de hoy es destruir a los habitantes de Donbass usando contra el sudeste las tácticas de tierra arrasada. Esto no se puede justificar, ni olvidarю
[Немецкий с субтитрами на русском языке] БЕГЛЫЙ ОГОНЬ Фильм компании leftvision о поджоге Дома профсоюзов в Одессе в начале гражданской войны в Украине, о роли ультранационалистов, милиции и политики в постсоветском пространстве, а также попытка критичного представления ситуации. / Производство компании leftvision. Фильм Ульриха Хайдена и Марко Бенсона Оператор: Бианка Демези и др. / Музыка и сведение: Оливер Эберхард / Перевод: Юлиус Жуковски, Ульрих Хайден и др. / Иллюстрации: Карлотта Фрайер / Графический дизайн: Ça ira! пожертвовать на:
A pro-Russia militia holding an eastern Ukrainian city came under further pressure Tuesday from advancing government troops, but militants acted with impunity elsewhere in the turbulent region. The foreign ministers of Ukraine and Russia met Tuesday, but their open disagreements did nothing to suggest a diplomatic solution was near. Diplomacy was to be taken up again on Wednesday during a meeting in Moscow between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Swiss President Didier Burkhalter, whose country currently chairs the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Russia and the West have expressed a desire for the OSCE to play a greater role in defusing the tensions in Ukraine.
Hundreds of Russian trucks carrying aid intended for rebel-held eastern Ukraine remained parked Wednesday in the southern city of Voronezh, their fate shroud...
Mehr dazu:, Nadeschda Mikhailowna, die die Gräuel des deutschen Konzentrationslagers während des 2. Weltkriegs überlebt hatte, kam ums Leben im eigenen Haus beim regelmäßigen Nachtbombenanschlag der Stadt Perwomajsk durch ukrainische Strafbrigaden. Seit Ende Februar 2014 führt die selbsterklärte ultranationalistische Kiewer Regierung, die kurz davor durch den gewalttätigen Staatsstreich die Macht in der Ukraine eroberte, eine Militäroffensive gegen das Volk von Donezk und Lugansk-Gebieten (auch Donbass-Bezirk, Noworossia genannt). Die Donbass-Bevölkerung antwortete auf den Putsch in Kiew, die gesetzliche Einengung ihrer Rechte (z.B. ihr Recht, Russisch als Muttersprache offiziell zu benutzen) und die ukrainischen Strafzug mit einem legitimen Referendum, in dem das Volk sich für die Selbstständigkeit im Sinne des 1. Art. der UN-Satzung entschied. Dieser Krieg der Ukraine gegen Menschen, welche sie als eigene Staatsbürger ansieht, entlarvt sich als Genozid. Ende September betrug die Anzahl der durch ukrainische Angriffe getöteten Zivilisten über 4000, einschließlich 56 Kinder (UN-Angaben). Über 1 mio Donbass-Menschen befinden sich in Russland als Flüchtlinge. Diese Ausrottung der Bevölkerung wird finanziell und politisch durch die USA unterstützt, die in dem Gebiet geopolitische und wirtschaftliche Interessen verfolgen (Verwerfung Russlands, Schiefergas). EU und Deutschland machen leider mit, obwohl sie dadurch wirtschaftlich, politisch und sittlich verlieren.
Ukraine's acting president has re-instated the military draft to address the deteriorating security situation and threats from Russia along the countries' bo...
Vladimir Putin lashed out at the United States and the West for destabilizing the world order of checks and balances for its own gains. He also accused the West of inflaming the situation in Ukraine and said Russia is not interested in building an empire.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. In this speech, Zhirinovsky comments on ''Peace March'' that took place in Moscow on 21/08/2014. It was purchased march/meeting allegedly favoring current Ukrainean and against supposedly ''Russian invasion of Ukrain''. He spoke once more that day, and the video will be up tomorrow. And one more about modern rising of NAZI'sm (I'll try to make both of them, but I don't know). This speech in Duma made on 23/09/2014 DC – District Committee Remarks: 1. Net - is a net bag widely used in Soviet Union, because back then, there were no bags at shops. You had to purchase them separately and bring them with you (although not much has changed. You still need to buy a bag, it's just now they are sold in front of counters, and they are a little more reliable). As well as other containers for products you intend to purchase. For example, pot for milk or oil, plastic bag for butter, bag for meat, etc. People kept them for as long as they could. There was nothing strange in seeing plastic bags hanging next to clothes to dry after washing. You can Google-image these words, in case you're curious what it looks like: сумка-сетка 2. Cooperatives - as you probably know, in USSR everything was state owned and managed, including housing facilities. But in late 1980's, you could decide to create a council and run housing, area and facilities of a multiple apartment houses the way residents themselves wanted it. It was called - cooperative. 3. Stroi - in Russian means ''build''. I'm guessing it was some kind of bank of constructions tending bank or something. 4. ''Echo of Moscow'' - is a so called liberal radio station. Always talking shit. Zhirinovsky went there few times and quarrel with hostesses. Maybe I'll work on one of those one day. 5. To go ''in there'' - is an expression means ''to the west'', North America or western Europe, in certain cases. Thanks for watching!
Kiev or Kyiv (Ukrainian: Київ [ˈkɪjiw] ( ); Russian: Киев [`kʲijɪf]) is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the...
Лидер ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский считает, что России необходимо скорректировать свою внешнюю политику. Об этом он заявил на сегодняшнем пленарном заседании. Сегодня перед парламентариями выступил министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров. Говоря об ошибках внешней политики России, лидер ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский отметил, что они совершаются уже 200 лет. «Разгромили Наполеона, что получили - Польшу. Зачем? Надо было брать на юге что-то, а Польшу оставить Европе. Не поняли. Первая мировая война - могли не участвовать. Нет, влезли. Мы все время лезем на рожон. В Европу, в Европу. А нас бьют по морде», - напомнил лидер ЛДПР. Лидер ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский считает, что России необходимо скорректировать свою внешнюю политику. Об этом он заявил на сегодняшнем пленарном заседании. Сегодня перед парламентариями выступил министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров. Говоря об ошибках внешней политики России, лидер ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский отметил, что они совершаются уже 200 лет. «Разгромили Наполеона, что получили - Польшу. Зачем? Надо было брать на юге что-то, а Польшу оставить Европе. Не поняли. Первая мировая война - могли не участвовать. Нет, влезли. Мы все время лезем на рожон. В Европу, в Европу. А нас бьют по морде», - напомнил лидер ЛДПР.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. Please refer to description for remarks, if you want better understanding. In this short interview, Zhirinovsky answers to question by a Ukranean jouranlist, who pushes the ethnic card again, implying that Russia has big ethnic problems, and allegedly opressing ethnic minorities. But, Zhirinovky as usual found what to answer. I don't know exactly when this interview took place, but it's somewhere between 22/01/2014 and 30/01/2014. With bigger probability on 22/01/2014. Remarks: 1. He said Lvov is Ukranean lands, but he had said a few times in the past, that Lvov, along with some other regions, should return to be a part of Poland. I think he just wanted to say something other than eastern or central regions, so Lvov came up. 2. Halusky - is a food, that can me made in different ways, but basically it is all the same. Search in this word in Google images, in case you want to see what it looks like - галушки. 3. Before February coup d'etat, but during protests in Maidan, I think Yanukovich was already overthrown by then, or was just about to be, Russia agreed to give 15 billion dollars to Ukrain. And they actually started to send money there. First 2 billion went there, then another 1 billion. These money of course disappeared, and will never be found. Zhirinovsky was ardently protesting against this (like he was doing for many many years). Fortunately, they realized their foolishness and stopped. 3 billion went down the drain though. 4. In/On Ukraine - in Russian, the right way to say is not ''in Ukraine'', but ''on Ukraine''. For some things it's on, for others - in. The things is, now Ukraneans became so impudent, that they imposing for us to use ''in Ukraine'', and not ''on Ukraine''. They made such a big deal out of it, people now are confused how to say it right. Even Putin is saying ''in Ukraine'' now (that's a WTF for me). 5. Makhno - was one supporters of Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the likes of them (ΝΑΖΙ collaborators, SS chasteners on occupied territories in Ukrain, Belorussia and Poland). Today's ''Right Sector''. I'll leave links, in case you want to find out more about them: Makhno - UIA - (Please only accept the description of them, not historical facts. Facts are something WP doesn't have in it's library). Trolls: Go to hell.
This video shows you how to pronounce acitretin
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. In this video, Zhirinovsky gives one of those small press conferences. He spoke about various topical subjects, at that time, but still are not completely outdated. This actually was right before that February revolution in Kiev. In case some of subjects are not interesting to you, here are the topics and timelines so you won't be wasting your time: 00:00-00:40 - Opinion on Lukashenko's position concerning Ukrainian (at that moment still) riots. 00:40-01:08 - About Barrack Obama's decision of not accepting invitation for 70 year victory day celebration anniversary, on May 9, 2015. 01:08-02:01 - Speaks about a Russian movie that was prohibited to show in Ukraine. 02:01-02:25 - A little about democracy. 02:25-03:46 - Harmful advertisement, and advertisement of alcohol. Press conference took place on: 23/12/2014 SF - State Farm Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
Source: December 04, 2014 - In an annual speech ranging from economy to school tests, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evoked religious imagery and defended the Kremlin's aggressive foreign policy as necessary for his country's sheer survival. (Dec. 4) Subscribe for more Breaking News: Get updates and more Breaking News here: The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: PigmineNews on Facebook: PigmineNews on Twitter: PigMine6 on YouTube: FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. In this speech, Zhirinovsky speaks about USSR's policies concerning national regions. He was always saying, that division of a country should not be by national regions, but by governorates, or regions. And it's really true. I don't know other country that is divided by ethnic republics like Russia. This kind of division causes different ethnic prides inside a single country. Basically, it's a preparation for its fragmentation. And it's started in 1917 with that cursed revolution. Although this speech is earlier than previous one, it can be a kind of complement to it. Speech in Duma on: 14/10/2014 Abbrivations: CCCPSU - Central Committee of Communist Party of Soviet Union SCSE - State Committee on the State of Emergency CC - Central Committee ARUM – Automobile & Road University of Moscow MSU – Moscow State University Remarks: 1. It’s probably because of this Russian cars are such junk. Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. In this speech, Zhirinovsky speaks about current state of education in Russia, its disadvantages, compares it to other countrie's, and offers some changes. And don't misses a chance to express his negative views on revolutioners. Speech in Duma on: 12/11/2014 USE – Unified State Exam Remarks: 1. I have absolutely no idea what this means. I just literally translated it. 2. Red diploma - is given to students who graduated from school and from a university with all 5's. (In Russia degrees are 2-5, where 2 is the lowest, and 5 is the highest). And, lol, it's actually red. The cover itself. Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
Ukraine War - News And History Of The Conflict The Complete Session On Russia's War And Ukrainian History.
This is the second part of 3 of the interview where Zhirinovsky make his predictions for the future. In this one, the discussion will be sxclusively about si...
Ukraine's recently held presidential election has been deemed a success, but the country faces a number of continuing challenges including an ongoing separatist rebellion in the east. Karen...
The Crimean crisis is an international crisis principally involving Russia and Ukraine over the control of the Crimean Peninsula, which until February 2014 w...
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. Finally, I finished it. Translating Zyuganov is freakin torture. There are some lines there that does not seems to make sence. That's because they aren't. Sometimes I don't understand what the hell Zyuganov is saying. And if there is anybody who is still uncertain that Russia might still be communist, and that people are still voting for communists, this video should dispel all their doubts. So, this video was a request by Siim Sulla. This is one of debates of 2012 presidential elections. I don't know if it was before or after Zhirinovsky's debate vs Prokhorov, please, check the dates, if you like. Keep in mind, that this is elections debates. All they do here is throwing dirt at current (at the time) government. They are not wrong, cuz during Medvedev's presidency, the government was rather weaker than with Putin. But I still think they over exaggerated, and should have presented more specific suggestions, insted of blackening others. And plus, I can't really say that they were actually debating. They rarely disagreed with each other, and concentrated on blackening current government. Zhirinovsky is in his classic style here, but if you are expecting heated arguing, then you might wanna skip this one. Basically, watch the first 5-10 minutes, and there you go, the whole debate is gonna be like that. Sometimes they speak together, so to distinguish better, I put exclamation marks at Zhirinovsky's lines. Oh, and keep your hand on ''Pause'' button. Aired live on: 28/02/2012 Abbrivations: H&U; – Housing and Utilities SCSE - State Committee on the State of Emergency CCCPSU - Central Committee of Communist Party of Soviet Union PCO – Public Communication Office REC – Regional Executive Committee Remarks: 1. I don’t get it why did he referred to 7-th paragraph. I assume he is referring to 7-th paragraph of RF constitution. 2. By this moment, Zuganov remind me of one of those Russian villains from 1950’s spy movie. ‘’It was all Ameяicans!’’ lol I mean, OK US sponsored it, but the ones who were willing implementers - are our very own traitors. 3. Means of mass information – mass media. I like how Andrei Ilyich Fursov is calling it– Means of mass advertisement, agitation and disinformation. Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
FOR SUBTITLES TURN CAPTIONS (CC) ON. RECOMMENDED to read the description first. Finally, I made it. This is an interview where Zhirinovsky is summarizing events of the year 2014. He speaks about usual for him subjects. What I liked about this video, is the interviewer. He didn't interrupted, didn't asked any stupid questions, so Zhirinovsky did most of the speaking. And about the reason I haven't uploaded a video is so long, its because I was working on Zhirinovsky's mini book ''The last dash to the South'', that he so often talked about. It is only 34 pages, in English - 29 pages, but basically it says about LDPR position in direction Russia should follow. And of course a good read for whoever interested in geopolitics. It concerns everyone. It was first published in 1993. I don't know what year this particular version is from, but from various indications in the book itself, it seems that it's from 1998. I looked in various sources to compare it, and everywhere found the same versions of it (compared a few parts of the book). So if you are interested, write me your E-Mail in PM and I will send you MSWord files as soon as I read it. Interview aired on: 04/01/2015 (although it says there December 2014, I looked in various sources, and everywhere it says the same date) Remarks: 1. Unless they stop making junk, I ain’t buying shit. 2. Disavow means: a. To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with. b. To assert to be wrong or of little value. Thanks for watching! Trolls: Go to hell.
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This video shows you how to pronounce Ukrainizations
About 300 US Army paratroopers have arrived in Ukraine for training exercises with national guard ...
Topix 2015-04-19A Ukrainian serviceman from Dnipro-1 regiment walks near their redoubt in Lebedinskoe village near Mariupol, Ukraine.
Big News Network 2015-04-19Dean was referring to hundreds of American troops that arrived for a "training mission" in Ukraine.
Press TV 2015-04-19The Lithuanian and the Ukrainian representatives will discuss the security situation in Ukraine, ...
noodls 2015-04-19A senior pro-Russia leader in eastern Ukraine has warned that the recently reached Minsk truce deal ...
Press TV 2015-04-19The Ukraine plant shelled 165 times 16 April 2015 ... Father on death of son in Ukraine 17 April 2015.
BBC News 2015-04-19Masked men have toppled several statues of the Soviet leader Lenin in eastern Ukraine, authorities ...
Topix 2015-04-19Amid worrying signs that a new military offensive might be launched by Kremlin-backed separatist ...
Topix 2015-04-19About 300 US paratroopers arrived in Ukraine on top of hundreds of other US special forces and combat troops already there.
The People's Voice 2015-04-19Cold-blooded state-sponsored murder in Ukraine is called "suicide" to conceal criminality ... Ukraine."
The People's Voice 2015-04-19This file photo shows the Maidan Square in Kiev, Ukraine, which was destroyed by violence during protests in February 2014.
Press TV 2015-04-19... both sides of the conflict between Ukraine's Western-allied government and pro-Moscow separatists.
Topix 2015-04-19As tensions increase in Moscow’s relations with Europe over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, Russia ...
Press TV 2015-04-19Ukrainization (also spelled Ukrainisation or Ukrainianization) is a policy of increasing the usage and facilitating the development of the Ukrainian language and promoting other elements of Ukrainian culture, in various spheres of public life such as education, publishing, government and religion.
The term is used, most prominently, for the Soviet indigenization policy of the 1920s (korenizatsiya, literally ‘putting down roots’), aimed at strengthening Soviet power in the territory of Soviet Ukraine and southern regions of the Russian SFSR. In various forms the Ukrainization policies were also carried in several different periods of the twentieth century history of Ukraine, although with somewhat different goals and in different historical contexts.
Ukrainization is often cited as a response and the means to address the consequences of previous assimilationist policies aimed at suppressing or even eradicating the Ukrainian language and culture from most spheres of public life, most frequently a policy of Russification in the times of the Russian Empire (see also Ems Ukaz) and in the USSR, but also Polonization and Rumanization in some Western Ukrainian regions.