President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo أديب الشيشكلي
فيديو زيارة الرئيس أديب الشيشكلي لمصر بعد أيام قلائل من إنقلاب الضباط الأحرار بقيادة محمد نجيب ١٩٥٢ President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo shortly a...
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952 Audio Speech by Syrian President Adib Shishakli.
US Syria Policy; Govt in Exile & Military Support
Al Arabiya interview with Firas Maksad & Adib Shishakli on after US recognition of Syrian Oppostion Coalition in Morocco and designation of Al Nusra as terro...
Adib Shishakly & Dan Rather Reports, Behind the Scenes أديب الشيشكلي
الثورة السورية اللاجئين السوريون في الأردن وتركيا أوضاع اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن و تركيا الثورة السورية أخبار الثورة السورية حركة الإحتجاجات والمظاهرات في...
Adib Shishakly - أديب شيشكلي
Adib Shishakly S.N.C Syrian National Council أديب شيشكلي عضو المجلس الوطني السوري BBC Arabic.
Siniora: "Hisbollah ist eine iranische Gruppierung"
Aus ihrer Unterstützung des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad hat die Hisbollah nie ein Geheimnis gemacht. euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender...
Hezbollah acusado de arrastar a guerra síria para o Líbano
http://pt.euronews.com/ A guerra da Síria queimou mais uma etapa no contágio da região. Sem qualquer ambiguidade sobre a defesa do regime de Bachar al Assad,...
Hezbollah now fighting openly in Syria
Syria has passed another milestone of destructive potential: the Lebanese Hezbollah have abandoned their policy of denying that they are supporting the Assad...
Hizbulá en Siria: otro paso más en el contagio de la guerra
Abandonando toda ambiguedad sobre su apoyo indefectible al régimen de Bachar al Asad, el Hizbulá libanés ha reconocido por primera vez que sus milicianos luc...
L'impegno di Hezbollah al fianco di Bashar Al Assad
Si allarga il contagio della guerra in Siria. Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione dell...
VOA News for 26 May 2013 - 20130526
Thanks to http://gandalf.ddo.jp/ for audio and text VOA NEWS May 26th, 2013 From Washington, this is VOA news. The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah says his gro...
【國際新聞】美俄共識 敘化武2014年銷毀
【國際新聞】美俄共識敘化武2014年銷毀(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 美俄雙方在日內瓦昨天達成協議,要求敘利亞一週內提出化學武器的清單,並於2014年銷毀所有化學武器。美國總統歐巴馬回應說,儘管達成協議,但仍要觀察能否落實,而不是成為阿塞德當局的一個拖延藉口,美國將繼續對阿塞德當...
Members of Syrian opposition SNC reacts to conference
1. Wide pan of media centre at so-called Friends of Syria conference
2. Set-up Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council (SNC), speaking
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council:
"The SNC is the political arm of the Syrian revolution. The demand on the street is protecting the civilians. If we don't hear such a strong statement and a deadline, I don't thi
Syria As A Independent Syrian Republic
Upheaval dominated Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s. On May 1948, Syrian forces invaded Palestine, together with other Arab states, and immediately attacked Jewish settlements. Their president, Shukri al-Quwwatli instructed his troops in the front, “to destroy the Zionists". The Invasion purpose was prevention of the establishment of the State of Israel. Defeat in this war
أديب الشيشكلي: لا حرب أهلية في سورية بل سعي للحرية
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي: تزويد روسيا النظام السوري بالعتاد العسكري ليس جديداً بل يحصل منذ سنين، ولا حرب أهلية في سورية لأن الشعب لم يخرج لقتال...
A member of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) said on Thursday that allegations that Russia is supplying arms and attack helicopters to the Syrian regime are "nothing new".
Adib Shishakly said the timing of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments on Wednesday were likely politically motivated.
"Russia been providing all kind of military equipment to the Syrian regime," he sa
أديب الشيشكلي: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي لرويترز: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين وردع النظام غير ممكن الا باجراءات دولية اشد في حقه. SNC founding member ...
أديب الشيشكلي: أي انتقال لا يتضمن رحيل الأسد غير مقبول
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters: Annan is still trying with the international community to find an exit to his plan, but any plan or transition that does not...
أديب الشيشكلي: رفض قاطع للتفاوض مع نظام الأسد
SNC's Adib Shishakly on outcome of Geneva conference: any negotiation with the Assad regime is totally unacceptable. Annan plan did not even mention the depa...
La oposición siria se reúnen en Turquía para elegir a...
La represión de las fuerzas sirias no ha impedido que hoy se inaugurara en Turquía la Conferencia de la Salvación nacional.
Más de 300 sirios exiliados por todo el mundo y reunidos en Estambul con dos objetivos claros: derrocar el régimen de Bashar al-Assad, y elegir a los líderes que mejor les representen:
"Tenemos la esperanza de salir con un comité que represente al pueblo sirio tan
الزعيم اديب الشيشكلي وحقبة سوريا الذهبيه.wmv
أديب الشيشكلي: من مواليد مدينة حماة السورية عام 1909 تخرج من المدرسة الزراعية بالسلمية (قضاء تابع لمدينة حماة )ومن ثم من المدرسة الحربية بدمشق في البداية تطو...
Syria Deeply + Yakzan Shishakly, Director of the Olive Tree Camp
Syria Deeply + Yakzan Shishakly, Director of the Olive Tree Camp.
Yakzan Shishakly Interview - Syria
President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo أديب الشيشكلي
فيديو زيارة الرئيس أديب الشيشكلي لمصر بعد أيام قلائل من إنقلاب الضباط الأحرار بقيادة محمد نجيب ١٩٥٢ President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo shortly a......
فيديو زيارة الرئيس أديب الشيشكلي لمصر بعد أيام قلائل من إنقلاب الضباط الأحرار بقيادة محمد نجيب ١٩٥٢ President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo shortly a...
wn.com/President Adib Al Shishakli On A Visit To Cairo أديب الشيشكلي
فيديو زيارة الرئيس أديب الشيشكلي لمصر بعد أيام قلائل من إنقلاب الضباط الأحرار بقيادة محمد نجيب ١٩٥٢ President Adib al-Shishakli on a visit to Cairo shortly a...
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952 Audio Speech by Syrian President Adib Shishakli....
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952 Audio Speech by Syrian President Adib Shishakli.
wn.com/خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي 1952
خطاب صوتي للرئيس أديب الشيشكلي - 1952 Audio Speech by Syrian President Adib Shishakli.
US Syria Policy; Govt in Exile & Military Support
Al Arabiya interview with Firas Maksad & Adib Shishakli on after US recognition of Syrian Oppostion Coalition in Morocco and designation of Al Nusra as terro......
Al Arabiya interview with Firas Maksad & Adib Shishakli on after US recognition of Syrian Oppostion Coalition in Morocco and designation of Al Nusra as terro...
wn.com/US Syria Policy Govt In Exile Military Support
Al Arabiya interview with Firas Maksad & Adib Shishakli on after US recognition of Syrian Oppostion Coalition in Morocco and designation of Al Nusra as terro...
Adib Shishakly & Dan Rather Reports, Behind the Scenes أديب الشيشكلي
الثورة السورية اللاجئين السوريون في الأردن وتركيا أوضاع اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن و تركيا الثورة السورية أخبار الثورة السورية حركة الإحتجاجات والمظاهرات في......
الثورة السورية اللاجئين السوريون في الأردن وتركيا أوضاع اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن و تركيا الثورة السورية أخبار الثورة السورية حركة الإحتجاجات والمظاهرات في...
wn.com/Adib Shishakly Dan Rather Reports, Behind The Scenes أديب الشيشكلي
الثورة السورية اللاجئين السوريون في الأردن وتركيا أوضاع اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن و تركيا الثورة السورية أخبار الثورة السورية حركة الإحتجاجات والمظاهرات في...
Adib Shishakly - أديب شيشكلي
Adib Shishakly S.N.C Syrian National Council أديب شيشكلي عضو المجلس الوطني السوري BBC Arabic....
Adib Shishakly S.N.C Syrian National Council أديب شيشكلي عضو المجلس الوطني السوري BBC Arabic.
wn.com/Adib Shishakly أديب شيشكلي
Adib Shishakly S.N.C Syrian National Council أديب شيشكلي عضو المجلس الوطني السوري BBC Arabic.
Siniora: "Hisbollah ist eine iranische Gruppierung"
Aus ihrer Unterstützung des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad hat die Hisbollah nie ein Geheimnis gemacht. euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender......
Aus ihrer Unterstützung des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad hat die Hisbollah nie ein Geheimnis gemacht. euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender...
wn.com/Siniora Hisbollah Ist Eine Iranische Gruppierung
Aus ihrer Unterstützung des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad hat die Hisbollah nie ein Geheimnis gemacht. euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender...
Hezbollah acusado de arrastar a guerra síria para o Líbano
http://pt.euronews.com/ A guerra da Síria queimou mais uma etapa no contágio da região. Sem qualquer ambiguidade sobre a defesa do regime de Bachar al Assad,......
http://pt.euronews.com/ A guerra da Síria queimou mais uma etapa no contágio da região. Sem qualquer ambiguidade sobre a defesa do regime de Bachar al Assad,...
wn.com/Hezbollah Acusado De Arrastar A Guerra Síria Para O Líbano
http://pt.euronews.com/ A guerra da Síria queimou mais uma etapa no contágio da região. Sem qualquer ambiguidade sobre a defesa do regime de Bachar al Assad,...
- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 217
author: euronewspt
Hezbollah now fighting openly in Syria
Syria has passed another milestone of destructive potential: the Lebanese Hezbollah have abandoned their policy of denying that they are supporting the Assad......
Syria has passed another milestone of destructive potential: the Lebanese Hezbollah have abandoned their policy of denying that they are supporting the Assad...
wn.com/Hezbollah Now Fighting Openly In Syria
Syria has passed another milestone of destructive potential: the Lebanese Hezbollah have abandoned their policy of denying that they are supporting the Assad...
Hizbulá en Siria: otro paso más en el contagio de la guerra
Abandonando toda ambiguedad sobre su apoyo indefectible al régimen de Bachar al Asad, el Hizbulá libanés ha reconocido por primera vez que sus milicianos luc......
Abandonando toda ambiguedad sobre su apoyo indefectible al régimen de Bachar al Asad, el Hizbulá libanés ha reconocido por primera vez que sus milicianos luc...
wn.com/Hizbulá En Siria Otro Paso Más En El Contagio De La Guerra
Abandonando toda ambiguedad sobre su apoyo indefectible al régimen de Bachar al Asad, el Hizbulá libanés ha reconocido por primera vez que sus milicianos luc...
- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 368
author: euronewses
L'impegno di Hezbollah al fianco di Bashar Al Assad
Si allarga il contagio della guerra in Siria. Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione dell......
Si allarga il contagio della guerra in Siria. Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione dell...
wn.com/L'Impegno Di Hezbollah Al Fianco Di Bashar Al Assad
Si allarga il contagio della guerra in Siria. Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione dell...
VOA News for 26 May 2013 - 20130526
Thanks to http://gandalf.ddo.jp/ for audio and text VOA NEWS May 26th, 2013 From Washington, this is VOA news. The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah says his gro......
Thanks to http://gandalf.ddo.jp/ for audio and text VOA NEWS May 26th, 2013 From Washington, this is VOA news. The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah says his gro...
wn.com/Voa News For 26 May 2013 20130526
Thanks to http://gandalf.ddo.jp/ for audio and text VOA NEWS May 26th, 2013 From Washington, this is VOA news. The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah says his gro...
【國際新聞】美俄共識 敘化武2014年銷毀
【國際新聞】美俄共識敘化武2014年銷毀(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 美俄雙方在日內瓦昨天達成協議,要求敘利亞一週內提出化學武器的清單,並於2014年銷毀所有化學武器。美國總統歐巴馬回應說,儘管達成協議,但仍要觀察能否落實,而不是成為阿塞德當局的一個拖延藉口,美國將繼續對阿塞德當......
【國際新聞】美俄共識敘化武2014年銷毀(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 美俄雙方在日內瓦昨天達成協議,要求敘利亞一週內提出化學武器的清單,並於2014年銷毀所有化學武器。美國總統歐巴馬回應說,儘管達成協議,但仍要觀察能否落實,而不是成為阿塞德當局的一個拖延藉口,美國將繼續對阿塞德當...
wn.com/【國際新聞】美俄共識 敘化武2014年銷毀
【國際新聞】美俄共識敘化武2014年銷毀(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 美俄雙方在日內瓦昨天達成協議,要求敘利亞一週內提出化學武器的清單,並於2014年銷毀所有化學武器。美國總統歐巴馬回應說,儘管達成協議,但仍要觀察能否落實,而不是成為阿塞德當局的一個拖延藉口,美國將繼續對阿塞德當...
Members of Syrian opposition SNC reacts to conference
1. Wide pan of media centre at so-called Friends of Syria conference
2. Set-up Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council (SNC), speaking
1. Wide pan of media centre at so-called Friends of Syria conference
2. Set-up Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council (SNC), speaking
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council:
"The SNC is the political arm of the Syrian revolution. The demand on the street is protecting the civilians. If we don't hear such a strong statement and a deadline, I don't think we accomplished anything today."
4. Close-up of name tag and hands
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council:
"That was our request. We stated as an SNC to pay all the defected members of the army and we asked several countries for supporting such a fund financially. We are still in talks with many countries. Gulf countries can be a partner in that fund."
6. Pan of media centre
Representatives of the Syrian National Council said on Sunday that they hoped to hear a "strong statement and a deadline" by countries participating in the so-called Friends of Syria conference.
The conference - in the Turkish city of Istanbul and which representatives of 60 nations are attending - aims to further isolate President Bashar Assad's government and bolster a divided Syrian opposition.
Speaking to the Associated Press on the sidelines of the conference, SNC member Adib Shishakly said their primary concern is the protection of civilians - and that if they don't hear a "such a strong statement" or deadline following Sunday's meeting then "I don't think we accomplished anything today."
Shishakly also said the SNC has requested assistance in funding military defectors in the hope of undermining Assad's forces.
"We are still in talks with many countries," he said. "Gulf countries can be a partner in that fund."
The large-scale plan to help Syria's badly overmatched rebels offers a solution to the international divide over whether to arm the rebels or support them through only non-lethal or humanitarian means.
It also reflects frustration with months of failed diplomacy aimed at pressuring Assad to stop his crackdown on dissent, as well as hopes of forcing his ouster by shifting the military balance on the ground.
The Saudis and other Arab Gulf states have proposed giving weapons to the rebels, while the US and other allies, including Turkey, have balked out of fear of fuelling an all-out civil war.
Washington hasn't taken any public position on the fund, but it appears that it has given tacit support to its Arab allies.
The salaries would aim to entice reluctant servicemen in Assad's military to break ranks and join the insurgency.
With Syria's economy in a spiral, the Syrian opposition and US and Arab officials hope soldiers will desert in large numbers and accelerate the downfall of the Assad regime.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0339a769299d7dc2e0ddd818130b7496
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Members Of Syrian Opposition Snc Reacts To Conference
1. Wide pan of media centre at so-called Friends of Syria conference
2. Set-up Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council (SNC), speaking
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council:
"The SNC is the political arm of the Syrian revolution. The demand on the street is protecting the civilians. If we don't hear such a strong statement and a deadline, I don't think we accomplished anything today."
4. Close-up of name tag and hands
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Adib Shishakly, member of Syrian National Council:
"That was our request. We stated as an SNC to pay all the defected members of the army and we asked several countries for supporting such a fund financially. We are still in talks with many countries. Gulf countries can be a partner in that fund."
6. Pan of media centre
Representatives of the Syrian National Council said on Sunday that they hoped to hear a "strong statement and a deadline" by countries participating in the so-called Friends of Syria conference.
The conference - in the Turkish city of Istanbul and which representatives of 60 nations are attending - aims to further isolate President Bashar Assad's government and bolster a divided Syrian opposition.
Speaking to the Associated Press on the sidelines of the conference, SNC member Adib Shishakly said their primary concern is the protection of civilians - and that if they don't hear a "such a strong statement" or deadline following Sunday's meeting then "I don't think we accomplished anything today."
Shishakly also said the SNC has requested assistance in funding military defectors in the hope of undermining Assad's forces.
"We are still in talks with many countries," he said. "Gulf countries can be a partner in that fund."
The large-scale plan to help Syria's badly overmatched rebels offers a solution to the international divide over whether to arm the rebels or support them through only non-lethal or humanitarian means.
It also reflects frustration with months of failed diplomacy aimed at pressuring Assad to stop his crackdown on dissent, as well as hopes of forcing his ouster by shifting the military balance on the ground.
The Saudis and other Arab Gulf states have proposed giving weapons to the rebels, while the US and other allies, including Turkey, have balked out of fear of fuelling an all-out civil war.
Washington hasn't taken any public position on the fund, but it appears that it has given tacit support to its Arab allies.
The salaries would aim to entice reluctant servicemen in Assad's military to break ranks and join the insurgency.
With Syria's economy in a spiral, the Syrian opposition and US and Arab officials hope soldiers will desert in large numbers and accelerate the downfall of the Assad regime.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0339a769299d7dc2e0ddd818130b7496
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Syria As A Independent Syrian Republic
Upheaval dominated Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s. On May 1948, Syrian forces invaded Palestine, together with other Arab states, and ...
Upheaval dominated Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s. On May 1948, Syrian forces invaded Palestine, together with other Arab states, and immediately attacked Jewish settlements. Their president, Shukri al-Quwwatli instructed his troops in the front, “to destroy the Zionists". The Invasion purpose was prevention of the establishment of the State of Israel. Defeat in this war was one of several trigger factors for the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état by Col. Husni al-Za'im, described as the first military overthrow of the Arab World since the start of the Second World War. This was soon followed by another overthrow, by Col. Sami al-Hinnawi, who was himself quickly deposed by Col. Adib Shishakli, all within the same year.
Shishakli eventually abolished multipartyism altogether, but was himself overthrown in a 1954 coup and the parliamentary system was restored. However, by this time, power was increasingly concentrated in the military and security establishment. The weakness of Parliamentary institutions and the mismanagement of the economy led to unrest and the influence of Nasserism and other ideologies. There was fertile ground for various Arab nationalist, Syrian nationalist, and socialist movements, which represented disaffected elements of society. Notably included were religious minorities, who demanded radical reform.
In November 1956, as a direct result of the Suez Crisis, Syria signed a pact with the Soviet Union. This gave a foothold for Communist influence within the government in exchange for military equipment. Turkey then became worried about this increase in the strength of Syrian military technology, as it seemed feasible that Syria might attempt to retake İskenderun. Only heated debates in the United Nations lessened the threat of war.
On 1 February 1958, Syrian President Shukri al-Quwatli and Egypt's Nasser announced the merging of Egypt and Syria, creating the United Arab Republic, and all Syrian political parties, as well as the communists therein, ceased overt activities.[66] Meanwhile, a group of Syrian Ba'athist officers, alarmed by the party's poor position and the increasing fragility of the union, decided to form a secret Military Committee; its initial members were Lieutenant-Colonel Muhammad Umran, Major Salah Jadid and Captain Hafez al-Assad. When Syria seceded on 28 September 1961, the ensuing instability culminated in the 8 March 1963 coup. The takeover was engineered by members of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, led by Michel Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar. The new cabinet was dominated by Ba'ath members.
wn.com/Syria As A Independent Syrian Republic
Upheaval dominated Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s. On May 1948, Syrian forces invaded Palestine, together with other Arab states, and immediately attacked Jewish settlements. Their president, Shukri al-Quwwatli instructed his troops in the front, “to destroy the Zionists". The Invasion purpose was prevention of the establishment of the State of Israel. Defeat in this war was one of several trigger factors for the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état by Col. Husni al-Za'im, described as the first military overthrow of the Arab World since the start of the Second World War. This was soon followed by another overthrow, by Col. Sami al-Hinnawi, who was himself quickly deposed by Col. Adib Shishakli, all within the same year.
Shishakli eventually abolished multipartyism altogether, but was himself overthrown in a 1954 coup and the parliamentary system was restored. However, by this time, power was increasingly concentrated in the military and security establishment. The weakness of Parliamentary institutions and the mismanagement of the economy led to unrest and the influence of Nasserism and other ideologies. There was fertile ground for various Arab nationalist, Syrian nationalist, and socialist movements, which represented disaffected elements of society. Notably included were religious minorities, who demanded radical reform.
In November 1956, as a direct result of the Suez Crisis, Syria signed a pact with the Soviet Union. This gave a foothold for Communist influence within the government in exchange for military equipment. Turkey then became worried about this increase in the strength of Syrian military technology, as it seemed feasible that Syria might attempt to retake İskenderun. Only heated debates in the United Nations lessened the threat of war.
On 1 February 1958, Syrian President Shukri al-Quwatli and Egypt's Nasser announced the merging of Egypt and Syria, creating the United Arab Republic, and all Syrian political parties, as well as the communists therein, ceased overt activities.[66] Meanwhile, a group of Syrian Ba'athist officers, alarmed by the party's poor position and the increasing fragility of the union, decided to form a secret Military Committee; its initial members were Lieutenant-Colonel Muhammad Umran, Major Salah Jadid and Captain Hafez al-Assad. When Syria seceded on 28 September 1961, the ensuing instability culminated in the 8 March 1963 coup. The takeover was engineered by members of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, led by Michel Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar. The new cabinet was dominated by Ba'ath members.
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 0
أديب الشيشكلي: لا حرب أهلية في سورية بل سعي للحرية
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي: تزويد روسيا النظام السوري بالعتاد العسكري ليس جديداً بل يحصل منذ سنين، ولا حرب أهلية في سورية لأن الشعب لم يخرج لقتال......
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي: تزويد روسيا النظام السوري بالعتاد العسكري ليس جديداً بل يحصل منذ سنين، ولا حرب أهلية في سورية لأن الشعب لم يخرج لقتال...
wn.com/أديب الشيشكلي لا حرب أهلية في سورية بل سعي للحرية
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي: تزويد روسيا النظام السوري بالعتاد العسكري ليس جديداً بل يحصل منذ سنين، ولا حرب أهلية في سورية لأن الشعب لم يخرج لقتال...
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 813
author: rev4syria
A member of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) said on Thursday that allegations that Russia is supplying arms and attack helicopters to the Syrian re...
A member of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) said on Thursday that allegations that Russia is supplying arms and attack helicopters to the Syrian regime are "nothing new".
Adib Shishakly said the timing of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments on Wednesday were likely politically motivated.
"Russia been providing all kind of military equipment to the Syrian regime," he said. "This is not yesterday, this is not last year, this has been going on years and years. So this is nothing new to us. I think her reaction yesterday is totally political."
Shishakly also said he "totally" disagrees with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius's description of the conflict in Syria as a "civil war".
"This is, if you want to call it, a call or a protest for freedom," Shishakly said. "The people in Syria not come to fight any other parties or any other sects. They came out looking for freedom. So it cannot be called a civil war."
Shishakly and fellow SNC members were meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, on the sidelines of the launch of a new organisation aimed at providing aid to Syria.
"Watan" - which means homeland in English - seeks to unite eight different groups, all of which pledge to serve the "Syrian revolution and Syrian society".
Moaz al-Sibaai, Watan's general coordinator, said Syria will need "a lot of rebuilding work and a lot of development".
He said Syrian activists needed help with capacity building, and to make use of the upsurge in global support.
"We need to make use of the help around us because the struggle in Syria now, for Syria to become free, for democracy, attracted the attention and the support of millions around the world," he said.
Watan started with 90 activists inside Syria, and now membership is up to 400, said al-Sibaai.
Funding is mainly private, and according to its website, it is a "a progressive movement" aimed at achieving "comprehensive progress" in Syria through civil work.
"This seems to be a long struggle, and we need better institutions to support the people inside Syria," al-Sibaai said.
"The crisis now is widespread. And the people are in real need."
The conflict in Syria has entered its 16th month.
Several weeks ago the UN out the death toll at over 9-thousand, but many more have died since. Opposition groups say more than 13,000 people have died since March 2011, when anti-government uprisings against Syria's President Bashar Assad began.
The view of many in the international community is that the conflict could get worse still.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/d56103cec0cf4bb526866209fc5d29dd
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Syrian Opposition Say Russian Arms Sales To Syria 'Nothing New'
A member of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) said on Thursday that allegations that Russia is supplying arms and attack helicopters to the Syrian regime are "nothing new".
Adib Shishakly said the timing of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments on Wednesday were likely politically motivated.
"Russia been providing all kind of military equipment to the Syrian regime," he said. "This is not yesterday, this is not last year, this has been going on years and years. So this is nothing new to us. I think her reaction yesterday is totally political."
Shishakly also said he "totally" disagrees with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius's description of the conflict in Syria as a "civil war".
"This is, if you want to call it, a call or a protest for freedom," Shishakly said. "The people in Syria not come to fight any other parties or any other sects. They came out looking for freedom. So it cannot be called a civil war."
Shishakly and fellow SNC members were meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, on the sidelines of the launch of a new organisation aimed at providing aid to Syria.
"Watan" - which means homeland in English - seeks to unite eight different groups, all of which pledge to serve the "Syrian revolution and Syrian society".
Moaz al-Sibaai, Watan's general coordinator, said Syria will need "a lot of rebuilding work and a lot of development".
He said Syrian activists needed help with capacity building, and to make use of the upsurge in global support.
"We need to make use of the help around us because the struggle in Syria now, for Syria to become free, for democracy, attracted the attention and the support of millions around the world," he said.
Watan started with 90 activists inside Syria, and now membership is up to 400, said al-Sibaai.
Funding is mainly private, and according to its website, it is a "a progressive movement" aimed at achieving "comprehensive progress" in Syria through civil work.
"This seems to be a long struggle, and we need better institutions to support the people inside Syria," al-Sibaai said.
"The crisis now is widespread. And the people are in real need."
The conflict in Syria has entered its 16th month.
Several weeks ago the UN out the death toll at over 9-thousand, but many more have died since. Opposition groups say more than 13,000 people have died since March 2011, when anti-government uprisings against Syria's President Bashar Assad began.
The view of many in the international community is that the conflict could get worse still.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/d56103cec0cf4bb526866209fc5d29dd
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 0
أديب الشيشكلي: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي لرويترز: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين وردع النظام غير ممكن الا باجراءات دولية اشد في حقه. SNC founding member ......
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي لرويترز: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين وردع النظام غير ممكن الا باجراءات دولية اشد في حقه. SNC founding member ...
wn.com/أديب الشيشكلي المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين
عضو المجلس الوطني السوري أديب الشيشكلي لرويترز: المجتمع الدولي فشل في حماية المدنيين وردع النظام غير ممكن الا باجراءات دولية اشد في حقه. SNC founding member ...
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 785
author: rev4syria
أديب الشيشكلي: أي انتقال لا يتضمن رحيل الأسد غير مقبول
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters: Annan is still trying with the international community to find an exit to his plan, but any plan or transition that does not......
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters: Annan is still trying with the international community to find an exit to his plan, but any plan or transition that does not...
wn.com/أديب الشيشكلي أي انتقال لا يتضمن رحيل الأسد غير مقبول
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters: Annan is still trying with the international community to find an exit to his plan, but any plan or transition that does not...
- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 561
author: rev4syria
أديب الشيشكلي: رفض قاطع للتفاوض مع نظام الأسد
SNC's Adib Shishakly on outcome of Geneva conference: any negotiation with the Assad regime is totally unacceptable. Annan plan did not even mention the depa......
SNC's Adib Shishakly on outcome of Geneva conference: any negotiation with the Assad regime is totally unacceptable. Annan plan did not even mention the depa...
wn.com/أديب الشيشكلي رفض قاطع للتفاوض مع نظام الأسد
SNC's Adib Shishakly on outcome of Geneva conference: any negotiation with the Assad regime is totally unacceptable. Annan plan did not even mention the depa...
- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 310
author: rev4syria
La oposición siria se reúnen en Turquía para elegir a...
La represión de las fuerzas sirias no ha impedido que hoy se inaugurara en Turquía la Conferencia de la Salvación nacional.
Más de 300 sirios exiliados por ...
La represión de las fuerzas sirias no ha impedido que hoy se inaugurara en Turquía la Conferencia de la Salvación nacional.
Más de 300 sirios exiliados por todo el mundo y reunidos en Estambul con dos objetivos claros: derrocar el régimen de Bashar al-Assad, y elegir a los líderes que mejor les representen:
"Tenemos la esperanza de salir con un comité que represente al pueblo sirio tanto en el exterior como en el interior ", asegura uno de miembros asistentes a la conferencia, Adib Shishakly.
wn.com/La Oposición Siria Se Reúnen En Turquía Para Elegir A...
La represión de las fuerzas sirias no ha impedido que hoy se inaugurara en Turquía la Conferencia de la Salvación nacional.
Más de 300 sirios exiliados por todo el mundo y reunidos en Estambul con dos objetivos claros: derrocar el régimen de Bashar al-Assad, y elegir a los líderes que mejor les representen:
"Tenemos la esperanza de salir con un comité que represente al pueblo sirio tanto en el exterior como en el interior ", asegura uno de miembros asistentes a la conferencia, Adib Shishakly.
- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 69
الزعيم اديب الشيشكلي وحقبة سوريا الذهبيه.wmv
أديب الشيشكلي: من مواليد مدينة حماة السورية عام 1909 تخرج من المدرسة الزراعية بالسلمية (قضاء تابع لمدينة حماة )ومن ثم من المدرسة الحربية بدمشق في البداية تطو......
أديب الشيشكلي: من مواليد مدينة حماة السورية عام 1909 تخرج من المدرسة الزراعية بالسلمية (قضاء تابع لمدينة حماة )ومن ثم من المدرسة الحربية بدمشق في البداية تطو...
wn.com/الزعيم اديب الشيشكلي وحقبة سوريا الذهبيه.Wmv
أديب الشيشكلي: من مواليد مدينة حماة السورية عام 1909 تخرج من المدرسة الزراعية بالسلمية (قضاء تابع لمدينة حماة )ومن ثم من المدرسة الحربية بدمشق في البداية تطو...
A rare TV interview with Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali
تقرير للبي بي سي عن سوريا في منتصف الخمسينات وإستطلاع لأراء الشارع حول الشيوعية وشخصية جمال عبدالناصر .. أيضاً مقابلة مع البرجوازية الدمشقية ورئيس الوزراء صب...
Interview With Rami Jarrah, pt. 3
Part 3 of an interview with the British-Syrian activist Rami Jarrah, aka Alexander Page, who discussed his network of citizen journalists at his home in Cair...
UN responsible for stopping anti-Syria mercenaries: Analyst
Unrest has engulfed Syria for more than a year and the foreign financial, military and logistic support for the armed gangs fighting against the Syrian gover...
أديب الشيشكلي: المجتمع الدولي يتفرج والشعب سينتصر وحده
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters on UNSC August meeting on Syria: "We absolutely have no expectations. Syria already lost over 30000 of its citizens. The who...
Syrian opposition moves to elect leaders
Exiled Syrians were meeting in Istanbul on Saturday in an attempt to elect a group of leaders to represent their interests despite a renewed government crack...
الشيشكلي: النظام يحاول عرقلة تدفق المساعدات إلى سوريا
ممثل الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية لدى مجلس التعاون الخليجي أديب الشيشكلي يتحدث لرويترز حول تفجير استهدف معبراً حدودياً بين تركيا وسوريا: "ال...
خطاب فخامة الرئيس شكري بيك القوتلي في عيد الاستقلال
خطاب أول رئيس للجمهورية العربية السورية بعد الاستقلال, شكري بيك القوتلي.
تلت التلاتة: منصور يسلم قلادة النيل لاسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب ولخالد محيي الدين
الرئيس عدلي منصور قام اليوم بتسليم قلادتي النيل الممنوحتين لكل من اسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب أول رئيس مصري بعد إلغاء الملكية عام 1953، وتسلمها حفيده محمد يوسف محمد نجيب، وخالد محيي الدين عضو مجلس قيادة ثورة 1952، وتسلمتها قرينته السيدة سميرة سليم سليمان.
BBC : Syria post Ba'ath coup d'etat 1963 سوريا بعد انقلاب حزب البعث
تقرير اخبارى مصور سنة 53 فى عهد الرئيس محمد نجيب قانون الاصلاح الزراعى
فى عهد الرئيس محمد نجيب سنة 1953 ** لقد اصبح عبيد الارض سادتها**
الأخوان يخترقون الجيش بمؤامرة من محمد نجيب فعزلته ثورة يوليو-دقيقة 3.40
بأى صفة يشارك الأخوان بأعلامهم فى عرض عسكرى ؟؟ -هذا الفيديو يوضح كارثة اختراق مليشيات الأخوان للجيش المصرى بمؤامرة مع اللوء محمد نجيب بعد ثورة يوليو 1952 - ف...
History of Syria
The history of the region now known as Syria, and the nations (or pre-national civilizations) previously occupying its territory: Prehistory and Ancient Near East: see Pre-history of the Southern...
A rare TV interview with Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali
تقرير للبي بي سي عن سوريا في منتصف الخمسينات وإستطلاع لأراء الشارع حول الشيوعية وشخصية جمال عبدالناصر .. أيضاً مقابلة مع البرجوازية الدمشقية ورئيس الوزراء صب......
تقرير للبي بي سي عن سوريا في منتصف الخمسينات وإستطلاع لأراء الشارع حول الشيوعية وشخصية جمال عبدالناصر .. أيضاً مقابلة مع البرجوازية الدمشقية ورئيس الوزراء صب...
wn.com/A Rare Tv Interview With Prime Minister Sabri Al Asali
تقرير للبي بي سي عن سوريا في منتصف الخمسينات وإستطلاع لأراء الشارع حول الشيوعية وشخصية جمال عبدالناصر .. أيضاً مقابلة مع البرجوازية الدمشقية ورئيس الوزراء صب...
Interview With Rami Jarrah, pt. 3
Part 3 of an interview with the British-Syrian activist Rami Jarrah, aka Alexander Page, who discussed his network of citizen journalists at his home in Cair......
Part 3 of an interview with the British-Syrian activist Rami Jarrah, aka Alexander Page, who discussed his network of citizen journalists at his home in Cair...
wn.com/Interview With Rami Jarrah, Pt. 3
Part 3 of an interview with the British-Syrian activist Rami Jarrah, aka Alexander Page, who discussed his network of citizen journalists at his home in Cair...
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 120
author: rpmackey
UN responsible for stopping anti-Syria mercenaries: Analyst
Unrest has engulfed Syria for more than a year and the foreign financial, military and logistic support for the armed gangs fighting against the Syrian gover......
Unrest has engulfed Syria for more than a year and the foreign financial, military and logistic support for the armed gangs fighting against the Syrian gover...
wn.com/Un Responsible For Stopping Anti Syria Mercenaries Analyst
Unrest has engulfed Syria for more than a year and the foreign financial, military and logistic support for the armed gangs fighting against the Syrian gover...
أديب الشيشكلي: المجتمع الدولي يتفرج والشعب سينتصر وحده
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters on UNSC August meeting on Syria: "We absolutely have no expectations. Syria already lost over 30000 of its citizens. The who......
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters on UNSC August meeting on Syria: "We absolutely have no expectations. Syria already lost over 30000 of its citizens. The who...
wn.com/أديب الشيشكلي المجتمع الدولي يتفرج والشعب سينتصر وحده
SNC's Adib Shishakly to Reuters on UNSC August meeting on Syria: "We absolutely have no expectations. Syria already lost over 30000 of its citizens. The who...
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 1091
author: rev4syria
Syrian opposition moves to elect leaders
Exiled Syrians were meeting in Istanbul on Saturday in an attempt to elect a group of leaders to represent their interests despite a renewed government crack......
Exiled Syrians were meeting in Istanbul on Saturday in an attempt to elect a group of leaders to represent their interests despite a renewed government crack...
wn.com/Syrian Opposition Moves To Elect Leaders
Exiled Syrians were meeting in Istanbul on Saturday in an attempt to elect a group of leaders to represent their interests despite a renewed government crack...
الشيشكلي: النظام يحاول عرقلة تدفق المساعدات إلى سوريا
ممثل الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية لدى مجلس التعاون الخليجي أديب الشيشكلي يتحدث لرويترز حول تفجير استهدف معبراً حدودياً بين تركيا وسوريا: "ال......
ممثل الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية لدى مجلس التعاون الخليجي أديب الشيشكلي يتحدث لرويترز حول تفجير استهدف معبراً حدودياً بين تركيا وسوريا: "ال...
wn.com/الشيشكلي النظام يحاول عرقلة تدفق المساعدات إلى سوريا
ممثل الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية لدى مجلس التعاون الخليجي أديب الشيشكلي يتحدث لرويترز حول تفجير استهدف معبراً حدودياً بين تركيا وسوريا: "ال...
- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 535
author: rev4syria
خطاب فخامة الرئيس شكري بيك القوتلي في عيد الاستقلال
خطاب أول رئيس للجمهورية العربية السورية بعد الاستقلال, شكري بيك القوتلي....
خطاب أول رئيس للجمهورية العربية السورية بعد الاستقلال, شكري بيك القوتلي.
wn.com/خطاب فخامة الرئيس شكري بيك القوتلي في عيد الاستقلال
خطاب أول رئيس للجمهورية العربية السورية بعد الاستقلال, شكري بيك القوتلي.
تلت التلاتة: منصور يسلم قلادة النيل لاسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب ولخالد محيي الدين
الرئيس عدلي منصور قام اليوم بتسليم قلادتي النيل الممنوحتين لكل من اسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب أول رئيس مصري بعد إلغاء الملكية عام 1953، وتسلمها حفيده محمد يوسف ...
الرئيس عدلي منصور قام اليوم بتسليم قلادتي النيل الممنوحتين لكل من اسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب أول رئيس مصري بعد إلغاء الملكية عام 1953، وتسلمها حفيده محمد يوسف محمد نجيب، وخالد محيي الدين عضو مجلس قيادة ثورة 1952، وتسلمتها قرينته السيدة سميرة سليم سليمان.
wn.com/تلت التلاتة منصور يسلم قلادة النيل لاسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب ولخالد محيي الدين
الرئيس عدلي منصور قام اليوم بتسليم قلادتي النيل الممنوحتين لكل من اسم الرئيس الراحل محمد نجيب أول رئيس مصري بعد إلغاء الملكية عام 1953، وتسلمها حفيده محمد يوسف محمد نجيب، وخالد محيي الدين عضو مجلس قيادة ثورة 1952، وتسلمتها قرينته السيدة سميرة سليم سليمان.
- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 32
الأخوان يخترقون الجيش بمؤامرة من محمد نجيب فعزلته ثورة يوليو-دقيقة 3.40
بأى صفة يشارك الأخوان بأعلامهم فى عرض عسكرى ؟؟ -هذا الفيديو يوضح كارثة اختراق مليشيات الأخوان للجيش المصرى بمؤامرة مع اللوء محمد نجيب بعد ثورة يوليو 1952 - ف......
بأى صفة يشارك الأخوان بأعلامهم فى عرض عسكرى ؟؟ -هذا الفيديو يوضح كارثة اختراق مليشيات الأخوان للجيش المصرى بمؤامرة مع اللوء محمد نجيب بعد ثورة يوليو 1952 - ف...
wn.com/الأخوان يخترقون الجيش بمؤامرة من محمد نجيب فعزلته ثورة يوليو دقيقة 3.40
بأى صفة يشارك الأخوان بأعلامهم فى عرض عسكرى ؟؟ -هذا الفيديو يوضح كارثة اختراق مليشيات الأخوان للجيش المصرى بمؤامرة مع اللوء محمد نجيب بعد ثورة يوليو 1952 - ف...
History of Syria
The history of the region now known as Syria, and the nations (or pre-national civilizations) previously occupying its territory: Prehistory and Ancient Near Ea...
The history of the region now known as Syria, and the nations (or pre-national civilizations) previously occupying its territory: Prehistory and Ancient Near East: see Pre-history of the Southern...
wn.com/History Of Syria
The history of the region now known as Syria, and the nations (or pre-national civilizations) previously occupying its territory: Prehistory and Ancient Near East: see Pre-history of the Southern...
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 182
author: Audiopedia
عين على العلم .. عين على الوطن
مشروع تخرج .. كلية الإعلام .. جامعة دمشق 2009 (فيلم وثائقي عن شكري بك القوتلي) إعداد وإخراج: ناهض محايري - نبيل عبود مونتاج: رامي الجلبي.
اللاجئون السوريون وجهود منظمات الإغاثة الانسانية الجزيرة مباشر Aljazeera mubaschar syria news 21 01 2012
لقاء مع الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري
إستضافة الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري يوم الإثنين 26_12_2011 في غرفة سوريا حرية وعدالة على البالتوك.
The Stream Syria in the crosshairs
AJAM Debate Syria Military strike.
An Evening with Dan Rather
A conversation with Dan Rather, moderated by Anthony DeRosa, Social Media Editor of Reuters on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 in New York, NY.
Alex Jones Show - Sunday June 24 2012 - Full Length
Sunday June 24th 2012 Alex Jones takes your calls and covers breaking news, including the latest case of mutating GM crops where Tifton 85 grass 'suddenly mu...
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها - أديب الشيشكلي
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها على قناة العربية حوار مع منتهى الرمحي و أديب الشيشكلي.
The Q & A Café with Carol Joynt - Guest: Dan Rather
A talk show hosted by journalist and former network news producer Carol Joynt. Q & A Café offers candid conversation with today's news makers. Restaurant guests and television viewers are treated to the kind of informal yet insightful conversations that can only happen in the dining room. Tune in to the Q & A Café with Carol Joynt, where you'll find no speeches -- just free-flowing questions and a
To Life, L'Chaim #157 - Dan Rather gives his views on Israel
Noted CBS evening news anchor and correspondent Dan Rather talks about Israel and his views of the world as it pertains to the middle east, US/Israel relatio...
Dan Rather - The Costa Report - December 4, 2014
Daniel Irvin Rather is an American journalist and former news anchor for the CBS Evening News. He is also noted for his contributions to CBS’s 60 Minutes. Rather has reported on several prominent events in United States history including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Watergate. After 24 years with the CBS Evening News Rather left in 2005. Currently, Rather is managing editor a
الشقفة - بوعصفور
اين حقوق المواطن ?????
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا | 06/27/2012
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا
استديو بيروت مع جيزيل خوري
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة العربية
عين على العلم .. عين على الوطن
مشروع تخرج .. كلية الإعلام .. جامعة دمشق 2009 (فيلم وثائقي عن شكري بك القوتلي) إعداد وإخراج: ناهض محايري - نبيل عبود مونتاج: رامي الجلبي....
مشروع تخرج .. كلية الإعلام .. جامعة دمشق 2009 (فيلم وثائقي عن شكري بك القوتلي) إعداد وإخراج: ناهض محايري - نبيل عبود مونتاج: رامي الجلبي.
wn.com/عين على العلم .. عين على الوطن
مشروع تخرج .. كلية الإعلام .. جامعة دمشق 2009 (فيلم وثائقي عن شكري بك القوتلي) إعداد وإخراج: ناهض محايري - نبيل عبود مونتاج: رامي الجلبي.
لقاء مع الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري
إستضافة الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري يوم الإثنين 26_12_2011 في غرفة سوريا حرية وعدالة على البالتوك....
إستضافة الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري يوم الإثنين 26_12_2011 في غرفة سوريا حرية وعدالة على البالتوك.
wn.com/لقاء مع الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري
إستضافة الأخ أديب الشيشكلي العضو بالمجلس الوطني السوري يوم الإثنين 26_12_2011 في غرفة سوريا حرية وعدالة على البالتوك.
- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 374
author: somod2011
An Evening with Dan Rather
A conversation with Dan Rather, moderated by Anthony DeRosa, Social Media Editor of Reuters on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 in New York, NY....
A conversation with Dan Rather, moderated by Anthony DeRosa, Social Media Editor of Reuters on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 in New York, NY.
wn.com/An Evening With Dan Rather
A conversation with Dan Rather, moderated by Anthony DeRosa, Social Media Editor of Reuters on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 in New York, NY.
Alex Jones Show - Sunday June 24 2012 - Full Length
Sunday June 24th 2012 Alex Jones takes your calls and covers breaking news, including the latest case of mutating GM crops where Tifton 85 grass 'suddenly mu......
Sunday June 24th 2012 Alex Jones takes your calls and covers breaking news, including the latest case of mutating GM crops where Tifton 85 grass 'suddenly mu...
wn.com/Alex Jones Show Sunday June 24 2012 Full Length
Sunday June 24th 2012 Alex Jones takes your calls and covers breaking news, including the latest case of mutating GM crops where Tifton 85 grass 'suddenly mu...
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها - أديب الشيشكلي
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها على قناة العربية حوار مع منتهى الرمحي و أديب الشيشكلي....
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها على قناة العربية حوار مع منتهى الرمحي و أديب الشيشكلي.
wn.com/حوار العرب الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها أديب الشيشكلي
حوار العرب: الثورة السورية وتداعيتاها على قناة العربية حوار مع منتهى الرمحي و أديب الشيشكلي.
The Q & A Café with Carol Joynt - Guest: Dan Rather
A talk show hosted by journalist and former network news producer Carol Joynt. Q & A Café offers candid conversation with today's news makers. Restaurant guests...
A talk show hosted by journalist and former network news producer Carol Joynt. Q & A Café offers candid conversation with today's news makers. Restaurant guests and television viewers are treated to the kind of informal yet insightful conversations that can only happen in the dining room. Tune in to the Q & A Café with Carol Joynt, where you'll find no speeches -- just free-flowing questions and answers.
wn.com/The Q A Café With Carol Joynt Guest Dan Rather
A talk show hosted by journalist and former network news producer Carol Joynt. Q & A Café offers candid conversation with today's news makers. Restaurant guests and television viewers are treated to the kind of informal yet insightful conversations that can only happen in the dining room. Tune in to the Q & A Café with Carol Joynt, where you'll find no speeches -- just free-flowing questions and answers.
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 7
To Life, L'Chaim #157 - Dan Rather gives his views on Israel
Noted CBS evening news anchor and correspondent Dan Rather talks about Israel and his views of the world as it pertains to the middle east, US/Israel relatio......
Noted CBS evening news anchor and correspondent Dan Rather talks about Israel and his views of the world as it pertains to the middle east, US/Israel relatio...
wn.com/To Life, L'Chaim 157 Dan Rather Gives His Views On Israel
Noted CBS evening news anchor and correspondent Dan Rather talks about Israel and his views of the world as it pertains to the middle east, US/Israel relatio...
Dan Rather - The Costa Report - December 4, 2014
Daniel Irvin Rather is an American journalist and former news anchor for the CBS Evening News. He is also noted for his contributions to CBS’s 60 Minutes. Rathe...
Daniel Irvin Rather is an American journalist and former news anchor for the CBS Evening News. He is also noted for his contributions to CBS’s 60 Minutes. Rather has reported on several prominent events in United States history including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Watergate. After 24 years with the CBS Evening News Rather left in 2005. Currently, Rather is managing editor and anchor of the television news magazine Dan Rather Reports on AXS TV and has also authored a memoir, Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News.
wn.com/Dan Rather The Costa Report December 4, 2014
Daniel Irvin Rather is an American journalist and former news anchor for the CBS Evening News. He is also noted for his contributions to CBS’s 60 Minutes. Rather has reported on several prominent events in United States history including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Watergate. After 24 years with the CBS Evening News Rather left in 2005. Currently, Rather is managing editor and anchor of the television news magazine Dan Rather Reports on AXS TV and has also authored a memoir, Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News.
- published: 08 Dec 2014
- views: 11
الشقفة - بوعصفور
اين حقوق المواطن ?????...
اين حقوق المواطن ?????
wn.com/الشقفة بوعصفور
اين حقوق المواطن ?????
- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 802
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا | 06/27/2012
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا
استديو بيروت مع جيزيل خوري
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة العربية
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا
استديو بيروت مع جيزيل خوري
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة العربية
wn.com/مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا | 06 27 2012
مقابلة برهان غليون بعد عودته من داخل سوريا
استديو بيروت مع جيزيل خوري
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة العربية
- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 2644