A big-box store (also supercenter, superstore, or megastore) is a physically large retail establishment, usually part of a chain. The term sometimes also refers, by extension, to the company that operates the store. The store may sell general dry goods in which case it is a department store, or may be limited to a particular specialty (such establishments are often called "category killers") or may also sell groceries, in which case some countries use the term hypermart.
Typical architectural characteristics include the following:
Commercially, big-box stores can be broken down into two categories: general merchandise (examples include Walmart and Target), and specialty stores (such as Menards, Barnes and Noble, or Best Buy) which specialize in goods within a specific range, such as hardware, books, or electronics. In recent years, many traditional retailers—such as Tesco and Praktiker—have opened stores in the big-box-store format in an effort to compete with big-box chains, which are expanding internationally as their home markets reach maturity.
Makeup counter, non-stick pads
Cat beds, hardware, coupon pads
Avocados, omlette pans
Pressure cookers, plus-size pants
Portrait studio, hot dog bar
Denture wearers, remote control cars
Three-way outlets, bras and gear
Tackle boxes, tacos, beer
Potting soil, boots on sale
Parking lots, post your mail
Paper shredders, dog toys, clogs
Garden hose, ceramic frogs
Brand names, fake rocks, rabbit feet
Magnet glue, grade-A meat
Aisle two and three or eight
Two-way radios, rocket ships
Celery shooters, pasta dips
Headphone hi-fi bargain tripe
Dribble cups, drainage pipes
Frankenstein masks, latex paint
Cardboard boxes, fancy plates
Train sets, toe socks, outboard motors
Canaries, corn, secret morse decoders
Children's flippers, pine cone coats
Edible trinkets, bathtub boats
Costume jewelry, alto sax
Cellophane christian party snacks
This display is not for sale
This display is not for sale
This display is not for sale
This display is not for sale
Pantry items, hand cream, gloves