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ANT 101 Vocab: Matrilineal and Patrilineal Descent
Matrilineal Descent! The Truth....
3:1 Descent through females; matrilineal, uterine systems
The Tlingit are Matrilineal
Ancient Judaism is matrilineal:
How to create your own matrilineal society (Adat Perpatih)
Heprit discusses Household and Khasi Matrilineal System
matrilineal- Vocabulary word for an Ancient Africa unit
Ibe Amaeleku Matrilineal women's dance group, Afikpo
donna interview matrilineal system in padang 20
Russell Means - The Matrilineal Way
Creating a Patrilineal and Matrilineal Focus Group in The Master Genealogist
Matrilineal Society - Guruji Initiates an Incredible Era ( Dera Sacha Sauda )
Organización MATRILINEAL, TRIBAL y GENTILICIA - Marx, Engels y Fray y Van Houten
This is another video defining vocabulary words as an assignment for my anthropology class. This time it's patrilineal and matrilineal descent.
Breaking down Matrilineal Descent! with Rabbi Asher Meza of
For the context and further film, please see All revenues to World Oral Literature Project.
"I am a member of the Kukhhittan clan" says Jessie Jackson, location manager for the Anash TV series. For more videos like this visit
This video is about Ancient Judaism is matrilineal: This truth of the feminine goddess, though often repressed, remained a part of the faith of the Jewish people. Goddesses answered the need for mother, lover, queen, intercessor ... and even today, lingers cryptically in the traditional Hebrew Sabbath invocation.
This video is about a ceremony called Berkedim in Negeri 9, Malaysia. The ceremony is held when a woman wishes to adopt someone to pass her clan name and /or...
Heprit is part of the Khasi tribe. He lives in Cherrapunjee, Meghalaya, India, and operates numerous small businesses, including a DVD rental store, internet...
A vocabulary word for a freshman world history class.
With kinsmen, Nigeria 2013
American Indian legend Russell Means talks about the matrilineal way of living - about being centered in all of life, and living according to lunar time, and recognizing the female cycle. Russell Means passed away in 2012. - Focus groups in genealogy software The Master Genealogist enable you to focus program actions like reports and exports on a selec...
Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan started a new era of Matrilineal Society. Just after starting this new custom dera followers were ready to con...
D. Antonio García-Trevijano en Radio Libertad
Learn how to say Matrilineal correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of matrilineal (oxford dictionary): adjective rela...
Project for Social Identity Class.
This video is about Matrilineal Views
Gender equality in matrilineal and matrilocal cultures around the world, indigenous ways of life based on cooperation, not domination. Excerpt from Women's P...
KINGDOM OF WOMEN - A Reflection of a Matriarchal Society on Lugu Lake Presents by SILK RAIN MEDIA 2007 58 minutes Documentary K...
National Award Winning documentary, Spirit of the Graceful Lineage, aims to understand the matrilineal society in Meghalaya in the North East of India.It is ...
Eva mitocondrial é o nome pelo qual é conhecido o Mais Recente Ancestral Comum - MRCA, (do inglês, Most Recent Common Ancestor) por descendência matrilineal de todos os seres humanos vivos na atualidade. O seu DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA) foi passando de geração em geração e está agora presente em todas as pessoas. Todos os mtDNAs presente em todas as pessoas do mundo é derivado do mtDNA da Eva mitocondrial. É a contraparte do Adão-Y, o Mais Recente Ancestral Comum - MRCA, por descendência patrilinear . E, segundo a hipótese científica mais aceite, tem origem em Africa, mas viveram em épocas diferentes, Eva viveu cerca trinta milenios antes de Adao. Em 1986, pesquisadores da Universidade da Califórnia concluíram que todos os humanos eram descendentes de uma única mulher que viveu na África há cerca de 200 mil anos, que denominaram de Eva Mitocondrial. Eles se basearam na análise do DNA retirado das mitocôndrias, que difere do DNA do núcleo da célula e é transmitido apenas pela linhagem feminina. Ele sofre mutações em rápidas proporções. Comparando o DNA mitocondrial de mulheres de vários grupos étnicos, eles puderam estimar quanto tempo se passou para que cada grupo assumisse características distintas a partir de um ancestral comum. De fato, eles construíram uma árvore genealógica para o gênero humano, na base da qual estava a Eva Mitocondrial, a grande avó de todos os humanos. Isto não significa que ela foi a única mulher existente em sua época, mas que foi a única que produziu uma linhagem direta de descendentes por linha feminina que persiste até a presente data. Descobertas recentes, contudo, revelaram que o DNA mitocondrial pode estar a sofrer mutações muito mais rápido do que se pensava anteriormente. Outros estudos mostram mutações cerca de 20 vezes mais rápido do que se esperava. A teoria da Eva Mitocondrial se baseia no estudo das mitocôndrias (um orgânulo celular) que só se transmite da mãe à prole. Cada mitocôndria contém ADN mitocondrial e a comparação das sequências deste ADN revela uma filogenia molecular. A Eva mitocondrial recebe seu nome da Eva que é relatada no livro de Gênesis da Bíblia. Isso induz a alguns erros de entendimento, como considerar que na época da existência de Eva Mitocondrial não houvesse outras mulheres, quando, no entanto, significa na realidade que somente uma mulher deixou um linhagem de descendência que chegou até os dias atuais. Outras teriam tido suas linhagens perdidas ao longo da história. Outro mal entendido comum é sugerir que o Adão cromossomial-Y seria seu parceiro, enquanto este na verdade teria vivido cerca de 130 mil anos depois.
Continuamos en Poniente dando especial importancia a la politica matrimonial de la Reina Beth de los Stark. No va a ser facil encontrar un marido dispuesto a sufrirla y menos aun con un matrimonio una mision para Jesus Puente mas que para un Stark :D
Under the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology Department
Episode 24: We talk about matrilineal marriage for our daughter and give her future offspring claims on the Irish Band. Also, we actually send some troops to...
A video for feminists to help explain why people hate them. The second reason people hate feminism is because of feminism's inability to define the patriarchy but their willingness to blame all of society's ills on it. Sources: Previous video Defining Patriarchy Decline in marriage Single parent households on the rise Women in Congress Women control the household finances And generally dominate the economy in spending Women call the shots at home What is Patriarchy Women's history defintion London Feminist Network Define Patriarchy 3:00 Academic claims that discipline isn't the issue 7:10 "Freeing democracy from patriarchy" Everything is patriarchy Patriarchy is a joke It gets worse, now it's Kyriarchy!! Gender stereotypes Camille Paglia;;_channel=ReasonTV If civilization had been left in female hands...4:19 Matriarchies;=Women #HeForShe
07] Dinastía Sugez La guerra santa que sufren los aragoneses acaba muy mal para la cristiandad: los Omeya siguen su conquista hispánica. Mientras tanto, Eä...
DeAnna L'am (B.A.) California USA has been teaching in the United States and internationally since 1980 in the fields of philosophy, team building, conflict ...
The Minangkabau live in West Sumatra (Indonesia). Though devout muslims, they have a matrilineal social organization: filiation and inheritance are transmitt...
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin June 6, 1799 – February 10, 1837) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. His matrilineal great grandfather – Abram Gannibal – was brought over as a slave from Eritrean and had risen to become an aristocrat. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar's political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832. Notoriously touchy about his honour, Pushkin fought as many as twenty-nine duels, and was fatally wounded in such an encounter with Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès. Pushkin had accused D'Anthès, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment of attempting to seduce the poet's wife, Natalya Pushkina. Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin's mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818). Ossip Abramovich Gannibal's father, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page kidnapped and brought to Russia as a gift for Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory. After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia. Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style. Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chisinau, where he became a Freemason. Pushkin's married lover, Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he probably wrote the most famous love poem in the Russian language. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Chisinau until 1823 and wrote two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim; The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile on his mother's rural estate of Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. In Mikhailovskoe, Pushkin wrote nostalgic love poems which had been dedicated to Elizaveta Vorontsova, wife of Malorossia's General-Governor. Then Pushkin continued work on his verse-novel Eugene Onegin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is Part One of the Complete Film "The Hopi believe that humans have destroyed the Earth three times through greed and corruption. We live in the Fourth ...
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin June 6, 1799 – February 10, 1837) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. His matrilineal great grandfather – Abram Gannibal – was brought over as a slave from Eritrean and had risen to become an aristocrat. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar's political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832. Notoriously touchy about his honour, Pushkin fought as many as twenty-nine duels, and was fatally wounded in such an encounter with Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès. Pushkin had accused D'Anthès, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment of attempting to seduce the poet's wife, Natalya Pushkina. Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin's mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818). Ossip Abramovich Gannibal's father, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page kidnapped and brought to Russia as a gift for Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory. After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia. Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style. Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chisinau, where he became a Freemason. Pushkin's married lover, Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he probably wrote the most famous love poem in the Russian language. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Chisinau until 1823 and wrote two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim; The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile on his mother's rural estate of Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. In Mikhailovskoe, Pushkin wrote nostalgic love poems which had been dedicated to Elizaveta Vorontsova, wife of Malorossia's General-Governor. Then Pushkin continued work on his verse-novel Eugene Onegin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=Songs List= 1. Bhogindra Shayinam 00:00 2. Bhaja Bhaja Manasa 04:40 3. Sarasaksha 10:11 4. Sevesrikantham 24:45 5. Deva Deva 29:50 6. Vishweshsra 37:43 7. Rama Rama 44:37 Svāti Tirunāḷ Rāma Varma (Malayalam: സ്വാതി തിരുനാള് രാമവർമ്മ)(16 April 1813 – 27 December 1846) was the Maharaja of the Kingdom of Travancore, India. He was also a brilliant music composer and is credited with over 400 classical compositions in both Carntic and Hindusthani style. Svāti Tirunāḷ was born into the Chera dynasty of the Matrilineal royal family of Travancore, which is now a part of Kerala, on 16 April 1813. He was the second child of Queen Gowri Lakshmi Bayi who ruled Travancore from 1811–15, and Rajaraja Varma Koyi Thampuran of Changanasseri Palace. Both his aunt/foster mother, who was well-versed in music, and his father, a Sanskrit scholar. took special care about his education. Col. Munro also is said to have taken a keen interest in his education. He started learning Malayalam and Sanskrit at the age of six and English at the age of seven. The young Prince studied several languages, including Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Hindustani, Telugu, Marathi,Sanskrit, English and Persian. Svāti Tirunāḷ was deeply interested in music right from childhood. Besides being an able ruler, he was a patron of music and was a musician himself. Researchers say that Svāti Tirunāḷ affixed his compositions with the mudra ‘Padmanabha’ and its synonyms. His education in music started with the first lessons from Karamana Subrahmania Bhagavathar and Karamana Padmanabha Bhagavathar. He encouraged both broad systems of Indian music, Hindustani and Carnatic music, though he was essentially a connoisseur of the Carnatic music tradition. Svāti Tirunāḷ was fluent in a number of languages including Malayalam, Sanskrit, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada,Hindustani, Bengali, Tamil, Oriya and English. This was a period when music and art were thriving in many parts of south India. The triumvirate of Carnatic music, Tyagaraja(1767–1847), Syama Sastri (1762–1827) and Muthuswami Dikshitar (1775–1835), lived and enriched music during this period. ==Song Details== All Songs Lyrics & Composer - Swathi Thirunal Song - Bhogindra Shayinam Artist - P.Unnikrishnan Song - Bhaja Bhaja Manasa Artist - Bombay S. Jayashri. Song - Sarasaksha Artist - Hyderabad Brothers Song - Sevesrikantham Artist - Sankaran Nambudiri Song - Deva Deva Artist - Neyveli R.Santhanagopalan Song - Vishweshsra Artist - T.M.Krishna Song - Rama Rama Artist - Nithyasree Mahadevan Label - INRECO For More Visit us at
El mapa insular de Papúa es la zona de transición entre las islas de Indonesia y las de Oceanía. Allí habitan tribus cuya ferocidad alimentó las leyendas sob...
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use. ................................................................................... Folk and Pop Sounds of Sumatra (Volume 2) expands our presentation of the world's least-known, outstanding musical improbabilities. From the infectious trance beat of Sumatra's Folk Dangdut music, featuring Rabab (Violin) or Saluang (Flute), to the highly-refined and glorious Orkes Gambus (Orchestral Arabic music with "Gambus" literally meaning "Oud"), said to have been brought to the island by Islamic settlers from Yemen, the 18 tracks featured here will instantly convince the listener of the expressive beauty and diversity that Sumatra has contributed to the world music theater. Most of the musicians on this release are "Minangkabau" or "Minang" people who are devout followers of Islam as well as the world's largest Matrilineal society (a Minangkabau child is the descendent of his/her mother, not father). These tracks (chosen from stacks of old cassettes) were recorded from the 1960's through the 1980's and are all but dismissed by many Sumatrans who seem to prefer a more contemporary sound. This is an assortment of relics from a forgotten period of transition in Sumatran music when psychedelic organs echoed underneath arabic string sections and rustic violins sawed atop trance beats from poorly-lit night markets. The Minang sound is like no other and it represents a vital link in the somewhat cloudy history of Sumatran music. Keep in mind that this is NOT a document for the mere purpose of preservation, although it may serve as such. This IS among the very best music you've never heard and you need to hear it NOW!
This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use. ................................................................................... Fo...
Speakers Jeanne Shenandoah and Sally Roesch Wagner discussed the broad influence of Haudenosaunee Women on the development of the women's movement and other ...
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE WORLD GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL UPDATES: The killer whale (Orcinus orca), also referred to as the orca whale or orca, and less commonly as the blackfish, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas. Killer whales as a species have a diverse diet, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey. Some feed exclusively on fish, while others hunt marine mammals like pinnipeds, and even large whales. Killer whales are regarded as apex predators, lacking natural predators. Follow us : Join our community: Tweet about us: Connect with us: Visit our website: Tags: nature, adventure, travel, animal world, animal planet, solar system, universe, planet earth, documentaries, New Habitat of the Orca', Habitat of the Orca' documentary, Habitat of the Orca' Documentaries, Habitat of the Orca' Documentaries 2014, Habitat of the Orca' Documentaries new, 2014 Habitat of the Orca' Documentaries,
Gary David has discovered that the Hopi nation of the American Southwest created its early villages, in their entirety, as a reflection of the night sky. Lis...
The killer whale (Orcinus orca), also referred to as the orca whale or orca, and less commonly as the blackfish, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic ...
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin June 6, 1799 – February 10, 1837) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. His matrilineal great grandfather – Abram Gannibal – was brought over as a slave from Eritrean and had risen to become an aristocrat. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar's political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832. Notoriously touchy about his honour, Pushkin fought as many as twenty-nine duels, and was fatally wounded in such an encounter with Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès. Pushkin had accused D'Anthès, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment of attempting to seduce the poet's wife, Natalya Pushkina. Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin's mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818). Ossip Abramovich Gannibal's father, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page kidnapped and brought to Russia as a gift for Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory. After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia. Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style. Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chisinau, where he became a Freemason. Pushkin's married lover, Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he probably wrote the most famous love poem in the Russian language. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Chisinau until 1823 and wrote two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim; The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile on his mother's rural estate of Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. In Mikhailovskoe, Pushkin wrote nostalgic love poems which had been dedicated to Elizaveta Vorontsova, wife of Malorossia's General-Governor. Then Pushkin continued work on his verse-novel Eugene Onegin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin June 6, 1799 – February 10, 1837) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. His matrilineal great grandfather – Abram Gannibal – was brought over as a slave from Eritrean and had risen to become an aristocrat. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar's political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832. Notoriously touchy about his honour, Pushkin fought as many as twenty-nine duels, and was fatally wounded in such an encounter with Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès. Pushkin had accused D'Anthès, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment of attempting to seduce the poet's wife, Natalya Pushkina. Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin's mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818). Ossip Abramovich Gannibal's father, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page kidnapped and brought to Russia as a gift for Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory. After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia. Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style. Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chisinau, where he became a Freemason. Pushkin's married lover, Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he probably wrote the most famous love poem in the Russian language. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Chisinau until 1823 and wrote two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim; The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile on his mother's rural estate of Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. In Mikhailovskoe, Pushkin wrote nostalgic love poems which had been dedicated to Elizaveta Vorontsova, wife of Malorossia's General-Governor. Then Pushkin continued work on his verse-novel Eugene Onegin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orca: Killer Whale's Habitat - Amazing Documentary Film The killer whale (Orcinus orca), also referred to as the orca whale or orca, and less commonly as the blackfish or grampus, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas. Killer whales as a species have a diverse diet, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey. Some feed exclusively on fish, while others hunt marine mammals like pinnipeds, and even large whales. Killer whales are regarded as apex predators, lacking natural predators. Killer whales are highly social; some populations are composed of matrilineal family groups which are the most stable of any animal species. Their sophisticated hunting techniques and vocal behaviors, which are often specific to a particular group and passed across generations, have been described as manifestations of culture. WILD LIFE DOCUMENTARIES - RELIGION DOCUMENTARY - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - ADVENTURE DOCUMENTARY - HEALTH AND MEDICINE DOCUMENTARY - PEOPLE DOCUMENTARY - TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENTARY - SUPERNATURAL DOCUMENTARY - POPULAR DOCUMENTARY - More Documentary Films: TAGS Orca Killer Whale Orca's Habitat Documentary Film Amazing Documentary Biology Nature
2/28/2011 Sarah Mesnick - Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries Service "Sperm whale social structure: kith and kin. Implications for behavior, ...
YouTube: Twitter: Amazon: Toknao: Tumblr: MySpace: Facebook: The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view. The tip of the tongue has the syllable being pronounced as part of the motion. The lips are on the right in pink. El vídeo no tiene sonido. El video que muestra cómo mover su lengua y los labios para pronunciar la palabra. La lengua se muestra a la izquierda de la vista lateral. La punta de la lengua tiene la sílaba se pronuncia como parte del movimiento. Los labios están a la derecha en color rosa. ビデオは音がありません。ビデオでは、単語の発音を舌と唇を移動する方法を示します。舌側面から左側に示されている。舌の先端には、運動の一環として発音されて音節を持っています。唇はピンクの右側にある。 वीडियो ध्वनि नहीं है। वीडियो कैसे शब्द का उच्चारण करने के लिए अपनी जीभ और होंठ स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आपको दिखाता है। जीभ की ओर देखने से छोड़ दिया पर दिखाया गया है। जीभ की नोक प्रस्ताव के भाग के रूप में सुनाया जा रहा शब्दांश है। होंठ गुलाबी में सही पर हैं। Das Video hat keinen Ton. Das Video zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Zunge und Lippen zu bewegen, um das Wort auszusprechen. Die Zunge ist auf der linken Seite von der Seitenansicht dargestellt. Die Spitze der Zunge hat die Silbe, die als Teil der Bewegung ausgeprägt. Die Lippen sind auf der rechten Seite in pink. ليس لدى الفيديو الصوت. الفيديو يوضح لك كيفية تحريك اللسان والشفاه الخاص بك تنطق الكلمة. ويظهر اللسان على اليسار من عرض الجانب. غيض من اللسان لديه مقطع يجري وضوحا كجزء من الحركة. الشفاه هي على اليمين باللون الوردي.
Aboriginal Day in Prince Albert,Saskatchewan. July 13,2013
Although Meghalaya's is a matrilineal society where women are highly respected, women's rights in ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-09... definition of who is Jewish (such as an unbroken line of matrilineal Jewish descent) were used."
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-08It is a matrilineal society, and the bride's family does a great deal of background investigation to ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-06J. Lo and Casper fake-out!. Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart broke up last June ... , etc ... Ironic, since she's matrilineally Jewish.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-03-28Her mother isn't Jewish, and by Jewish custom - and Israeli law - the faith is passed on by matrilineal descent ... @Milbank.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-03-25... states with patriarchal structures in land ownership and Meghalaya, which has a matrilineal system.
The Hindu 2015-03-14... are born into another group and do not compete for resources within the mother's matriline.
noodls 2015-03-11... and Telangana representing patriarchal societies and Meghalaya representing a matrilineal society.
The Times of India 2015-03-07A closer look at ancient Egyptian papyrus’ reveals that society was strictly matrilineal and ...
CounterPunch 2015-03-06Tkel — a Palauan who can easily name the clans and villages of her parents and other ancestors — ...
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-02-27million in 2004, according to the WSJ ... millionThis Indian village is home to one of the only matrilineal societies on earth.
Seattle Post 2015-02-23The village is home to the Khasi tribe, a matrilineal society in which lineages and property are ...
Business Insider 2015-02-18–13? ... million year old mitochondrial Eve who has the matrilineal DNA to create EVERY current living anatomically modern human.
Medium 2015-02-13Matrilineality is a system in which descent is traced through the mother and maternal ancestors. Matrilineality is also a societal system in which one belongs to one's matriline or mother's lineage, which can involve the inheritance of property and/or titles.
A matriline is a line of descent from a female ancestor to a descendant (of either sex) in which the individuals in all intervening generations are mothers – a mother line. In a matrilineal descent system an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as her or his mother. This matrilineal descent pattern is in contrast to the more common pattern of patrilineal descent from which a Family name is usually derived.
The matriline of historical nobility was also called her or his enatic or uterine ancestry, corresponding to the patrilineal agnatic ancestry treated in depth in the article Patrilineality.
In some ancient cultures, membership in their groups was (and still is if in bold) inherited matrilineally. Example cultures or societies include the Cherokee, Choctaw, Gitksan, Haida, Hopi, Iroquois, Lenape, Navajo, and Tlingit of North America; the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, Indonesia; the Nairs of Kerala and the Bunts of Karnataka in south India; the Khasi, Jaintia and Garo of Meghalaya in northeast India; the Mosuo of China; the Basques of Spain and France; the Akan including the Ashanti of west Africa; and the Tuaregs of west and north Africa. Some of these examples are discussed in this article, see Contents below.