[ES] Resistència a l’interior de Can Vies

 2010s, Español  Comments Off on [ES] Resistència a l’interior de Can Vies
May 262014

Un miler de persones es concentra en aquests moments al voltant de la plaça de Sants de Barcelona en defensa del centre social Can Vies. El desallotjament ha començat a les 13:20h del migdia però no ha agafat per sorpresa les activistes, que s’han pogut ubicar als nombrosos punts de resistència distribuïts per tot l’edifici.

Notícia completa: http://directa.cat/noticia/nombrosos-activistes-resisteixen-lassalt-policial-linterior-del-centre-social-can-vies

[EN] Give us space (trailer)

 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] Give us space (trailer)
Apr 072014


  • Give us space trailer
  • GIVE US SPACE is a documentary and a bit more. We focus on creative documentation, research and action around housing issues. The project came about from our direct experience dealing with many difficult housing situations in London, which affected all aspects of our lives; we learned a lot from it, researched it more deeply and we decided to share it!
    A feature documentary was the chosen medium, as we believe video is a powerful tool to spread the word and generate awareness. So far the film is the main focus of the project, however we plan to extend it to other creative areas and actions.
  • http://www.giveusspace.co.uk

[EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council
Apr 072014

Maritza Tschepp

[EN] The muesli-maker who began in a squat

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] The muesli-maker who began in a squat
Apr 072014

Behind the scenes: the cereal maker Alex Smith, who began in a squat

  • The muesli-maker who began in a squat mp4 3mins 30mb
  • Behind the scenes: Alara Cereals started in a squat with two pound notes. But an inauspiscious start has blossomed in to an unlikely success story …
  • I got involved in the squatting movement in the early 1970s. I’d moved to London to study architecture and was living in a building on Tolmers Square, just off Tottenham Court Road. I opposed the philosophy of destroying existing Victorian properties and replacing them with modern blocks solely in the name of making money, so I decided I had to live without it. I didn’t spend money for a year until, in 1975, I found two £1 notes in the street and decided to start a business with it.

    We began what’s now Alara by selling fruit and veg that would otherwise have been thrown out. We bought a sack of flour from a wholefoods wholesaler near the squat and started baking bread. Eventually we squatted in a retail premises and turned it into a wholefoods shop.

    We got evicted from that shop and another, second premises within two years, so, in 1978, we leased a small shop just off the Euston Road. The shop continued to do very well, but the area was being redeveloped and Camden Council allocated our shop as the site office, so we struck a good deal with them to move to a bigger place on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury.

    We wanted to produce really healthy food, and there were no cereals on the market that had no added sugar, salts or fats at that time, so we started making muesli. With more space in Bloomsbury, we were able to get a muesli mixing machine. It all expanded from that point on, until we had our own factory in Camley Street, King’s Cross. We’ve been embedded in the community for years now – we’ve planted lots of trees near the factory, we have an orchard, and the people who work here live close by, too. Our next mission is to sequester more carbon than the carbon we create in making our products.

    Our focus is on creating a healthy product with high nutritional value. As well as keeping our muesli free from sugar, salt and fat, we use superfoods such as goji berries and linseeds, and we’ve developed a complex database that we use to develop blends with specific requirements – such as high selenium, or vitamin C – that will still taste great.

    Alara was the first cereal company in the world to be certified organic, and now our factory produces about half of all the organic muesli sold in the UK. We are also the first company to be licensed by the Coeliac Society. We’ve come a long way since squatting, but being accessible to everyone remains central to what we do.


[EN] £350million worth of property empty (Russia Today)

 2010s  Comments Off on [EN] £350million worth of property empty (Russia Today)
Apr 072014
  • £350million worth of property empty (Russia Today) 3mins mp4
  • Almost three quarters of a million houses in the UK are standing empty – and this at a time when there’s a serious shortage of residential buildings. RT’s Polly Boiko went to one of London’s most prestigious streets, that’s become a symbol for Britain’s bricks and mortar crisis. 21 Feb 2014

Anti MIPIM Press conference in Cannes (France)

 Uncategorized  Comments Off on Anti MIPIM Press conference in Cannes (France)
Mar 182014

Source: http://www.darksite.ch/alachaine/spip/spip.php?article311

March 12th and 13th 2014 – An international coordination of housing rights activists is protesting against speculation at the MIPIM in Cannes. Organisations taking part in the press conference the Bond Precaire Woonvormen, the speculation research collective SPOK, Netherlands, Radical Housing Group London, Collectivo Habita for the right to Housing and the City, Portugal, Tenants’s Asso, Habita NETX, Germany.

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[TR] Yeldeğirmeni/Kadıköy. Donkişot Sosyal Merkezi [EN SUBS]

 2010s, Türkçe  Comments Off on [TR] Yeldeğirmeni/Kadıköy. Donkişot Sosyal Merkezi [EN SUBS]
Dec 032013

Gezi parkı ruhunu üflemeye devam ediyor! Gezi günlerindeki özgürlüğü, dayanışmayı, iletişimi içselleştiren ”çapulcular” Gezi’den aldıkları ilhamı yeni biçimlere dönüştürüyor. Gezi’den sonra kurulan mahalle forumlarından olan Yeldiğermeni Dayanışması, mahallelerindeki 20 yıldır çöplük olan sahipsiz binayı işgal edip kamusal bir alana dönüştürmek için çalışıyor. Hiç bir hiyerarşinin olmadığı bu örgütlenme, minyatür bir gezi dünyası yaratarak bunu mahallelilerin faydasına açmak ve ‘başka bir dünya’ nın mümkün olduğunu hepimize göstermek istiyor.

[CZ] Obsaď a žij! 41mins

 2010s, Česká Republika, Praha/Prague  Comments Off on [CZ] Obsaď a žij! 41mins
Sep 202013












Obsaď a žij! CZ Praha 41mins

Je právo soukromého vlastníka nadřazeno veřejnému zájmu? Může squatting nabídnout řešení problému absence sociálního bydlení v České republice, nebo se jedná pouze o subkulturní fenomén? Má majitel právo nechat svůj dům spadnout? Může být odpor vyjádřený občanskou neposlušností legitimní? Jak souvisí konání developerských společností a silných hráčů na bytovém trhu s problémem vyloučených lokalit? Proč dům na pražském Pohořelci stále chátrá a kdo se skrývá za firmou CPI? Dokument o squatterské akci, při níž bylo během jednoho dne obsazeno sedm chátrajících domů, vznikl v produkci A2larmu.

[EN] London 2013 – Squatting is the Only Affordable Housing Option 50mb 3mins mp4

 2010s, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] London 2013 – Squatting is the Only Affordable Housing Option 50mb 3mins mp4
Sep 202013

London 2013 – Squatting is the Only Affordable Housing Option

Date: 2013, Country: UK, City:London, Language: Eng, Length: 3mins, Size: 50mb Type: mp4

With rent rising in London, and elsewhere in the UK, young people are finding that squatting is the way to an affordable home.

It is now illegal to move into empty houses or flats so squatters are living in offices and factories.

In this video a recent graduate in London explains his struggle to find cheap accommodation and good living conditions as a squatter

[EN] The Birmingham Social Centre Part I – 2.5mins 11mb flv

 2010s, Birmingham, English, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] The Birmingham Social Centre Part I – 2.5mins 11mb flv
Sep 202013

Birmingham Social Centre Part I

Date: 2013, Country: UK, City:Birmingham, Language: Eng, Length: 2.5mins, Size: 11mb Type: flv

On the 8th of November 2011, we left the Whitmarley, which has been the first home of “the Birmingham social centre”. The social centre is much more than the building; it is the concept, community and people that have formed around it.
In easter, months before we started the project we set out these as the reasons “we”, then a bunch of students who had been organising on campus should create a squatted social space.
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[EN] Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre

 2010s, English  Comments Off on [EN] Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre
Sep 202013


Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre

Date: 2013, Country: UK, Language: Eng, Length: 30mins

Voices in the Community tells the story of occupied social centres in the UK and considers their significance in the recent discourse surrounding the criminalisation of squatting.

[EN] Bonnington Square 20mins

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on [EN] Bonnington Square 20mins
Sep 202013


Bonnington Square

Date: 2013, Country: UK, City:London, Language: Eng, Length: 20mins

Bonnington Square is right in the heart of London, just two minutes walk from the river and just ten minutes from the Houses of Parliament. In the early eighties the one hundred houses of the Square were all squatted, forming a bohemian community from all around the world.The squat had two community gardens, a cafe, a wholefood shop, a nightclub, a newsletter and even a milkbar. Although it is no longer squatted, there are still many low rent housing cooperatives, and the cafe and the gardens are still collectively run, and the Square is now a model of a modern sustainable urban community.

d.i.y. film “Squat it the Russian way 140mb, Russian (eng sub) 47 min

 2010s  Comments Off on d.i.y. film “Squat it the Russian way 140mb, Russian (eng sub) 47 min
Jul 082013

d.i.y. film “Squat it the Russian way”(with English subtitle)

Download (mp4)

The documentary film “Squat it the Russian way” is a kind of presentation of modern squats in the Russian territory, of their creation, problems they faced and the reasons why they closed. We wanted to show the peculiarities of the movement , because special features of this country cause a lot of obstacles and dangers to unauthorized occupation of housing. It’s impossible to secure the building for the squatters and to create a social center as they practice it in Europe. The film includes materials of more than 10 squats.

[FR] Bouh! Un film sur le squat des 400 Couverts

 2000s, 2010s, France  Comments Off on [FR] Bouh! Un film sur le squat des 400 Couverts
May 152013


Télécharger – http://bouh.poivron.org/

À Grenoble, de 2001 à 2005, une traverse entière a été squattée : plusieurs maisons d’habitation, une salle publique, des ateliers et plein de folies, d’humour, de galères, de collectifs, de colères, d’expérimentations…

Ce film, manigancé par 4 anciennes habitantes du squat est basé sur des recherches archéologiques approfondies, des traces éparses recueillies au fond de divers placards, de tiroirs mal refermés et de poches percées…

Nos histoires, nos luttes, sont précieuses, invisibles et trop souvent étouffées.


97 minutes — VF
Grenoble — janvier 2013

[EN] Visit Faslane 63mb 10mins mp4

 2010s, Scotland  Comments Off on [EN] Visit Faslane 63mb 10mins mp4
May 152013









Visit Faslane

Date: 2013, Country: Scotland, City: Faslane Language: EN Size: 63mb Length: 10min Type: mp4 Maker:Camcorder Guerillas

For over 30 years Faslane Peace Camp on the west coast of Scotland has been a beacon of anti militarism and anti nuclear action. Now the peace Camp need new supporters form all over the UK and beyond.
Can you help save the Faslane Peace Camp?

[EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb

 2010s, Brasil  Comments Off on [EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb
Apr 092013









Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police

Date: 2013, Country: Brasil, City: Rio de Janeiro Language: EN Size: 5mb Length: 1min Type: mp4

Police have surrounded Rio de Janeiro’s Indian Museum complex, next to the legendary Maracana Stadium, and have released tear gas in a bid to expel a group of indigenous people and their supporters on Friday (March 22nd) – riot police clashed with supporters of the group, some of whom have been squatting in the crumbling complex for years.