São Paulo: Espaço de Cultura Libertária Quilombo Fortaleza


In the city of Sao Paulo, in the centre there is one anarcho-punk occupation called “Quilombo Foraleza”. Since May 16, 2014.

Fotos below:

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Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): International call for actions in solidarity with the World Cup prisioners. The trials begin on the 16th December.


On July 12, the day before the World Cup final match, the Police of Rio de Janeiro arrested 19 activists, aiming at disintegrating the big protest scheduled for the final’s day, on the grounds that they would have taken part in “violent” acts in riots last year and they would be planning other actions in the final manifestation of the World Cup. In total 23 search warrants and arrest and temporary detention were met against people accused of participating in social movements, the mandates were 5 days of probation, four people managed to escape the police kidnapping.

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Rio de Janeiro: Large eviction

Pictures in the News: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

From mainstream press, pic from here

Brazilian police on Wednesday evicted almost 200 families who had occupied a public housing development in Rio de Janeiro’s Guadalupe neighborhood.

The squatters were served with an eviction notice at 9:00 a.m. and soon were seen streaming out of the complex loaded down with mattresses, stoves, televisions and other belongings.
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Belo Horizonte (Brazil): Call for support on massive eviction


President Dilma and Senator Aécio Neves will be responsible for a bloodbath!
August 7th, 2014

Minas Gerais state government has announced in August 6th that 8.000 families that live in land occupations named Vitória, Rosa Leão and Esperança will be displaced from their houses, located in Belo Horizonte. As these families don’t have any other place to go, they are going to resist against the police forces. This situation had made us to write this international claim, in order to report a huge massacre to come. [Read More]


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Police arrest activists just before the final game of the World Cup


On Saturday, July 12, 2014, the eve of the World Cup final, around 20 activists were arrested in Rio de Janeiro. 60 search warrants and orders for temporary detention were issued against people listed as participants in social movements. So far 20 of them have been fulfilled. Those arrested will spend 5 days in jail. The activists were taken to the Cidade da Policia (Police city) of Rio de Janeiro, a large complex of precincts created to centralize police intelligence and activity. Later, those arrested will be sent to the penitentiary complex of Bangu.
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Rio de Janeiro: Real Estate Frenzy Provokes ‘Psychological Attack’ to Oust Favela Residents


Before returning to the favela Vila Autódromo for the first time since 2012, I had already been told that the community would not look the same. As a friend said to me, “It will resemble a perfect smile with several teeth knocked out.” Vila Autódromo is situated just yards away from the site of the 2016 Rio Olympic village, and Olympic planners as well as construction interests have long targeted this close-knit community for demolition. Located on an achingly beautiful lake, where glittering new high-rise condominiums have sprouted “seemingly overnight”, the city’s business and political leaders see prime real estate, with pesky favelados in the way of their development dreams.
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Brazil: On the world cup


Sorry guys but don’t want to sound rude but just one thing

Why should I wear a Brazilian t-shirt and support my shit country?

Give me a reason for wearing one and I can give you 100 reasons not to wear one..
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Sao Paolo: Brazil poverty vs super stadia


From mainstream press – update on World Cup occupation

Since Sao Paulo’s Itaquerão stadium was built, residents living in its vicinity, including retirees and families with children, told Al Jazeera their rent jumped between 20-35 percent, and new costs associated with living near the stadium were now too hard to manage.

On May 2, a group of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST, Homeless Workers Movement) took action on behalf of about 4,800 homeless people living near the $350-million stadium, where the first game of the World Cup will take place on Thursday, and set up camp. Residents call it the “People’s Cup” and they have flown the red MTST flag to protest billions of dollars spent on the stadiums, rather than housing.
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15th May – International Day Against the World Cup

International Day Against the World Cup

cartaz-15m_web-1-inglesWhich is and will be the legacy of the 2014 soccer world cup?

8 deaths during the renovation of / in the soccer arenas of the world cup and 3 deaths in arenas which follow the same standards;
250.000 people forcefully removed from their homes;
Street vendors and independent artists who are forbidden to work;

Women, children and adolescents who suffer from sexual exploitation;
Homeless people who suffer violence and ”hygienization” (are expelled from the downtown area);
Private corporations taking care of public space and streets;
Elitization of the soccer stadiums;
Billions invested in armament of the police to use against the people;
Laws declaring state of emergency and criminalizing demonstrations;
And an immense and questionable public debt the people will have to pay. [Read More]

European Info Tour Against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil

An European Info-tour Against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil began at the 24th May. The meaning of this Info-tour is to present the situation in this country, to explain the social conflicts and to support the riots. This tour is also in benefit to the “Anarchist Black Cross” Rio Janeiro, because the experiences from the last riots in Brazil and the application of the Special Security Laws during the coming World Cup shows that the level of repression will be very high.

The Info-tour already passed by France, Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic. This week we’re gonna pass by Poland. Then, we’re gonna have other dates in Germany, Switzerland and France. You can check the next tour dates on the article:

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Brazil: People’s World Cup Occupation Manifesto (SP)


On may 2nd, hundreds of families from Homeless Workers Social Movement from Brasil have occupied a land that was abandoned for years, in Itaquera, neighbourhood where World Cup will start in Brasil next month.

During the last days, the occupation has received about two thousand families, which were in awful home conditions around the area. They are workers from Jardim Helian, Gleba do Pessego e Jardim Cibele (parts to Itaquera). But not only, we have received people from all the east zone of São Paulo.

Their stories are pretty much the same: poor people who couldn’t afford the abusive rent values that has drastically grown, specially in Itaquera, due to World Cup. The value of the square meter has increased 165% in the last six years.

Despite the imobiliary speculation has not only reasons concerned to the sport event, it has certainly decisive responsibility in a tendency that already existed. Studies from the “The human right to adequate housing” from UNESCO demonstrated that the events like Olympics and World Cup are directly linked to the raise of house’s prices. [Read More]

Rio de Janeiro: Evictions in the favelas… for a better World Cup ?

Eviction on April 11th, 2014
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