The State as Secular Religion
0:38 - Has the progressive movement ever cared about the poor? 48:33 - What do you think about defensive voting? 58:20 - Why don't I want to have children? 1...
Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)
Warning: Graphic content. With English, Dutch and Polish subtitles.
Bitcoin: 1JfweLVprPCnUmRKpqC9uK7NZbZjt9XazW
Where Religion Meets Politics: Church, State and American History
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/12/07/The_Great_Issues_Forum_Varieties_of_Nonbelief Susan Jacoby discusses the effects religion has had on American po...
"You Must Have That True Religion"- Morgan State University Choir
The Morgan State University Choir, under the direction of the late Dr. Nathan Carter. From the project, HAILING THE MILLENNIUM (2000). "You Must Have That Tr...
JFK Speech on Separation of Church & State (1960)
09/12/1960 Senator John F. Kennedy addressed a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. He spoke a...
Political Secularism, Religion, and the State
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/1hTadqb For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu February 11, 2014 | Until at ...
Religion and the State in Islam: From Medieval Caliphate to the Muslim Brotherhood
A lecture with Columbia University Professor, Richard Bulliet. Sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies and the Religious Studies Department at the Un...
Religion and state Parliament and Church of England
Fewer than one in 10 people in the UK go to church and research had found many people were largely indifferent to any kind of organised religion. In a Daily ...
Bad Religion - The State of the End of the Millennium Address
This song wasn't on youtube anywhere so I made a picture video with the lyrics.
Advantages Of A State Religion
Science & Reason on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ScienceReason "The Advantages Of A State Religion" is a clip from The Atheist Experience #611, "Bible's grea...
Daniel Lapin Says 'The State Religion Of Secular Fundamentalism' Seeks To Obliterate Christianity
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rabbi Daniel Lapin warns that the "state religion of secular fundamentalism," like the "Muslim hoards," seeks to destroy
State, Consciousness, Liberty and Religion - Graham Hancock intervew with Sonia Doubell
Thoughts on consciousness, cognitive liberty, the so-called "war on drugs", the evils of the State, the delusions of patriotism and nationalism, the tyranny ...
NC May Declare Official State Religion
North Carolina may declare an official state religion under a new bill. --On the Bonus Show: Town bans fast food, maybe fast casual, WW2 bomb in downtown B...
LBC Labour Leadership Debate: Part 2
LBC's Iain Dale hosts a debate with Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Jeremy Corbyn on the future of the Labour Party.
Subscribe to LBC: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToLBC
LBC: Leading Britain's Conversation
DAB Digital Radio Nationwide | 97.3FM FM London
Religion, Authority and State
Lisa's Video - created at http://animoto.com
Imam Suhaib Web | CBS The State of Religion in America
Credit to CBS News 3/31/2013.
Bioshock Infinite - Columbia, A Modern Day Icarus? Part 1
Learn more about the mysteries of the floating city of Columbia and the self proclaimed prophet Zachary Comstock. Follow Bioshock: Infinite at GameSpot.com! ...
New State Religion?? Christian Video Channe
Sister Kim Was RELEASED!!! PRAISE GOD! See Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR3n1d1GlsA
Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups
And all this time I thought the NWO Religion would be Chrislam. Carl makes some good points when it comes to the Governments Influence to push the gay agenda onto everyone FORCING the people to accept it or now go to jail. I'm
Republicans Want an Official State Religion in North Carolina
Republicans in North Carolina are trying to establish an official state religion. I wonder what that official state religion could be... This clip from the M...
Pulser - My Religion (Astuni & Manuel Le Saux Re-Lift Edit) [A State Of Trance Episode 714]
Check out A State Of Trance Radio on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ArminASOTRadio_SP
Subscribe to A State Of Trance: http://bit.ly/SubscribeASOT
Somalia Civic Education Short Film: State and Religion
After emerging from two decades of civil war, Somalia has a parliament, a new president and is transitioning toward a new democratic political system. As the...
State and Religion
Umpqua Killer Asked Victims "Stand Up and State Your Religion!"
The Umpqua shooter asked students to "Stand up and state your religion!"
The State as Secular Religion
0:38 - Has the progressive movement ever cared about the poor? 48:33 - What do you think about defensive voting? 58:20 - Why don't I want to have children? 1......
0:38 - Has the progressive movement ever cared about the poor? 48:33 - What do you think about defensive voting? 58:20 - Why don't I want to have children? 1...
wn.com/The State As Secular Religion
0:38 - Has the progressive movement ever cared about the poor? 48:33 - What do you think about defensive voting? 58:20 - Why don't I want to have children? 1...
Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)
Warning: Graphic content. With English, Dutch and Polish subtitles.
Bitcoin: 1JfweLVprPCnUmRKpqC9uK7NZbZjt9XazW...
Warning: Graphic content. With English, Dutch and Polish subtitles.
Bitcoin: 1JfweLVprPCnUmRKpqC9uK7NZbZjt9XazW
wn.com/Statism The Most Dangerous Religion (Feat. Larken Rose)
Warning: Graphic content. With English, Dutch and Polish subtitles.
Bitcoin: 1JfweLVprPCnUmRKpqC9uK7NZbZjt9XazW
- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 7830
Where Religion Meets Politics: Church, State and American History
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/12/07/The_Great_Issues_Forum_Varieties_of_Nonbelief Susan Jacoby discusses the effects religion has had on American po......
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/12/07/The_Great_Issues_Forum_Varieties_of_Nonbelief Susan Jacoby discusses the effects religion has had on American po...
wn.com/Where Religion Meets Politics Church, State And American History
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/12/07/The_Great_Issues_Forum_Varieties_of_Nonbelief Susan Jacoby discusses the effects religion has had on American po...
- published: 24 Dec 2009
- views: 8207
author: ForaTv
"You Must Have That True Religion"- Morgan State University Choir
The Morgan State University Choir, under the direction of the late Dr. Nathan Carter. From the project, HAILING THE MILLENNIUM (2000). "You Must Have That Tr......
The Morgan State University Choir, under the direction of the late Dr. Nathan Carter. From the project, HAILING THE MILLENNIUM (2000). "You Must Have That Tr...
wn.com/You Must Have That True Religion Morgan State University Choir
The Morgan State University Choir, under the direction of the late Dr. Nathan Carter. From the project, HAILING THE MILLENNIUM (2000). "You Must Have That Tr...
- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 8133
author: Rowoches
JFK Speech on Separation of Church & State (1960)
09/12/1960 Senator John F. Kennedy addressed a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. He spoke a......
09/12/1960 Senator John F. Kennedy addressed a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. He spoke a...
wn.com/Jfk Speech On Separation Of Church State (1960)
09/12/1960 Senator John F. Kennedy addressed a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association at the Rice Hotel in Houston, Texas. He spoke a...
Political Secularism, Religion, and the State
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/1hTadqb For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu February 11, 2014 | Until at ......
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/1hTadqb For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu February 11, 2014 | Until at ...
wn.com/Political Secularism, Religion, And The State
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/1hTadqb For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu February 11, 2014 | Until at ...
Religion and the State in Islam: From Medieval Caliphate to the Muslim Brotherhood
A lecture with Columbia University Professor, Richard Bulliet. Sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies and the Religious Studies Department at the Un......
A lecture with Columbia University Professor, Richard Bulliet. Sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies and the Religious Studies Department at the Un...
wn.com/Religion And The State In Islam From Medieval Caliphate To The Muslim Brotherhood
A lecture with Columbia University Professor, Richard Bulliet. Sponsored by the Center for Middle East Studies and the Religious Studies Department at the Un...
Religion and state Parliament and Church of England
Fewer than one in 10 people in the UK go to church and research had found many people were largely indifferent to any kind of organised religion. In a Daily ......
Fewer than one in 10 people in the UK go to church and research had found many people were largely indifferent to any kind of organised religion. In a Daily ...
wn.com/Religion And State Parliament And Church Of England
Fewer than one in 10 people in the UK go to church and research had found many people were largely indifferent to any kind of organised religion. In a Daily ...
- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 22
author: Kortel
Bad Religion - The State of the End of the Millennium Address
This song wasn't on youtube anywhere so I made a picture video with the lyrics....
This song wasn't on youtube anywhere so I made a picture video with the lyrics.
wn.com/Bad Religion The State Of The End Of The Millennium Address
This song wasn't on youtube anywhere so I made a picture video with the lyrics.
Advantages Of A State Religion
Science & Reason on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ScienceReason "The Advantages Of A State Religion" is a clip from The Atheist Experience #611, "Bible's grea......
Science & Reason on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ScienceReason "The Advantages Of A State Religion" is a clip from The Atheist Experience #611, "Bible's grea...
wn.com/Advantages Of A State Religion
Science & Reason on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ScienceReason "The Advantages Of A State Religion" is a clip from The Atheist Experience #611, "Bible's grea...
Daniel Lapin Says 'The State Religion Of Secular Fundamentalism' Seeks To Obliterate Christianity
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetori...
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rabbi Daniel Lapin warns that the "state religion of secular fundamentalism," like the "Muslim hoards," seeks to destroy Christianity.
wn.com/Daniel Lapin Says 'The State Religion Of Secular Fundamentalism' Seeks To Obliterate Christianity
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rabbi Daniel Lapin warns that the "state religion of secular fundamentalism," like the "Muslim hoards," seeks to destroy Christianity.
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 195
State, Consciousness, Liberty and Religion - Graham Hancock intervew with Sonia Doubell
Thoughts on consciousness, cognitive liberty, the so-called "war on drugs", the evils of the State, the delusions of patriotism and nationalism, the tyranny ......
Thoughts on consciousness, cognitive liberty, the so-called "war on drugs", the evils of the State, the delusions of patriotism and nationalism, the tyranny ...
wn.com/State, Consciousness, Liberty And Religion Graham Hancock Intervew With Sonia Doubell
Thoughts on consciousness, cognitive liberty, the so-called "war on drugs", the evils of the State, the delusions of patriotism and nationalism, the tyranny ...
NC May Declare Official State Religion
North Carolina may declare an official state religion under a new bill. --On the Bonus Show: Town bans fast food, maybe fast casual, WW2 bomb in downtown B......
North Carolina may declare an official state religion under a new bill. --On the Bonus Show: Town bans fast food, maybe fast casual, WW2 bomb in downtown B...
wn.com/Nc May Declare Official State Religion
North Carolina may declare an official state religion under a new bill. --On the Bonus Show: Town bans fast food, maybe fast casual, WW2 bomb in downtown B...
LBC Labour Leadership Debate: Part 2
LBC's Iain Dale hosts a debate with Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Jeremy Corbyn on the future of the Labour Party.
Subscribe to LBC: http://bit....
LBC's Iain Dale hosts a debate with Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Jeremy Corbyn on the future of the Labour Party.
Subscribe to LBC: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToLBC
LBC: Leading Britain's Conversation
DAB Digital Radio Nationwide | 97.3FM FM London
wn.com/Lbc Labour Leadership Debate Part 2
LBC's Iain Dale hosts a debate with Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Jeremy Corbyn on the future of the Labour Party.
Subscribe to LBC: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToLBC
LBC: Leading Britain's Conversation
DAB Digital Radio Nationwide | 97.3FM FM London
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 353
Religion, Authority and State
Lisa's Video - created at http://animoto.com...
Lisa's Video - created at http://animoto.com
wn.com/Religion, Authority And State
Lisa's Video - created at http://animoto.com
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 8
Bioshock Infinite - Columbia, A Modern Day Icarus? Part 1
Learn more about the mysteries of the floating city of Columbia and the self proclaimed prophet Zachary Comstock. Follow Bioshock: Infinite at GameSpot.com! ......
Learn more about the mysteries of the floating city of Columbia and the self proclaimed prophet Zachary Comstock. Follow Bioshock: Infinite at GameSpot.com! ...
wn.com/Bioshock Infinite Columbia, A Modern Day Icarus Part 1
Learn more about the mysteries of the floating city of Columbia and the self proclaimed prophet Zachary Comstock. Follow Bioshock: Infinite at GameSpot.com! ...
- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 19802
author: gamespot
New State Religion?? Christian Video Channe
Sister Kim Was RELEASED!!! PRAISE GOD! See Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR3n1d1GlsA
Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups
Sister Kim Was RELEASED!!! PRAISE GOD! See Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR3n1d1GlsA
Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups
And all this time I thought the NWO Religion would be Chrislam. Carl makes some good points when it comes to the Governments Influence to push the gay agenda onto everyone FORCING the people to accept it or now go to jail. I'm curious to see how this will all play out when the Islamics are released on this nation. The homosexuals will probably be beheaded right along side the Christians...Or maybe it's just another way to divide and conquer? How else will they jail Christians? We're not out there blowing stuff up or cutting peoples heads off. Declaring things are law that are not that conflict with our beliefs is really the only hand they have to play. and NO man made law supersedes Gods Laws, Ever!
wn.com/New State Religion Christian Video Channe
Sister Kim Was RELEASED!!! PRAISE GOD! See Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR3n1d1GlsA
Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups
And all this time I thought the NWO Religion would be Chrislam. Carl makes some good points when it comes to the Governments Influence to push the gay agenda onto everyone FORCING the people to accept it or now go to jail. I'm curious to see how this will all play out when the Islamics are released on this nation. The homosexuals will probably be beheaded right along side the Christians...Or maybe it's just another way to divide and conquer? How else will they jail Christians? We're not out there blowing stuff up or cutting peoples heads off. Declaring things are law that are not that conflict with our beliefs is really the only hand they have to play. and NO man made law supersedes Gods Laws, Ever!
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 194
Republicans Want an Official State Religion in North Carolina
Republicans in North Carolina are trying to establish an official state religion. I wonder what that official state religion could be... This clip from the M......
Republicans in North Carolina are trying to establish an official state religion. I wonder what that official state religion could be... This clip from the M...
wn.com/Republicans Want An Official State Religion In North Carolina
Republicans in North Carolina are trying to establish an official state religion. I wonder what that official state religion could be... This clip from the M...
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 1433
author: Sam Seder
Pulser - My Religion (Astuni & Manuel Le Saux Re-Lift Edit) [A State Of Trance Episode 714]
Check out A State Of Trance Radio on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ArminASOTRadio_SP
Subscribe to A State Of Trance: http://bit.ly/SubscribeASOT...
Check out A State Of Trance Radio on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ArminASOTRadio_SP
Subscribe to A State Of Trance: http://bit.ly/SubscribeASOT
wn.com/Pulser My Religion (Astuni Manuel Le Saux Re Lift Edit) A State Of Trance Episode 714
Check out A State Of Trance Radio on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ArminASOTRadio_SP
Subscribe to A State Of Trance: http://bit.ly/SubscribeASOT
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 301
Somalia Civic Education Short Film: State and Religion
After emerging from two decades of civil war, Somalia has a parliament, a new president and is transitioning toward a new democratic political system. As the......
After emerging from two decades of civil war, Somalia has a parliament, a new president and is transitioning toward a new democratic political system. As the...
wn.com/Somalia Civic Education Short Film State And Religion
After emerging from two decades of civil war, Somalia has a parliament, a new president and is transitioning toward a new democratic political system. As the...
Umpqua Killer Asked Victims "Stand Up and State Your Religion!"
The Umpqua shooter asked students to "Stand up and state your religion!"...
The Umpqua shooter asked students to "Stand up and state your religion!"
wn.com/Umpqua Killer Asked Victims Stand Up And State Your Religion
The Umpqua shooter asked students to "Stand up and state your religion!"
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 180
Joe Rogan INTERVIEWS Graham Hancock!
Great pod-cast on The Joe Rogan Experience...had to get it uploaded on YouTube! Both of these guys (plus many others) are in my channel's "Scholar List". Che...
Graham Hancock interviewed by Hay House UK MD Michelle Pilley
Bestselling author Graham Hancock sits down with Hay House UK's managing director Michelle Pilley to discuss psychedelics, consciousness and the new anthology of writing he's assembled about the two topics, The Divine Spark.
David Wilcock Interviews Graham Hancock: Setting History Free!
Groundbreaking scholars David Wilcock and Graham Hancock take you on a roller-coaster ride through the majestic ruins of ancient civilizations... and reveal ...
Interview on Ancient Mysteries With Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock discusses his views on the following topics:
1 - Precession of the equinoxes
2 - Bringers of wisdom from the Heavens
3 - Monuments aligning to 10,500BC
4 - What happened in 10,500BC?
5 - The Mystery of the Pyramids
6 - The Sarcophagus
7 - Dating Giza
8 - Hidden Halls of Records
9 - Structures on Mars
10 - Cataclysm of Mars
11 - A species with amnesia
Ep.138 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Graham Hancock, The Interview LIVE on air
Graham Hancock joins us for a full 2.5 hour interview/conversation covering his career, recent discoveries, how he writes...what is better: fiction or non-fiction? Floating, smoking and travelling...the real Graham Hancock is with us for the entire show...with a few phone calls thrown in for good measure...great stuff.
New Graham Hancock TV Interview October 2015
Graham Hanock is the author of the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, published on 10 November 2015, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Heaven's Mirror, Underworld, and Supernatural.
Graham Hancock’s multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing, deeply controversial, wide-ranging investigation of the mysteries of
Graham Hancock and the Sacred Vine | London Real
"Fingerprints of the Gods" author Graham Hancock explains why all politicians should drink Ayahuasca 10 times, the gruesome Aztec history behind his new book...
Awakening from Amnesia
Graham Hancock shares his views on psychedelics, the war on consciousness, the battle of good against evil, and the new paradigm of prehistory that is struggling to be born. Hancock's latest non-fiction book Magicians of the Gods (http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/), which presents stunning new evidence for a lost civilization destroyed in a global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age is disc
Graham Hancock interview for Know Drugs - "bringing honesty into the conversation"
I do not believe that is our race, or our religion, our gender, our height, our looks, our job, our sexual orientation, or any other superficial characterist...
Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca & Consciousness, interview with Sonia Doubell
Sonia Doubell interviews Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca, Consciousness, meditation, and other themes. See Graham's books: Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://...
Graham Hancock THE MARS MYSTERY Interview 1998 NEWLY UNEARTHED - Audio
Unearthed: Graham Hancock Interview 1998. I taped this off the radio years ago. I thought it was about time I shared it on the net for those who follow the i...
Graham Hancock interview - Fingerprints of the Gods (1996) - Part 1
This is an old interview of Graham Hancock from about 1996 where he talks about his book Fingerprints of the Gods. It's from a South African TV program calle...
Graham Hancock on BBC News - September 9 - 2015 - Magicians of the gods discussion
Free and Members Archives/ Capricorn RadioTV
Social Media/ Capricorn RadioTV
Author & Host/James Swagger Social Media & Archives
2015 Equinox-Eclipse: Graham Hancock on Magicians of the Gods: JamesTyberonn
March 22-2015- Viewable in HD: Earth-Keeper Presents Graham Hancock in a brilliant discussion/interview with author, researcher, & geo-engineer James Tyberonn. Topics include previews of new information in Grahams new book, "Magicians of the God's", the highly anticipated & long awaited sequel to the international international best seller 'Fingerprints of the Gods, which will be in print in Oct
Come and see Graham Hancock speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September...
BEYOND ATLANTIS - Secret Discoveries with Graham Hancock - BONUS INTERVIEW
This original uncut interview featuring Graham Hancock, was filmed for the Network Television Special "The Mysterious Origins of Man." Most of this interview...
Graham Hancock ~ Ayahuasca
Graham Hancock discusses the physical as well as the visionary and beneficiary effects of ayahuasca. The Great Pyramid & The 153 Fish http://www.youtube.com/...
Russell Brand - Daniel Pinchbeck - Graham Hancock
Fascinating and hilarious video of Russell Brand chatting with Daniel Pinchbeck and Graham Hancock about life, meditation, psychedelic experiences, and socia...
Turbowolf interview Graham Hancock: Ep2.
Click here to buy Turbowolf's self titled album from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/turbowolf/id476081787 In the second of a series of four episod...
John Major Jenkins, author of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 interviewed for GrahamHancock.com
Get John's latest book, The 2012 Story: .:US- http://amzn.to/wpJwdA .:UK- http://amzn.to/y5SJKJ .:CA- http://amzn.to/x6GmWU
Preeminent author and researcher of Mayan culture and the 2012 phenomenon, John Major Jenkins joins us to discuss the origin of the 2012 idea, how it has developed, what it means, and how we can work with it today.
Jenkins shows us how the Mayan 2012 prophecy is a misnomer,
Graham Hancock interviewed for New Dawn magazine | Revisiting 2012
See: http://www.grahamhancock.com/tours/lectures.php for details on Graham's upcoming speaking events in the US, Australia and the UK during October, Novembe...
Graham Hancock - Magicians of the Gods
Graham Hancock discusses his new book Magicians of the Gods. Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing and deeply controversial investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for lost civilizations on Earth. Twenty years on, he returns with Magicians of the Gods which shows beyond reasonable doubt that an advanced civilization that flourished d
Joe Rogan Experience #551 - Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & "Entangled" and also a new fiction book called "War God"
Joe Rogan INTERVIEWS Graham Hancock!
Great pod-cast on The Joe Rogan Experience...had to get it uploaded on YouTube! Both of these guys (plus many others) are in my channel's "Scholar List". Che......
Great pod-cast on The Joe Rogan Experience...had to get it uploaded on YouTube! Both of these guys (plus many others) are in my channel's "Scholar List". Che...
wn.com/Joe Rogan Interviews Graham Hancock
Great pod-cast on The Joe Rogan Experience...had to get it uploaded on YouTube! Both of these guys (plus many others) are in my channel's "Scholar List". Che...
Graham Hancock interviewed by Hay House UK MD Michelle Pilley
Bestselling author Graham Hancock sits down with Hay House UK's managing director Michelle Pilley to discuss psychedelics, consciousness and the new anthology o...
Bestselling author Graham Hancock sits down with Hay House UK's managing director Michelle Pilley to discuss psychedelics, consciousness and the new anthology of writing he's assembled about the two topics, The Divine Spark.
wn.com/Graham Hancock Interviewed By Hay House UK Md Michelle Pilley
Bestselling author Graham Hancock sits down with Hay House UK's managing director Michelle Pilley to discuss psychedelics, consciousness and the new anthology of writing he's assembled about the two topics, The Divine Spark.
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 21
David Wilcock Interviews Graham Hancock: Setting History Free!
Groundbreaking scholars David Wilcock and Graham Hancock take you on a roller-coaster ride through the majestic ruins of ancient civilizations... and reveal ......
Groundbreaking scholars David Wilcock and Graham Hancock take you on a roller-coaster ride through the majestic ruins of ancient civilizations... and reveal ...
wn.com/David Wilcock Interviews Graham Hancock Setting History Free
Groundbreaking scholars David Wilcock and Graham Hancock take you on a roller-coaster ride through the majestic ruins of ancient civilizations... and reveal ...
Interview on Ancient Mysteries With Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock discusses his views on the following topics:
1 - Precession of the equinoxes
2 - Bringers of wisdom from the Heaven...
Graham Hancock discusses his views on the following topics:
1 - Precession of the equinoxes
2 - Bringers of wisdom from the Heavens
3 - Monuments aligning to 10,500BC
4 - What happened in 10,500BC?
5 - The Mystery of the Pyramids
6 - The Sarcophagus
7 - Dating Giza
8 - Hidden Halls of Records
9 - Structures on Mars
10 - Cataclysm of Mars
11 - A species with amnesia
12 - Where is the Lost Civilization?
See Graham's related book, Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://amzn.to/x7PNY3 |UK- http://amzn.to/A7Sq8c |CA- http://amzn.to/wwmPZ0
And his latest book Entangled: |US- http://amzn.to/sKUGuR |UK- http://amzn.to/umVtGF |CA- http://amzn.to/sZ0nNA
Interview by Lena Tchibor
Full version of the Interview by Lena Tchibor (http://www.blackquadrat.com/en/index.php) for the documentary film "Pyramids" by REN TV which was broadcast on 5th November 2011.
Original upload GrahamHancockDotCom
wn.com/Interview On Ancient Mysteries With Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock discusses his views on the following topics:
1 - Precession of the equinoxes
2 - Bringers of wisdom from the Heavens
3 - Monuments aligning to 10,500BC
4 - What happened in 10,500BC?
5 - The Mystery of the Pyramids
6 - The Sarcophagus
7 - Dating Giza
8 - Hidden Halls of Records
9 - Structures on Mars
10 - Cataclysm of Mars
11 - A species with amnesia
12 - Where is the Lost Civilization?
See Graham's related book, Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://amzn.to/x7PNY3 |UK- http://amzn.to/A7Sq8c |CA- http://amzn.to/wwmPZ0
And his latest book Entangled: |US- http://amzn.to/sKUGuR |UK- http://amzn.to/umVtGF |CA- http://amzn.to/sZ0nNA
Interview by Lena Tchibor
Full version of the Interview by Lena Tchibor (http://www.blackquadrat.com/en/index.php) for the documentary film "Pyramids" by REN TV which was broadcast on 5th November 2011.
Original upload GrahamHancockDotCom
- published: 17 Dec 2014
- views: 2927
Ep.138 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Graham Hancock, The Interview LIVE on air
Graham Hancock joins us for a full 2.5 hour interview/conversation covering his career, recent discoveries, how he writes...what is better: fiction or non-ficti...
Graham Hancock joins us for a full 2.5 hour interview/conversation covering his career, recent discoveries, how he writes...what is better: fiction or non-fiction? Floating, smoking and travelling...the real Graham Hancock is with us for the entire show...with a few phone calls thrown in for good measure...great stuff.
wn.com/Ep.138 Fade To Black Jimmy Church W Graham Hancock, The Interview Live On Air
Graham Hancock joins us for a full 2.5 hour interview/conversation covering his career, recent discoveries, how he writes...what is better: fiction or non-fiction? Floating, smoking and travelling...the real Graham Hancock is with us for the entire show...with a few phone calls thrown in for good measure...great stuff.
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 597
New Graham Hancock TV Interview October 2015
Graham Hanock is the author of the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, published on 10 November 2015, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and the...
Graham Hanock is the author of the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, published on 10 November 2015, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Heaven's Mirror, Underworld, and Supernatural.
Graham Hancock’s multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing, deeply controversial, wide-ranging investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for Earth’s lost civilization. Twenty years on, Hancock returns with Magicians of the Gods, the sequel to his seminal work. Published on 10 September 2015 in the UK and on 10 November 2015 in the US, Magicians of the Gods is not in any sense an ‘update’ of Fingerprints but is a completely new book filled from front to back with completely new evidence, completely new travels to the world’s most mysterious archaeological sites, and completely new insights, based on the latest scientific evidence, into the global cataclysm that wiped an advanced civilization from the earth and made us a species with amnesia, forced to begin again like children with no memory of what went before.
wn.com/New Graham Hancock Tv Interview October 2015
Graham Hanock is the author of the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, published on 10 November 2015, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Heaven's Mirror, Underworld, and Supernatural.
Graham Hancock’s multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing, deeply controversial, wide-ranging investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for Earth’s lost civilization. Twenty years on, Hancock returns with Magicians of the Gods, the sequel to his seminal work. Published on 10 September 2015 in the UK and on 10 November 2015 in the US, Magicians of the Gods is not in any sense an ‘update’ of Fingerprints but is a completely new book filled from front to back with completely new evidence, completely new travels to the world’s most mysterious archaeological sites, and completely new insights, based on the latest scientific evidence, into the global cataclysm that wiped an advanced civilization from the earth and made us a species with amnesia, forced to begin again like children with no memory of what went before.
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 850
Graham Hancock and the Sacred Vine | London Real
"Fingerprints of the Gods" author Graham Hancock explains why all politicians should drink Ayahuasca 10 times, the gruesome Aztec history behind his new book......
"Fingerprints of the Gods" author Graham Hancock explains why all politicians should drink Ayahuasca 10 times, the gruesome Aztec history behind his new book...
wn.com/Graham Hancock And The Sacred Vine | London Real
"Fingerprints of the Gods" author Graham Hancock explains why all politicians should drink Ayahuasca 10 times, the gruesome Aztec history behind his new book...
- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 43160
author: London Real
Awakening from Amnesia
Graham Hancock shares his views on psychedelics, the war on consciousness, the battle of good against evil, and the new paradigm of prehistory that is strugglin...
Graham Hancock shares his views on psychedelics, the war on consciousness, the battle of good against evil, and the new paradigm of prehistory that is struggling to be born. Hancock's latest non-fiction book Magicians of the Gods (http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/), which presents stunning new evidence for a lost civilization destroyed in a global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age is discussed as well as the themes explored in his novels Entangled and the War God series. The interview was conducted by Aaron French, editor of Dark Discoveries Magazine (http://darkdiscoveries.com).
Order your copy of Magicians of the Gods here: http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/
Order your copies of the War God series here: http://grahamhancock.com/wargod/
Order your copy of Entangled here: http://grahamhancock.com/entangled/
wn.com/Awakening From Amnesia
Graham Hancock shares his views on psychedelics, the war on consciousness, the battle of good against evil, and the new paradigm of prehistory that is struggling to be born. Hancock's latest non-fiction book Magicians of the Gods (http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/), which presents stunning new evidence for a lost civilization destroyed in a global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age is discussed as well as the themes explored in his novels Entangled and the War God series. The interview was conducted by Aaron French, editor of Dark Discoveries Magazine (http://darkdiscoveries.com).
Order your copy of Magicians of the Gods here: http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/
Order your copies of the War God series here: http://grahamhancock.com/wargod/
Order your copy of Entangled here: http://grahamhancock.com/entangled/
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 1440
Graham Hancock interview for Know Drugs - "bringing honesty into the conversation"
I do not believe that is our race, or our religion, our gender, our height, our looks, our job, our sexual orientation, or any other superficial characterist......
I do not believe that is our race, or our religion, our gender, our height, our looks, our job, our sexual orientation, or any other superficial characterist...
wn.com/Graham Hancock Interview For Know Drugs Bringing Honesty Into The Conversation
I do not believe that is our race, or our religion, our gender, our height, our looks, our job, our sexual orientation, or any other superficial characterist...
Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca & Consciousness, interview with Sonia Doubell
Sonia Doubell interviews Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca, Consciousness, meditation, and other themes. See Graham's books: Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://......
Sonia Doubell interviews Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca, Consciousness, meditation, and other themes. See Graham's books: Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://...
wn.com/Graham Hancock On Ayahuasca Consciousness, Interview With Sonia Doubell
Sonia Doubell interviews Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca, Consciousness, meditation, and other themes. See Graham's books: Fingerprints of the Gods: |US- http://...
Graham Hancock THE MARS MYSTERY Interview 1998 NEWLY UNEARTHED - Audio
Unearthed: Graham Hancock Interview 1998. I taped this off the radio years ago. I thought it was about time I shared it on the net for those who follow the i......
Unearthed: Graham Hancock Interview 1998. I taped this off the radio years ago. I thought it was about time I shared it on the net for those who follow the i...
wn.com/Graham Hancock The Mars Mystery Interview 1998 Newly Unearthed Audio
Unearthed: Graham Hancock Interview 1998. I taped this off the radio years ago. I thought it was about time I shared it on the net for those who follow the i...
- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 5255
author: JEKAZOL
Graham Hancock interview - Fingerprints of the Gods (1996) - Part 1
This is an old interview of Graham Hancock from about 1996 where he talks about his book Fingerprints of the Gods. It's from a South African TV program calle......
This is an old interview of Graham Hancock from about 1996 where he talks about his book Fingerprints of the Gods. It's from a South African TV program calle...
wn.com/Graham Hancock Interview Fingerprints Of The Gods (1996) Part 1
This is an old interview of Graham Hancock from about 1996 where he talks about his book Fingerprints of the Gods. It's from a South African TV program calle...
- published: 12 Dec 2010
- views: 10621
author: doug209
Graham Hancock on BBC News - September 9 - 2015 - Magicians of the gods discussion
Free and Members Archives/ Capricorn RadioTV
Free and Members Archives/ Capricorn RadioTV
Social Media/ Capricorn RadioTV
Author & Host/James Swagger Social Media & Archives
Other Affiliated Networks
wn.com/Graham Hancock On BBC News September 9 2015 Magicians Of The Gods Discussion
Free and Members Archives/ Capricorn RadioTV
Social Media/ Capricorn RadioTV
Author & Host/James Swagger Social Media & Archives
Other Affiliated Networks
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 3477
2015 Equinox-Eclipse: Graham Hancock on Magicians of the Gods: JamesTyberonn
March 22-2015- Viewable in HD: Earth-Keeper Presents Graham Hancock in a brilliant discussion/interview with author, researcher, & geo-engineer James Tyberonn....
March 22-2015- Viewable in HD: Earth-Keeper Presents Graham Hancock in a brilliant discussion/interview with author, researcher, & geo-engineer James Tyberonn. Topics include previews of new information in Grahams new book, "Magicians of the God's", the highly anticipated & long awaited sequel to the international international best seller 'Fingerprints of the Gods, which will be in print in Oct 2015 in the UK, and in 2016 in USA. Hancock presents brilliant researched new information in an astonishing preview of his book release, including brilliant new discoveries of a 'lost advanced civilization in Turkey and Indonesia. Hancock articulately provides updates on new insights that reveal the last ice age came toi an abrupt end with a breaking up & striking Canada with a series of asteroids over 1 mile in diameter. The cataclysmic explosions generated tremendous force & heat resulting in a rapid and massive melting of the ice sheets....flooding the earth, and wiping out most of humanity. He also discusses possibilities of extra terrestrials assisting humanity to begin again, as implied by cosmological myths gleaned from every continent. He discusses the historical use of psycho-active planets as a means of helping the devolving human species to regain purposeful insight, and rebuild. He includes personal experiences in the medicinal and therapeutic & creative use of ayahuasca as a sacrament. This is an incredible and informative interview-discussion. graham Hancock will be a keynote speawker in the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering, in Denver Colorado, May 29-0June 1, 2015, along with James Tyberonn, David Hatcher Childress, Dr Robert Schoch, Dr Charles Thomas Cayce, John Van Auken, John Major Jenkins, Dr Jeri Castronova, Dr John Ryan MD, Dr Joseph McNamara-MD, Dr Cheri St Arnauld, Joann Parks, Michele Nocerino, Catherine Kominos, Linda Robinson, Mona Delfino, Kirby Seid, Nora WalksinSpirit, Ken Standing Elk, Colin Buffalo Heart, Arielle F Michael, Michael Firewalker, Gentle Bear & Nia.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright Protected.
wn.com/2015 Equinox Eclipse Graham Hancock On Magicians Of The Gods Jamestyberonn
March 22-2015- Viewable in HD: Earth-Keeper Presents Graham Hancock in a brilliant discussion/interview with author, researcher, & geo-engineer James Tyberonn. Topics include previews of new information in Grahams new book, "Magicians of the God's", the highly anticipated & long awaited sequel to the international international best seller 'Fingerprints of the Gods, which will be in print in Oct 2015 in the UK, and in 2016 in USA. Hancock presents brilliant researched new information in an astonishing preview of his book release, including brilliant new discoveries of a 'lost advanced civilization in Turkey and Indonesia. Hancock articulately provides updates on new insights that reveal the last ice age came toi an abrupt end with a breaking up & striking Canada with a series of asteroids over 1 mile in diameter. The cataclysmic explosions generated tremendous force & heat resulting in a rapid and massive melting of the ice sheets....flooding the earth, and wiping out most of humanity. He also discusses possibilities of extra terrestrials assisting humanity to begin again, as implied by cosmological myths gleaned from every continent. He discusses the historical use of psycho-active planets as a means of helping the devolving human species to regain purposeful insight, and rebuild. He includes personal experiences in the medicinal and therapeutic & creative use of ayahuasca as a sacrament. This is an incredible and informative interview-discussion. graham Hancock will be a keynote speawker in the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering, in Denver Colorado, May 29-0June 1, 2015, along with James Tyberonn, David Hatcher Childress, Dr Robert Schoch, Dr Charles Thomas Cayce, John Van Auken, John Major Jenkins, Dr Jeri Castronova, Dr John Ryan MD, Dr Joseph McNamara-MD, Dr Cheri St Arnauld, Joann Parks, Michele Nocerino, Catherine Kominos, Linda Robinson, Mona Delfino, Kirby Seid, Nora WalksinSpirit, Ken Standing Elk, Colin Buffalo Heart, Arielle F Michael, Michael Firewalker, Gentle Bear & Nia.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright Protected.
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 58
Come and see Graham Hancock speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September......
Come and see Graham Hancock speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September...
wn.com/Project Camelot Interviews Graham Hancock Maestro
Come and see Graham Hancock speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September...
BEYOND ATLANTIS - Secret Discoveries with Graham Hancock - BONUS INTERVIEW
This original uncut interview featuring Graham Hancock, was filmed for the Network Television Special "The Mysterious Origins of Man." Most of this interview......
This original uncut interview featuring Graham Hancock, was filmed for the Network Television Special "The Mysterious Origins of Man." Most of this interview...
wn.com/Beyond Atlantis Secret Discoveries With Graham Hancock Bonus Interview
This original uncut interview featuring Graham Hancock, was filmed for the Network Television Special "The Mysterious Origins of Man." Most of this interview...
Graham Hancock ~ Ayahuasca
Graham Hancock discusses the physical as well as the visionary and beneficiary effects of ayahuasca. The Great Pyramid & The 153 Fish http://www.youtube.com/......
Graham Hancock discusses the physical as well as the visionary and beneficiary effects of ayahuasca. The Great Pyramid & The 153 Fish http://www.youtube.com/...
wn.com/Graham Hancock ~ Ayahuasca
Graham Hancock discusses the physical as well as the visionary and beneficiary effects of ayahuasca. The Great Pyramid & The 153 Fish http://www.youtube.com/...
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 19247
author: cfapps7865
Russell Brand - Daniel Pinchbeck - Graham Hancock
Fascinating and hilarious video of Russell Brand chatting with Daniel Pinchbeck and Graham Hancock about life, meditation, psychedelic experiences, and socia......
Fascinating and hilarious video of Russell Brand chatting with Daniel Pinchbeck and Graham Hancock about life, meditation, psychedelic experiences, and socia...
wn.com/Russell Brand Daniel Pinchbeck Graham Hancock
Fascinating and hilarious video of Russell Brand chatting with Daniel Pinchbeck and Graham Hancock about life, meditation, psychedelic experiences, and socia...
Turbowolf interview Graham Hancock: Ep2.
Click here to buy Turbowolf's self titled album from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/turbowolf/id476081787 In the second of a series of four episod......
Click here to buy Turbowolf's self titled album from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/turbowolf/id476081787 In the second of a series of four episod...
wn.com/Turbowolf Interview Graham Hancock Ep2.
Click here to buy Turbowolf's self titled album from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/turbowolf/id476081787 In the second of a series of four episod...
John Major Jenkins, author of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 interviewed for GrahamHancock.com
Get John's latest book, The 2012 Story: .:US- http://amzn.to/wpJwdA .:UK- http://amzn.to/y5SJKJ .:CA- http://amzn.to/x6GmWU
Preeminent author and researcher of ...
Get John's latest book, The 2012 Story: .:US- http://amzn.to/wpJwdA .:UK- http://amzn.to/y5SJKJ .:CA- http://amzn.to/x6GmWU
Preeminent author and researcher of Mayan culture and the 2012 phenomenon, John Major Jenkins joins us to discuss the origin of the 2012 idea, how it has developed, what it means, and how we can work with it today.
Jenkins shows us how the Mayan 2012 prophecy is a misnomer, and is actually an astronomical science of great galactic cycles that appear to coincide with periods of transformation. We are in the culmination of such a cycle right now...
Interviewed by Luke Hancock
Website: http://alignment2012.com/
John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quiché Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and many books, including:
Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Four Ahau Press, Boulder, CO: 1989)
Mirror in the Sky (Four Ahau Press, 1991)
Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, CA: 1992/1994)
Mayan Sacred Science (Four Ahau Press, Boulder, CO: 1994)
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Bear & Company, Santa Fe, NM: 1998)
wn.com/John Major Jenkins, Author Of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 Interviewed For Grahamhancock.Com
Get John's latest book, The 2012 Story: .:US- http://amzn.to/wpJwdA .:UK- http://amzn.to/y5SJKJ .:CA- http://amzn.to/x6GmWU
Preeminent author and researcher of Mayan culture and the 2012 phenomenon, John Major Jenkins joins us to discuss the origin of the 2012 idea, how it has developed, what it means, and how we can work with it today.
Jenkins shows us how the Mayan 2012 prophecy is a misnomer, and is actually an astronomical science of great galactic cycles that appear to coincide with periods of transformation. We are in the culmination of such a cycle right now...
Interviewed by Luke Hancock
Website: http://alignment2012.com/
John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quiché Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and many books, including:
Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Four Ahau Press, Boulder, CO: 1989)
Mirror in the Sky (Four Ahau Press, 1991)
Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, CA: 1992/1994)
Mayan Sacred Science (Four Ahau Press, Boulder, CO: 1994)
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Bear & Company, Santa Fe, NM: 1998)
- published: 24 Jun 2010
- views: 33781
Graham Hancock interviewed for New Dawn magazine | Revisiting 2012
See: http://www.grahamhancock.com/tours/lectures.php for details on Graham's upcoming speaking events in the US, Australia and the UK during October, Novembe......
See: http://www.grahamhancock.com/tours/lectures.php for details on Graham's upcoming speaking events in the US, Australia and the UK during October, Novembe...
wn.com/Graham Hancock Interviewed For New Dawn Magazine | Revisiting 2012
See: http://www.grahamhancock.com/tours/lectures.php for details on Graham's upcoming speaking events in the US, Australia and the UK during October, Novembe...
Graham Hancock - Magicians of the Gods
Graham Hancock discusses his new book Magicians of the Gods. Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing and deeply contr...
Graham Hancock discusses his new book Magicians of the Gods. Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing and deeply controversial investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for lost civilizations on Earth. Twenty years on, he returns with Magicians of the Gods which shows beyond reasonable doubt that an advanced civilization that flourished during the Ice Age was destroyed in global cataclysms between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago.
A giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments, some of which struck the Earth causing devastation on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. The impacts from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60,000 miles an hour instantly liquidized millions of square miles of ice, destabilizing the Earth's crust and causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world. A second series of equally devastating impacts caused further cataclysmic flooding around 11,600 years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the annihilation of Atlantis.
But there were survivors, who travelled the world in great ships doing all in their power to keep the spark of civilization burning. They settled at key locations - Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, Baalbek in the Lebanon, Giza in Egypt, ancient Sumer, Mexico, Peru and across the Pacific. Everywhere they went these ‘Magicians of the Gods’ brought with them the memory of a time when mankind had fallen out of harmony with the universe and paid a heavy price. A memory and a warning to the future; for the comet that wrought such utter destruction may not be done with us yet. Astronomers believe that a 20-mile wide fragment of the original giant comet remains hidden within its debris stream and still threatens the Earth. An astronomical message encoded at Gobekli Tepe, and in the Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt, warns us that the ‘Great Return’ will occur in our time...
Many more interviews at http://www.legalise-freedom.com
If you find this content interesting, please consider supporting my work with a donation http://legalise-freedom.com/make-a-donation/
wn.com/Graham Hancock Magicians Of The Gods
Graham Hancock discusses his new book Magicians of the Gods. Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing and deeply controversial investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for lost civilizations on Earth. Twenty years on, he returns with Magicians of the Gods which shows beyond reasonable doubt that an advanced civilization that flourished during the Ice Age was destroyed in global cataclysms between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago.
A giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments, some of which struck the Earth causing devastation on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. The impacts from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60,000 miles an hour instantly liquidized millions of square miles of ice, destabilizing the Earth's crust and causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world. A second series of equally devastating impacts caused further cataclysmic flooding around 11,600 years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the annihilation of Atlantis.
But there were survivors, who travelled the world in great ships doing all in their power to keep the spark of civilization burning. They settled at key locations - Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, Baalbek in the Lebanon, Giza in Egypt, ancient Sumer, Mexico, Peru and across the Pacific. Everywhere they went these ‘Magicians of the Gods’ brought with them the memory of a time when mankind had fallen out of harmony with the universe and paid a heavy price. A memory and a warning to the future; for the comet that wrought such utter destruction may not be done with us yet. Astronomers believe that a 20-mile wide fragment of the original giant comet remains hidden within its debris stream and still threatens the Earth. An astronomical message encoded at Gobekli Tepe, and in the Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt, warns us that the ‘Great Return’ will occur in our time...
Many more interviews at http://www.legalise-freedom.com
If you find this content interesting, please consider supporting my work with a donation http://legalise-freedom.com/make-a-donation/
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 334
Joe Rogan Experience #551 - Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & "Entangled" and also a new fiction book called "Wa...
Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & "Entangled" and also a new fiction book called "War God"
wn.com/Joe Rogan Experience 551 Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & "Entangled" and also a new fiction book called "War God"
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 215280