The Mithraic Mysteries were a mystery religion practised in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to 4th centuries AD. The name of the Persian god Mithra, adapted into Greek as Mithras, was linked to a new and distinctive imagery. Romans also called the religion Mysteries of Mithras or Mysteries of the Persians; modern historians refer to it as Mithraism, or sometimes Roman Mithraism. The mysteries were popular in the Roman military.
Worshippers of Mithras had a complex system of seven grades of initiation, with ritual meals. Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those "united by the handshake". They met in underground temples (called a mithraeum), which survive in large numbers. The cult appears to have had its epicentre in Rome.
Numerous archeological finds, including meeting places, monuments, and artifacts, have contributed to modern knowledge about Mithraism throughout the Roman Empire. The iconic scenes of Mithras show him being born from a rock, slaughtering a bull, and sharing a banquet with the god Sol (the Sun). About 420 sites have yielded materials related to the cult. Among the items found are about 1000 inscriptions, 700 examples of the bull-killing scene (tauroctony), and about 400 other monuments. It has been estimated that there would have been at least 680-690 Mithraea in Rome. No written narratives or theology from the religion survive, with limited information to be derived from the inscriptions, and only brief or passing references in Greek and Latin literature. Interpretation of the physical evidence remains problematic and contested.
The Cult of Mithras
The Origins of Christianity Mithras The Persian Religion ریشه های مسیحیت میترا دین و مذهب
Comparative Mythology: Jesus, Mithras and Osiris
Mithras - Pagan Origins of Christianity
The Mysteries of Mithras
Mithras - Lord of the Cosmos
Mithras Mithra
Mithras - The Beacon Beckons / Thrown Upon the Waves
Mithras - Gods Among Men
Church of Rome, Mithras, and Isis?
Mithra, Marijuana and the Myths of the Messiah
Jesus and Mithras Myth
Temple of Mithras in London
Mithras - Thrown Upon the Waves
The Cult of Mithras
The Origins of Christianity Mithras The Persian Religion ریشه های مسیحیت میترا دین و مذهب
Comparative Mythology: Jesus, Mithras and Osiris
Mithras - Pagan Origins of Christianity
The Mysteries of Mithras
Mithras - Lord of the Cosmos
Mithras Mithra
Mithras - The Beacon Beckons / Thrown Upon the Waves
Mithras - Gods Among Men
Church of Rome, Mithras, and Isis?
Mithra, Marijuana and the Myths of the Messiah
Jesus and Mithras Myth
Temple of Mithras in London
Mithras - Thrown Upon the Waves
QI - Christmas, Christianity and Mithras
Is Jesus REALLY just a Copy of Pagan Myths, Krishna, Mithra, Horus?
Mithras - Worlds Beyond The Veil - Worlds Beyond The Veil
Mithras - To Fall from the Heavens
Mithras - Worlds Beyond The Veil (FULL ALBUM)
Mithras - When the light fades away
Lord and Saviour -- Mithras!
Cage - Merry Mithras video
The Traveller: The sun never leaves, the night always
encroaches. What manner of place is this? With these
thoughts an oppressing slumber overtakes me... I yearn
for worlds long lost but not forgotten... I must shun the
chilling breeze, and contemplate my fat... the distant
cascading maves, voices so familiar yet unknown, faces...
WAIT! What is this? Against the horizon, movements that
should not be raise me from my slumber. What things are
these, dwellers of the night? Creatures of shadow!?
Beasts with transparent skin? How can these things exist?
Such things were never meant to be seen by the eyes of
man! They roam the edge of the night. Always in the
shadows, drifting, following. These creatures pursue the
darkness. These things are coming for... ME! Run, I must
Across the heavens
An astounding sight I see
A rotating moon
Drawing closer to our world
The distant sun
Shifted in the skies
We must embrace
This cataclysm we've survived
A hole torn in space and time
Now we must survive
Underneath the three spheres
Something heard them cry
And now our world has changed
Underneath the three spheres
I'm fixed upon my path
To search a ruined world
For any who like me
We fled the thing of stone
A monster I evoked
Then we ran in terror
Into the tower contorting towards the skies
From high within these walls I see
The golem strides past relentlessly
Far into the distant waves
Then deep beneath the sea
We've escaped for now
But yet I know we must
Traverse the great ocean
To reach the place of dreams
Above us the great hole twists
This tower towards the heavens
And we are also drawn
Ever upwards towards the skies
There are voices within these walls
And something haunts our minds
Bidding us to its peak
But we must resist
We must leave this place
As it leads us to our doom
Do not heed the calling
Or you will be left behind
But a few escape
And to our horror
The hole grabs this obelisk
Taking it into the sky
To Where The Sun Never Leaves
Time never lasts
It ran down and out
Frozen we never were
Once endless
Now entropic and relative
Ending with no fanfare
In the beginning
Of the end
We tried to find escape
But time
Never lasts
Our hearts became so cold
But once burned
With cores of fire
Our auras everlasting
If only those moments could last forever
Joined as one
We chose this existence
Now all our works will be lost with time
The attraction fades
We drift apart
You grew so cold
We'll dance no more
Off into the dark
To orbits far from here
When young we played
Between the stars
We never knew
Time was set against us
And when the distant
Began to fade
We'd stayed too long
Our time was gone
Because time never lasts
On the horizon
An ever setting sun
Behind us lies eternal night
Yet there is a place
Where darkness cannot come
Bound by oceans
Over the edge of the world
Pursued by the encroaching night
We must strive to reach the light
Follow me
For we must go
To where the sun
Never leaves
Follow me
For we must go
To where the sun
Will never leave
Rise up I'll lead you to the light
For soon I'll pass beyond the reach of night
Follow me
For I'll lead you
To where the sun
Never leaves
I'll follow you
You'll never go
To where the sun
From nightmares of pain
I return
To fathomless dreams
And damnation
Yet no dream is this
For I see
The world we fled
Ruined around me
By mighty hands
Swept away
The works of
To what have I
What fate will
Befall me?
What brought me here
Back to this space
To beyond the stars
I long to return
My people
I hear them no longer
The gates have closed
Our great link is broken
We went forth
To find another world
But I still walk the earth
I am not alone..?
This world fades
Chaos is born
For I am that
Which fell from the heavens
I have come
Forever more
To eat of this world
I see a world Structured from my soul Palaces from my
dreams My spirit can embrace You attack my body Making me
ever strong I shall stand tall I am everlasting
Souls rise to the eternal sea The weak crumble away
Strong becoming ever stronger A force beyond the mortal
Hear the souls call Lifting me from within Embraced i
rise A god in my death
Reaching the invisible mass It engulfs me with sanctity I
am caught with the others The ones who dream in splendour
My beacon burns so bright Becoming brighter still My call
cries over all I have risen beyond the physical
[Solo: - Macey]
I rise
I soar
I am everlasting
[Solo: - Macey]
Call out to me As i soar above Beyond the power of sight
I exist in a world of dreams Physical state gone from my
memory I rise forever more Immortality beckons I exist
I see you - the many
United you stand against me
Me the divine creator
You dare challenge my might
How can the flock
Challenge me, the shepherd?
Risk all just to be rid of me
Thy lord, thy ruler
Lord of the condemned
Show the might of your minions
I challenge thee, oh lord divine
Die with gracious dignity
I see you- the lord
The tyrant that rules thy nobles
Unity of my thousands
Against your treacherous plots
How can your lowly few
Withstand our vast numbers
All shall battle for me
The leader, the master
Fiendish traitor
I shall dispatch
Your taunts weaken me not
You shall be crushed
In glorious combat
And I'll retake all that's mine
Oh feeble, lords and masters
I heed not your rule
Alone I stand against all
In the greater knowledge
Dear lords and masters
You know little of me
My knowledge grows vast of you
The storm over, the ocean calmed.
Far behind, the night rolls across the waves, searching.
But ahead, beyond the reach of night, something drifts
towards a distant shore - it's fate now sealed.
The vessel nears the shores and drifts towards a beach.
The sea lays it upon the sand where it comes to rest in
As I’m pursued across this twilight world
High in a mountainside I discovered
A cavern like no other
Seeking refuge I discovered
A cavern like no other
Seeking refuge I descend
Closing sounds force me ever deeper
Resonating fear inside my mind
Then I slip and flounder in darkness
Falling I plummet deeper down
I slid into the mountain
I fell far and could not return
Resigned to this fate I crawl
Ahead I see a light
I found myself in ancient halls
Entombed beneath the rock
A civilisation lost
But how can this be?
Who are you from the outer world
Our realm is ‘neath the stone
We fled here when the cities fell
To live under the kings
Statues of rock eerie kings of stone
As giants dwarf us all
But we must leave this place
For something terrible will occur
And yet a pedestal cracks
Your king awakes
Alas my coming has doomed you all
Now we must run
He pursues us all
And he will crush us under foot
Flee the rock my comrades
He no longer wishes your devotion
Out of the mountainside
We run in terror
Follow me, this way
In the distance I see a spire
(My body rests yet I wander without comprehension of the
vast eternity of
this everlasting revolution. As the known and unknown
combine, I drift without
destination and see the vast colours of the galaxies.
Knowing only that the few
Hear the chant Across the breeze Cloth of white Sons to
believe All of them make their way To the place of mass
Surround the haven await the time Chanting the words of
Read from the book of black Believers kill to predict
Sacrifice the one Dark ritual begun
Circle forms within the henge Stones loom with eerie
silence High priest enters, a king to these Bring the one
forth Release a call from under robes I hear the words
foreign to me Here comes the one to be The teller of a
[Solo: - Macey]
[Solo: - White]
[Solo: - Macey]
See the dagger straight and true Only silence never a
scream Under robes so thick they hide Never to know who
did this deed Blood runs into the altar To tell of things
to come Sacrifice predicts a tale A tale of a future king
(Drifting I come to a gateway. It opens. Singing voices
overwhelm me. A choir
of vocal beauty. But yet beyond this divine eternity
something sinister lurks.
It's not as it was
Wait! Great eyes stare down on these beings and onto me!
Two large eyes eternally watching! Staring! Obliviously
they persist.
Something dominates the chorus of voices. A language of
alien tongue.
They hear it not!
But yet it hears them from afar. Then I fall. Fall into
the seas of Mother
Earth. I clamour for the surface in a sea of mannequins.
The shores ablaze. And
in the heavens this watcher fixes upon me. As I fell my
senses awaken...dragging
They call
Call to me from afar
I sense them/ I feel them/ I know them
But I know them not
They exist
But not in this reality
Calling me to return
Realms I've travelled
I will see you again
In timelessness I know you
And we are of one
Separated I wait
For the time
Of return
I feel their call
I know I'll have to leave
Soon I'll heed this call
Reminding me of what is/ will be/ was
On stellar waves I've travelled
And will be so again
If I have to wait an eternity
Your will shattered Like an egg beneath my feet Your
nature to obey Marked as a follower You accomplish
nothing Too blind to see the way You are as sand As the
wind blows
You cling to it Your faith as your shield Against the
perils Of this world But blind you cannot see Hidden by
this guise of faith An ultimately superior Reality!
[Solo: - Macey]
My will -crushes your will Our will- sends Tidal waves of
fear Throughout your mundane empire Unseen we reign
supreme We stand ignored with sight In your kingdom of
the blind
A breed of men apart We are the ones who shape our lives
Level their church Bury it deep beneath the ground
Destroy their ways In time they'll be forgot String them
up Along the roadways of their land Make as slaves Any
that survive
Burn their cities Topple their towers and their spires
Crushing underfoot Centuries of their works
Scour their lands Burn the crops and destroy the
dwellings Kill their beasts Salting the ground as you
pass Pile their corpses Into vast funeral pyres The
mountains of bone A monument to their death
[Solo: - Macey]
[Solo: - White]
Bring their leaders Drag them before the councils In
chains- Begging for their lives On display Pulled along
the bustling roadways Their despair and example As the
last of their kind
Awaken! Your body rests, yet you wander
What is it that makes you writhe?
Great councillor
Unleash upon me your fear
You hesitate
Great terror hides behind your eyes
Teach to me your learning's
Great one
Doubt grows heavy upon your brow
Brothers! I've seen...
I've seen the thing of greater terror
Fear, fear the words I am to speak
My dreams
Contaminated by this horror
Relentless, these visions I wish to bequeath
Voices! I hear their voices
Its calls flood into my soul
Unleashing this greater terror
It seeks...beyond my eyes
Yet I see not the seeker
Its screams brining me to my knees
The terror tears into my soul
I hear the singing. The beacon
Beckons this beast
It listens
It hears their calls
It's time!
My brothers we must realise
Evolve, we must now evolve
It's near, it comes
We need to reach the greater planes
Oh my brothers, it seeks us
This thing that comes ever closer to this earth
Mithras, God of the morning, our trumpets waken the wall!
'Rome is above nations, but thou art over all'
Mithras, God of the morning, our trumpets waken the wall!
'Rome is above nations, but thou art over all'
Now as the names are answered, and the guards are marched away,
Mithras, also a soldier, give us strenght for the day!
Mithras, God of the sunset, low on the western main,
Thou descending immortal, immortal to rise again!
Now when the watch is ended, now when the wine is drawn
Mithras also a soldier, keep us pure till the dawn!
Many roads thou has fashioned: all of them lead to the light,
Mithras, the soul of a soldier, teach us to die aright.
Mithras! Mithras!
Mithras, god of midnight, here were the great bull dies,
Look on thy childern in darkness, oh take our sacrifice!
Mithras, God of the noontide, the heather swims in the heat,
Our helmets scorch our foreheads; our sandals burn our feet,
Now in the ungrit hour; now ere we blink and drowse,
Mithras also a soldier, keep us true to our vows!
Mithras, God of midnight, here where the great bull dies,
Look on thy childern in darkness, oh take our sacrifice!
Many roads thou has fashioned: all of them lead to the light,
Mithras, also a soldier, teach us to die aright.
Time never lasts
It ran down and out
Frozen we never were
Once endless
Now entropic and relative
Ending with no fanfare
In the beginning
Of the end
We tried to find escape
But time
Never lasts
Our hearts became so cold
But once burned
With cores of fire
Our auras everlasting
If only those moments could last forever
Joined as one
We chose this existence
Now all our works will be lost with time
The attraction fades
We drift apart
You grew so cold
We'll dance no more
Off into the dark
To orbits far from here
When young we played
Between the stars
We never knew
Time was set against us
And when the distant
Began to fade
We'd stayed too long
Our time was gone
I dreamt of god
He turned his gaze unto me
I stared
His eyes of fire
Into my mind
I was blinded
Was what I saw the mind of god?
I remember what I saw
Mere words could not illuminate
As I’m pursued across this twilight world
High in a mountainside I discovered
A cavern like no other
Seeking refuge I discovered
A cavern like no other
Seeking refuge I descend
Closing sounds force me ever deeper
Resonating fear inside my mind
Then I slip and flounder in darkness
Falling I plummet deeper down
I slid into the mountain
I fell far and could not return
Resigned to this fate I crawl
Ahead I see a light
I found myself in ancient halls
Entombed beneath the rock
A civilisation lost
But how can this be?
Who are you from the outer world
Our realm is ‘neath the stone
We fled here when the cities fell
To live under the kings
Statues of rock eerie kings of stone
As giants dwarf us all
But we must leave this place
For something terrible will occur
And yet a pedestal cracks
Your king awakes
Alas my coming has doomed you all
Now we must run
He pursues us all
And he will crush us under foot
Flee the rock my comrades
He no longer wishes your devotion
Out of the mountainside
We run in terror
Follow me, this way
Thrown upon the Waves
Gazing across this vast seascape
We'll journey to meet the unknown
To a place beyond imagination
There we will find sanctuary
I hear the call of the waves
Breaking upon the shore
They beckon – to me
To them I'll soon return
Now we must depart
Cast off these cursed lands
For far across the sea
A place the sun never leaves
Foretold me in a dream
Something will bar our way
Although my end is near
I must protect my companions
The darkness grows
Yet the stars are all I see
The sea turns black
Serenity washes over me
From the depths it comes
The voyager from beyond this realm
Who endlessly pursued me
Now our time has come
An old friend you have arrived
You've come for me in your true guise
I'll face you as I am and
Leave this shell behind
You'll never reach the rest
My shield of light against your shadow
Come now we'll embrace
As you pull me ‘neath the waves
I reach for the surface
Yet I know my fate is sealed
I sacrifice myself to save
Those I leave behind
You'll fall back to the abyss
And I'll rise to planes beyond
Hear my final thoughts
[The Great Councillor]
Again the gateway opens… and I sense it! Finally I soar,
far beyond perceptions and physical senses – I follow in
the footsteps of my kindred. I reach the bridge between
space and time and the portals to worlds beyond. At last,
I step through into the light…
[The Enigma]
Now we are as one!
[The Great Councillor]
NO! You cannot have found me now, this cannot be!!! What
has happened? What cursed place is this? I resist you!
No, cast me not from these heavens. (Falling) This cannot
The lowly
Piteous, weak, but by nature abhorrent
The fallen
Throwbacks to a distant age
They clamour
United in aspiration
Grovelling for their redeemer
As prophesised
They turned their voices
Towards the heavens
Using the arts
They called out into the void
"Oh Lord, enlighten our souls"
In nescience
You know not what
Your exaltations have unleashed
It hears
The ovation falls
On open ears
Yet you know not
What your exaltations have unleashed
It hears and it doth come
You know not
What your exaltations have unleashed
It comes
Sing the hosannas and it comes
Sing hosannas and the great host comes
You called for me
And you shall have me
Through your eyes
I shall pierce your souls with fear
I cast my sight towards the past
And remember that which forced our flight
Our doom I saw and knew was near
But my warnings fell on deaf ears
My kin had left though I delayed
To greater planes I meant to follow
But as I made my flight of passage
The chasm opened in my path
Beneath me earth faded away – above
Titanic forces drew me to the abyss
Where time and space converged my memories blend
Yet now I recall what I saw:
From within this void something is looming
A monstrous presence engulfs me
As tentacles probe my mind
I'm scrutinized from the rift
Its power is too great
I feel my light fading
As I'm dragged into fell depths
I scream into the void
How I writhed
As it drew me close
This my end
I would surely die
So I flared
And it threw me far
Through dark skies
Like a star I fell
I awaken - I have returned
I embrace great victory!
Ride, spread the word
Spread to my people the great news
We shall return
To our splendid capital
We shall return
And bask in the glorious greetings
Bask you shall
Bask you shall
Senseless fools
Hark! Across the horizon - I see it
Our homes - great capital
Come forth and ride
March on and return
Our great victories
Will make us heroes
Our great battles shall make us nobles
What am I?
That follows
That which is
We return
To our homes
Oh great city
We return
Come feast my armies
Come feast my sons
I follow
Come my lambs
I call to you
You shall follow
You feast your armies
- I'll take your sons
Lead me to your precious babies
I come for them
And yet you know nothing
Of all that I am
And return with that
Which shall take
All that it desires
All that it desires
Oh! Father
Can you see it... not?
It calls me
Beckons me to follow
I feel a will overpowering me
Save me - I must go
The elders see it not
Oh! Children follow
My will captures your souls
I take you and you shall follow
Watch as they follow
See not that which leads
Those fools they know not of my
But you my children,
Shall learn all
To the mountain
To the mountain
Come infant disciples
I shall grow eternally strong
You hear my song
It enchants your souls
You are in my power
Riding forth - for the greater glory of their god Riding
forth - To rage against their infidel Taking by force -
Claiming holy lands as their own Allachibar - Can no one
withstand the power of their god?
Sent by their pope They rewarded tolerance With no mercy
To reclaim their Holy lands They had to have slaughter
Diplomacy a concept Lost on these uncivilised barbarians
[Solo: - Macey]
I come forth An unstoppable wind of the east Taking under
my vast wing New lands for my governance Horsemen of the
open steppe No one can withstand "If you had not been so
evil, i would not have come" For i am the wrath of god
[Solo: - White]
That which lies beyond
Open your eyes, awaken your senses
This I show you, now you shall see
And it will change, your world forever
See to beyond
Past perception and physical senses
We shall fall into the worlds beyond the veil
Entranced by the turning vortex
Its visions of splendour entice me
But yet there are things
Which I do not know or have ever seen
A portal opens
I fall far, far down
Amongst the ones
Who call for me.
Behold! This being gliding with form
Yet no form
Transfixed yet horrified by this angelic enigma
Run! It senses us. It feels us
It's coming
Can it cross the worlds' divide?
Will we escape it?
Wait, there is more than this
Yes, there is terror beyond known terror
But all we have done
Must not be lost
Yes I retreat, I've seen
That which you will bestow
Upon humanity
But you shall never be victorious
For I evolve
And strive beyond
The influence of your existence
Be calm my brethren
Your voices shall never go unnoticed
How could I forget?
The ones who stood by my word
Fear not
For I am coming
I endure
My last breaths
I feel the entities
So familiar
Ah, my brothers
It's time
I shall leave
Take me to the masses
Our separation has been too long
The distant cries
How I've longed for their embrace
Children, can you sense it?
The voyagers from beyond this realm
Man called to them
And they have come
Fear not
For they can harm you no longer
We shall embrace the sanctity
Your will shattered Like an egg beneath my feet Your
nature to obey Marked as a follower You accomplish
nothing Too blind to see the way You are as sand As the
wind blows
You cling to it Your faith as your shield Against the
perils Of this world But blind you cannot see Hidden by
this guise of faith An ultimately superior Reality!
[Solo: - Macey]
My will -crushes your will Our will- sends Tidal waves of
fear Throughout your mundane empire Unseen we reign
supreme We stand ignored with sight In your kingdom of
the blind
A breed of men apart We are the ones who shape our lives
We tread our way Along these paths seldom trodden.
The call has come to return
To leave this mortal coil
Return to the eternal
Become as one again
To remove back to spirit
I cast off these chains so binding
I aspire to transcend
The ultimate of mans fears
That which no one "knows"
The key to the eternal
Passage off this earth
My spirit calls
For it knows the way
You "know" nothing
Blind, you follow as an idol.
You are as nothing
Level their church Bury it deep beneath the ground
Destroy their ways In time they'll be forgot String them
up Along the roadways of their land Make as slaves Any
that survive
Burn their cities Topple their towers and their spires
Crushing underfoot Centuries of their works
Scour their lands Burn the crops and destroy the
dwellings Kill their beasts Salting the ground as you
pass Pile their corpses Into vast funeral pyres The
mountains of bone A monument to their death
[Solo: - Macey]
[Solo: - White]
Bring their leaders Drag them before the councils In
chains- Begging for their lives On display Pulled along
the bustling roadways Their despair and example As the
I travelled far and wide Searching..... On paths trodden
Only by so few I uncover the doorway My journey nears its
end I complete the ritual Which grants me passage unto-
This ancient tomb Of kings - i open I break the seal Of
three thousand years What foul enchantment Will befall
me? What will I Behold?
Leaving the sun behind Down passages so dark The torch my
only weapon Against this vault of darkness Soon I lose my
way Attempt to trace my footsteps My torch fading fast As
i see a chink of light
My pace quickens Running towards the distant glow I
stumble on the entrance The awesome spectacle brings me
to my knees
I behold the tomb of kings
On huge pedestals they stand Mounted, weapons in hand
Once kings of this land Their statues stand Monarchs long
forgotten Rising towards the light Once proud lords Will
rise again......
Terror in the air Ancient tombs opening Grotesque figures
emerging Still dressed in regal splendour Followed by
their servants Entombed when their lord died Empty eyes
look towards the surface As foretold: -They rise again
Come to me
Children of Mother Earth
Worshippers of the gods
I have for you
Your redemption
Run- the gods are not with us now
Run- for our powers are useless
Call for a saviour
Realise the voices in the void
What are these things?
Will not our god save us?
We called and they came
And you were forever silent
Run - your god is not with you now
Run - your powers are useless
Call for a saviour
And so the silence shall fall Enter O warrior of the past
Greet thee with jubilation Rise hero to this mass Slayer
of mighty beasts Please this crowd -with butchery
Come forth 'O demons killer of man Go forward beasts of
blood lust Take these offerings blessed to you Prey upon
the weakened one Wretched demons burst from the gate
Feast upon the human man
[Solo: - Macey]
[Solo: - Macey]
Roman god of the arena Surrounded by your hunters See
eyes glaze with the dreams of death Their hunger commands
they feed Attack this human for the flesh Appease thy
ravenous beasts
Silence falls on the sea of man Blood spills from the
butchered beasts Saturate the arena sands Wounded warrior
(Pulled to the surface I see the sky is ablaze
The portal opens!
The heavenly facade is broken. The gods of humanity fall
from their pedestals.
With little strength they await their destruction
alongside mortal men.
What are these things?
I've seen them. Beyond past perception and physical
It comes. The moon shifts and the heavens burn.
We must now evolve for it has broken the worlds'
From spaces measureless to man it came
Fell from chasms out of time
Walls raised between us were unmade
Thence humanity was shamed
Manifesting on the edges of our realm
An Ingress yawning wide
A gateway to beyond
Walls raised between us were unmade
Hence reality was changed
Above the dark
Under the light
Behind the shadows
Lie madness
As I trek across these ruined lands
In the distance are strange sounds
In dark skies there shine unearthly lights
Formless beings haunt the nights
Cast upon the winds -the souls of man
They sing to me - an awful song
They try to flee that which devours them
Awaken! Your body rests, yet you wander
What is it that makes you writhe?
Great councillor
Unleash upon me your fear
You hesitate
Great terror hides behind your eyes
Teach to me your learning's
Great one
Doubt grows heavy upon your brow
Brothers! I've seen...
I've seen the thing of greater terror
Fear, fear the words I am to speak
My dreams
Contaminated by this horror
Relentless, these visions I wish to bequeath
Voices! I hear their voices
Its calls flood into my soul
Unleashing this greater terror
It seeks...beyond my eyes
Yet I see not the seeker
Its screams brining me to my knees
The terror tears into my soul
I hear the singing. The beacon
Beckons this beast
It listens
It hears their calls
It's time!
My brothers we must realise
Evolve, we must now evolve
It's near, it comes
We need to reach the greater planes
Oh my brothers, it seeks us
[Lyrics: - Macey]
The fire in the sky He who gives us light The sun - our lord Giver of all life His coming has been the herald The dawn of a new cycle For as long as it has been remembered It has been this way
He is life eternal The focus of our worship We dared not look upon him Until this fateful day
[Solo: - Macey]
His flames diminish! Shadows begin to fall At the apex of his journey This cannot be so! In terror i look into his heavens I need not shield my eyes Dust rising from afar Is swallowing our lord
[Solo: - Macey]
[Solo: - Macey]
The ground trembles In the distance thunders roar His powers blast the lands Fierce winds whip up the sands How have we displeased him? Not in lack of dedication We cower as the skies darken Our lord is nowhere to be seen
[Solo: - White]
He did not return Deserting us in twilight Without his solar powers Our crops withered and died Terrible winter froze the sand Killing the sick old and young Our faith is all that binds us to These lands our lord has left us to
The Traveller: This way, we must cross this ocean! We
have to traverse these seas.
His Companions: But it waits for us?
The Traveller: It waits for me...and me alone.
His Companions: Yet it went beneath those waves....
The Traveller: My friends, we have the encroaching night,
or the sea.
Your journey is across the waves as is mine.
We must find the place the sun never leaves, away from
the shadows, the haunted nights.
His Companions: Then now we must depart.
The Traveller: Ah my companions.My fate is sealed.
In timelessness you'll know me and we'll be as one.
We'll cast off from these cursed lands I hope you'll