Animal Armageddon The Great Dying - Episode 5
The Permian--Triassic extinction event, informally known as the Great Dying, was an extinction event that occurred 252 million years ago, forming the boundar...
Mass extinction (Permian-Triassic- Extinction) - The Evolutionary Theory on Extinction
Extinction happens. But what's evolution got to do with it?
Mass extinctions. Dinosaurs and the first mammals. Saving an unspoiled forest near Bangkok. Biological invaders in the Hawaiian Islands. Using a beneficial insect to control weeds in North Dakota.
"Extinction is the termination of a species." At least 95 per cent of all species that have ever lived are now extinct. Extinction is normal,
Prehistoric News : Triassic Swamp Monsters
► Subscribe now to join me on an fantastic journey back in time!
► Two new swamp monsters from the Triassic have been discovered in West Texas! ENJOY! ROAR! Remember to hit that like button, if you enjoyed the video, and don't forget to comment. I would really appreciate it! :) Thanks!
► My google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104556320166887209682/104556320166887209682/posts
► Join my "Prehist
Triassic Fark (Jurassic Park Parody)
Ahh Nostalgia Park, remember sitting there as a kid with your chocolate milk and being piss-scared of Jeff Goldblum?...Me neither. Voices by Speedosausage: h...
The Triassic Period
Geology project...
Triassic Super Battlized Armor!
Triassic Super Battlized Armor! Edited together by me. ^^
Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Earth's Largest Mass Extinction
Royal Tyrrell Museum Spealer Series 2013 Beniot Beauchamp, Ph.D. - University of Calgary Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Lead-up, Catastrophe and Aftermath of the...
Triassic Triops Progress: Feeding, Cleaning and Caring (Days 2-7)
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 2-7: Day 2 - 1/11/2014 ...
Dinosaur Supremacy - Walking With Dinosaurs - BBC
Using CGI, this clip shows how speed, agility and brute strength gave giant reptiles the edge in the Triassic period. Great clip from BBC Walking with Dinosa...
Triassic Ranger!
Triassic Ranger! Edited together by me. ^^
Triassic Terror Review - with Tom and Melody Vasel
Tom and Melody take a look at this dinosaur board game from Eagle
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
Triassic Triops Hatch Your Own Ancient Creatures Kit, by Toyops (Day 1)
Hatch your own prehistoric creatures with this Triassic Triops kit! Watch to see what they look like after one day. Buy Here ▷ http://luckypennyshop.com/tria...
Triassic Fark Da Los Wurl (Jurassic Park 2 Parody)
Remember when Jeff Goldblum ruled the Earth 65 million years ago?
Good times, Good times.
OneyNG Voiced the dude being mauled by Compies: http://www.youtube.com/user/OneyNG
Brock Baker did the other voices: http://www.youtube.com/user/McGoiter
Sound effects from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/browse/
Triassic Triops Video 3 (Days 8-15) Times & Notes in Description
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 8-15: Day 8 - Jan 17, 2...
Triassic Terror - GameNight! Se2 Ep3
Start of Game: 22:00 End Game Discussion: 1:22:10 Tonight on GameNight! Nikki, Aaron, and Lincoln play Triassic Terror from designer Peter Hawes and publishe...
Triassic Attack Syfy Original trailer
Steven Brand, Kirsty Mitchell and Raoul Trujilo star in Triassic Attack on Syfy Saturday November 27th at 9.
Triassic Park
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Kevin goes to Hawaii.
Dinosaur basics The Triassic period
Power Rangers Dino Thunder - Triassic Ranger Transformation
Triassic Ranger Transformation.
Triassic Terror Review - with Ryan Metzler
Ryan examines the Triassic Terror board game from Gryphon Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dic...
AWE - Triassic
Remember AWE's track Jurassic? If you don't, check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQ9IHkOuOA
AWE took the melody from Jurassic and put it in a complete new setting. Doesn't it just ginger up your instinct?
Check out AWE!
Buy AWE's "Griffin" on iTunes and get both "Griffin" and "Triassic!"
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Triassic | Age of Dinosaur | Documentary Film HD
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Earth's 4 Prehistoric Era 3/4 | Nature Documentary Film (HD). Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[12] is an Oceanian .
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the .
Although the word dinosaur means terrible lizard, the name is somewhat misleadi
Triops Tank Setup "Triassic Triops"
Hey, this is our tank set up for our triops. We are going to be doing a video diary on these so please stay tuned and see what happens! Please Like and Subsc...
Animal Armageddon The Great Dying - Episode 5
The Permian--Triassic extinction event, informally known as the Great Dying, was an extinction event that occurred 252 million years ago, forming the boundar......
The Permian--Triassic extinction event, informally known as the Great Dying, was an extinction event that occurred 252 million years ago, forming the boundar...
wn.com/Animal Armageddon The Great Dying Episode 5
The Permian--Triassic extinction event, informally known as the Great Dying, was an extinction event that occurred 252 million years ago, forming the boundar...
Mass extinction (Permian-Triassic- Extinction) - The Evolutionary Theory on Extinction
Extinction happens. But what's evolution got to do with it?
Mass extinctions. Dinosaurs and the first mammals. Saving an unspoiled forest near Bangkok. Biologic...
Extinction happens. But what's evolution got to do with it?
Mass extinctions. Dinosaurs and the first mammals. Saving an unspoiled forest near Bangkok. Biological invaders in the Hawaiian Islands. Using a beneficial insect to control weeds in North Dakota.
"Extinction is the termination of a species." At least 95 per cent of all species that have ever lived are now extinct. Extinction is normal, and is happening all the time, at the rate of a few species per year.
We watch various animals foraging for food, and a lioness bringing down her prey. "The extinction of old species that can no longer adapt or compete creates opportunities for new species that can--in an endless cycle," the narrator says. "So evolution and extinction are in balance. But what happens when a planet-wide catastrophe strikes and a great dying begins?"
The scene changes dramatically--to lightning, volcanoes, and fire. Five times in the last half-billion years, we are told, mass extinctions wiped out most species alive at the time. As the smoke clears, we see Peter Ward driving through South Africa to investigate the greatest of these mass extinctions--the one that occurred at the end of the geological period known as the Permian. He stops at an old abandoned farmhouse, and sees from the tombstones in a nearby graveyard that the family that used to live there died within a five-year period about a century ago. "So a hundred years [ago], these people were just wiped off the face of the Earth, and we have no idea what killed them," says Ward. "And if that's the case, how am I going to figure out what killed animals that lived in those hills [gesturing], the fossils of which we have from 250 million years ago?"
In the rocks of those hills, Ward finds evidence that a great catastrophe occurred at the end of the Permian. "So catastrophic was that mass extinction," says Ward, "that even the small creatures have died out. It's not just the mighty, it's the meek." An animation shows us what might--or might not--have caused the Permian extinction. "When species died, they didn't die alone," says the narrator. "The collapse of one helped bring down the others."
Ward explains: "You could almost analogize that to a house of cards. Each species props up another, in a sense." We watch as a huge house of playing-cards teeters in front of us. Ward continues: "Because the creature that you eat is that card that is sitting under you that gives you your energy. Now let's pretend that we start kicking out card after card after card--and that's what a mass extinction does, isn't it? It starts knocking out a species here, it knocks out a species there, but pretty soon lots of species are gone. And it's not just the disappearance of species now--the whole house of cards falls down."
Not everything died in the Permian extinction, however. Ward holds up the skull of a mammal-like reptile. He says that the few lineages that survived the extinction "start evolving, because the world is empty, and empty worlds really begat [a] tremendous amount of evolutionary diversifications."
But how do empty worlds beget new species, exactly? Mass extinction may be an important feature of the history of life; but the question is, how did living things diversify afterwards? That is the question Darwin's theory is supposed to answer, but the fact of extinction doesn't help us. Species go extinct, and new ones take their places. This may come as a surprise to people who believe that species never go extinct (if, in fact, there are such people); but how does it provide evidence for Darwinian evolution?
What Really
happen to the Dinosaurs?
wn.com/Mass Extinction (Permian Triassic Extinction) The Evolutionary Theory On Extinction
Extinction happens. But what's evolution got to do with it?
Mass extinctions. Dinosaurs and the first mammals. Saving an unspoiled forest near Bangkok. Biological invaders in the Hawaiian Islands. Using a beneficial insect to control weeds in North Dakota.
"Extinction is the termination of a species." At least 95 per cent of all species that have ever lived are now extinct. Extinction is normal, and is happening all the time, at the rate of a few species per year.
We watch various animals foraging for food, and a lioness bringing down her prey. "The extinction of old species that can no longer adapt or compete creates opportunities for new species that can--in an endless cycle," the narrator says. "So evolution and extinction are in balance. But what happens when a planet-wide catastrophe strikes and a great dying begins?"
The scene changes dramatically--to lightning, volcanoes, and fire. Five times in the last half-billion years, we are told, mass extinctions wiped out most species alive at the time. As the smoke clears, we see Peter Ward driving through South Africa to investigate the greatest of these mass extinctions--the one that occurred at the end of the geological period known as the Permian. He stops at an old abandoned farmhouse, and sees from the tombstones in a nearby graveyard that the family that used to live there died within a five-year period about a century ago. "So a hundred years [ago], these people were just wiped off the face of the Earth, and we have no idea what killed them," says Ward. "And if that's the case, how am I going to figure out what killed animals that lived in those hills [gesturing], the fossils of which we have from 250 million years ago?"
In the rocks of those hills, Ward finds evidence that a great catastrophe occurred at the end of the Permian. "So catastrophic was that mass extinction," says Ward, "that even the small creatures have died out. It's not just the mighty, it's the meek." An animation shows us what might--or might not--have caused the Permian extinction. "When species died, they didn't die alone," says the narrator. "The collapse of one helped bring down the others."
Ward explains: "You could almost analogize that to a house of cards. Each species props up another, in a sense." We watch as a huge house of playing-cards teeters in front of us. Ward continues: "Because the creature that you eat is that card that is sitting under you that gives you your energy. Now let's pretend that we start kicking out card after card after card--and that's what a mass extinction does, isn't it? It starts knocking out a species here, it knocks out a species there, but pretty soon lots of species are gone. And it's not just the disappearance of species now--the whole house of cards falls down."
Not everything died in the Permian extinction, however. Ward holds up the skull of a mammal-like reptile. He says that the few lineages that survived the extinction "start evolving, because the world is empty, and empty worlds really begat [a] tremendous amount of evolutionary diversifications."
But how do empty worlds beget new species, exactly? Mass extinction may be an important feature of the history of life; but the question is, how did living things diversify afterwards? That is the question Darwin's theory is supposed to answer, but the fact of extinction doesn't help us. Species go extinct, and new ones take their places. This may come as a surprise to people who believe that species never go extinct (if, in fact, there are such people); but how does it provide evidence for Darwinian evolution?
What Really
happen to the Dinosaurs?
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 0
Prehistoric News : Triassic Swamp Monsters
► Subscribe now to join me on an fantastic journey back in time!
► Two new swamp monsters from the Triassic have been discovered in West Texas! ENJOY! ROAR! Rem...
► Subscribe now to join me on an fantastic journey back in time!
► Two new swamp monsters from the Triassic have been discovered in West Texas! ENJOY! ROAR! Remember to hit that like button, if you enjoyed the video, and don't forget to comment. I would really appreciate it! :) Thanks!
► My google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104556320166887209682/104556320166887209682/posts
► Join my "Prehistoric Life" group on Goggle+ : https://plus.google.com/b/104556320166887209682/communities/109802247471134420704
► The music is: "Appeasing the Volcano Gods". It is made by Teknoaxe and is royalty free. Thanks for the awesome music!
Check out his:
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe
Or his website: http://teknoaxe.com/Music_Code.php
wn.com/Prehistoric News Triassic Swamp Monsters
► Subscribe now to join me on an fantastic journey back in time!
► Two new swamp monsters from the Triassic have been discovered in West Texas! ENJOY! ROAR! Remember to hit that like button, if you enjoyed the video, and don't forget to comment. I would really appreciate it! :) Thanks!
► My google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104556320166887209682/104556320166887209682/posts
► Join my "Prehistoric Life" group on Goggle+ : https://plus.google.com/b/104556320166887209682/communities/109802247471134420704
► The music is: "Appeasing the Volcano Gods". It is made by Teknoaxe and is royalty free. Thanks for the awesome music!
Check out his:
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe
Or his website: http://teknoaxe.com/Music_Code.php
- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 156
Triassic Fark (Jurassic Park Parody)
Ahh Nostalgia Park, remember sitting there as a kid with your chocolate milk and being piss-scared of Jeff Goldblum?...Me neither. Voices by Speedosausage: h......
Ahh Nostalgia Park, remember sitting there as a kid with your chocolate milk and being piss-scared of Jeff Goldblum?...Me neither. Voices by Speedosausage: h...
wn.com/Triassic Fark (Jurassic Park Parody)
Ahh Nostalgia Park, remember sitting there as a kid with your chocolate milk and being piss-scared of Jeff Goldblum?...Me neither. Voices by Speedosausage: h...
Triassic Super Battlized Armor!
Triassic Super Battlized Armor! Edited together by me. ^^...
Triassic Super Battlized Armor! Edited together by me. ^^
wn.com/Triassic Super Battlized Armor
Triassic Super Battlized Armor! Edited together by me. ^^
- published: 21 Feb 2009
- views: 1596476
author: TimeFireX
Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Earth's Largest Mass Extinction
Royal Tyrrell Museum Spealer Series 2013 Beniot Beauchamp, Ph.D. - University of Calgary Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Lead-up, Catastrophe and Aftermath of the......
Royal Tyrrell Museum Spealer Series 2013 Beniot Beauchamp, Ph.D. - University of Calgary Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Lead-up, Catastrophe and Aftermath of the...
wn.com/Permian Triassic Mayhem Earth's Largest Mass Extinction
Royal Tyrrell Museum Spealer Series 2013 Beniot Beauchamp, Ph.D. - University of Calgary Permian - Triassic Mayhem: Lead-up, Catastrophe and Aftermath of the...
Triassic Triops Progress: Feeding, Cleaning and Caring (Days 2-7)
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 2-7: Day 2 - 1/11/2014 ......
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 2-7: Day 2 - 1/11/2014 ...
wn.com/Triassic Triops Progress Feeding, Cleaning And Caring (Days 2 7)
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 2-7: Day 2 - 1/11/2014 ...
Dinosaur Supremacy - Walking With Dinosaurs - BBC
Using CGI, this clip shows how speed, agility and brute strength gave giant reptiles the edge in the Triassic period. Great clip from BBC Walking with Dinosa......
Using CGI, this clip shows how speed, agility and brute strength gave giant reptiles the edge in the Triassic period. Great clip from BBC Walking with Dinosa...
wn.com/Dinosaur Supremacy Walking With Dinosaurs BBC
Using CGI, this clip shows how speed, agility and brute strength gave giant reptiles the edge in the Triassic period. Great clip from BBC Walking with Dinosa...
- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 49890
author: BBC Earth
Triassic Ranger!
Triassic Ranger! Edited together by me. ^^...
Triassic Ranger! Edited together by me. ^^
wn.com/Triassic Ranger
Triassic Ranger! Edited together by me. ^^
- published: 21 Feb 2009
- views: 130119
author: TimeFireX
Triassic Terror Review - with Tom and Melody Vasel
Tom and Melody take a look at this dinosaur board game from Eagle
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.di...
Tom and Melody take a look at this dinosaur board game from Eagle
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
wn.com/Triassic Terror Review With Tom And Melody Vasel
Tom and Melody take a look at this dinosaur board game from Eagle
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 3014
Triassic Triops Hatch Your Own Ancient Creatures Kit, by Toyops (Day 1)
Hatch your own prehistoric creatures with this Triassic Triops kit! Watch to see what they look like after one day. Buy Here ▷ http://luckypennyshop.com/tria......
Hatch your own prehistoric creatures with this Triassic Triops kit! Watch to see what they look like after one day. Buy Here ▷ http://luckypennyshop.com/tria...
wn.com/Triassic Triops Hatch Your Own Ancient Creatures Kit, By Toyops (Day 1)
Hatch your own prehistoric creatures with this Triassic Triops kit! Watch to see what they look like after one day. Buy Here ▷ http://luckypennyshop.com/tria...
Triassic Fark Da Los Wurl (Jurassic Park 2 Parody)
Remember when Jeff Goldblum ruled the Earth 65 million years ago?
Good times, Good times.
OneyNG Voiced the dude being mauled by Compies: http://www.youtube.co...
Remember when Jeff Goldblum ruled the Earth 65 million years ago?
Good times, Good times.
OneyNG Voiced the dude being mauled by Compies: http://www.youtube.com/user/OneyNG
Brock Baker did the other voices: http://www.youtube.com/user/McGoiter
Sound effects from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/browse/
wn.com/Triassic Fark Da Los Wurl (Jurassic Park 2 Parody)
Remember when Jeff Goldblum ruled the Earth 65 million years ago?
Good times, Good times.
OneyNG Voiced the dude being mauled by Compies: http://www.youtube.com/user/OneyNG
Brock Baker did the other voices: http://www.youtube.com/user/McGoiter
Sound effects from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/browse/
- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 37264
Triassic Triops Video 3 (Days 8-15) Times & Notes in Description
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 8-15: Day 8 - Jan 17, 2......
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 8-15: Day 8 - Jan 17, 2...
wn.com/Triassic Triops Video 3 (Days 8 15) Times Notes In Description
Get This Item From Lucky Penny Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/triassic-triops-ancient-creatures-kit/ Follow Along The Progress! Days 8-15: Day 8 - Jan 17, 2...
Triassic Terror - GameNight! Se2 Ep3
Start of Game: 22:00 End Game Discussion: 1:22:10 Tonight on GameNight! Nikki, Aaron, and Lincoln play Triassic Terror from designer Peter Hawes and publishe......
Start of Game: 22:00 End Game Discussion: 1:22:10 Tonight on GameNight! Nikki, Aaron, and Lincoln play Triassic Terror from designer Peter Hawes and publishe...
wn.com/Triassic Terror Gamenight Se2 Ep3
Start of Game: 22:00 End Game Discussion: 1:22:10 Tonight on GameNight! Nikki, Aaron, and Lincoln play Triassic Terror from designer Peter Hawes and publishe...
Triassic Attack Syfy Original trailer
Steven Brand, Kirsty Mitchell and Raoul Trujilo star in Triassic Attack on Syfy Saturday November 27th at 9....
Steven Brand, Kirsty Mitchell and Raoul Trujilo star in Triassic Attack on Syfy Saturday November 27th at 9.
wn.com/Triassic Attack Syfy Original Trailer
Steven Brand, Kirsty Mitchell and Raoul Trujilo star in Triassic Attack on Syfy Saturday November 27th at 9.
- published: 15 Nov 2010
- views: 144310
author: writpro
Triassic Park
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Kevin goes to Hawaii....
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Kevin goes to Hawaii.
wn.com/Triassic Park
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Kevin goes to Hawaii.
Triassic Terror Review - with Ryan Metzler
Ryan examines the Triassic Terror board game from Gryphon Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dic......
Ryan examines the Triassic Terror board game from Gryphon Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dic...
wn.com/Triassic Terror Review With Ryan Metzler
Ryan examines the Triassic Terror board game from Gryphon Games Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dic...
AWE - Triassic
Remember AWE's track Jurassic? If you don't, check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQ9IHkOuOA
AWE took the melody from Jurassic and put it in a comple...
Remember AWE's track Jurassic? If you don't, check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQ9IHkOuOA
AWE took the melody from Jurassic and put it in a complete new setting. Doesn't it just ginger up your instinct?
Check out AWE!
Buy AWE's "Griffin" on iTunes and get both "Griffin" and "Triassic!"
wn.com/Awe Triassic
Remember AWE's track Jurassic? If you don't, check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQ9IHkOuOA
AWE took the melody from Jurassic and put it in a complete new setting. Doesn't it just ginger up your instinct?
Check out AWE!
Buy AWE's "Griffin" on iTunes and get both "Griffin" and "Triassic!"
- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 19
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Triassic | Age of Dinosaur | Documentary Film HD
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Earth's 4 Prehistoric Era 3/4 | Nature Documentary Film (HD). Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[12] is an Oceanian ....
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Earth's 4 Prehistoric Era 3/4 | Nature Documentary Film (HD). Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[12] is an Oceanian .
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the .
Although the word dinosaur means terrible lizard, the name is somewhat misleading, as dinosaurs are not lizards. Instead, they represent a separate group of .
Predatory Monsters Dinosaurs is a documentary film series about life in the Paleozoic, bringing to life extinct arthropods, fish, amphibians and Reptiles.
wn.com/Monsters And Dinosaurs | Triassic | Age Of Dinosaur | Documentary Film Hd
Monsters and Dinosaurs | Earth's 4 Prehistoric Era 3/4 | Nature Documentary Film (HD). Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[12] is an Oceanian .
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the .
Although the word dinosaur means terrible lizard, the name is somewhat misleading, as dinosaurs are not lizards. Instead, they represent a separate group of .
Predatory Monsters Dinosaurs is a documentary film series about life in the Paleozoic, bringing to life extinct arthropods, fish, amphibians and Reptiles.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 1
Triops Tank Setup "Triassic Triops"
Hey, this is our tank set up for our triops. We are going to be doing a video diary on these so please stay tuned and see what happens! Please Like and Subsc......
Hey, this is our tank set up for our triops. We are going to be doing a video diary on these so please stay tuned and see what happens! Please Like and Subsc...
wn.com/Triops Tank Setup Triassic Triops
Hey, this is our tank set up for our triops. We are going to be doing a video diary on these so please stay tuned and see what happens! Please Like and Subsc...
- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 39880
author: LandOfHobby