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Hear that? It’s the dog whistling of election season

From the ABC:

Asylum seeker policy ‘an appeal to fear and racism’

A social justice advocacy group says it is concerned that both sides of politics are attacking asylum seekers in the lead-up to the federal election.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he wants a return to Howard-era policies including temporary protection visas and processing asylum seekers in other countries.

But the director of the advocacy group the Edmund Rice Centre, Phil Glendinning, says the proposals are “an appeal to fear and racism”.

“The situation on Nauru was not properly resourced, people did not have access to rights of appeal or to law, and it was in serious contravention of Australia’s obligations,” he said.

“It wasn’t about the UN, it was about Australia. Ultimately, people who come into our jurisdiction seeking asylum have done nothing illegal; their claims need to be assessed fairly and justly.”

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has defended the Coalition’s plan.

“It’s a problem we solved in government last time and its a problem we’ll be called on to solve in government again if we’re elected,” he said.

News brief · 28 May 2010

Maximum jail sentence for racially motivated cabbie attack

From The Age:

Three years’ jail for taxi driver attack
May 24, 2010 – 10:52AM

A man who viciously bashed a Melbourne taxi driver and admitted the attack may have been “racially inspired” because he hated Indians was today jailed for a maximum of three years.

Murat Kilinc, 22, had told a psychologist the core issue of his and his family’s culture of hatred towards Indians was their apparent lack of concern for others.

The victim, 23, a student and part-time taxi driver, suffered a fractured skull, nose and cheekbone in the attack at dawn on February 16, 2008.

Prosecutor Jim Bessell last week told the County Court witnesses heard screams, moans and cries and two people running before finding the driver surrounded by blood in his cab.

Psychologist Rachael Freeland had said a combination of Kilinc’s alcohol abuse, anger issues and underlying hatred of Indians might have “contributed” to the offence.

News brief · 24 May 2010