- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 441161
Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius, Gundicharius, or Guntharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) is the German name of a semi-legendary king of Burgundy of the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
In 406 the Alans, Vandals, the Suevi, and possibly the Burgundians crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul. In 411 AD, the Burgundian king Gundahar or Gundicar set up a puppet emperor, Jovinus, in cooperation with Goar, king of the Alans. With the authority of the Gallic emperor that he controlled, Gundahar settled on the left or western (i.e., Roman) bank of the Rhine, between the river Lauter and the Nahe, seizing Worms, Speyer, and Strasbourg. Apparently as part of a truce, the Emperor Honorius later officially "granted" them the land. Olympiodorus of Thebes also mentions a Guntiarios who was called "commander of the Burgundians" in the context of the 411 usurping of Germania Secunda by Jovinus. (Prosper, a. 386)
Günther Hermann Oettinger (born 15 October 1953) is a German politician and a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Oettinger was appointed European Commissioner for Energy in the European Commission on 10 February 2010 (since 1 July 2014 also Vice President of the Barroso II commission) and is affiliated with the European People's Party (EPP). He served as Minister-President of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg between 2005 and 2010 and chairman of the CDU Baden-Württemberg from 2005 until 2010.
Oettinger studied Law and Economics at the University of Tübingen. He worked in an accounting and tax consulting business, before being licensed in 1984 to practice law and worked in this sector until 1988.
Oettinger embarked in politics as a member of the Junge Union, the youth organisation of the CDU; he was chairman of the organization in Baden-Württemberg from 1983 to 1989. From 2001 to 2005 he served as Chairman of the CDU Party in Nordwürttemberg (North Württemberg), and has also been CDU Chairman of the Federal Committee for Media Politics. Oettinger was elected as a Member of the State Parliament (Landtag) of Baden-Württemberg in 1984. From 1991 to 2005 he was Leader of the CDU Parliamentary Group.
extra 3 - 02.11.2016 22:50 Uhr Autor/in: Jesko Friedrich und Dennis Kaupp Vom EU-Kommissar für Energie über Digitalwirtschaft zu Finanzplanung und Haushalt. Manche Politikerkarriere ist nicht zu erklären. Günther Oettingers gehört dazu. Wir versuchen es trotzdem.
The evening of October 26th has been full of surprises. I went to a dinner party which included a speech by Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society. I disagree with pretty much everything he said and published about digital topics, especially about the ancillary copyright (Leistungsschutzrecht) for press publishers. As a publisher I am convinced that this is the worst idea anyone who cares about publishing could have. Anyway, I wanted to hear what Oettinger had to say about the challenges of the digital revolution. You never know. First I was surprised about his ability to speak freely and be entertaining at the same time. But then his speech got an unexpected twist. Suddenly he spoke about "chiselers and chinky eyes" (Schlitzaugen - a snotty German word fo...
Viele sagen nun, Günther Oettinger hat sich für ein Amt in Europa disqualifiziert. Finden wir nicht. Für eine Disqualifizierung müsste er ja vorher mal qualifiziert gewesen sein. www.x3.de www.ndr.de www.daserste.de extra3.blog.ndr.de www.facebook.com/extra3 www.twitter.com/extra3 www.instagram.com/extra3
Manchmal hat man das Gefühl, dass in der Europäischen Union etwas schief läuft. Dass viele EU-Verordnungen das Chaos nur vergrößern. Mittlerweile gibt es in Brüssel aber einen Politiker, der alles im Griff hat. Sein Name ist Martin Sonneborn. Der Spitzenkandidat der Partei "Die Partei" ist ab sofort unser Mann vor Ort. Sein erster Auftrag für SPIEGEL TV: Die Enttarnung des Günther Ö. aus Baden-Württemberg. Wenn die Spaßpartei ernst macht.
Die berühmte Rede von Günther Öttinger. Ich glaube er spricht Englisch.
German European Commissioner Gunther Oettinger made racist remarks last week in a private dinner in Hamburg. He referred to Chinese businessmen visiting Brussels as slit eyes and sly dogs. Gunther hasn't denied allegations that he had made these comments and even defends his usage of these questionable terms. Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! FELICIA: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/coffeecashmere Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_coffeecashmere Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coffeeandcashmeretv Snapchat: fleee_bag MIA: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msmiaaa Snapchat: ms.miaa ALLEN: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrc275yYmYcj9x275_OtSIg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axiefilms Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Axiefilms/?fref=ts Snapchat: allenxiedp...
Der für Digitalwirtschaft zuständige deutsche EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger:http://de.euronews.com/2016/10/30/oettinger-saloppe-rede-oder-mit-trump-in-der-umkleide hat offiziell um Verzeihung für seine Rede gebeten, in der er unter anderem Chinesen als "Schlitzaugen" bezeichnet hatte. Er habe darüber nachgedacht und sehe ein, dass seine Worte negative Gefühle hervorgerufen und Menschen verletzt hätten, so Oettinger in einer Stellungnahme. Seine Äußerungen seien nicht so respektvoll gewesen, wie… LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2016/11/03/oettinger-bittet-um-entschuldigung euronews: der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsde euronews gibt es in 13 Sprachen: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwo...