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User Blog

TechSpy V2 Open Beta

8h ago ... Posted on behalf of Dusty, our Network Admin. == It’s been a while now since we last had a major update to the site, 5 years to be exact. We are finally ready to push the next site update and we are aiming for a launch mid December. Before that we need some help with breaking stuff so we are opening up beta versions of all 5 newsboiler sites today so that we can do some stress testing an...

Disturbing Trend On TechSpy

5d ago ... Hello guys, There's been a disturbing trend on TechSpy I'd wish we could all join hands to tackle and overcome. We are pretty aware that TechSpy depends on contributors to manage its pending section. It appears Speed-Racer has been busy reason being why most articles submitted get failed. I think if we could put in an effort to submit articles, we can equally put in a little extra-effo...

November Contest Details

26d ago ... Woah, woah! An on time blog contest? Looks like it! As some of you may have seen, there was no October contest, so we are going to be rolling the funds from then into this month. The winners of our September contest will also be detailed today via another Blog Post (even though they have been paid already). --MVP CONTEST-- We're looking for an all-rounder here. The winner will receive...

My Best and Worst in Tech: The Laptop Conundrum

57d ago ... As a consumer my relationship with the PC in this case the laptop, has been a mixed bag of sorts. I've always viewed the whole ownership of a laptop in the same light as having a dog. Some of us get a really great machine, it loves us and we in turn love it. Of course the unlucky ones get a computer that ignores you, humps your leg, and in the end you curse the day you ever let it step foot int...

Spiewie: My Best and Worst in Tech

58d ago ... Written by Spiewie as he is having technical difficulties submitting. ========== Waking up at 05:30 in the morning to catch a flight. What makes me get up ? A swift turn to my trusty Nexus 5 and a quick activation of my morning playlist, there I am out of bed all jolly ready for my journey. Stepping into the car with a dreadful 2 hour journey ahead packed and ready to go. What am I forgetti...

My Best and Worst in Tech: Programming

60d ago ... Whenever I consider my triumphs and failures involving technology one thing always comes to mind: Programming. From leaving the impression of a keyboard on my forehead to waking the neighbors at 2:30 in the morning upon a working solution, coding has emotionally put me through my paces. I feel that the sentiment must be felt amongst plenty others in the community. The capabilities of hardwar...

You won't read this blog

62d ago ... Let's talk. 1) Approvals - I'm not sure if I gave everyone the bad habit by thinking I should approve everything but it's really important that everyone approve posts from time to time or else stories will end up staying in the pending section and auto failing after some time. I do realize that competitiveness between websites is the number one problem for the lack of participation, but if n...

September Contest Details

82d ago ... Late again, I know :( This month I'm putting a lot of money in the contributors pot of gold, and including a quick blog contest to hear from you guys about your experience with tech! --TOP CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST-- Submit news and get a top 3 News ranking and you can win up to $150. The News Bonus score will be subtracted from the news score this month to determine final score, so that it is...

August Contest Winners

85d ago ... Hey guys and cuties, here are the winners of the August contest! --TOP CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST-- 1) Stringerbell - 28810 points 2) sonicwrecks - 24270 points 3) dota2champion - 12980 points --MOST VALUABLE COMMENT COMPETITION (w/100 point comment score minimum to qualify)-- 1) 1nsomniac -

What submissions do/don't perform well

104d ago ... I've always battled to figure out what type of content best fits TechSpy. The policy across NewsBoiler is that admins and mods should try their best not to step in and filter topics based on personal preferences, but here are some topics you should generally avoid. - Science - Unless it's directly related to tech, generally science topics may not do well because you know, it's not tech. Ther...

July Contest Winners

104d ago ... Oh my gawd, you guise must be so angry right now that this contest came in so late. Between TechSpy server woes and my Internet being buggy, I've finally been able to do this. I am glad most of you still tried your best even with our very shaky July month and being unable to properly submit or manage. Hat tips to that. --TOP CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST-- 1) Stringerbell- 27670 points 2)...

August Contest Details

113d ago ... Hey guys, as we go into a new month, let me give you a quick update on what’s going on. TechSpy and other NewsBoiler sites (mainly N4G) have been hit hard by two problems. First, we’ve migrated to the Microsoft cloud which means more efficient use of resources with flexibility for expansion and what not. However the move hasn’t gone so smoothly and things broke in the transition process, result...

July Contest Details

145d ago ... Hey guys and gals, here's the inside scoop for what's going down for the July contest. First off all, apologies for the late start as there have been so many issues with our move to the cloud. Our techs are working round the clock to restore service. This contest balances both managing and submissions activity, so if you aren't the greatest contributor, at least you can approve or deny and s...

June Contest Winners [Updated]

149d ago ... Congrats to everyone who worked hard for the month of June! Here are the winners. Please note due to a system error, I wasn't able to get the correct figures last night. The new winners have been listed. Without further ado... --TOP CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST (w/MINIMUM 2000 MANAGING SCORE)-- 1st) Stringerbell [43010 points] - $125 2nd) micx [36950 points] - $90 3rd) ZoyosJD [21650 point...

Plagiarism. It's a problem.

170d ago ... Hey guys and gals, it's time for another blog post. It's arguable that NewsBoiler has a somewhat odd method of dealing with sourcing as it is true that the little guys should get a shot. I do believe this should be resolved in the very near future but I can't discuss any more about that. The main issue I'd like to bring up is plagiarism. Defined as "the practice of taking someone else's wor...

May Contest Winners

180d ago ... Here it is, In all it's timely glory. The Winners of the (Late Announced) May Contest. These were the Users with the Top 5 overall score for the entire month. Great Job guys and be sure to Check out the June contest details to grab even more Summer prizes. ---TOP 5 OVERALL SCORE CONTEST--- 1st) $125 - Stringerbell [45990] 2nd) $75 - micx [35950] 3rd) $60 - ZoyosJD [16120] 4th) $50 -...

June Contest Details

180d ago ... Here for June it is back to the basics with Submissions, Managing and Commenting. The very heart that drives the site. Top prize for this month is $125. So redline that C-Rank and sift through pending with a fine tooth comb to grab some prizes this month. If churning the gears of the site isn't your thing get in and comment on the latest breaking news as well to grab some cash this month. Good...

April Contest Winners

191d ago ... Here are the Winners for the April Contest. --TOP CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST (w/MINIMUM 2000 MANAGING SCORE)-- 1. $125 Stringerbell 2. $90 dota2champion 3. $75 ZoyosJD General Lottery Winner: $10 Gift Card - Stringerbell --STORY COMMENT CONTEST-- 1. Sahil 2. ZoyosJD Congrats to all the winners, Please check out the May Contest to grab more prizes this month.

May Contest Details

199d ago ... Since there is being late...and then there is this. Which is like showing up to a party after everyone is passed out...Gonna reward the users who keep on keeping on without me bribing them. Top 5 Overall score nabs prizes this month. So if you are close, pick it up and grab some cash. ---TOP 5 OVERALL SCORE CONTEST--- 1st) $125 2nd) $75 3rd) $60 4th) $50 5th) $40 _____________...

We must approve, we must report

233d ago ... Hey guys! Huge shout outs first of all to our newer contributors who have been submitting excellent content around the clock and taking the time to also manage the pending section. Great work so far! Now here's the problem. The pending section requires managing, but not everyone who submits lends a hand in approving or reporting :( We all know that many of you promote your website via T...
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