(Doku) Die Insel - Westberlin zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall (1/2) [HD]
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR. Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wand
(Doku) Die Insel - Westberlin zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall (2/2) [HD]
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR.Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wande
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
Camel - West Berlin
1984 "Stationary Traveller"
Berlin in 1981 East & West Super 8
Berlin in 1981/early 1982. First part is West Berlin, second East. My grandparents used to live there before and during the war, and came back to visit their...
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s, including Berlin Wall
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s. Taken by my father with a super 8 camera. Includes Berlin Wall. Note how prosperous West Berlin is while there are...
East / West Berlin Contrasts, April 1990. (1)
Some primarily U-Bahn (underground railway / subway) related views filmed in Berlin in April 1990, which was after the wall had been opened but when the city...
West-Berlin 1975
West-Berlin 1975, aufgenommen mit Super 8 (8mm)
unter deutschen dächern - Im Turm - Hausbesetzer in Kreuzberg - Westberlin 1981
Squatting - Westberlin 1981.
Camel...West Berlin "Live"
Recorded in 1984 from the concert "Pressure Points" Live at Hammersmith Odeon. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rundflug über West-Berlin in den 70ern
Der Film "Berliner Stadtrundflug" zeigt die Stadt Berlin von oben und wurde in den späten 70ern gedreht. Aus einem Helikopter gefilmt und mit einem charmante...
Momentaufnahmen der S-Bahn in Berlin (West) der 1980er Jahre
Die Fotos und Videos aus den Jahren 1981 bis 1990 zeigen Eindrücke der S-Bahn im Westteil Berlins. Im Jahre 2009 wurde dieses Material digitalisiert und zu e...
A.I.D.S-WESTBERLIN KOKA RMX - AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001-2009 X - ALBUM - TRACK 09 (AGGROTV) Aus dem Album: AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001 -2009 (X-Version)....
Sido Best of Jetzt kaufen:
STANDARD VERSION: http://amzn.to/UeA5jX
West Berlin S-Bahn train trip beside Berlin Wall, 1989
West Berlin, Germany in 1989, shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain of communism. We first see Friedrichstrasse station, the rail interchange between W...
Westberlin AssAssin feat Rico - Eiskalt
Ich habe die genehmigung bekommen diese videos verwenden zu dürfen von den künstlern es ist alles abgesprochen...
Das ist eine videoauskloppung zum kommenden albun von westberlin assassin (mc bogy,trukanak,king amx) was am 5.7.2013 erscheinen wird vorbestellen könnt ihr es unter
hier findet ihr die folgenden künstler
trukanak facebook
SDP-Halloween in Westberlin
Westberlin Maskulin - Hoes Flows Moneytoes
Westberlin Maskulin - Hoes Flows Moneytoes ...
Lüül & Band: West-Berlin
Video von Dirk Trageser: Lüül & Band; Musik & Text: Lüül; CD "Wanderjahre" (M.I.G./SPV); Lüül: Gesang, Gitarre, Flügel, Kruisko: Akkordeon, Gesang; Kerstin Kaernbach: Geige, Gesang; Daniel Cordes: Kontrabass, Gesang; produziert von Andreas Albrecht und Lüül; aufgenommen in Schlenzer, Kultur im Raum und West-Berlin März 15; Tyfoo Musikverlag
Westberlin /// Trailer der Schaubühne Berlin
Ein Abend von und mit Rainald Grebe
Regie: Rainald Grebe
Video: Silke Briel
Die Insel im roten Meer, das Schaufenster des Westens, die letzte Bastion westlicher Werte, Auswanderungsziel der westdeutschen Jugend: Westberlin. Vom Kriegsende 1949 bis zum Mauerfall 1989 gab es diese Stadt, die nie mehr als 2,23 Millionen Einwohner*innen hatte und von der DDR umringt war. Um W
B-Lash - Westberlin ist mein Heim
(Doku) Die Insel - Westberlin zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall (1/2) [HD]
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen ...
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR. Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wandels war - des in Ost und West geteilten Berlin. Es war auch das Ende eines in der Geschichte einmaligen Sozialexperiments: Leben in einer in Friedenszeiten eingeschlossenen Stadt.
Die zweiteilige Dokumentation "Die Insel" von Stefan Aust und Claus Richter schildert die wichtigsten und spannendsten Ereignisse aus knapp drei Jahrzehnten West-Berlin. "Es war", so die Autoren Aust und Richter, "ein bisschen Disneyland, ein bisschen Horrorkabinett, ein bisschen Museum, ein bisschen Weltstadt, ein bisschen Gartenlaube und ein bisschen Truppenübungsplatz. Ein vielfältiger Anziehungspunkt für die schrägen Vögel dieser Welt."
Die Dokumentationen öffnen den Blick in ein Panoptikum. Es ist eine Reise durch die deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, die Berlin wie keine andere Stadt geprägt, erschüttert und zerrissen hat. Eine Kollage von persönlich Erlebtem, von kleinen und großen Geschichten, die sich verdichten zur Geschichte der Stadt.
Sie wird chronologisch erzählt: Teil eins der Dokumentation beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Zeitspanne zwischen Mauerbau und den großen Studentendemonstrationen und endet mit dem Tod des Studenten Benno Ohnesorg. Teil zwei behandelt die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Ende der 1960er Jahre und dem Fall der Mauer im November 1989. Als US-Präsident John F. Kennedy im Jahr 1963 vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus seinen historischen Satz sagte: "Ich bin ein Berliner!", da sprach er über eine Frontstadt, aber auch über ein Lebensgefühl. West-Berlin war mehr als eine eingemauerte Stadt. Es war ein Hort der Freiheit, ein Ort des trotzigen Widerstands. Unter den besonderen Lebensbedingungen dieser "Insel" entstand ein eigenes kulturelles und geistiges Klima, das Künstler und Abenteurer aus der ganzen Welt anzog.
All das geschah vor einer besonderen politischen Kulisse: Berlin war ein kleiner Provinzstaat auf der großen Weltbühne des Kalten Krieges. Es war eine besetzte Stadt. Offiziell waren die obersten Entscheidungsträger bis zur Wiedervereinigung die Stadtkommandanten der Alliierten. Berlin war in Ost und West auch das Mekka der Spione: Hier wurden Agenten eingeschleust und ausgetauscht, hier kamen die Geheimdienstler aus aller Welt zu konspirativen Treffs zusammen, um auf gegnerisches Terrain vorzudringen, oder um selbst Weltpolitik zu machen.
Eine Insel - vom westdeutschen Festland aus nur per Flugzeug oder über streng kontrollierte Transitverbindungen zu erreichen. Berlin war um Haaresbreite der Ausgangspunkt für den dritten Weltkrieg, aber es war auch eine Stadt des Aufbruchs, der Studentenbewegung, der Ideen und der Revolte. Es war die Stadt von Hildegard Knef, Harald Juhnke und Romy Haag, aber auch der radikalen Studenten Rudi Dutschke, Rainer Langhans, Fritz Teufel und Uschi Obermaier. In den 1970er Jahren wurde das Berliner Milieu zur Keimzelle des Terrorismus.
wn.com/(Doku) Die Insel Westberlin Zwischen Mauerbau Und Mauerfall (1 2) Hd
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR. Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wandels war - des in Ost und West geteilten Berlin. Es war auch das Ende eines in der Geschichte einmaligen Sozialexperiments: Leben in einer in Friedenszeiten eingeschlossenen Stadt.
Die zweiteilige Dokumentation "Die Insel" von Stefan Aust und Claus Richter schildert die wichtigsten und spannendsten Ereignisse aus knapp drei Jahrzehnten West-Berlin. "Es war", so die Autoren Aust und Richter, "ein bisschen Disneyland, ein bisschen Horrorkabinett, ein bisschen Museum, ein bisschen Weltstadt, ein bisschen Gartenlaube und ein bisschen Truppenübungsplatz. Ein vielfältiger Anziehungspunkt für die schrägen Vögel dieser Welt."
Die Dokumentationen öffnen den Blick in ein Panoptikum. Es ist eine Reise durch die deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, die Berlin wie keine andere Stadt geprägt, erschüttert und zerrissen hat. Eine Kollage von persönlich Erlebtem, von kleinen und großen Geschichten, die sich verdichten zur Geschichte der Stadt.
Sie wird chronologisch erzählt: Teil eins der Dokumentation beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Zeitspanne zwischen Mauerbau und den großen Studentendemonstrationen und endet mit dem Tod des Studenten Benno Ohnesorg. Teil zwei behandelt die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Ende der 1960er Jahre und dem Fall der Mauer im November 1989. Als US-Präsident John F. Kennedy im Jahr 1963 vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus seinen historischen Satz sagte: "Ich bin ein Berliner!", da sprach er über eine Frontstadt, aber auch über ein Lebensgefühl. West-Berlin war mehr als eine eingemauerte Stadt. Es war ein Hort der Freiheit, ein Ort des trotzigen Widerstands. Unter den besonderen Lebensbedingungen dieser "Insel" entstand ein eigenes kulturelles und geistiges Klima, das Künstler und Abenteurer aus der ganzen Welt anzog.
All das geschah vor einer besonderen politischen Kulisse: Berlin war ein kleiner Provinzstaat auf der großen Weltbühne des Kalten Krieges. Es war eine besetzte Stadt. Offiziell waren die obersten Entscheidungsträger bis zur Wiedervereinigung die Stadtkommandanten der Alliierten. Berlin war in Ost und West auch das Mekka der Spione: Hier wurden Agenten eingeschleust und ausgetauscht, hier kamen die Geheimdienstler aus aller Welt zu konspirativen Treffs zusammen, um auf gegnerisches Terrain vorzudringen, oder um selbst Weltpolitik zu machen.
Eine Insel - vom westdeutschen Festland aus nur per Flugzeug oder über streng kontrollierte Transitverbindungen zu erreichen. Berlin war um Haaresbreite der Ausgangspunkt für den dritten Weltkrieg, aber es war auch eine Stadt des Aufbruchs, der Studentenbewegung, der Ideen und der Revolte. Es war die Stadt von Hildegard Knef, Harald Juhnke und Romy Haag, aber auch der radikalen Studenten Rudi Dutschke, Rainer Langhans, Fritz Teufel und Uschi Obermaier. In den 1970er Jahren wurde das Berliner Milieu zur Keimzelle des Terrorismus.
- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 12
(Doku) Die Insel - Westberlin zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall (2/2) [HD]
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen ...
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR.Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wandels war - des in Ost und West geteilten Berlin. Es war auch das Ende eines in der Geschichte einmaligen Sozialexperiments: Leben in einer in Friedenszeiten eingeschlossenen Stadt.
Die zweiteilige Dokumentation "Die Insel" von Stefan Aust und Claus Richter schildert die wichtigsten und spannendsten Ereignisse aus knapp drei Jahrzehnten West-Berlin. "Es war", so die Autoren Aust und Richter, "ein bisschen Disneyland, ein bisschen Horrorkabinett, ein bisschen Museum, ein bisschen Weltstadt, ein bisschen Gartenlaube und ein bisschen Truppenübungsplatz. Ein vielfältiger Anziehungspunkt für die schrägen Vögel dieser Welt."
Die Dokumentationen öffnen den Blick in ein Panoptikum. Es ist eine Reise durch die deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, die Berlin wie keine andere Stadt geprägt, erschüttert und zerrissen hat. Eine Kollage von persönlich Erlebtem, von kleinen und großen Geschichten, die sich verdichten zur Geschichte der Stadt.
Sie wird chronologisch erzählt: Teil eins der Dokumentation beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Zeitspanne zwischen Mauerbau und den großen Studentendemonstrationen und endet mit dem Tod des Studenten Benno Ohnesorg. Teil zwei behandelt die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Ende der 1960er Jahre und dem Fall der Mauer im November 1989. Als US-Präsident John F. Kennedy im Jahr 1963 vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus seinen historischen Satz sagte: "Ich bin ein Berliner!", da sprach er über eine Frontstadt, aber auch über ein Lebensgefühl. West-Berlin war mehr als eine eingemauerte Stadt. Es war ein Hort der Freiheit, ein Ort des trotzigen Widerstands. Unter den besonderen Lebensbedingungen dieser "Insel" entstand ein eigenes kulturelles und geistiges Klima, das Künstler und Abenteurer aus der ganzen Welt anzog.
All das geschah vor einer besonderen politischen Kulisse: Berlin war ein kleiner Provinzstaat auf der großen Weltbühne des Kalten Krieges. Es war eine besetzte Stadt. Offiziell waren die obersten Entscheidungsträger bis zur Wiedervereinigung die Stadtkommandanten der Alliierten. Berlin war in Ost und West auch das Mekka der Spione: Hier wurden Agenten eingeschleust und ausgetauscht, hier kamen die Geheimdienstler aus aller Welt zu konspirativen Treffs zusammen, um auf gegnerisches Terrain vorzudringen, oder um selbst Weltpolitik zu machen.
Eine Insel - vom westdeutschen Festland aus nur per Flugzeug oder über streng kontrollierte Transitverbindungen zu erreichen. Berlin war um Haaresbreite der Ausgangspunkt für den dritten Weltkrieg, aber es war auch eine Stadt des Aufbruchs, der Studentenbewegung, der Ideen und der Revolte. Es war die Stadt von Hildegard Knef, Harald Juhnke und Romy Haag, aber auch der radikalen Studenten Rudi Dutschke, Rainer Langhans, Fritz Teufel und Uschi Obermaier. In den 1970er Jahren wurde das Berliner Milieu zur Keimzelle des Terrorismus.
West-Berlin, das war die Stadt ohne Sperrstunde. Es war die Stadt eines Rolf Eden, des ewigen Playboys. Kultur und Subkultur konkurrierten, ergänzten und beharkten sich in West-Berlin. Aber dank reichlicher Unterstützung aus dem fernen Westdeutschland konnte der Senat es sich leisten, beide zu fördern. Das hoch subventionierte "Schaufenster des Westens" war auch die Heimat großer Skandale, des politischen Filzes. Ebenso war die Stadt ein Magnet für Wirrköpfe und selbsternannte Revoluzzer, die sich hier dem Wehrdienst ungestraft entziehen und den Aufstand als Hausbesetzer oder Autonome in der "Kreuzberger Republik" proben konnten.
wn.com/(Doku) Die Insel Westberlin Zwischen Mauerbau Und Mauerfall (2 2) Hd
Als am 9. November 1989 vor dem Brandenburger Tor tausende Menschen aus Ost und West auf der Mauer tanzten, als Ost-Berliner in Sektlaune in den Westen strömen und den Kurfürstendamm eroberten, wurde schnell klar: Dies war das Ende der DDR.Doch es war auch das Ende einer Stadt, die wie keine andere das Symbol der deutschen Teilung, des Kalten Krieges, des Aufbruchs und des gesellschaftlichen Wandels war - des in Ost und West geteilten Berlin. Es war auch das Ende eines in der Geschichte einmaligen Sozialexperiments: Leben in einer in Friedenszeiten eingeschlossenen Stadt.
Die zweiteilige Dokumentation "Die Insel" von Stefan Aust und Claus Richter schildert die wichtigsten und spannendsten Ereignisse aus knapp drei Jahrzehnten West-Berlin. "Es war", so die Autoren Aust und Richter, "ein bisschen Disneyland, ein bisschen Horrorkabinett, ein bisschen Museum, ein bisschen Weltstadt, ein bisschen Gartenlaube und ein bisschen Truppenübungsplatz. Ein vielfältiger Anziehungspunkt für die schrägen Vögel dieser Welt."
Die Dokumentationen öffnen den Blick in ein Panoptikum. Es ist eine Reise durch die deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, die Berlin wie keine andere Stadt geprägt, erschüttert und zerrissen hat. Eine Kollage von persönlich Erlebtem, von kleinen und großen Geschichten, die sich verdichten zur Geschichte der Stadt.
Sie wird chronologisch erzählt: Teil eins der Dokumentation beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Zeitspanne zwischen Mauerbau und den großen Studentendemonstrationen und endet mit dem Tod des Studenten Benno Ohnesorg. Teil zwei behandelt die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Ende der 1960er Jahre und dem Fall der Mauer im November 1989. Als US-Präsident John F. Kennedy im Jahr 1963 vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus seinen historischen Satz sagte: "Ich bin ein Berliner!", da sprach er über eine Frontstadt, aber auch über ein Lebensgefühl. West-Berlin war mehr als eine eingemauerte Stadt. Es war ein Hort der Freiheit, ein Ort des trotzigen Widerstands. Unter den besonderen Lebensbedingungen dieser "Insel" entstand ein eigenes kulturelles und geistiges Klima, das Künstler und Abenteurer aus der ganzen Welt anzog.
All das geschah vor einer besonderen politischen Kulisse: Berlin war ein kleiner Provinzstaat auf der großen Weltbühne des Kalten Krieges. Es war eine besetzte Stadt. Offiziell waren die obersten Entscheidungsträger bis zur Wiedervereinigung die Stadtkommandanten der Alliierten. Berlin war in Ost und West auch das Mekka der Spione: Hier wurden Agenten eingeschleust und ausgetauscht, hier kamen die Geheimdienstler aus aller Welt zu konspirativen Treffs zusammen, um auf gegnerisches Terrain vorzudringen, oder um selbst Weltpolitik zu machen.
Eine Insel - vom westdeutschen Festland aus nur per Flugzeug oder über streng kontrollierte Transitverbindungen zu erreichen. Berlin war um Haaresbreite der Ausgangspunkt für den dritten Weltkrieg, aber es war auch eine Stadt des Aufbruchs, der Studentenbewegung, der Ideen und der Revolte. Es war die Stadt von Hildegard Knef, Harald Juhnke und Romy Haag, aber auch der radikalen Studenten Rudi Dutschke, Rainer Langhans, Fritz Teufel und Uschi Obermaier. In den 1970er Jahren wurde das Berliner Milieu zur Keimzelle des Terrorismus.
West-Berlin, das war die Stadt ohne Sperrstunde. Es war die Stadt eines Rolf Eden, des ewigen Playboys. Kultur und Subkultur konkurrierten, ergänzten und beharkten sich in West-Berlin. Aber dank reichlicher Unterstützung aus dem fernen Westdeutschland konnte der Senat es sich leisten, beide zu fördern. Das hoch subventionierte "Schaufenster des Westens" war auch die Heimat großer Skandale, des politischen Filzes. Ebenso war die Stadt ein Magnet für Wirrköpfe und selbsternannte Revoluzzer, die sich hier dem Wehrdienst ungestraft entziehen und den Aufstand als Hausbesetzer oder Autonome in der "Kreuzberger Republik" proben konnten.
- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 11
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL......
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
wn.com/Royal Ts (Sido B Tight) Westberlin (Official Hd Version Aggro Berlin)
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
- published: 22 Jul 2010
- views: 744716
author: AGGRO.TV
Camel - West Berlin
1984 "Stationary Traveller"...
1984 "Stationary Traveller"
wn.com/Camel West Berlin
1984 "Stationary Traveller"
Berlin in 1981 East & West Super 8
Berlin in 1981/early 1982. First part is West Berlin, second East. My grandparents used to live there before and during the war, and came back to visit their......
Berlin in 1981/early 1982. First part is West Berlin, second East. My grandparents used to live there before and during the war, and came back to visit their...
wn.com/Berlin In 1981 East West Super 8
Berlin in 1981/early 1982. First part is West Berlin, second East. My grandparents used to live there before and during the war, and came back to visit their...
- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 2219
author: gerritbot
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL......
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
wn.com/Royal Ts (Sido B Tight) Westberlin Alles Ist Die Sekte Album Track 17
AVA - gratis Online Ego-Shooter! Jetzt KOSTENLOS metzeln: http://bit.ly/1gZB6H7 *********************************************************************** ROYAL...
- published: 16 Jul 2010
- views: 68702
author: AGGRO.TV
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s, including Berlin Wall
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s. Taken by my father with a super 8 camera. Includes Berlin Wall. Note how prosperous West Berlin is while there are......
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s. Taken by my father with a super 8 camera. Includes Berlin Wall. Note how prosperous West Berlin is while there are...
wn.com/Tour Of East And West Berlin In The 1960S, Including Berlin Wall
Tour of East and West Berlin in the 1960s. Taken by my father with a super 8 camera. Includes Berlin Wall. Note how prosperous West Berlin is while there are...
East / West Berlin Contrasts, April 1990. (1)
Some primarily U-Bahn (underground railway / subway) related views filmed in Berlin in April 1990, which was after the wall had been opened but when the city......
Some primarily U-Bahn (underground railway / subway) related views filmed in Berlin in April 1990, which was after the wall had been opened but when the city...
wn.com/East West Berlin Contrasts, April 1990. (1)
Some primarily U-Bahn (underground railway / subway) related views filmed in Berlin in April 1990, which was after the wall had been opened but when the city...
West-Berlin 1975
West-Berlin 1975, aufgenommen mit Super 8 (8mm)...
West-Berlin 1975, aufgenommen mit Super 8 (8mm)
wn.com/West Berlin 1975
West-Berlin 1975, aufgenommen mit Super 8 (8mm)
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 10730
author: xiaomameda
Camel...West Berlin "Live"
Recorded in 1984 from the concert "Pressure Points" Live at Hammersmith Odeon. No copyright infringement is intended....
Recorded in 1984 from the concert "Pressure Points" Live at Hammersmith Odeon. No copyright infringement is intended.
wn.com/Camel...West Berlin Live
Recorded in 1984 from the concert "Pressure Points" Live at Hammersmith Odeon. No copyright infringement is intended.
- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 1407
author: Tony Mort
Rundflug über West-Berlin in den 70ern
Der Film "Berliner Stadtrundflug" zeigt die Stadt Berlin von oben und wurde in den späten 70ern gedreht. Aus einem Helikopter gefilmt und mit einem charmante......
Der Film "Berliner Stadtrundflug" zeigt die Stadt Berlin von oben und wurde in den späten 70ern gedreht. Aus einem Helikopter gefilmt und mit einem charmante...
wn.com/Rundflug Über West Berlin In Den 70Ern
Der Film "Berliner Stadtrundflug" zeigt die Stadt Berlin von oben und wurde in den späten 70ern gedreht. Aus einem Helikopter gefilmt und mit einem charmante...
Momentaufnahmen der S-Bahn in Berlin (West) der 1980er Jahre
Die Fotos und Videos aus den Jahren 1981 bis 1990 zeigen Eindrücke der S-Bahn im Westteil Berlins. Im Jahre 2009 wurde dieses Material digitalisiert und zu e......
Die Fotos und Videos aus den Jahren 1981 bis 1990 zeigen Eindrücke der S-Bahn im Westteil Berlins. Im Jahre 2009 wurde dieses Material digitalisiert und zu e...
wn.com/Momentaufnahmen Der S Bahn In Berlin (West) Der 1980Er Jahre
Die Fotos und Videos aus den Jahren 1981 bis 1990 zeigen Eindrücke der S-Bahn im Westteil Berlins. Im Jahre 2009 wurde dieses Material digitalisiert und zu e...
A.I.D.S-WESTBERLIN KOKA RMX - AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001-2009 X - ALBUM - TRACK 09 (AGGROTV) Aus dem Album: AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001 -2009 (X-Version).......
A.I.D.S-WESTBERLIN KOKA RMX - AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001-2009 X - ALBUM - TRACK 09 (AGGROTV) Aus dem Album: AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001 -2009 (X-Version)....
wn.com/A.I.D.S Westberlin Koka Rmx Aggro Berlin Label Nr.1 2001 2009 X Album Track 09
A.I.D.S-WESTBERLIN KOKA RMX - AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001-2009 X - ALBUM - TRACK 09 (AGGROTV) Aus dem Album: AGGRO BERLIN LABEL NR.1 2001 -2009 (X-Version)....
- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 2156
author: aggroTV
Sido Best of Jetzt kaufen:
STANDARD VERSION: http://amzn.to/UeA5jX
LIMITED VERSION: http://amzn.to/UeAkvq
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/beste-special-version/id580814746
Exklusiv auf AGGRO.TV
wn.com/Royal Ts (Sido B Tight) Westberlin Aggrotv Lyrics (Official Version Aggrotv)
Sido Best of Jetzt kaufen:
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LIMITED VERSION: http://amzn.to/UeAkvq
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Exklusiv auf AGGRO.TV
- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 10220
West Berlin S-Bahn train trip beside Berlin Wall, 1989
West Berlin, Germany in 1989, shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain of communism. We first see Friedrichstrasse station, the rail interchange between W......
West Berlin, Germany in 1989, shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain of communism. We first see Friedrichstrasse station, the rail interchange between W...
wn.com/West Berlin S Bahn Train Trip Beside Berlin Wall, 1989
West Berlin, Germany in 1989, shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain of communism. We first see Friedrichstrasse station, the rail interchange between W...
- published: 23 Feb 2011
- views: 32868
author: Yolticat
Westberlin AssAssin feat Rico - Eiskalt
Ich habe die genehmigung bekommen diese videos verwenden zu dürfen von den künstlern es ist alles abgesprochen...
Das ist eine videoauskloppung zum kommenden a...
Ich habe die genehmigung bekommen diese videos verwenden zu dürfen von den künstlern es ist alles abgesprochen...
Das ist eine videoauskloppung zum kommenden albun von westberlin assassin (mc bogy,trukanak,king amx) was am 5.7.2013 erscheinen wird vorbestellen könnt ihr es unter
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wn.com/Westberlin Assassin Feat Rico Eiskalt
Ich habe die genehmigung bekommen diese videos verwenden zu dürfen von den künstlern es ist alles abgesprochen...
Das ist eine videoauskloppung zum kommenden albun von westberlin assassin (mc bogy,trukanak,king amx) was am 5.7.2013 erscheinen wird vorbestellen könnt ihr es unter
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- published: 07 Jun 2013
- views: 68
wn.com/A.I.D.S. Westberlin Koka Remix Aggro Ansage Nr. 2X Album Track 03
- published: 08 Jul 2010
- views: 27668
author: AGGRO.TV
Lüül & Band: West-Berlin
Video von Dirk Trageser: Lüül & Band; Musik & Text: Lüül; CD "Wanderjahre" (M.I.G./SPV); Lüül: Gesang, Gitarre, Flügel, Kruisko: Akkordeon, Gesang; Kerstin Kaer...
Video von Dirk Trageser: Lüül & Band; Musik & Text: Lüül; CD "Wanderjahre" (M.I.G./SPV); Lüül: Gesang, Gitarre, Flügel, Kruisko: Akkordeon, Gesang; Kerstin Kaernbach: Geige, Gesang; Daniel Cordes: Kontrabass, Gesang; produziert von Andreas Albrecht und Lüül; aufgenommen in Schlenzer, Kultur im Raum und West-Berlin März 15; Tyfoo Musikverlag
wn.com/Lüül Band West Berlin
Video von Dirk Trageser: Lüül & Band; Musik & Text: Lüül; CD "Wanderjahre" (M.I.G./SPV); Lüül: Gesang, Gitarre, Flügel, Kruisko: Akkordeon, Gesang; Kerstin Kaernbach: Geige, Gesang; Daniel Cordes: Kontrabass, Gesang; produziert von Andreas Albrecht und Lüül; aufgenommen in Schlenzer, Kultur im Raum und West-Berlin März 15; Tyfoo Musikverlag
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 203
Westberlin /// Trailer der Schaubühne Berlin
Ein Abend von und mit Rainald Grebe
Regie: Rainald Grebe
Video: Silke Briel
Die Insel im roten Meer, das Schaufenster des Westens, die...
Ein Abend von und mit Rainald Grebe
Regie: Rainald Grebe
Video: Silke Briel
Die Insel im roten Meer, das Schaufenster des Westens, die letzte Bastion westlicher Werte, Auswanderungsziel der westdeutschen Jugend: Westberlin. Vom Kriegsende 1949 bis zum Mauerfall 1989 gab es diese Stadt, die nie mehr als 2,23 Millionen Einwohner*innen hatte und von der DDR umringt war. Um Westberlin zu unterstützen, erhielten Unternehmen von der Bundesrepublik massive Investitionszuschüsse, Arbeiter bekamen einen achtprozentigen Lohnaufschlag, die Berlinzulage, und Ehepaare und Zuzügler konnten auf ein zinsloses Familiengründungsdarlehen in Höhe von 3000 DM zurückgreifen. Da die Einwohner von der Wehrpflicht befreit waren, füllte sich die Stadt mit Bundeswehrflüchtlingen und bewegten Linken sowie Studierende, die sich in den sechziger Jahren an der FU formierten und revoltierten. Benno Ohnesorg wurde erschossen, Rudi Dutschke angeschossen, und später wurden die RAF und die Bewegung 2. Juni aktiv. Die Kommune 1 wurde gegründet, Häuser wurden besetzt, die Mieten waren billig, man traf sich im Altbauhof oder zum Grillen auf dem Dach. Es gab unzählige alternative Radiosender, von Frauen betriebene Schlossereien und Kneipen ohne Sperrstunde, in denen man billiges Bier trinken konnte. Aber es gab auch Glamour und Luxus: Die Berlinale wurde gegründet, Stars und Sternchen zeigten sich auf dem roten Teppich, man shoppte im KaDeWe, trank nächtelang Champagner und aß Kaviar. Was ist von Westberlin, 26 Jahre nachdem es aufgehört hat zu existieren, geblieben? In seiner ersten Arbeit an der Schaubühne begibt sich Rainald Grebe auf eine Recherchereise in ein verlorenes Paradies.
wn.com/Westberlin Trailer Der Schaubühne Berlin
Ein Abend von und mit Rainald Grebe
Regie: Rainald Grebe
Video: Silke Briel
Die Insel im roten Meer, das Schaufenster des Westens, die letzte Bastion westlicher Werte, Auswanderungsziel der westdeutschen Jugend: Westberlin. Vom Kriegsende 1949 bis zum Mauerfall 1989 gab es diese Stadt, die nie mehr als 2,23 Millionen Einwohner*innen hatte und von der DDR umringt war. Um Westberlin zu unterstützen, erhielten Unternehmen von der Bundesrepublik massive Investitionszuschüsse, Arbeiter bekamen einen achtprozentigen Lohnaufschlag, die Berlinzulage, und Ehepaare und Zuzügler konnten auf ein zinsloses Familiengründungsdarlehen in Höhe von 3000 DM zurückgreifen. Da die Einwohner von der Wehrpflicht befreit waren, füllte sich die Stadt mit Bundeswehrflüchtlingen und bewegten Linken sowie Studierende, die sich in den sechziger Jahren an der FU formierten und revoltierten. Benno Ohnesorg wurde erschossen, Rudi Dutschke angeschossen, und später wurden die RAF und die Bewegung 2. Juni aktiv. Die Kommune 1 wurde gegründet, Häuser wurden besetzt, die Mieten waren billig, man traf sich im Altbauhof oder zum Grillen auf dem Dach. Es gab unzählige alternative Radiosender, von Frauen betriebene Schlossereien und Kneipen ohne Sperrstunde, in denen man billiges Bier trinken konnte. Aber es gab auch Glamour und Luxus: Die Berlinale wurde gegründet, Stars und Sternchen zeigten sich auf dem roten Teppich, man shoppte im KaDeWe, trank nächtelang Champagner und aß Kaviar. Was ist von Westberlin, 26 Jahre nachdem es aufgehört hat zu existieren, geblieben? In seiner ersten Arbeit an der Schaubühne begibt sich Rainald Grebe auf eine Recherchereise in ein verlorenes Paradies.
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 248
25 THINGS TO DO IN BERLIN | Europe Travel Guide
We had heard Berlin was a city bursting with art and music and we were very excited to spend some time there. Here is our list of our favorite activities to do in the city.
The following are the best 25 things to do in Berlin, Germany presented in our latest city top attractions travel guide:
1) Visit Berlin Wall - The East Side Ga
Berlin Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
The first documentation of Berlin appears in the 13th century, and it has a long history of importance—it’s been the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg and the Kingdom of Prussia, among others. The lengthy history encompassing the city often manifests in its eclectic collection of architecture, which you should certainly include on your Berli
Berlin Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Berlin in Germany.
Berlin is Germany's modern capital city, a fascinating European metropolis with a dramatic history in which contemporary architecture merges with the imposing character of a centuries-old city.
The Nokolai Quarter was built by the DDR government as a sort of old town, a European Disneyland for the city's 750th anniversary, a popular area with 'new
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany travel channel full episodes
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Berlin City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Learn more about Berlin: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/germany/berlin
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 26.09.2010
In Berlin the past is always present, and the present is on the fast-track to the future.
The German capital is a confident, sassy and irreverent city that buzzes with giddying energy and a zest for experimentation. Over the past decade, it's become a pillar of the fashion, art, design and music worlds, not just
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
Here are the top 10 attractions of Berlin:
Number 10 - Is the Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin's largest royal summer palace. Constructed in the late 17th century. this large, ornate landmark houses a 200-year-old mausoleum that served as a royal burial ground.
Number 9 - The Berlin Cathedral. Centurie
Berlin Germany travel guide site seeing city visit
Site seeing city Berlin with airport Tegel, Hauptbahnhof Europe's largest railway station, Checkpoint Charlie
old crossing East to West Berlin, former headquarters Gestapo and SS, underground bunker, Alexanderplatz in central Mitte, Gold To Go, Gold vending machine, Fernsehturm tallest structure Germany, Kurfürstendamm shopping avenue, KaDeWe 2th largest store Europe, zoo home of Knut the polar
Berlin in Germany travel: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe
Europe Video Productions travel film: Berlin in Germany: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe. Berlin Tourismus - Deutschland: Charlottenburg Palace, Fernsehturm Berlin, Reichstag building, Berlin Cathedral, Alte Nationalgalerie, Potsdamer Platz and Brandenburg Gate. MORE Europe videos in : http://europevideoproductions.com/
Berlin Travel Guide: Ping Pong Berlin Style - A People Shaped Travel Video by Expedia.co.uk
Experience Ping-Pong, Berlin style. 'In this Berlin guide you can discover the city through table tennis,' says Oliver Miller, 38, ping pong addict and owner of Dr Pong, a late night bar with its own table and a dedicated following of table tennis acolytes. 'Every single neighbourhood has its own facilities - it's where you see the real locals. It costs so little to get involved. Everyone has a so
Victory Column, Berlin - Germany Travel Guide
Take a tour of Berlin Victory Column in Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
On the grounds of Berlin, stands tall a monument of historical significance for the German nation.
This monument was erected to memorialize the triumph of victorious Prussia over Denmark in 1864.
The original design did not have the sculpture of Victoria, made of bro
Berlin Travel Guide - My Destination Berlin
Visit http://mydestination.com/berlin for inspirational images, videos, reviews, and travel articles as well as all the best information on where to stay, eat, drink and party in Germany's capital. Written exclusively by local experts, My Destination Berlin is the most accurate and up to date guide to all things Berlin.
Berlin is an amazing, multifaceted city with rich offerings for visitors o
Berlin, Germany Goth travel guide! Gothic Punk shops, parties, horror bar, nightlife, DJ SiSEN
Travel blogger & TV host La Carmina - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - explores the Goth scene in Berlin, Germany thanks to apartment rental company Go With Oh (http://www.gowithoh.com)
Watch as she visits a fetish party, Last Cathedral horror bar, deathrock goth punk clothing stores (Mystica, XtraX) and alternative art events (Berlin Biennale). Includes footage of a Japanese party with DJ SiSEN
Art District, Berlin - Germany Travel Guide
Catch the pulse of Berlin's art scene in galleries, streets...everywhere.
Berlin is a magnet for artists fromall over the world. There literally is enough room for experimentation and innovation and the rents for it are quite cheap. The district around the Auguststrafze is lined with galleries. The city is packed with museums, but you could even declare a Berlin wall to your own canvass or the
Berlin Travel Guide- Architecture
Travel video on Berlin's Architecture of Business and Government
Berlin travel guide
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide. Посетите столицу Германии - Берлин, самый крупный и самый населённый город Германии. После Лондона Берлин - второй по населению и пятый по площади город Евросоюза. Билеты на самолет http://inetkassa.ru
Berlin Travel Guide mal anders (TOP 15 Sehenswürdigkeiten) - Sightseeing mit Suzuki Bandit 1250
Berlin Sightseeing für faule. Mit dem Motorrad zu den 15 bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Feiyu Tech G3 Gimbal handheld Stabilizer wasauchimmer Ding bringts.
Bike: Suzuki Bandit 1250
Cam: Gopro Hero 3+ Black Edition
Mounts: Chesty, Feiyu Tech G3 Ultra Gimbal
Musik: Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting on You)
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Germany was a country we fell in love with. Having spent a lot of time in SE Asia, we felt the need for a change of pace and Germany was just that. From urban hubs like Berlin to hidden gems like Freiburg, Germany offers a lot for those willing to explore and dig a little deeper.
We start off our top attractions travel guide to Germany by
Berlin's Top 5 Gay Locations
Charmaine from My Destination Berlin chats with Adam Groffman (Travels of Adam & My Gay Travel Guide) to get the low down on Berlin's gay scene. Visit http://www.mydestination.com/berlin for more or check out Adam's blog at http://www.travelsofadam.com or http://www.mygaytravelguide.com.
Berlin has long been considered one of the top destinations of the world for Gay travellers. It is a city wh
Berlin travel guide part 1 - My perfect weekend.
Join us as we explore the great city of Berlin. What to do, eat, see and where to drink in the German capital is all covered with our quick and easy guide to the perfect weekend in Berlin. LateRooms.com, For your every need.
http://www.travelguide.tv/berlin - Berlin Germany travel guide with useful information to plan your vacation.
You can watch 9 other videos on tours, attractions, museums, nightlife, shopping, transport, hotels, restaurants etc at http://www.TravelGuide.TV/Berlin.
We also have travel guide videos for 60 other city destinations around the world - TravelGuide.TV
Berlin Travel Guide: Szene Viertel - Sehenswertes, Shopping, Food
Ich war für 48 Stunden in Berlin und zeige euch fernab der typischen touristischen Attraktionen mal ein ganz anders Berlin - das wahre Berlin mit seinen Szenevierteln. Von Friedrichshain und Kreuzgberg hin zu Berlin Mitte und Prenzlauer Berg.
Den passenden Reisebericht mit vielen Insider Tipps gibts auf www.babbleventure.com
Link zum Beitrag: http://wp.me/p3KGbV-CA
25 THINGS TO DO IN BERLIN | Europe Travel Guide
We had heard Berlin was a city bursting with art and music and we were very excited to spend some time there. Here is our list of our favorite activities to do ...
We had heard Berlin was a city bursting with art and music and we were very excited to spend some time there. Here is our list of our favorite activities to do in the city.
The following are the best 25 things to do in Berlin, Germany presented in our latest city top attractions travel guide:
1) Visit Berlin Wall - The East Side Gallery
2) Brandenburg Gate
3) Tiergarten
4) MauerPark Flohmarkt (MauerPark Flea Market)
5) Friedrichshain
6) Currywurst
7) Reichstag building
8) Tempelhof
9) Berlin's Museum Island
10) Holocaust Memorial - the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
11) Charlottenburg Palace
12) Checkpoint Charlie
13) Alexanderplatz - The Berlin TV Tower
14) Ritter Sport
15) Berlin Cathedral
16) Currywurst Museum
17) Rent a bike and go riding
18) River spree boat tour
19) Eat a Wurst sausage
20) Friedrichshain Flohmarkt (flea market)
21) Eat a German Breakfast
22) Cat Cafe (Pee Pees Katzen Cafe)
23) Schnitzel and Spaetzle
24) U-bahn and S-bahn metro system
25) Turkish Food
The East Side Gallery is the longest remaining strip of the of the former dividing wall between East and West Berlin. Today the 1.3 kilometer long wall stands as a memorial to freedom and it is covered in art and graffiti. Right now we're visiting Brandenburg Gate. This gate dates back to the 18th Century. We're here at Tiergarten, one of the biggest parks in the city. MauerPark is a hipster hangout. Every Sunday people flock to this park and spend the day barbecuing, listening to music, enjoying a few beers, and simply having a good time. There's a popular flea market where you can pick up old vinyls and clothes, and if you head over to the Bear Pit you can catch some karaoke and musical performances. If you want to spot some cool street art, then head over to Friedrichshain. You can't come to Berlin and not eat a Currywurst! This is the city's most popular fast food snack. The sausage is served with a ketchup and curry powder concoction. Up next we're at the Reichstag building which has a pretty cool glass dome on top. This dome is actually open to visitors and it offers 360 degree views of the city. Today we're visiting Tempelhof, a re-purposed airport here in Berlin for leisure activities and sports. If you enjoy museums and art galleries you'll want to visit Berlin's Museum Island. They actually have five different museums here and if you get a daily pass for 18 Euros you get access to all five. We are now visiting the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. It is also known as the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Charlottenburg Palace is the largest palace in Berlin and the only surviving royal residence in the city. Checkpoint Charlie was one of the crossing points between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War. Located near Alexanderplatz, The Berlin TV Tower offers a great lookout over the city. Chocolate! Ritter Sport is a chocolate brand that is sold all over Germany, and while in Berlin we couldn't resist sampling a few of the different varieties. Berlin Cathedral is located on Museum Island and it's one of the most beautiful churches in the city. If Currywurst is to your liking, you'll want to check out this quirky museum devoted to Berlin's favorite sausage. Renting a bike is a great way to get around the city. Most places will rent out bikes at 10 Euros per day. For a leisurely afternoon, hop on a boat and enjoy a tour down the River Spree. Of course, you cannot come to Berlin and not eat a Wurst or a sausage. The Friedrichshain flea market takes place every Sunday and it's a great place for people watching and a little browsing. The Germans sure know how to enjoy a hearty breakfast, and we recommend you try it too. Breakfast usually offers a wide sampling of loafs and bread rolls, accompanied with various deli cuts and cheese.
We couldn't resist visiting yet another cat cafe while we were in Berlin.
While in Berlin we enjoyed a hearty meal of Schnitzel. This thin strip of meat is coated in flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs, before being deep-fried. You can order it with a side of mashed potatoes or German noodles known as Spaetzle. It's quite easy to get around Berlin using the U-bahn and S-bahn system. In Berlin, there is a big Turkish population and that means there is awesome Turkish street food. And that's Berlin for you! A city that has risen from the ashes of the war, which is now bursting with art, music, and life.
Have you been to Berlin? We'd love to hear your favourite things about the city in the comments below.
For more travel and food videos, hit subscribe!
This is part of our Travel in Germany series. We're making a series of videos showcasing German culture, German arts, German foods, German religion and German people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
wn.com/25 Things To Do In Berlin | Europe Travel Guide
We had heard Berlin was a city bursting with art and music and we were very excited to spend some time there. Here is our list of our favorite activities to do in the city.
The following are the best 25 things to do in Berlin, Germany presented in our latest city top attractions travel guide:
1) Visit Berlin Wall - The East Side Gallery
2) Brandenburg Gate
3) Tiergarten
4) MauerPark Flohmarkt (MauerPark Flea Market)
5) Friedrichshain
6) Currywurst
7) Reichstag building
8) Tempelhof
9) Berlin's Museum Island
10) Holocaust Memorial - the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
11) Charlottenburg Palace
12) Checkpoint Charlie
13) Alexanderplatz - The Berlin TV Tower
14) Ritter Sport
15) Berlin Cathedral
16) Currywurst Museum
17) Rent a bike and go riding
18) River spree boat tour
19) Eat a Wurst sausage
20) Friedrichshain Flohmarkt (flea market)
21) Eat a German Breakfast
22) Cat Cafe (Pee Pees Katzen Cafe)
23) Schnitzel and Spaetzle
24) U-bahn and S-bahn metro system
25) Turkish Food
The East Side Gallery is the longest remaining strip of the of the former dividing wall between East and West Berlin. Today the 1.3 kilometer long wall stands as a memorial to freedom and it is covered in art and graffiti. Right now we're visiting Brandenburg Gate. This gate dates back to the 18th Century. We're here at Tiergarten, one of the biggest parks in the city. MauerPark is a hipster hangout. Every Sunday people flock to this park and spend the day barbecuing, listening to music, enjoying a few beers, and simply having a good time. There's a popular flea market where you can pick up old vinyls and clothes, and if you head over to the Bear Pit you can catch some karaoke and musical performances. If you want to spot some cool street art, then head over to Friedrichshain. You can't come to Berlin and not eat a Currywurst! This is the city's most popular fast food snack. The sausage is served with a ketchup and curry powder concoction. Up next we're at the Reichstag building which has a pretty cool glass dome on top. This dome is actually open to visitors and it offers 360 degree views of the city. Today we're visiting Tempelhof, a re-purposed airport here in Berlin for leisure activities and sports. If you enjoy museums and art galleries you'll want to visit Berlin's Museum Island. They actually have five different museums here and if you get a daily pass for 18 Euros you get access to all five. We are now visiting the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. It is also known as the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Charlottenburg Palace is the largest palace in Berlin and the only surviving royal residence in the city. Checkpoint Charlie was one of the crossing points between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War. Located near Alexanderplatz, The Berlin TV Tower offers a great lookout over the city. Chocolate! Ritter Sport is a chocolate brand that is sold all over Germany, and while in Berlin we couldn't resist sampling a few of the different varieties. Berlin Cathedral is located on Museum Island and it's one of the most beautiful churches in the city. If Currywurst is to your liking, you'll want to check out this quirky museum devoted to Berlin's favorite sausage. Renting a bike is a great way to get around the city. Most places will rent out bikes at 10 Euros per day. For a leisurely afternoon, hop on a boat and enjoy a tour down the River Spree. Of course, you cannot come to Berlin and not eat a Wurst or a sausage. The Friedrichshain flea market takes place every Sunday and it's a great place for people watching and a little browsing. The Germans sure know how to enjoy a hearty breakfast, and we recommend you try it too. Breakfast usually offers a wide sampling of loafs and bread rolls, accompanied with various deli cuts and cheese.
We couldn't resist visiting yet another cat cafe while we were in Berlin.
While in Berlin we enjoyed a hearty meal of Schnitzel. This thin strip of meat is coated in flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs, before being deep-fried. You can order it with a side of mashed potatoes or German noodles known as Spaetzle. It's quite easy to get around Berlin using the U-bahn and S-bahn system. In Berlin, there is a big Turkish population and that means there is awesome Turkish street food. And that's Berlin for you! A city that has risen from the ashes of the war, which is now bursting with art, music, and life.
Have you been to Berlin? We'd love to hear your favourite things about the city in the comments below.
For more travel and food videos, hit subscribe!
This is part of our Travel in Germany series. We're making a series of videos showcasing German culture, German arts, German foods, German religion and German people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 100055
Berlin Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
The first documentation of Berlin appears in the 13th century, and it has a long history of importance—it’s bee...
Welcome to Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
The first documentation of Berlin appears in the 13th century, and it has a long history of importance—it’s been the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg and the Kingdom of Prussia, among others. The lengthy history encompassing the city often manifests in its eclectic collection of architecture, which you should certainly include on your Berlin tour.
From the towering classical lines of Charlottenburg Palace, built for the Hohenzollern family in the 17th century, to the sleek mirrored sides of the Bahn Tower, you’re bound to find plenty to look at in the city’s downtown area. Fancy a real German lager? Stop by Prater Garten for a brew—built in 1837, it’s one of the handful of buildings that has survived both World Wars. You can sit outside and responsibly enjoy your drink, or, if the weather turns on you, head inside to enjoy a hearty German meal.
Ready to check out the rest of the city? You’re in luck. Berlin sightseeing is easy: Though the sprawling city has excellent public transit, Berlin is geared toward pedestrians, and you can access much of the city center on food or by bicycle. For a truly extraordinary experience, visit Museum Island, located in the Spree River. It features five museums, among them the Altes, completed in 1830 and devoted to antiquities. The newest structure on the premises, built in 1930, is the Pergamon Museum. Here you can explore the art of numerous cultures, or wander through a replica of the Ishtar Gate.
Are you one of those people who only starts to wake up after the sun goes down? If you’re looking for a thriving nightlife, Berlin is the place to go. When the sun sets on the city, the party really begins, and you can find any number of clubs where you can dance until long after the sun comes up.
Where will you go in Berlin?
Visit our Berlin travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Berlin Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
The first documentation of Berlin appears in the 13th century, and it has a long history of importance—it’s been the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg and the Kingdom of Prussia, among others. The lengthy history encompassing the city often manifests in its eclectic collection of architecture, which you should certainly include on your Berlin tour.
From the towering classical lines of Charlottenburg Palace, built for the Hohenzollern family in the 17th century, to the sleek mirrored sides of the Bahn Tower, you’re bound to find plenty to look at in the city’s downtown area. Fancy a real German lager? Stop by Prater Garten for a brew—built in 1837, it’s one of the handful of buildings that has survived both World Wars. You can sit outside and responsibly enjoy your drink, or, if the weather turns on you, head inside to enjoy a hearty German meal.
Ready to check out the rest of the city? You’re in luck. Berlin sightseeing is easy: Though the sprawling city has excellent public transit, Berlin is geared toward pedestrians, and you can access much of the city center on food or by bicycle. For a truly extraordinary experience, visit Museum Island, located in the Spree River. It features five museums, among them the Altes, completed in 1830 and devoted to antiquities. The newest structure on the premises, built in 1930, is the Pergamon Museum. Here you can explore the art of numerous cultures, or wander through a replica of the Ishtar Gate.
Are you one of those people who only starts to wake up after the sun goes down? If you’re looking for a thriving nightlife, Berlin is the place to go. When the sun sets on the city, the party really begins, and you can find any number of clubs where you can dance until long after the sun comes up.
Where will you go in Berlin?
Visit our Berlin travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 205226
Berlin Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Berlin in Germany.
Berlin is Germany's modern capital city, a fascinating European metropolis with a dramatic history in which co...
Travel video about destination Berlin in Germany.
Berlin is Germany's modern capital city, a fascinating European metropolis with a dramatic history in which contemporary architecture merges with the imposing character of a centuries-old city.
The Nokolai Quarter was built by the DDR government as a sort of old town, a European Disneyland for the city's 750th anniversary, a popular area with 'new' medieval buildings that display various guilds and stone statues that surround the city's oldest church.
We travel to nearby Potsdam, a city of castles and gardens and with an old town that features a lively market atmosphere. When the monarchy settled there, so did their armies and with them came craftsmen, merchants and artists from many countries. The castle-like Nauener Tor leads to the Russian colony of Alexandrowka and then to Belvedere on the Pfingstberg.
Returning to Berlin we embark on a trip at the Eastern Train Station on the Panorama S-Bahn whose carriages are equipped with large panoramic windows and marvelous views turn the journey into a wonderful adventure.
The Olympia Stadium is still a gigantic and remarkable sight and for the 11th Olympic Games in 1936, the Third Reich spared no expense.
A new city has emerged from its historic past, Berlin, a young metropolis of the third millennium that is increasingly becoming the centre of Europe. This metropolis with a heart is always worth a visit!
wn.com/Berlin Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Berlin in Germany.
Berlin is Germany's modern capital city, a fascinating European metropolis with a dramatic history in which contemporary architecture merges with the imposing character of a centuries-old city.
The Nokolai Quarter was built by the DDR government as a sort of old town, a European Disneyland for the city's 750th anniversary, a popular area with 'new' medieval buildings that display various guilds and stone statues that surround the city's oldest church.
We travel to nearby Potsdam, a city of castles and gardens and with an old town that features a lively market atmosphere. When the monarchy settled there, so did their armies and with them came craftsmen, merchants and artists from many countries. The castle-like Nauener Tor leads to the Russian colony of Alexandrowka and then to Belvedere on the Pfingstberg.
Returning to Berlin we embark on a trip at the Eastern Train Station on the Panorama S-Bahn whose carriages are equipped with large panoramic windows and marvelous views turn the journey into a wonderful adventure.
The Olympia Stadium is still a gigantic and remarkable sight and for the 11th Olympic Games in 1936, the Third Reich spared no expense.
A new city has emerged from its historic past, Berlin, a young metropolis of the third millennium that is increasingly becoming the centre of Europe. This metropolis with a heart is always worth a visit!
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 107665
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany travel channel full episodes
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany travel channel full episodes
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Berlin Vacation Travel Guide Germany travel channel full episodes
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 2527
Berlin City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
Learn more about Berlin: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/germany/berlin...
Learn more about Berlin: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/germany/berlin
wn.com/Berlin City Guide Lonely Planet Travel Video
Learn more about Berlin: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/germany/berlin
- published: 25 Nov 2014
- views: 3653
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 26.09.2010
In Berlin the past is always present, and the present is on the fast-track t...
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 26.09.2010
In Berlin the past is always present, and the present is on the fast-track to the future.
The German capital is a confident, sassy and irreverent city that buzzes with giddying energy and a zest for experimentation. Over the past decade, it's become a pillar of the fashion, art, design and music worlds, not just keeping up with but setting new trends.
The bustling city of Berlin is always on the go
A global influx of creative people has turned the city into a cauldron of cool that's often compared to New York in the 80s.
What draws them is Berlin's legendary climate of tolerance, openness and experimentation infused with an edgy undercurrent that gives this 'eternally unfinished' city its street cred.
But the times are a-changing, ever so slowly. As foreign investors snap up cheap real estate, the city's famously low rents are evaporating, open lots are sprouting high-rise offices and 'loft-living' is becoming the new buzzword.
Formerly gritty areas - that until recently made headlines for their high crime rates and low educational levels - are now firmly in the grip of gentrification.
Changing circumstances
Still, Berlin remains undeniably addictive. Like some hyperactive child, this dynamic capital hates standing still. Having adapted to changing circumstances so many times, it has made a virtue of reinventing itself.
Berlin staged a revolution, was ruled by fascists, bombed to bits, ripped in half, reunited, made a capital and rebuilt - and that was just in the 20th century.
When it comes to culture, Berlin is an embarrassment of riches. The city has not one but three top-notch operas, seven famous orchestras including the Berliner Philharmonic and dozens of playhouses and theatres.
Berlin's collection of world-class museums dwarfs those of many a small nation. Make a date with the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, stand in awe of the ancient Pergamon Altar, then plunge into the zeitgeisty Sammlung Boros or keep tabs on the Young German Artists scene in cutting-edge galleries on Auguststrasse.
In fact, the entire city treated as a huge canvas by some of the hottest names in international street art who have left their mark on local walls - including Banksy, Os Gemeos and the Italian artist Blu.
Eating and drinking
The nightlife too is among the best and most varied in the world. Sip absinthe in a trashy dive or mix with the money crowd in chic bars tucked behind anonymous steel doors. Afterwards kick it up in a historic dance hall or let a DJ save your life in a power station-turned-techno-temple.
Berlin's legendary tolerance has also made it a gay and lesbian hub: anything goes, from the highbrow to the hands-on, the bourgeois to the bizarre, the mainstream to the flamboyant.
Monuments like the Holocaust Memorial are reminders of Berlin's turbulent past
In terms of food, Berlin may still lag behind London, Paris and New York, but it's come on since the days when local cuisine was limited to massive platters of pig and mayonnaise-drenched salads.
The city has also embraced the guerilla dining trend and new secret supper clubs seem to pop up every week. Even the hallowed Guide Michelin is showing Berlin respect by awarding stars to a dozen restaurants - Fischers Fritz at the Regent Hotel even managed to garner two.
All this trendiness is a triumph for a town that's long been in the crosshairs of history: Berlin staged a revolution, was ruled by fascists, bombed to bits, ripped in half, reunited, made a capital and rebuilt - and that was just in the 20th century.
Famous landmarks such as the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and what's left of the Berlin Wall are like a virtual 3D textbook in a city where you'll find history staring you in the face every time you turn a corner.
Join the party and be swept away by the riches, quirks and vibrancy of this engrossing city.
For more Information, see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/real_cities/9017551.stm .
wn.com/Cities The Real Berlin 1 Of 2 BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Berlin 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 26.09.2010
In Berlin the past is always present, and the present is on the fast-track to the future.
The German capital is a confident, sassy and irreverent city that buzzes with giddying energy and a zest for experimentation. Over the past decade, it's become a pillar of the fashion, art, design and music worlds, not just keeping up with but setting new trends.
The bustling city of Berlin is always on the go
A global influx of creative people has turned the city into a cauldron of cool that's often compared to New York in the 80s.
What draws them is Berlin's legendary climate of tolerance, openness and experimentation infused with an edgy undercurrent that gives this 'eternally unfinished' city its street cred.
But the times are a-changing, ever so slowly. As foreign investors snap up cheap real estate, the city's famously low rents are evaporating, open lots are sprouting high-rise offices and 'loft-living' is becoming the new buzzword.
Formerly gritty areas - that until recently made headlines for their high crime rates and low educational levels - are now firmly in the grip of gentrification.
Changing circumstances
Still, Berlin remains undeniably addictive. Like some hyperactive child, this dynamic capital hates standing still. Having adapted to changing circumstances so many times, it has made a virtue of reinventing itself.
Berlin staged a revolution, was ruled by fascists, bombed to bits, ripped in half, reunited, made a capital and rebuilt - and that was just in the 20th century.
When it comes to culture, Berlin is an embarrassment of riches. The city has not one but three top-notch operas, seven famous orchestras including the Berliner Philharmonic and dozens of playhouses and theatres.
Berlin's collection of world-class museums dwarfs those of many a small nation. Make a date with the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, stand in awe of the ancient Pergamon Altar, then plunge into the zeitgeisty Sammlung Boros or keep tabs on the Young German Artists scene in cutting-edge galleries on Auguststrasse.
In fact, the entire city treated as a huge canvas by some of the hottest names in international street art who have left their mark on local walls - including Banksy, Os Gemeos and the Italian artist Blu.
Eating and drinking
The nightlife too is among the best and most varied in the world. Sip absinthe in a trashy dive or mix with the money crowd in chic bars tucked behind anonymous steel doors. Afterwards kick it up in a historic dance hall or let a DJ save your life in a power station-turned-techno-temple.
Berlin's legendary tolerance has also made it a gay and lesbian hub: anything goes, from the highbrow to the hands-on, the bourgeois to the bizarre, the mainstream to the flamboyant.
Monuments like the Holocaust Memorial are reminders of Berlin's turbulent past
In terms of food, Berlin may still lag behind London, Paris and New York, but it's come on since the days when local cuisine was limited to massive platters of pig and mayonnaise-drenched salads.
The city has also embraced the guerilla dining trend and new secret supper clubs seem to pop up every week. Even the hallowed Guide Michelin is showing Berlin respect by awarding stars to a dozen restaurants - Fischers Fritz at the Regent Hotel even managed to garner two.
All this trendiness is a triumph for a town that's long been in the crosshairs of history: Berlin staged a revolution, was ruled by fascists, bombed to bits, ripped in half, reunited, made a capital and rebuilt - and that was just in the 20th century.
Famous landmarks such as the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and what's left of the Berlin Wall are like a virtual 3D textbook in a city where you'll find history staring you in the face every time you turn a corner.
Join the party and be swept away by the riches, quirks and vibrancy of this engrossing city.
For more Information, see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/real_cities/9017551.stm .
- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 91143
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
Here are the top 10 attractions of Berlin:
Number 10 - Is the...
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
Here are the top 10 attractions of Berlin:
Number 10 - Is the Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin's largest royal summer palace. Constructed in the late 17th century. this large, ornate landmark houses a 200-year-old mausoleum that served as a royal burial ground.
Number 9 - The Berlin Cathedral. Centuries old, this historic landmark has been treasured by all of Germany. Several grand domes adorn the top of the cathedral. Its striking beauty makes the trip worthwhile.
Number 8 - The Brandenburg gate. Completed in 1791, this gate is a symbol of Germany. After World War II, the gate was one of the 8 checkpoints between East and West Berlin.
Number 7 - Is the Museum Island. Located in the center of Berlin on the river Spree, it has many world-renowned museums. Due to the art and history that is preserved here, the island is a UNESCO Heritage Site.
Number 6 - The Holocaust Memorial. The memorial is a tribute to the millions of Jews killed by the Nazi government. It consists of 2007 stone slabs spread over an area the size of three soccer fields.
Number 5 - is Reichstag, the seat of German Parliament. Built in 1894, it housed the Parliament of the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. In 1933, a suspicious fire in the Reichstag propelled the Nazi regime to power.
Number 4 - The Potsdam Castle. Located about 15 miles outside of Berlin, the castle is a gorgeous masterpiece nestled amidst vineyards. This lovely structure is so exquisite that it is often regarded as the German equivalent of The Palace of Versailles.
Number 3 - is the Berlin city hall. Built in Italian Renaissance style, its construction lasted from 1861 to 1869. Along with the State Government of Berlin it is also the office of the city's Governing Mayor.
Number 2 - Checkpoint Charlie. Its name was given for the Berlin Wall crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War.
Number 1 - are the beer gardens. Most of these gardens re-open in summer following harsh winters. There are many beer gardens in the city where you can sit back and enjoy a glass of chilled beer.
wn.com/Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) Travel Guide
Top 10 Attractions Berlin (Germany) - Travel Guide - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
Here are the top 10 attractions of Berlin:
Number 10 - Is the Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin's largest royal summer palace. Constructed in the late 17th century. this large, ornate landmark houses a 200-year-old mausoleum that served as a royal burial ground.
Number 9 - The Berlin Cathedral. Centuries old, this historic landmark has been treasured by all of Germany. Several grand domes adorn the top of the cathedral. Its striking beauty makes the trip worthwhile.
Number 8 - The Brandenburg gate. Completed in 1791, this gate is a symbol of Germany. After World War II, the gate was one of the 8 checkpoints between East and West Berlin.
Number 7 - Is the Museum Island. Located in the center of Berlin on the river Spree, it has many world-renowned museums. Due to the art and history that is preserved here, the island is a UNESCO Heritage Site.
Number 6 - The Holocaust Memorial. The memorial is a tribute to the millions of Jews killed by the Nazi government. It consists of 2007 stone slabs spread over an area the size of three soccer fields.
Number 5 - is Reichstag, the seat of German Parliament. Built in 1894, it housed the Parliament of the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. In 1933, a suspicious fire in the Reichstag propelled the Nazi regime to power.
Number 4 - The Potsdam Castle. Located about 15 miles outside of Berlin, the castle is a gorgeous masterpiece nestled amidst vineyards. This lovely structure is so exquisite that it is often regarded as the German equivalent of The Palace of Versailles.
Number 3 - is the Berlin city hall. Built in Italian Renaissance style, its construction lasted from 1861 to 1869. Along with the State Government of Berlin it is also the office of the city's Governing Mayor.
Number 2 - Checkpoint Charlie. Its name was given for the Berlin Wall crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War.
Number 1 - are the beer gardens. Most of these gardens re-open in summer following harsh winters. There are many beer gardens in the city where you can sit back and enjoy a glass of chilled beer.
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 40944
Berlin Germany travel guide site seeing city visit
Site seeing city Berlin with airport Tegel, Hauptbahnhof Europe's largest railway station, Checkpoint Charlie
old crossing East to West Berlin, former headquar...
Site seeing city Berlin with airport Tegel, Hauptbahnhof Europe's largest railway station, Checkpoint Charlie
old crossing East to West Berlin, former headquarters Gestapo and SS, underground bunker, Alexanderplatz in central Mitte, Gold To Go, Gold vending machine, Fernsehturm tallest structure Germany, Kurfürstendamm shopping avenue, KaDeWe 2th largest store Europe, zoo home of Knut the polar bear, Reichstag, Bundestag house of parliament with a large glass dome, Impressive Holocaust Memorial, shocking breathtaking stories, Brandenburger Tor symbol of freedom, Potsdamer Platz large offices and shopping arcade
On http://www.lifeisjoy.nl you can watch all our movies and read our travelstories. More than 20x round the world, mostly on motorcycles.
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tags: discover explore around the world RTW coast to coast CTC reis om de wereld motorcycle motorbike motor motorfiets adventure avontuur extreme travel rally stunt holliday vakantie travel offroad off road crash accident Robert Pirsig Ted Simons Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman long way down around diaries Che Guevara Dakkar Baja 1000 himalaya the alps alpen dolomites dolomieten karpaten balkan gebergte sun rain snow monuments nature culture fun happy moviemaker free download gratis repair shop service maintenance troubleshooting manual book not a free download pdf or Haynes youtube zen art relex life is joy lifeisjoy www.lifeisjoy.nl enjoy amazing apologize bad weather torrent must see ghost rider ghostrider crazy madness highway Yamaha YZF R1 Kawasaki KLR650 BMW R1200GS R1200R R1200RS R1200RT R1200S R1150GS Adventure R1150R Rockster R1150RS R1150RT R1200C K1200R K1200S Honda Pan European Africa Twin XR650L XR600R Triump Tiger Ducatie Multistrada Aprilia tuono factory Harley Davidson HD Buell Suzuki V-strom SV1000 Europe Azia America USA Australia Middle East Great Britain Scotland England Isle of Man Netherlands Nederland Holland Germany Switserland Austria Italy Hungary Roemenia Bulgaria Turkey Iran Pakistan India Nepal Sri Lanka Egypt Tunis Malaysia Singapore Dubai Arabische Emiraten Thailand Indonesia Bali Malta Greece Spain Belgium France Monaco Portugal Luxemburg Amsterdam London Berlin Brussel Zurich Bern Rome Budapest Istanbull Tabriz Esfahan Bam Yazd Taftan Quetta Multan Amaritsar New Delhi Kathmandu Kualla Lumpur Chiang Mai Bangkok Kuta Sydney Alice Spring Brisbane California Los Angeles San francisco Las Vegas Phoenix Dallas New Orleans New York Miami Orlando Death Valley Dessert Spring Yoshua Tree National Park Grand Canyon parc Great Barrier Reef Coral Surfers Paradise NP point of interest TomTom Garmin Route66 Navigator Gadget Widget Camper Motorhome Tent Campground Campsite Camping Parking Fuell Empty Full Gas Petrol Fire Metro Subway Railway Train Station MPV Truck Bus NEW New Nieuw Next Fast Slow Foreign Book News Magazine Story Worldmap Google Earth Mapking Mapmanager Vito Flat Tyre Renault Mercedes Fiat 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 around the world RTW coast to coast CTC reis om de wereld motorcycle motorbike motor motorfiets adventure avontuur extreme travel rally stunt holliday vakantie travel offroad off road crash accident Robert Pirsig Ted Simons Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman long way down around diaries Che Guevara Dakkar Baja 1000 himalaya the alps alpen dolomites dolomieten karpaten balkan gebergte sun rain snow monuments nature culture fun happy moviemaker free download gratis repair shop service maintenance troubleshooting manual book not a free download pdf or Haynes youtube zen art relex life is joy lifeisjoy www.lifeisjoy.nl enjoy amazing apologize bad weather torrent must see ghost rider ghostrider crazy madness highway Yamaha YZF R1 Kawasaki KLR650 BMW R1200GS R1200R R1200RS R1200RT R1200S R1150GS Adventure R1150R Rockster R1150RS R1150RT R1200C K1200R K1200S Honda Pan European Africa Twin XR650L XR600R Triump Tiger Ducatie Multistrada Aprilia tuono factory Harley Davidson HD Buell Suzuki V-strom SV1000 circuit training circuittraining discover explore
wn.com/Berlin Germany Travel Guide Site Seeing City Visit
Site seeing city Berlin with airport Tegel, Hauptbahnhof Europe's largest railway station, Checkpoint Charlie
old crossing East to West Berlin, former headquarters Gestapo and SS, underground bunker, Alexanderplatz in central Mitte, Gold To Go, Gold vending machine, Fernsehturm tallest structure Germany, Kurfürstendamm shopping avenue, KaDeWe 2th largest store Europe, zoo home of Knut the polar bear, Reichstag, Bundestag house of parliament with a large glass dome, Impressive Holocaust Memorial, shocking breathtaking stories, Brandenburger Tor symbol of freedom, Potsdamer Platz large offices and shopping arcade
On http://www.lifeisjoy.nl you can watch all our movies and read our travelstories. More than 20x round the world, mostly on motorcycles.
Please leave a reply on this video or on http://www.lifeisjoy.nl Thank you.
Please leave a respons on
Youtube or on our website:
http://www.Life Is Joy.nl
tags: discover explore around the world RTW coast to coast CTC reis om de wereld motorcycle motorbike motor motorfiets adventure avontuur extreme travel rally stunt holliday vakantie travel offroad off road crash accident Robert Pirsig Ted Simons Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman long way down around diaries Che Guevara Dakkar Baja 1000 himalaya the alps alpen dolomites dolomieten karpaten balkan gebergte sun rain snow monuments nature culture fun happy moviemaker free download gratis repair shop service maintenance troubleshooting manual book not a free download pdf or Haynes youtube zen art relex life is joy lifeisjoy www.lifeisjoy.nl enjoy amazing apologize bad weather torrent must see ghost rider ghostrider crazy madness highway Yamaha YZF R1 Kawasaki KLR650 BMW R1200GS R1200R R1200RS R1200RT R1200S R1150GS Adventure R1150R Rockster R1150RS R1150RT R1200C K1200R K1200S Honda Pan European Africa Twin XR650L XR600R Triump Tiger Ducatie Multistrada Aprilia tuono factory Harley Davidson HD Buell Suzuki V-strom SV1000 Europe Azia America USA Australia Middle East Great Britain Scotland England Isle of Man Netherlands Nederland Holland Germany Switserland Austria Italy Hungary Roemenia Bulgaria Turkey Iran Pakistan India Nepal Sri Lanka Egypt Tunis Malaysia Singapore Dubai Arabische Emiraten Thailand Indonesia Bali Malta Greece Spain Belgium France Monaco Portugal Luxemburg Amsterdam London Berlin Brussel Zurich Bern Rome Budapest Istanbull Tabriz Esfahan Bam Yazd Taftan Quetta Multan Amaritsar New Delhi Kathmandu Kualla Lumpur Chiang Mai Bangkok Kuta Sydney Alice Spring Brisbane California Los Angeles San francisco Las Vegas Phoenix Dallas New Orleans New York Miami Orlando Death Valley Dessert Spring Yoshua Tree National Park Grand Canyon parc Great Barrier Reef Coral Surfers Paradise NP point of interest TomTom Garmin Route66 Navigator Gadget Widget Camper Motorhome Tent Campground Campsite Camping Parking Fuell Empty Full Gas Petrol Fire Metro Subway Railway Train Station MPV Truck Bus NEW New Nieuw Next Fast Slow Foreign Book News Magazine Story Worldmap Google Earth Mapking Mapmanager Vito Flat Tyre Renault Mercedes Fiat 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 around the world RTW coast to coast CTC reis om de wereld motorcycle motorbike motor motorfiets adventure avontuur extreme travel rally stunt holliday vakantie travel offroad off road crash accident Robert Pirsig Ted Simons Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman long way down around diaries Che Guevara Dakkar Baja 1000 himalaya the alps alpen dolomites dolomieten karpaten balkan gebergte sun rain snow monuments nature culture fun happy moviemaker free download gratis repair shop service maintenance troubleshooting manual book not a free download pdf or Haynes youtube zen art relex life is joy lifeisjoy www.lifeisjoy.nl enjoy amazing apologize bad weather torrent must see ghost rider ghostrider crazy madness highway Yamaha YZF R1 Kawasaki KLR650 BMW R1200GS R1200R R1200RS R1200RT R1200S R1150GS Adventure R1150R Rockster R1150RS R1150RT R1200C K1200R K1200S Honda Pan European Africa Twin XR650L XR600R Triump Tiger Ducatie Multistrada Aprilia tuono factory Harley Davidson HD Buell Suzuki V-strom SV1000 circuit training circuittraining discover explore
- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 200945
Berlin in Germany travel: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe
Europe Video Productions travel film: Berlin in Germany: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe. Berlin Tourismus - Deutschland: Charlottenburg Pal...
Europe Video Productions travel film: Berlin in Germany: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe. Berlin Tourismus - Deutschland: Charlottenburg Palace, Fernsehturm Berlin, Reichstag building, Berlin Cathedral, Alte Nationalgalerie, Potsdamer Platz and Brandenburg Gate. MORE Europe videos in : http://europevideoproductions.com/
wn.com/Berlin In Germany Travel Tourism Of German Capital Berlin At Heart Of Europe
Europe Video Productions travel film: Berlin in Germany: tourism of German capital Berlin at heart of Europe. Berlin Tourismus - Deutschland: Charlottenburg Palace, Fernsehturm Berlin, Reichstag building, Berlin Cathedral, Alte Nationalgalerie, Potsdamer Platz and Brandenburg Gate. MORE Europe videos in : http://europevideoproductions.com/
- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 134468
Berlin Travel Guide: Ping Pong Berlin Style - A People Shaped Travel Video by Expedia.co.uk
Experience Ping-Pong, Berlin style. 'In this Berlin guide you can discover the city through table tennis,' says Oliver Miller, 38, ping pong addict and owner of...
Experience Ping-Pong, Berlin style. 'In this Berlin guide you can discover the city through table tennis,' says Oliver Miller, 38, ping pong addict and owner of Dr Pong, a late night bar with its own table and a dedicated following of table tennis acolytes. 'Every single neighbourhood has its own facilities - it's where you see the real locals. It costs so little to get involved. Everyone has a soft spot for the sport.' Born in the USA, but now a full time Berlin resident, Oliver has recently created a 'love letter' to both the city he calls home and his sport of choice. It's a short film, produced by Piers Morgan Postcard director Pete Woods which sees Oliver and fellow ping pong addict Leo Pleschinger, a 28-year-old semi-professional footballer, traverse Berlin in search of the city's most inspiring bat and ball based experiences; from subway trains to techno nightclubs.
Berlin travel guide: http://www.expedia.co.uk/Berlin.d179892.Holidays-City-Breaks
Part of the People Shaped Travel series by Expedia UK: http://www.youtube.com/ExpediaUK
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide Ping Pong Berlin Style A People Shaped Travel Video By Expedia.Co.Uk
Experience Ping-Pong, Berlin style. 'In this Berlin guide you can discover the city through table tennis,' says Oliver Miller, 38, ping pong addict and owner of Dr Pong, a late night bar with its own table and a dedicated following of table tennis acolytes. 'Every single neighbourhood has its own facilities - it's where you see the real locals. It costs so little to get involved. Everyone has a soft spot for the sport.' Born in the USA, but now a full time Berlin resident, Oliver has recently created a 'love letter' to both the city he calls home and his sport of choice. It's a short film, produced by Piers Morgan Postcard director Pete Woods which sees Oliver and fellow ping pong addict Leo Pleschinger, a 28-year-old semi-professional footballer, traverse Berlin in search of the city's most inspiring bat and ball based experiences; from subway trains to techno nightclubs.
Berlin travel guide: http://www.expedia.co.uk/Berlin.d179892.Holidays-City-Breaks
Part of the People Shaped Travel series by Expedia UK: http://www.youtube.com/ExpediaUK
- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 6484
Victory Column, Berlin - Germany Travel Guide
Take a tour of Berlin Victory Column in Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
On the grounds of Berlin, sta...
Take a tour of Berlin Victory Column in Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
On the grounds of Berlin, stands tall a monument of historical significance for the German nation.
This monument was erected to memorialize the triumph of victorious Prussia over Denmark in 1864.
The original design did not have the sculpture of Victoria, made of bronze, on top of the column.
It was added in the initial plans and structure as a symbol of honor for Prussia's victories over the Austrian Empire and France.
Familiarly called as ''Golden Else'', Friedrich Drake laid down the artwork for this statue of the Victory Goddess.
The gorgeous mosaic reliefs present in the monument showcase depictions from the 3 wars fought on the German soil.
wn.com/Victory Column, Berlin Germany Travel Guide
Take a tour of Berlin Victory Column in Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
On the grounds of Berlin, stands tall a monument of historical significance for the German nation.
This monument was erected to memorialize the triumph of victorious Prussia over Denmark in 1864.
The original design did not have the sculpture of Victoria, made of bronze, on top of the column.
It was added in the initial plans and structure as a symbol of honor for Prussia's victories over the Austrian Empire and France.
Familiarly called as ''Golden Else'', Friedrich Drake laid down the artwork for this statue of the Victory Goddess.
The gorgeous mosaic reliefs present in the monument showcase depictions from the 3 wars fought on the German soil.
- published: 29 Oct 2010
- views: 2545
Berlin Travel Guide - My Destination Berlin
Visit http://mydestination.com/berlin for inspirational images, videos, reviews, and travel articles as well as all the best information on where to stay, eat, ...
Visit http://mydestination.com/berlin for inspirational images, videos, reviews, and travel articles as well as all the best information on where to stay, eat, drink and party in Germany's capital. Written exclusively by local experts, My Destination Berlin is the most accurate and up to date guide to all things Berlin.
Berlin is an amazing, multifaceted city with rich offerings for visitors of all ages, budgets and interests. Whether your interests lie in history, art, music or partying, Berlin has a multitude of offerings to satisfy your desires. It is a city where you can dine in a Michelin starred restaurant before partying until well after the sun peaks over the horizon, or munch down on a Currywurst before watching Barenboim conduct a performance of Verdi's Tosca at the Opera. In Berlin, anything is possible.
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide My Destination Berlin
Visit http://mydestination.com/berlin for inspirational images, videos, reviews, and travel articles as well as all the best information on where to stay, eat, drink and party in Germany's capital. Written exclusively by local experts, My Destination Berlin is the most accurate and up to date guide to all things Berlin.
Berlin is an amazing, multifaceted city with rich offerings for visitors of all ages, budgets and interests. Whether your interests lie in history, art, music or partying, Berlin has a multitude of offerings to satisfy your desires. It is a city where you can dine in a Michelin starred restaurant before partying until well after the sun peaks over the horizon, or munch down on a Currywurst before watching Barenboim conduct a performance of Verdi's Tosca at the Opera. In Berlin, anything is possible.
- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 2043
Berlin, Germany Goth travel guide! Gothic Punk shops, parties, horror bar, nightlife, DJ SiSEN
Travel blogger & TV host La Carmina - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - explores the Goth scene in Berlin, Germany thanks to apartment rental company Go With Oh (...
Travel blogger & TV host La Carmina - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - explores the Goth scene in Berlin, Germany thanks to apartment rental company Go With Oh (http://www.gowithoh.com)
Watch as she visits a fetish party, Last Cathedral horror bar, deathrock goth punk clothing stores (Mystica, XtraX) and alternative art events (Berlin Biennale). Includes footage of a Japanese party with DJ SiSEN from Tokyo!
What do you think of Berlin's underground culture? Would you want to visit? For more shopping and clubbing tips, check out my German Goth guide on La Carmina blog: http://www.lacarmina.com/blog/category/italy-europe/
Music by Aesthetic Perfection, used with permission.
*** See more dark culture, makeup and fashion on LaCarmina blog: http://www.lacarmina.com/blog
*** La Carmina is an experienced alternative travel, pop culture, beauty and fashion TV presenter; see bio below. Contact her for inquiries, television presenting, appearances, collaborations, sponsorships etc.
- URL - http://www.lacarmina.com
- EMAIL - gothiccarmina {att} gmail
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/lacarmina
- Facebook - http://goo.gl/GlD8
-- La Carmina Biography --
TV HOST: La Carmina has appeared on The Today Show and co-hosted an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern for Travel Channel, which airs in 75 countries. She was featured on NHK Kawaii TV and New York Wave. Recent TV hosting and arranging credits include Food Network, Dutch Pepsi, Sony Australia, Canal Plus France, NRK Norway TV, Fuel / Discovery, Pro Sieben, National Geographic, and CNN. Reel: http://youtu.be/d75XqWdi2v4
TRAVEL SHOW: She hosts, writes, arranges and field produces a "Coolhunting America" travel TV show for Huffington Post / AOL. La Carmina travels and scouts out underground attractions and bizarre subcultures, starting with Wisconsin. First episode - http://t.co/9JAgu3J In her new series "Travel SOS," she answers travel questions with celebrity co-stars.
COOLHUNTING : She runs a trend consulting / TV hosting and Tokyo fixer company: La Carmina & The Pirates. The crew specializes in Cool Japan, style, music, art, design, alt and youth subcultures. (http://www.lacarmina.com/pirates)
BLOGGER + JOURNALIST: Her popular blog - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - has been featured in major publications (The New Yorker, Washington Post, WWD, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, LA Times). She is a travel and pop culture journalist for CNN, and Huffington Post / AOL. La Carmina is flown worldwide for press trips and event appearances; she was a guest at NY Fashion Week (speaking at IFB Conference), and was twice invited to Luisaviaroma's Firenze4Ever Italy event for the world's top style bloggers. She spoke about social media and travel video at Hong Kong Social Media Week, PRSA Travel Tourism Conference, Mediabistro's Social Curation Summit, and was guest of honor at numerous anime conventions.
AUTHOR: She's written 3 books about Jpop food and culture for major publishers (Random House, Penguin USA). These include Cute Yummy Time (about decorating food to look adorable) and Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo (maid cafes, cat cafes, bizarre cosplay restaurants). La Carmina is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Law School. More about her books: http://www.lacarmina.com/books.php
Travel and fashion blogger, TV host, author, journalist.
- URL - http://www.lacarmina.com
- EMAIL - gothiccarmina {att} gmail
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/lacarmina
- Facebook - http://goo.gl/GlD8
wn.com/Berlin, Germany Goth Travel Guide Gothic Punk Shops, Parties, Horror Bar, Nightlife, Dj Sisen
Travel blogger & TV host La Carmina - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - explores the Goth scene in Berlin, Germany thanks to apartment rental company Go With Oh (http://www.gowithoh.com)
Watch as she visits a fetish party, Last Cathedral horror bar, deathrock goth punk clothing stores (Mystica, XtraX) and alternative art events (Berlin Biennale). Includes footage of a Japanese party with DJ SiSEN from Tokyo!
What do you think of Berlin's underground culture? Would you want to visit? For more shopping and clubbing tips, check out my German Goth guide on La Carmina blog: http://www.lacarmina.com/blog/category/italy-europe/
Music by Aesthetic Perfection, used with permission.
*** See more dark culture, makeup and fashion on LaCarmina blog: http://www.lacarmina.com/blog
*** La Carmina is an experienced alternative travel, pop culture, beauty and fashion TV presenter; see bio below. Contact her for inquiries, television presenting, appearances, collaborations, sponsorships etc.
- URL - http://www.lacarmina.com
- EMAIL - gothiccarmina {att} gmail
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/lacarmina
- Facebook - http://goo.gl/GlD8
-- La Carmina Biography --
TV HOST: La Carmina has appeared on The Today Show and co-hosted an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern for Travel Channel, which airs in 75 countries. She was featured on NHK Kawaii TV and New York Wave. Recent TV hosting and arranging credits include Food Network, Dutch Pepsi, Sony Australia, Canal Plus France, NRK Norway TV, Fuel / Discovery, Pro Sieben, National Geographic, and CNN. Reel: http://youtu.be/d75XqWdi2v4
TRAVEL SHOW: She hosts, writes, arranges and field produces a "Coolhunting America" travel TV show for Huffington Post / AOL. La Carmina travels and scouts out underground attractions and bizarre subcultures, starting with Wisconsin. First episode - http://t.co/9JAgu3J In her new series "Travel SOS," she answers travel questions with celebrity co-stars.
COOLHUNTING : She runs a trend consulting / TV hosting and Tokyo fixer company: La Carmina & The Pirates. The crew specializes in Cool Japan, style, music, art, design, alt and youth subcultures. (http://www.lacarmina.com/pirates)
BLOGGER + JOURNALIST: Her popular blog - http://www.lacarmina.com/blog - has been featured in major publications (The New Yorker, Washington Post, WWD, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, LA Times). She is a travel and pop culture journalist for CNN, and Huffington Post / AOL. La Carmina is flown worldwide for press trips and event appearances; she was a guest at NY Fashion Week (speaking at IFB Conference), and was twice invited to Luisaviaroma's Firenze4Ever Italy event for the world's top style bloggers. She spoke about social media and travel video at Hong Kong Social Media Week, PRSA Travel Tourism Conference, Mediabistro's Social Curation Summit, and was guest of honor at numerous anime conventions.
AUTHOR: She's written 3 books about Jpop food and culture for major publishers (Random House, Penguin USA). These include Cute Yummy Time (about decorating food to look adorable) and Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo (maid cafes, cat cafes, bizarre cosplay restaurants). La Carmina is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Law School. More about her books: http://www.lacarmina.com/books.php
Travel and fashion blogger, TV host, author, journalist.
- URL - http://www.lacarmina.com
- EMAIL - gothiccarmina {att} gmail
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/lacarmina
- Facebook - http://goo.gl/GlD8
- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 11440
Art District, Berlin - Germany Travel Guide
Catch the pulse of Berlin's art scene in galleries, streets...everywhere.
Berlin is a magnet for artists fromall over the world. There literally is enough ro...
Catch the pulse of Berlin's art scene in galleries, streets...everywhere.
Berlin is a magnet for artists fromall over the world. There literally is enough room for experimentation and innovation and the rents for it are quite cheap. The district around the Auguststrafze is lined with galleries. The city is packed with museums, but you could even declare a Berlin wall to your own canvass or the Berlin Wall. You can find art everywhere as a graffiti on the walls, in galleries, of course.
You can even find some art in artist's flats because due to the lack of space, they sometimes even open their private space for their own exhibitions, or in shops, parking lots. Looking for a good gallery in Berlin? Just follow the banana. There is an artist from Cologne, who whenever he comes across a gallery that he likes just spray paints the banana on its wall. Just his personal sign of recommendation. Let's take a look.
"We have specialized over the last 15-16 years in expressive realism painting at the core Bernard Heisig who is the most important artist in our gallery. All german artists and mostly, without being political, artists that came from the East." And every couple of months there is a festival, the so-called Ungan [sp} where all the galleries are open together. Or you enter a gallery with the title like deschlef.
"I paint and I make objects. I am letting myself be inspired, having a look. There are different influences here. A lot of people come here who are not from Berllin and bring all sorts of currents with them. Well, I have to say what really interests me is realistic painting."
And the woman who did the elephant, who knitted it, I have seen more work of hers in that book. If you want to mingle with the artists outside the galleries, you might just find they are in all the cafasin [sp] bars lined up along the Auguststrafze, (Unclear German names) Fast Food. My name is Dorthe Eickelberg, showing you Berlin.
wn.com/Art District, Berlin Germany Travel Guide
Catch the pulse of Berlin's art scene in galleries, streets...everywhere.
Berlin is a magnet for artists fromall over the world. There literally is enough room for experimentation and innovation and the rents for it are quite cheap. The district around the Auguststrafze is lined with galleries. The city is packed with museums, but you could even declare a Berlin wall to your own canvass or the Berlin Wall. You can find art everywhere as a graffiti on the walls, in galleries, of course.
You can even find some art in artist's flats because due to the lack of space, they sometimes even open their private space for their own exhibitions, or in shops, parking lots. Looking for a good gallery in Berlin? Just follow the banana. There is an artist from Cologne, who whenever he comes across a gallery that he likes just spray paints the banana on its wall. Just his personal sign of recommendation. Let's take a look.
"We have specialized over the last 15-16 years in expressive realism painting at the core Bernard Heisig who is the most important artist in our gallery. All german artists and mostly, without being political, artists that came from the East." And every couple of months there is a festival, the so-called Ungan [sp} where all the galleries are open together. Or you enter a gallery with the title like deschlef.
"I paint and I make objects. I am letting myself be inspired, having a look. There are different influences here. A lot of people come here who are not from Berllin and bring all sorts of currents with them. Well, I have to say what really interests me is realistic painting."
And the woman who did the elephant, who knitted it, I have seen more work of hers in that book. If you want to mingle with the artists outside the galleries, you might just find they are in all the cafasin [sp] bars lined up along the Auguststrafze, (Unclear German names) Fast Food. My name is Dorthe Eickelberg, showing you Berlin.
- published: 05 May 2010
- views: 8012
Berlin Travel Guide- Architecture
Travel video on Berlin's Architecture of Business and Government...
Travel video on Berlin's Architecture of Business and Government
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide Architecture
Travel video on Berlin's Architecture of Business and Government
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 275
Berlin travel guide
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide
- published: 26 Aug 2008
- views: 4028
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide. Посетите столицу Германии - Берлин, самый крупный и самый населённый город Германии. После Лондона Берлин - второ...
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide. Посетите столицу Германии - Берлин, самый крупный и самый населённый город Германии. После Лондона Берлин - второй по населению и пятый по площади город Евросоюза. Билеты на самолет http://inetkassa.ru
wn.com/Путеводитель По Берлину Berlin Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Берлину / Berlin Travel Guide. Посетите столицу Германии - Берлин, самый крупный и самый населённый город Германии. После Лондона Берлин - второй по населению и пятый по площади город Евросоюза. Билеты на самолет http://inetkassa.ru
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 10254
Berlin Travel Guide mal anders (TOP 15 Sehenswürdigkeiten) - Sightseeing mit Suzuki Bandit 1250
Berlin Sightseeing für faule. Mit dem Motorrad zu den 15 bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Feiyu Tech G3 Gimbal handheld Stabilizer wasauchimmer Ding bringts.
Berlin Sightseeing für faule. Mit dem Motorrad zu den 15 bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Feiyu Tech G3 Gimbal handheld Stabilizer wasauchimmer Ding bringts.
Bike: Suzuki Bandit 1250
Cam: Gopro Hero 3+ Black Edition
Mounts: Chesty, Feiyu Tech G3 Ultra Gimbal
Musik: Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting on You)
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide Mal Anders (Top 15 Sehenswürdigkeiten) Sightseeing Mit Suzuki Bandit 1250
Berlin Sightseeing für faule. Mit dem Motorrad zu den 15 bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Feiyu Tech G3 Gimbal handheld Stabilizer wasauchimmer Ding bringts.
Bike: Suzuki Bandit 1250
Cam: Gopro Hero 3+ Black Edition
Mounts: Chesty, Feiyu Tech G3 Ultra Gimbal
Musik: Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting on You)
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 2849
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Germany was a country we fell in love with. Having spent a lot of time in SE Asia, we felt the need for...
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Germany was a country we fell in love with. Having spent a lot of time in SE Asia, we felt the need for a change of pace and Germany was just that. From urban hubs like Berlin to hidden gems like Freiburg, Germany offers a lot for those willing to explore and dig a little deeper.
We start off our top attractions travel guide to Germany by focusing on Berlin. Below are the top 25 things to consider doing in the city:
1) Berlin Wall - East Side Gallery
2) Brandenburg Gate
3) Tiergarten
4) MauerPark Flohmarkt (MauerPark Flea Market)
5) Friedrichshain
6) Currywurst
7) Reichstag building
8) Tempelhof
9) Museum Island
10) Holocaust Memorial
11) Charlottenburg Palace
12) Checkpoint Charlie
13) Alexanderplatz - Berlin TV Tower
14) Ritter Sport
15) Berlin Cathedral
16) Currywurst Museum
17) Ride a Bike
18) Spree river boat tour
19) Wurst sausage
20) Friedrichshain Flohmarkt (flea market)
21) German Breakfast
22) Cat Cafe
23) Schnitzel and Spaetzle
24) U-bahn and S-bahn
25) Turkish Food
Recently we had the opportunity to visit Europa-Park, the largest theme park in Germany and second most popular theme resort in all of Europe.
This was the perfect opportunity for us to rekindle our childhood passion for rides. With over eleven different roller coasters alone we quickly realized we had never been to such a big theme park.
What we found cool was that the theme park was divided into different European countries. If you can't visit all of Europe going to Europa Park is like getting little slivers of it all.
Accommodating up to 50,000 guests per day, we were fortunate we didn't come during peak season; however, it was still crowded.
Overall, the weather was perfect, the rides were fun and it is an experience we won't forget anytime soon.
This is a bit of a surprise. We have an eight hour wait for a flight in Frankfurt, so instead of just hanging around in the airport, which was our original plan, we decided to drop our bags off and come into the city.
That pretty much wraps up our little visit to Frankfurt. We spent maybe three or four hours just walking around and it was really nice to just see the city without much of an agenda.
I came here with quite low expectations to be perfectly honest. I had heard more or less this is just a financial hub but it ended up being quite charming here in Frankfurt and I'm definitely going to miss Germany. I've had a wonderful time traveling around the country.
We aren't having much luck with the weather today. It is really rainy here in Freiburg. It is Easter weekend but we are out an exploring and we want to show you the city. Let's go have a tour.
One of my first impressions of Freiburg is that it is such a great city to walk around in. That's all we've been doing so far. It's very picturesque. There are cobbled streets and it is also very historic.
Thankfully, the weather has shifted dramatically for the better. Earlier we had been rained out, so we had to head back into the hotel because it was cold and windy. Now we're seeing a few patches of blue skies, so we're going to keep exploring around Freiburg.
This is part of our Travel in Germany series. We're making a series of videos showcasing German culture, German arts, German foods, German religion and German people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
wn.com/Things To Do In Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Germany was a country we fell in love with. Having spent a lot of time in SE Asia, we felt the need for a change of pace and Germany was just that. From urban hubs like Berlin to hidden gems like Freiburg, Germany offers a lot for those willing to explore and dig a little deeper.
We start off our top attractions travel guide to Germany by focusing on Berlin. Below are the top 25 things to consider doing in the city:
1) Berlin Wall - East Side Gallery
2) Brandenburg Gate
3) Tiergarten
4) MauerPark Flohmarkt (MauerPark Flea Market)
5) Friedrichshain
6) Currywurst
7) Reichstag building
8) Tempelhof
9) Museum Island
10) Holocaust Memorial
11) Charlottenburg Palace
12) Checkpoint Charlie
13) Alexanderplatz - Berlin TV Tower
14) Ritter Sport
15) Berlin Cathedral
16) Currywurst Museum
17) Ride a Bike
18) Spree river boat tour
19) Wurst sausage
20) Friedrichshain Flohmarkt (flea market)
21) German Breakfast
22) Cat Cafe
23) Schnitzel and Spaetzle
24) U-bahn and S-bahn
25) Turkish Food
Recently we had the opportunity to visit Europa-Park, the largest theme park in Germany and second most popular theme resort in all of Europe.
This was the perfect opportunity for us to rekindle our childhood passion for rides. With over eleven different roller coasters alone we quickly realized we had never been to such a big theme park.
What we found cool was that the theme park was divided into different European countries. If you can't visit all of Europe going to Europa Park is like getting little slivers of it all.
Accommodating up to 50,000 guests per day, we were fortunate we didn't come during peak season; however, it was still crowded.
Overall, the weather was perfect, the rides were fun and it is an experience we won't forget anytime soon.
This is a bit of a surprise. We have an eight hour wait for a flight in Frankfurt, so instead of just hanging around in the airport, which was our original plan, we decided to drop our bags off and come into the city.
That pretty much wraps up our little visit to Frankfurt. We spent maybe three or four hours just walking around and it was really nice to just see the city without much of an agenda.
I came here with quite low expectations to be perfectly honest. I had heard more or less this is just a financial hub but it ended up being quite charming here in Frankfurt and I'm definitely going to miss Germany. I've had a wonderful time traveling around the country.
We aren't having much luck with the weather today. It is really rainy here in Freiburg. It is Easter weekend but we are out an exploring and we want to show you the city. Let's go have a tour.
One of my first impressions of Freiburg is that it is such a great city to walk around in. That's all we've been doing so far. It's very picturesque. There are cobbled streets and it is also very historic.
Thankfully, the weather has shifted dramatically for the better. Earlier we had been rained out, so we had to head back into the hotel because it was cold and windy. Now we're seeing a few patches of blue skies, so we're going to keep exploring around Freiburg.
This is part of our Travel in Germany series. We're making a series of videos showcasing German culture, German arts, German foods, German religion and German people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 66335
Berlin's Top 5 Gay Locations
Charmaine from My Destination Berlin chats with Adam Groffman (Travels of Adam & My Gay Travel Guide) to get the low down on Berlin's gay scene. Visit http://w...
Charmaine from My Destination Berlin chats with Adam Groffman (Travels of Adam & My Gay Travel Guide) to get the low down on Berlin's gay scene. Visit http://www.mydestination.com/berlin for more or check out Adam's blog at http://www.travelsofadam.com or http://www.mygaytravelguide.com.
Berlin has long been considered one of the top destinations of the world for Gay travellers. It is a city where everyone is free to be themselves and where all cultures and subcultures are embraced - Berlin even has an openly gay Mayor who coined the phrase "Berlin is poor but sexy".
Traditionally, the gay scene has been centred around the locality of Schöneberg, however, in recent years it has spread over to the hip neighbourhood of Neukölln. There are plenty of bars and clubs to cater to all tastes, from chilled out local bars, to cruising bars and saunas, from techno temples to party clubs, numerous shops selling all manner of stuff from leather and fetish to gay lifestyle.
For more information on Adam's Top 5 Gay Berlin Tips check out:
SchwuZ: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/nightlife/1156984/schwuz
The Club: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/nightlife/1171895/the-club
Memorial to the Homosexuals persecuted under Nazism: http://myde.st/1XLh
Hamburger Mary's: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/restaurants/1153491/hamburger-marys
Bruno's: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/shopping/1171110/brunos
If you have a suggestion for an awesome gay location we missed we'd love to hear it in the comments.
wn.com/Berlin's Top 5 Gay Locations
Charmaine from My Destination Berlin chats with Adam Groffman (Travels of Adam & My Gay Travel Guide) to get the low down on Berlin's gay scene. Visit http://www.mydestination.com/berlin for more or check out Adam's blog at http://www.travelsofadam.com or http://www.mygaytravelguide.com.
Berlin has long been considered one of the top destinations of the world for Gay travellers. It is a city where everyone is free to be themselves and where all cultures and subcultures are embraced - Berlin even has an openly gay Mayor who coined the phrase "Berlin is poor but sexy".
Traditionally, the gay scene has been centred around the locality of Schöneberg, however, in recent years it has spread over to the hip neighbourhood of Neukölln. There are plenty of bars and clubs to cater to all tastes, from chilled out local bars, to cruising bars and saunas, from techno temples to party clubs, numerous shops selling all manner of stuff from leather and fetish to gay lifestyle.
For more information on Adam's Top 5 Gay Berlin Tips check out:
SchwuZ: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/nightlife/1156984/schwuz
The Club: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/nightlife/1171895/the-club
Memorial to the Homosexuals persecuted under Nazism: http://myde.st/1XLh
Hamburger Mary's: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/restaurants/1153491/hamburger-marys
Bruno's: http://www.mydestination.com/berlin/shopping/1171110/brunos
If you have a suggestion for an awesome gay location we missed we'd love to hear it in the comments.
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 10403
Berlin travel guide part 1 - My perfect weekend.
Join us as we explore the great city of Berlin. What to do, eat, see and where to drink in the German capital is all covered with our quick and easy guide to th...
Join us as we explore the great city of Berlin. What to do, eat, see and where to drink in the German capital is all covered with our quick and easy guide to the perfect weekend in Berlin. LateRooms.com, For your every need.
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide Part 1 My Perfect Weekend.
Join us as we explore the great city of Berlin. What to do, eat, see and where to drink in the German capital is all covered with our quick and easy guide to the perfect weekend in Berlin. LateRooms.com, For your every need.
- published: 03 Jun 2013
- views: 870
http://www.travelguide.tv/berlin - Berlin Germany travel guide with useful information to plan your vacation.
You can watch 9 other videos on tours, attract...
http://www.travelguide.tv/berlin - Berlin Germany travel guide with useful information to plan your vacation.
You can watch 9 other videos on tours, attractions, museums, nightlife, shopping, transport, hotels, restaurants etc at http://www.TravelGuide.TV/Berlin.
We also have travel guide videos for 60 other city destinations around the world - TravelGuide.TV
wn.com/Berlin Germany Travel Guide Www.Travelguide.Tv
http://www.travelguide.tv/berlin - Berlin Germany travel guide with useful information to plan your vacation.
You can watch 9 other videos on tours, attractions, museums, nightlife, shopping, transport, hotels, restaurants etc at http://www.TravelGuide.TV/Berlin.
We also have travel guide videos for 60 other city destinations around the world - TravelGuide.TV
- published: 11 Nov 2008
- views: 40133
Berlin Travel Guide: Szene Viertel - Sehenswertes, Shopping, Food
Ich war für 48 Stunden in Berlin und zeige euch fernab der typischen touristischen Attraktionen mal ein ganz anders Berlin - das wahre Berlin mit seinen Szenevi...
Ich war für 48 Stunden in Berlin und zeige euch fernab der typischen touristischen Attraktionen mal ein ganz anders Berlin - das wahre Berlin mit seinen Szenevierteln. Von Friedrichshain und Kreuzgberg hin zu Berlin Mitte und Prenzlauer Berg.
Den passenden Reisebericht mit vielen Insider Tipps gibts auf www.babbleventure.com
Link zum Beitrag: http://wp.me/p3KGbV-CA
wn.com/Berlin Travel Guide Szene Viertel Sehenswertes, Shopping, Food
Ich war für 48 Stunden in Berlin und zeige euch fernab der typischen touristischen Attraktionen mal ein ganz anders Berlin - das wahre Berlin mit seinen Szenevierteln. Von Friedrichshain und Kreuzgberg hin zu Berlin Mitte und Prenzlauer Berg.
Den passenden Reisebericht mit vielen Insider Tipps gibts auf www.babbleventure.com
Link zum Beitrag: http://wp.me/p3KGbV-CA
- published: 21 Feb 2015
- views: 2184
Bauen, bauen, bauen ! Die Wohnungspolitik in Berlin West 1945 1961 von Dieter Hanauske
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Website.
download this book at : http://www.bookrobin.com/1-monat
Holen besonderes Angebot für einen Monat. Danke.
1945 / 1958 - Journey across Berlin
Diese Doku beginnt mit der Zerstörung und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch der Stadt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und präsentiert bedeutende historische Ereignisse, wie Niederlassung von Besatzungszonen, die Luftbrücke von 1948/1949 und der Volksaufstand des 17. Juni 1953, Wahlen im Freien Berlin, Aktionen im Westen gegen der Sowjet Union und Sozialismus um die Freiheit West-Berlins zu halten.
Architecture. Daniel Libeskind "Jewish Museum Berlin"
The Jewish Museum Berlin (Jüdisches Museum Berlin) is one of the largest Jewish Museums in Europe. In three buildings, two of which are new additions specifically built for the museum by architect Daniel Libeskind, two millennia of German-Jewish history are on display in the permanent exhibition as well as in various changing exhibitions. German-Jewish history is documented in the collections, the
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2008 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2013 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2013 Porsche Boxster Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Boxster is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
B MOVIE Lust & Sound in West Berlin 1979 1989 Offizieller Trailer 4K UHD Deutsch German 1080p
2008 Acura TL Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Acura TL is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
Victor Landeta painting studio
my studio at Neu West Berlin 2014. Berlin
2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2011 Porsche Cayman Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2011 Porsche Cayman is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
Home For Sale: 370 Thurman Avenue West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
370 Thurman Avenue
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6665639
Beds: 4 | Baths: 2
Good size bi-level on corner treed lot. Possible 5th bedroom office bonus rm. and full bath in lower level-outside access to backyard from lower level. Seller is removing wallpaper and painting upper level
west berlin scene, film writing class, prof pearlstein, george bell
George Bell, West Berlin Scene, Prof. Pearlstein, Film Writing Class
This video is about West Berlin scene George Bell
2008 Volvo XC90 Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Volvo XC90 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
Commercial Property For Sale: 413 Prospect Ave West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
413 Prospect Ave
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6533380
Building area: 1000 SF
Hurry! This is the best buy in South Jersey. Freestanding 1000 sq. ft. office building with off street parking only. 300 ft. off of Route 73 across from ShopRite shopping center. Doctor Lawyer Dentis
2002 Infiniti Q45 Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2002 Infiniti Q45 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2005 Jeep Liberty Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2005 Jeep Liberty is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
2006 BMW 5-Series Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2006 BMW 5-Series is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
Bauen, bauen, bauen ! Die Wohnungspolitik in Berlin West 1945 1961 von Dieter Hanauske
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Website.
download this book at : http://www.bookrobin.com/1-monat
Holen besonderes Angebot für einen Monat. Danke....
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Website.
download this book at : http://www.bookrobin.com/1-monat
Holen besonderes Angebot für einen Monat. Danke.
wn.com/Bauen, Bauen, Bauen Die Wohnungspolitik In Berlin West 1945 1961 Von Dieter Hanauske
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Website.
download this book at : http://www.bookrobin.com/1-monat
Holen besonderes Angebot für einen Monat. Danke.
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 0
1945 / 1958 - Journey across Berlin
Diese Doku beginnt mit der Zerstörung und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch der Stadt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und präsentiert bedeutende historische Ereigni...
Diese Doku beginnt mit der Zerstörung und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch der Stadt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und präsentiert bedeutende historische Ereignisse, wie Niederlassung von Besatzungszonen, die Luftbrücke von 1948/1949 und der Volksaufstand des 17. Juni 1953, Wahlen im Freien Berlin, Aktionen im Westen gegen der Sowjet Union und Sozialismus um die Freiheit West-Berlins zu halten.
Mehr Videos auf: http://www.biermann.be/d/index/videos.html
This Film begins with the destruction and economic breakdown of the city at end of World War II, and presents significant historical events, such as establishment of occupation zones, the airlift 1948/1949, the revolt of 1953, elections in free berlin and the west's determined actions to maintain the freedom of West Berlin.
More videos on: http://www.biermann.be/d/index/videos.html
Deze film begint met de vernieling en economische ineenstorting van de stad aan het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, en presenteert belangrijke historische gebeurtenissen, zoals de oprichting van bezetting zones, de luchtbrug 1948/1949, de opstand van 1953, de verkiezingen in de vrije Berlijn acties van het Westen om de vrijheid van West-Berlijn te handhaven.
Meer video's op: http://www.biermann.be/nl/index/videos.html
Public Domain Film von den US National Archives, etwas beschnitten und Kontrast und Helligkeit angepasst und Ton angepasst.
wn.com/1945 1958 Journey Across Berlin
Diese Doku beginnt mit der Zerstörung und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch der Stadt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und präsentiert bedeutende historische Ereignisse, wie Niederlassung von Besatzungszonen, die Luftbrücke von 1948/1949 und der Volksaufstand des 17. Juni 1953, Wahlen im Freien Berlin, Aktionen im Westen gegen der Sowjet Union und Sozialismus um die Freiheit West-Berlins zu halten.
Mehr Videos auf: http://www.biermann.be/d/index/videos.html
This Film begins with the destruction and economic breakdown of the city at end of World War II, and presents significant historical events, such as establishment of occupation zones, the airlift 1948/1949, the revolt of 1953, elections in free berlin and the west's determined actions to maintain the freedom of West Berlin.
More videos on: http://www.biermann.be/d/index/videos.html
Deze film begint met de vernieling en economische ineenstorting van de stad aan het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, en presenteert belangrijke historische gebeurtenissen, zoals de oprichting van bezetting zones, de luchtbrug 1948/1949, de opstand van 1953, de verkiezingen in de vrije Berlijn acties van het Westen om de vrijheid van West-Berlijn te handhaven.
Meer video's op: http://www.biermann.be/nl/index/videos.html
Public Domain Film von den US National Archives, etwas beschnitten und Kontrast und Helligkeit angepasst und Ton angepasst.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 7
Architecture. Daniel Libeskind "Jewish Museum Berlin"
The Jewish Museum Berlin (Jüdisches Museum Berlin) is one of the largest Jewish Museums in Europe. In three buildings, two of which are new additions specifical...
The Jewish Museum Berlin (Jüdisches Museum Berlin) is one of the largest Jewish Museums in Europe. In three buildings, two of which are new additions specifically built for the museum by architect Daniel Libeskind, two millennia of German-Jewish history are on display in the permanent exhibition as well as in various changing exhibitions. German-Jewish history is documented in the collections, the library and the archive, in the computer terminals at the museum's Rafael Roth Learning Center, and is reflected in the museum's program of events. The museum was opened in 2001 and is one of Berlin’s most frequented museums (almost 720,000 visitors in 2012).
Opposite the building ensemble, the Academy of the Jewish Museum Berlin was built – also after a design by Libeskind – in 2011/2012 in the former flower market hall. The archives, library, museum education department, and a lecture hall can all be found in the academy.
The Jewish Museum Berlin is located in what was West Berlin before the fall of the Wall. Essentially, it consists of two buildings – a baroque old building, the “Kollegienhaus” (that formerly housed the Berlin Museum) and a new, deconstructivist-style building by Libeskind. The two buildings have no visible connection above ground. The Libeskind building, consisting of about 161,000 square feet (15,000 square meters), is a twisted zig-zag and is accessible only via an underground passage from the old building.
wn.com/Architecture. Daniel Libeskind Jewish Museum Berlin
The Jewish Museum Berlin (Jüdisches Museum Berlin) is one of the largest Jewish Museums in Europe. In three buildings, two of which are new additions specifically built for the museum by architect Daniel Libeskind, two millennia of German-Jewish history are on display in the permanent exhibition as well as in various changing exhibitions. German-Jewish history is documented in the collections, the library and the archive, in the computer terminals at the museum's Rafael Roth Learning Center, and is reflected in the museum's program of events. The museum was opened in 2001 and is one of Berlin’s most frequented museums (almost 720,000 visitors in 2012).
Opposite the building ensemble, the Academy of the Jewish Museum Berlin was built – also after a design by Libeskind – in 2011/2012 in the former flower market hall. The archives, library, museum education department, and a lecture hall can all be found in the academy.
The Jewish Museum Berlin is located in what was West Berlin before the fall of the Wall. Essentially, it consists of two buildings – a baroque old building, the “Kollegienhaus” (that formerly housed the Berlin Museum) and a new, deconstructivist-style building by Libeskind. The two buildings have no visible connection above ground. The Libeskind building, consisting of about 161,000 square feet (15,000 square meters), is a twisted zig-zag and is accessible only via an underground passage from the old building.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 3
Weco Goldflitter Raketen West Berlin Regelung
So, und das letze Video der Österreich Serie ;)...
So, und das letze Video der Österreich Serie ;)
wn.com/Weco Goldflitter Raketen West Berlin Regelung
So, und das letze Video der Österreich Serie ;)
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 48
Berlin Ost & West wie es einmal war
Berlin Ost & West wie es einmal war...
Berlin Ost & West wie es einmal war
wn.com/Berlin Ost West Wie Es Einmal War
Berlin Ost & West wie es einmal war
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 1
326 MYRTLE AVE, WEST BERLIN, NJ Presented by Stephen Clyde.
Click to see more: http://www.searchallproperties.com/listings/2143548/326-MYRTLE-AVE-WEST-BERLIN-NJ/auto?reqpage=video
Click to see more: http://www.searchallproperties.com/listings/2143548/326-MYRTLE-AVE-WEST-BERLIN-NJ/auto?reqpage=video
Contact Stephen Clyde for more information.
RE/MAX Preferred
Welcome home to this completed remodeled and updated 4 bedroom charming cape style home on a huge .85 acres double Lot with an inviting large porch for those relaxing evenings, full basement and short commute to Philadelphia. This home is close to everything, the Berlin Twp Soccer Complex, The Robert T Clyde Memorial Park with Tennis Courts, Hockey Rinks, jogging/walking path/track, basketball courts. The location provides super easy access to Rt 73, Atlantic City Expressway, Shopping, and Restaurants. Recently remodeled with designer paint, just replaced roof, carpet, alarm system, and Landscaping. Updated plumbing PEX System and electrical. This home is in close proximity to shopping and great restaurants. Everything is already done in this house. You just need to move in and make this house a home.
wn.com/326 Myrtle Ave, West Berlin, Nj Presented By Stephen Clyde.
Click to see more: http://www.searchallproperties.com/listings/2143548/326-MYRTLE-AVE-WEST-BERLIN-NJ/auto?reqpage=video
Contact Stephen Clyde for more information.
RE/MAX Preferred
Welcome home to this completed remodeled and updated 4 bedroom charming cape style home on a huge .85 acres double Lot with an inviting large porch for those relaxing evenings, full basement and short commute to Philadelphia. This home is close to everything, the Berlin Twp Soccer Complex, The Robert T Clyde Memorial Park with Tennis Courts, Hockey Rinks, jogging/walking path/track, basketball courts. The location provides super easy access to Rt 73, Atlantic City Expressway, Shopping, and Restaurants. Recently remodeled with designer paint, just replaced roof, carpet, alarm system, and Landscaping. Updated plumbing PEX System and electrical. This home is in close proximity to shopping and great restaurants. Everything is already done in this house. You just need to move in and make this house a home.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2008 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2008 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2013 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2013 Porsche Cayenne Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Cayenne is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2013 Porsche Boxster Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Boxster is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Boxster is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2013 Porsche Boxster Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2013 Porsche Boxster is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2008 Acura TL Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Acura TL is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Acura TL is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2008 Acura Tl Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Acura TL is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Victor Landeta painting studio
my studio at Neu West Berlin 2014. Berlin...
my studio at Neu West Berlin 2014. Berlin
wn.com/Victor Landeta Painting Studio
my studio at Neu West Berlin 2014. Berlin
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 1
2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2007 Cadillac Escalade Ext Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2007 Cadillac Escalade EXT is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2011 Porsche Cayman Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2011 Porsche Cayman is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2011 Porsche Cayman is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2011 Porsche Cayman Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2011 Porsche Cayman is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Home For Sale: 370 Thurman Avenue West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
370 Thurman Avenue
West Berlin New Jersey 08091...
For more information visit
370 Thurman Avenue
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6665639
Beds: 4 | Baths: 2
Good size bi-level on corner treed lot. Possible 5th bedroom office bonus rm. and full bath in lower level-outside access to backyard from lower level. Seller is removing wallpaper and painting upper level. Wood floors under carpet. Dining room measurements are for dining area. Economical gas and central air. Combo util. and laundry room and inside access to one car garage. Bones for this home are good. Delayed showing for cleanout and painting. Great neighborhood close to Rt 73 Rt 30 shopping restaurants.
Contact Office:
CENTURY 21 Rauh & Johns
wn.com/Home For Sale 370 Thurman Avenue West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
370 Thurman Avenue
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6665639
Beds: 4 | Baths: 2
Good size bi-level on corner treed lot. Possible 5th bedroom office bonus rm. and full bath in lower level-outside access to backyard from lower level. Seller is removing wallpaper and painting upper level. Wood floors under carpet. Dining room measurements are for dining area. Economical gas and central air. Combo util. and laundry room and inside access to one car garage. Bones for this home are good. Delayed showing for cleanout and painting. Great neighborhood close to Rt 73 Rt 30 shopping restaurants.
Contact Office:
CENTURY 21 Rauh & Johns
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2008 Volvo XC90 Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Volvo XC90 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Volvo XC90 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2008 Volvo Xc90 Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Volvo XC90 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Commercial Property For Sale: 413 Prospect Ave West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
413 Prospect Ave
West Berlin New Jersey 080...
For more information visit
413 Prospect Ave
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6533380
Building area: 1000 SF
Hurry! This is the best buy in South Jersey. Freestanding 1000 sq. ft. office building with off street parking only. 300 ft. off of Route 73 across from ShopRite shopping center. Doctor Lawyer Dentist Insurance Professional Zoned Commercial. Newer Roof and thermo windows and skylights and hot water heater. Main room 27x23 Office 10x9 Office 8x8 Reception 8x17. Plenty of electric receptacles throughout basement is full height and has heat and air new commercial carpets throughout bright rooms with oversized skylights.
Contact Agent:
Charles Maimone
CENTURY 21 Reilly Realtors
wn.com/Commercial Property For Sale 413 Prospect Ave West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
For more information visit
413 Prospect Ave
West Berlin New Jersey 08091
MLS# 6533380
Building area: 1000 SF
Hurry! This is the best buy in South Jersey. Freestanding 1000 sq. ft. office building with off street parking only. 300 ft. off of Route 73 across from ShopRite shopping center. Doctor Lawyer Dentist Insurance Professional Zoned Commercial. Newer Roof and thermo windows and skylights and hot water heater. Main room 27x23 Office 10x9 Office 8x8 Reception 8x17. Plenty of electric receptacles throughout basement is full height and has heat and air new commercial carpets throughout bright rooms with oversized skylights.
Contact Agent:
Charles Maimone
CENTURY 21 Reilly Realtors
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2002 Infiniti Q45 Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2002 Infiniti Q45 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2002 Infiniti Q45 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2002 Infiniti Q45 Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2002 Infiniti Q45 is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2008 Toyota Fj Cruiser Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2005 Jeep Liberty Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2005 Jeep Liberty is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2005 Jeep Liberty is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2005 Jeep Liberty Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2005 Jeep Liberty is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 0
2006 BMW 5-Series Used Cars West Berlin NJ pa de
http://gnsmotors.com This 2006 BMW 5-Series is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515...
http://gnsmotors.com This 2006 BMW 5-Series is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
wn.com/2006 Bmw 5 Series Used Cars West Berlin Nj Pa De
http://gnsmotors.com This 2006 BMW 5-Series is available from GNS Motors Inc.. For details, call us at 856-753-4515
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Westberlin Maskulin - Hoes, Flows, Moneytoes (1997/1999) [Full Album]
Westberlin Maskulin (WBM) is a former Hip Hop group from Berlin, consisting of Kool Savas a.k.a. King Kool Savage a.k.a KKS a.k.a. Essah a.k.a. S.A.V. a.k.a....
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
The Berlin Wall surface (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Autonomous Republic (GDR, East Germany), beginning on 13 August 1961, the wall surface entirely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany as well as from East Berlin till it w
Die Stasi in West Berlin [Doku deutsch]
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR
Die Stasi in West Berlin Doku Deutsch
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR West-Berlin unterwandert. 700 bis 1.000 Menschen sollen Ende der 1980er Jahre im Dienst der DDR gestanden haben.
Minimal Tackle (Minimal Club Mix 2013 by Tim Weber, Berlin)
"Minimal Tackle" Minimal Techno - Spring Mix 2013 by DJ Tim Weber more sounds: https://soundcloud.com/oliver-tim - for promotional use only -
Eisenbahn Romantik 436 Flucht mit dem Zug nach West Berlin
Military parade in West Berlin. December 14, 1990. Platz des 4. Juli.
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
West-Berlin in den Sechzigern, optisch-musikalische Impressionen vom aufstrebenden Berlin der 60er-Jahre.
Es wirken mit: Das Rias-Tanzorchester unter Leitung des Komponisten und Dirigenten Werner Müller, die Tänzer Jürgen Feindt und Irene Mann, aber auch die Bewohner Berlins.
Sun Ra Arkestra Live In West Berlin
Sun Ra Arkestra Live In West Berlin 1983.
Die Insel - Westberlin zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall - Doku 2015 (NEU in HD)
Documentary on the Berlin Wall from Construction to Destruction
housands of people at the border checkpoints and the Brandenburg Gate fell into each other's arms with joy. The notorious barrier had separated friends, rela...
Der Fall X: Wie die DDR West Berlin erobern wollte Doku deutsch
Der Warschauer Pakt plante für den Fall einer kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung einen Blitzkrieg gegen Westeuropa, bei dem NVA und MfS in drei Tagen West-Berlin unter ihre Kontrolle bringen sollten. Jährlich fanden Planspiele statt, in denen bis ins Detail festgelegt wurde, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen der “Stachel im Fleisch des Sozialismus” unschädlich gemacht werden sollte.
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína)
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína je dokument německé televize ARD natočený v roce 2001. V České repub...
Test for the West - Berlin (Silberner Bär auf der Berlinale 1962)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; ...
Test for the West (awarded at the 1962' Berlin Film Festival)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948/49, clashes around the city government that will eventually relocated to West Berlin uprising of 17 June 1953 in East Berlin, Development of West Berlin and everyday life in the city, confrontation between the
Black Sabbath 1970-06-26 West Berlin (Live at Plumpton)
Black Sabbath
Audimax der Freien University
Berlin, West Germany
"Live at Plumpton"
Paranoid (Alternative Lyrics)
Iron Man (Alternative Lyrics)
Black Sabbath
War Pigs (Alternative Lyrics)
Hand Of Doom (Alternative Lyrics)
Rat Salad
Radio Ads
Running time:
44:23 min
Sound quality:
VG+ or EX- (?)
MANY thanks to original uploader! A lot of artwork is included in the video!.
U.S. ARMY EURPOE - Incredible Story of the West Berlin Airlift and East German Wall | Documentary
Incredible Story of the West Berlin Airlift and East German Wall - U.S. ARMY EURPOE | Documentary - UNITED STATES ARMY EUROPE - 1969 - DESCRIBES THE ROLE OF ...
RKL Greatest Hits Live in West Berlin 1988
Die Stasi in West Berlin
Westberlin Maskulin - Hoes, Flows, Moneytoes (1997/1999) [Full Album]
Westberlin Maskulin (WBM) is a former Hip Hop group from Berlin, consisting of Kool Savas a.k.a. King Kool Savage a.k.a KKS a.k.a. Essah a.k.a. S.A.V. a.k.a.......
Westberlin Maskulin (WBM) is a former Hip Hop group from Berlin, consisting of Kool Savas a.k.a. King Kool Savage a.k.a KKS a.k.a. Essah a.k.a. S.A.V. a.k.a....
wn.com/Westberlin Maskulin Hoes, Flows, Moneytoes (1997 1999) Full Album
Westberlin Maskulin (WBM) is a former Hip Hop group from Berlin, consisting of Kool Savas a.k.a. King Kool Savage a.k.a KKS a.k.a. Essah a.k.a. S.A.V. a.k.a....
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
The Berlin Wall surface (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin...
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
The Berlin Wall surface (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Autonomous Republic (GDR, East Germany), beginning on 13 August 1961, the wall surface entirely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany as well as from East Berlin till it was opened in November 1989. Its demolition formally started on 13 June 1990 and also was finished in 1992. The obstacle consisted of guard towers placed along big concrete wall surfaces, which circumscribed a large area (later referred to as the "death strip") which contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" as well as other defenses. The Eastern Bloc claimed that the wall was erected to safeguard its population from fascist components conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany. In practice, the Wall surface worked in to prevent the substantial emigration as well as defection that marked East Germany and also the communist Eastern Bloc throughout the post-World War II period.
The Berlin Wall surface was formally described as the "Anti-Fascist Defense Rampart" (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that the NATO countries as well as West Germany particularly were "fascists." [5] The West Berlin local government in some cases described it as the "Wall of Shame"-- a term coined by mayor Willy Brandt-- while putting down the Wall's limitation on freedom of motion. In addition to the different as well as much longer Internal German perimeter (IGB), which demarcated the border in between East and also West Germany, it concerned symbolize the "Iron Curtain" that separated Western Europe as well as the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War.
Prior to the Wall's erection, 3.5 million East Germans circumvented Eastern Bloc emigration limitations as well as defected from the GDR, numerous by crossing over the perimeter from East Berlin right into West Berlin; where they might then travel to West Germany and also various other Western European countries. Between 1961 and also 1989, the wall prevented nearly all such emigration. Throughout this duration, around 5,000 human tried to escape over the wall, with an approximated death toll varying from 136 to greater than 200 around Berlin.
In 1989, a collection of radical political changes occurred in the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and also the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet federal governments in nearby Poland and also Hungary. After numerous weeks of civil agitation, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that GDR citizens might check out West Germany as well as West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and also climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a commemorative environment. Over the next few weeks, euphoric individuals and memento hunters nicked away parts of the wall surface; the governments later utilized industrial tools to eliminate the majority of just what was left. Unlike common belief the wall's actual demolition did not begin till the summer of 1990 and also was not completed up until 1992. The autumn of the Berlin Wall surface paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.
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wn.com/Berlin Wall Documentary The German Death Strip History Documentary Films
Berlin Wall Documentary - The German Death Strip - History Documentary Films
The Berlin Wall surface (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Autonomous Republic (GDR, East Germany), beginning on 13 August 1961, the wall surface entirely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany as well as from East Berlin till it was opened in November 1989. Its demolition formally started on 13 June 1990 and also was finished in 1992. The obstacle consisted of guard towers placed along big concrete wall surfaces, which circumscribed a large area (later referred to as the "death strip") which contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" as well as other defenses. The Eastern Bloc claimed that the wall was erected to safeguard its population from fascist components conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany. In practice, the Wall surface worked in to prevent the substantial emigration as well as defection that marked East Germany and also the communist Eastern Bloc throughout the post-World War II period.
The Berlin Wall surface was formally described as the "Anti-Fascist Defense Rampart" (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that the NATO countries as well as West Germany particularly were "fascists." [5] The West Berlin local government in some cases described it as the "Wall of Shame"-- a term coined by mayor Willy Brandt-- while putting down the Wall's limitation on freedom of motion. In addition to the different as well as much longer Internal German perimeter (IGB), which demarcated the border in between East and also West Germany, it concerned symbolize the "Iron Curtain" that separated Western Europe as well as the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War.
Prior to the Wall's erection, 3.5 million East Germans circumvented Eastern Bloc emigration limitations as well as defected from the GDR, numerous by crossing over the perimeter from East Berlin right into West Berlin; where they might then travel to West Germany and also various other Western European countries. Between 1961 and also 1989, the wall prevented nearly all such emigration. Throughout this duration, around 5,000 human tried to escape over the wall, with an approximated death toll varying from 136 to greater than 200 around Berlin.
In 1989, a collection of radical political changes occurred in the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and also the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet federal governments in nearby Poland and also Hungary. After numerous weeks of civil agitation, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that GDR citizens might check out West Germany as well as West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and also climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a commemorative environment. Over the next few weeks, euphoric individuals and memento hunters nicked away parts of the wall surface; the governments later utilized industrial tools to eliminate the majority of just what was left. Unlike common belief the wall's actual demolition did not begin till the summer of 1990 and also was not completed up until 1992. The autumn of the Berlin Wall surface paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.
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- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 5259
Die Stasi in West Berlin [Doku deutsch]
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR...
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR
wn.com/Die Stasi In West Berlin Doku Deutsch
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR
- published: 20 Jun 2015
- views: 11
Die Stasi in West Berlin Doku Deutsch
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR West-Be...
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR West-Berlin unterwandert. 700 bis 1.000 Menschen sollen Ende der 1980er Jahre im Dienst der DDR gestanden haben.
wn.com/Die Stasi In West Berlin Doku Deutsch
Berlin war jahrzehntelang ein Tummelplatz für Agenten aus allen politischen Lagern. Besonders gründlich hat das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR West-Berlin unterwandert. 700 bis 1.000 Menschen sollen Ende der 1980er Jahre im Dienst der DDR gestanden haben.
- published: 13 Feb 2015
- views: 0
Minimal Tackle (Minimal Club Mix 2013 by Tim Weber, Berlin)
"Minimal Tackle" Minimal Techno - Spring Mix 2013 by DJ Tim Weber more sounds: https://soundcloud.com/oliver-tim - for promotional use only -...
"Minimal Tackle" Minimal Techno - Spring Mix 2013 by DJ Tim Weber more sounds: https://soundcloud.com/oliver-tim - for promotional use only -
wn.com/Minimal Tackle (Minimal Club Mix 2013 By Tim Weber, Berlin)
"Minimal Tackle" Minimal Techno - Spring Mix 2013 by DJ Tim Weber more sounds: https://soundcloud.com/oliver-tim - for promotional use only -
- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 166
author: Oliver Tim
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
West-Berlin in den Sechzigern, optisch-musikalische Impressionen vom aufstrebenden Berlin der 60er-Jahre.
Es wi...
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
West-Berlin in den Sechzigern, optisch-musikalische Impressionen vom aufstrebenden Berlin der 60er-Jahre.
Es wirken mit: Das Rias-Tanzorchester unter Leitung des Komponisten und Dirigenten Werner Müller, die Tänzer Jürgen Feindt und Irene Mann, aber auch die Bewohner Berlins.
wn.com/Die Stadt Impressionen Von West Berlin 1965
Die Stadt - Impressionen von West-Berlin 1965
West-Berlin in den Sechzigern, optisch-musikalische Impressionen vom aufstrebenden Berlin der 60er-Jahre.
Es wirken mit: Das Rias-Tanzorchester unter Leitung des Komponisten und Dirigenten Werner Müller, die Tänzer Jürgen Feindt und Irene Mann, aber auch die Bewohner Berlins.
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 29
Documentary on the Berlin Wall from Construction to Destruction
housands of people at the border checkpoints and the Brandenburg Gate fell into each other's arms with joy. The notorious barrier had separated friends, rela......
housands of people at the border checkpoints and the Brandenburg Gate fell into each other's arms with joy. The notorious barrier had separated friends, rela...
wn.com/Documentary On The Berlin Wall From Construction To Destruction
housands of people at the border checkpoints and the Brandenburg Gate fell into each other's arms with joy. The notorious barrier had separated friends, rela...
Der Fall X: Wie die DDR West Berlin erobern wollte Doku deutsch
Der Warschauer Pakt plante für den Fall einer kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung einen Blitzkrieg gegen Westeuropa, bei dem NVA und MfS in drei Tagen West-Berlin ...
Der Warschauer Pakt plante für den Fall einer kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung einen Blitzkrieg gegen Westeuropa, bei dem NVA und MfS in drei Tagen West-Berlin unter ihre Kontrolle bringen sollten. Jährlich fanden Planspiele statt, in denen bis ins Detail festgelegt wurde, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen der “Stachel im Fleisch des Sozialismus” unschädlich gemacht werden sollte.
wn.com/Der Fall X Wie Die Ddr West Berlin Erobern Wollte Doku Deutsch
Der Warschauer Pakt plante für den Fall einer kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung einen Blitzkrieg gegen Westeuropa, bei dem NVA und MfS in drei Tagen West-Berlin unter ihre Kontrolle bringen sollten. Jährlich fanden Planspiele statt, in denen bis ins Detail festgelegt wurde, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen der “Stachel im Fleisch des Sozialismus” unschädlich gemacht werden sollte.
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 13
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína)
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína je dokument německé televize ARD natočený v roce 2001. V České repub......
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína je dokument německé televize ARD natočený v roce 2001. V České repub...
wn.com/Der Luckauer Krieg Flucht Nach Westberlin (Luckauská Válka Útěk Do Západního Berlína)
Der Luckauer Krieg -- Flucht nach Westberlin (Luckauská válka -útěk do Západního Berlína je dokument německé televize ARD natočený v roce 2001. V České repub...
Test for the West - Berlin (Silberner Bär auf der Berlinale 1962)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; ......
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; ...
wn.com/Test For The West Berlin (Silberner Bär Auf Der Berlinale 1962)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; ...
Test for the West (awarded at the 1962' Berlin Film Festival)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; Ber...
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948/49, clashes around the city government that will eventually relocated to West Berlin uprising of 17 June 1953 in East Berlin, Development of West Berlin and everyday life in the city, confrontation between the two power blocs in Berlin; military presence, building of the Berlin Wall on August 1, 1961, flight from the east and perseverance of the West, Kennedy's visit
Berlin als Brennpunkt des Ost-West-Konflikts vom Kriegsende bis in die 60er Jahre. Aufteilung Berlins in Besatzungszonen und zunächst gemeinsame Verwaltung; Berlin-Blockade und Luftbrücke 1948/49, Auseinandersetzungen um die Stadtregierung, die schließlich nach West-Berlin verlegt wird, Aufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 in Ost-Berlin, Entwicklung von West-Berlin und Alltagsleben in der Stadt, Konfrontation beider Machtblöcke in Berlin; militärische Präsenz, Bau der Berliner Mauer am 1.August 1961, Flucht aus dem Ostteil und Durchhaltewillen des Westens, Kennedy-Besuch
02:00 DDR-Soldaten auf der Straße mit Maschinenpistolen im Anschlag; Brandenburger Tor; 03:04 Propeller-Passagierflugzeug auf dem Weg nach Berlin; Landung in Tempelhof; Brandenburger Tor; 04:00 Berlin in den Zwanzigern; Dom und andere historische Gebäude; 05:04 Bilder zum Nationalsozialismus: Wehrmacht; Hitler im Reichstag etc.; 05:45 Berlin bei Kriegsende: Sowjetische Panzer, zerstörte Häuser; Menschen kommen aus dem Luftschutzkeller; zerstörter Reichstag; 6:40 Bilder von der Potsdamer Konferenz; GRAFIK Territorialverluste
Deutschlands; Aufteilung in drei Besatzungszonen gemäß dem Londoner Protokoll 1944; GRAFIK Westalliierte geben besetzte Gebiete an die Sowjetzone, erhalten dafür West-Berlin; Zoneneinteilung Berlins
08:18 beginnender Wiederaufbau; Trümmerfrauen bei der Arbeit; überfüllter Zug fährt zum "Hamstern" aufs Land; 09:15 Sowjets nach Verlassen der Kommandantur; Währungsreform); Berlin-Blockade: Stillstehender Kohle-Zug; Frachtflugzeuge Rosinenbomber" der Luftbrücke; Pedalantrieb zur Energiegewinnung; 10:10 Versammlung vor dem schwer beschädigten Reichstag; Bürgermeister Ernst Reuter hält eine Rede: "Ihr Völker der Welt, schaut auf diese Stadt..";10:39 Luftbrücke nach West-Berlin; sogar ein Flugboot; Aufhebung der Blockade
12:05 Kommunisten demonstrieren für ein Berlin nach ihren Vorstellungen; Verlegung der Stadtregierung nach West-Berlin: Bürgermeister Ernst Reuter,Wahlurne mit dem Berliner Bären; GRAFIK/ KARTE: Teilung Berlins - in den verschiedensten Bereichen Energieversorgung, Telefon etc.;12:59 Aufstand vom 17.Juni 1953 in Ost-Berlin: rote Fahne auf dem Brandenburger Tor wird verbrannt; sowjetische Panzer fahren auf; 13:43 West-Berlin: Bau neuer Wohnblocks; moderne Wohn-Hochhäuser ; Hilton Berlin; neue Stadtautobahn; Arbeiterinnen an Nähmaschinen; 14:40 Impressionen von Berlin: Moderne Skulptur; "Hungerharke" (Luftbrücken-Denkmal); "schwangere Auster" (Kongresshalle); Kurfürstendamm; 15:57 Freizeit im Berliner Sommer. "Berliner Weißer";Kurfürstendamm bei Nacht
17:29 Leben in "Little America": Schule für amerikanische Kinder;amerikanische Radiostation; Rock'n'Roll-Tanz; amerikanische Soldaten werden geweckt und üben dann ihren Einsatz am Rand Berlins;18:44 In Ost-Berlin: Karl-Marx-Allee mit wuchtigen Blocks; Nationale Volksarmee (NVA); Sowjettruppen; Chrustschow wird von Ulbricht empfangen;19:21 GRAFIK vom geteilten Deutschland; Flucht aus dem Osten; Menschen im Durchgangslager; GRAFIK: Schwarze Männchen, jedes vierte weiß - illustriert, dass seit Kriegsende jeder Vierte die Sowjet-Zone/DDR verlassen hatte
20:03 Bau der Berliner Mauer am 13.8.1961: Mauer direkt vor einer Kirche; Einsatz von Wasserwerfern; GRAFIK zum ummauerten West-Berlin; 21:00 Szenen von der Mauer: Flucht durch Sprung aus dem Fenster; letztes toleriertes Händeschütteln vor dem Mauerbau; DDR-Grenzposten, von West-Berlinern ermutigt steigt über den Zaun in den Westen; Eltern dürfen zur Hochzeit ihrer Tochter nur aus dem Haus herunterwinken; 23:44 Bürgermeister Willy Brandt; Besuch von US-Vize-Präsident Johnson und General Clay; Verstärkung von US-Truppen; 24:48 GRAFIK: Expansion der Sowjetunion ab 1939 und Bildung des Ostblocks nach dem Krieg; Entfernung von Frankfurt, Paris und Brüssel von der DDR-Grenze; 25:38 Im bundesdeutschen, französischen und britischen Parlament: Politiker (u.a. Adenauer) sprechen zu Bedrohung durch den Ostblock;
26:12 Besuch von US-Präsident Kennedy in Berlin am 26.Juni 1963: Ich bin ein Berliner; fünf Monate später: Berliner trauern um den ermordeten Kennedy; Straßenschilds "John-F.-Kennedy-Platz"; 29:30 Kurz vor Weihnachten 1963 dürfen West-Berliner wieder Ost-Verwandte besuchen:
wn.com/Test For The West (Awarded At The 1962' Berlin Film Festival)
Berlin as the focal point of the East-West conflict, the end of the war up to the 60s. Division of Berlin into occupation zones and initially co-management; Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948/49, clashes around the city government that will eventually relocated to West Berlin uprising of 17 June 1953 in East Berlin, Development of West Berlin and everyday life in the city, confrontation between the two power blocs in Berlin; military presence, building of the Berlin Wall on August 1, 1961, flight from the east and perseverance of the West, Kennedy's visit
Berlin als Brennpunkt des Ost-West-Konflikts vom Kriegsende bis in die 60er Jahre. Aufteilung Berlins in Besatzungszonen und zunächst gemeinsame Verwaltung; Berlin-Blockade und Luftbrücke 1948/49, Auseinandersetzungen um die Stadtregierung, die schließlich nach West-Berlin verlegt wird, Aufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 in Ost-Berlin, Entwicklung von West-Berlin und Alltagsleben in der Stadt, Konfrontation beider Machtblöcke in Berlin; militärische Präsenz, Bau der Berliner Mauer am 1.August 1961, Flucht aus dem Ostteil und Durchhaltewillen des Westens, Kennedy-Besuch
02:00 DDR-Soldaten auf der Straße mit Maschinenpistolen im Anschlag; Brandenburger Tor; 03:04 Propeller-Passagierflugzeug auf dem Weg nach Berlin; Landung in Tempelhof; Brandenburger Tor; 04:00 Berlin in den Zwanzigern; Dom und andere historische Gebäude; 05:04 Bilder zum Nationalsozialismus: Wehrmacht; Hitler im Reichstag etc.; 05:45 Berlin bei Kriegsende: Sowjetische Panzer, zerstörte Häuser; Menschen kommen aus dem Luftschutzkeller; zerstörter Reichstag; 6:40 Bilder von der Potsdamer Konferenz; GRAFIK Territorialverluste
Deutschlands; Aufteilung in drei Besatzungszonen gemäß dem Londoner Protokoll 1944; GRAFIK Westalliierte geben besetzte Gebiete an die Sowjetzone, erhalten dafür West-Berlin; Zoneneinteilung Berlins
08:18 beginnender Wiederaufbau; Trümmerfrauen bei der Arbeit; überfüllter Zug fährt zum "Hamstern" aufs Land; 09:15 Sowjets nach Verlassen der Kommandantur; Währungsreform); Berlin-Blockade: Stillstehender Kohle-Zug; Frachtflugzeuge Rosinenbomber" der Luftbrücke; Pedalantrieb zur Energiegewinnung; 10:10 Versammlung vor dem schwer beschädigten Reichstag; Bürgermeister Ernst Reuter hält eine Rede: "Ihr Völker der Welt, schaut auf diese Stadt..";10:39 Luftbrücke nach West-Berlin; sogar ein Flugboot; Aufhebung der Blockade
12:05 Kommunisten demonstrieren für ein Berlin nach ihren Vorstellungen; Verlegung der Stadtregierung nach West-Berlin: Bürgermeister Ernst Reuter,Wahlurne mit dem Berliner Bären; GRAFIK/ KARTE: Teilung Berlins - in den verschiedensten Bereichen Energieversorgung, Telefon etc.;12:59 Aufstand vom 17.Juni 1953 in Ost-Berlin: rote Fahne auf dem Brandenburger Tor wird verbrannt; sowjetische Panzer fahren auf; 13:43 West-Berlin: Bau neuer Wohnblocks; moderne Wohn-Hochhäuser ; Hilton Berlin; neue Stadtautobahn; Arbeiterinnen an Nähmaschinen; 14:40 Impressionen von Berlin: Moderne Skulptur; "Hungerharke" (Luftbrücken-Denkmal); "schwangere Auster" (Kongresshalle); Kurfürstendamm; 15:57 Freizeit im Berliner Sommer. "Berliner Weißer";Kurfürstendamm bei Nacht
17:29 Leben in "Little America": Schule für amerikanische Kinder;amerikanische Radiostation; Rock'n'Roll-Tanz; amerikanische Soldaten werden geweckt und üben dann ihren Einsatz am Rand Berlins;18:44 In Ost-Berlin: Karl-Marx-Allee mit wuchtigen Blocks; Nationale Volksarmee (NVA); Sowjettruppen; Chrustschow wird von Ulbricht empfangen;19:21 GRAFIK vom geteilten Deutschland; Flucht aus dem Osten; Menschen im Durchgangslager; GRAFIK: Schwarze Männchen, jedes vierte weiß - illustriert, dass seit Kriegsende jeder Vierte die Sowjet-Zone/DDR verlassen hatte
20:03 Bau der Berliner Mauer am 13.8.1961: Mauer direkt vor einer Kirche; Einsatz von Wasserwerfern; GRAFIK zum ummauerten West-Berlin; 21:00 Szenen von der Mauer: Flucht durch Sprung aus dem Fenster; letztes toleriertes Händeschütteln vor dem Mauerbau; DDR-Grenzposten, von West-Berlinern ermutigt steigt über den Zaun in den Westen; Eltern dürfen zur Hochzeit ihrer Tochter nur aus dem Haus herunterwinken; 23:44 Bürgermeister Willy Brandt; Besuch von US-Vize-Präsident Johnson und General Clay; Verstärkung von US-Truppen; 24:48 GRAFIK: Expansion der Sowjetunion ab 1939 und Bildung des Ostblocks nach dem Krieg; Entfernung von Frankfurt, Paris und Brüssel von der DDR-Grenze; 25:38 Im bundesdeutschen, französischen und britischen Parlament: Politiker (u.a. Adenauer) sprechen zu Bedrohung durch den Ostblock;
26:12 Besuch von US-Präsident Kennedy in Berlin am 26.Juni 1963: Ich bin ein Berliner; fünf Monate später: Berliner trauern um den ermordeten Kennedy; Straßenschilds "John-F.-Kennedy-Platz"; 29:30 Kurz vor Weihnachten 1963 dürfen West-Berliner wieder Ost-Verwandte besuchen:
- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 1
Black Sabbath 1970-06-26 West Berlin (Live at Plumpton)
Black Sabbath
Audimax der Freien University
Berlin, West Germany
"Live at Plumpton"
Paranoid (Alternative Lyrics)
Iron Man (Alternative Lyrics)
Black Sabbath
Audimax der Freien University
Berlin, West Germany
"Live at Plumpton"
Paranoid (Alternative Lyrics)
Iron Man (Alternative Lyrics)
Black Sabbath
War Pigs (Alternative Lyrics)
Hand Of Doom (Alternative Lyrics)
Rat Salad
Radio Ads
Running time:
44:23 min
Sound quality:
VG+ or EX- (?)
MANY thanks to original uploader! A lot of artwork is included in the video!.
Notes: Nothing too rare hear, just the old "Live at Plumpton" boot, which is not Plumpton at all, but from Berlin. I got this from the fellow ran Sabbathlive.com, so it's a solid copy. This is the first known recording of a full length Sabs show that circulates. At the end are a couple of ads for the band. Enjoy!"
Here are some other interesting notes on this show:
During his introduction for "Paranoid", Ozzy mentions that the song was out as a single, but didn't know when it would be released in Germany. "Paranoid" was officially released as a single in the U.K. on July 17th.
Ozzy doesn't seem all that familiar with the new songs, as he sings different lyrics in most of them. In "Paranoid", he keeps reusing the line "'cause my mind's all full of things". I got the feeling that he was improvising quite a lot during this show.
In "Iron Man", Tony is adding some upper intervals to the usually simplistic 5ths he plays on the main riff.
"Black Sabbath": They perform the original arrangement of the song here, launching into the fast shuffle bit at 6:30 and then reverting back to the main riff and a 3rd verse. Ozzy mentioned in one 1997 interview with Toronto's Q-107 that Rodger Bain had asked them to drop this additional verse for the record.
Tony makes an embarrassing goof during "War Pigs" (about 3 minutes in)!
The lyrics for "Hand Of Doom" are different than the alternate lyrics in the Paris '70 version, possibly improvised. Very interesting rendition!
Thanks to Chris Slenker and Shawn Glick for transcribing Ozzy's stage raps and lyrics
OZZY: We'ld like to start off with a new new song which will number as a
single I hope
YELLER: [???? / jawoll]
OZZY: in England. So no one has sent a release in Germany though.
Song called Paranoid
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People say I'm insane cause I'm down frowning all the time
Fight just did no good (with/for) you because my mind's all full of hate
Say my mind goes good somewhere with an angel god I promise you.
Somebody help me occupy my brain.
Oh yeah
People say my mind's all full of things I don't know where I go.
Ev'ry thing is happ'ng to me and my mind's all what I know.
Oh yeah
Having someone with my woman cause she wouldn't help me now
Ev'ry thing keeps going wrong because my mind's all full of hate
Ev'ry thing is going bad because my fate is no where here
Now want you to see me smile and then I know I know one thing
OZZY: Thank you very much. Thank you.
wn.com/Black Sabbath 1970 06 26 West Berlin (Live At Plumpton)
Black Sabbath
Audimax der Freien University
Berlin, West Germany
"Live at Plumpton"
Paranoid (Alternative Lyrics)
Iron Man (Alternative Lyrics)
Black Sabbath
War Pigs (Alternative Lyrics)
Hand Of Doom (Alternative Lyrics)
Rat Salad
Radio Ads
Running time:
44:23 min
Sound quality:
VG+ or EX- (?)
MANY thanks to original uploader! A lot of artwork is included in the video!.
Notes: Nothing too rare hear, just the old "Live at Plumpton" boot, which is not Plumpton at all, but from Berlin. I got this from the fellow ran Sabbathlive.com, so it's a solid copy. This is the first known recording of a full length Sabs show that circulates. At the end are a couple of ads for the band. Enjoy!"
Here are some other interesting notes on this show:
During his introduction for "Paranoid", Ozzy mentions that the song was out as a single, but didn't know when it would be released in Germany. "Paranoid" was officially released as a single in the U.K. on July 17th.
Ozzy doesn't seem all that familiar with the new songs, as he sings different lyrics in most of them. In "Paranoid", he keeps reusing the line "'cause my mind's all full of things". I got the feeling that he was improvising quite a lot during this show.
In "Iron Man", Tony is adding some upper intervals to the usually simplistic 5ths he plays on the main riff.
"Black Sabbath": They perform the original arrangement of the song here, launching into the fast shuffle bit at 6:30 and then reverting back to the main riff and a 3rd verse. Ozzy mentioned in one 1997 interview with Toronto's Q-107 that Rodger Bain had asked them to drop this additional verse for the record.
Tony makes an embarrassing goof during "War Pigs" (about 3 minutes in)!
The lyrics for "Hand Of Doom" are different than the alternate lyrics in the Paris '70 version, possibly improvised. Very interesting rendition!
Thanks to Chris Slenker and Shawn Glick for transcribing Ozzy's stage raps and lyrics
OZZY: We'ld like to start off with a new new song which will number as a
single I hope
YELLER: [???? / jawoll]
OZZY: in England. So no one has sent a release in Germany though.
Song called Paranoid
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People say I'm insane cause I'm down frowning all the time
Fight just did no good (with/for) you because my mind's all full of hate
Say my mind goes good somewhere with an angel god I promise you.
Somebody help me occupy my brain.
Oh yeah
People say my mind's all full of things I don't know where I go.
Ev'ry thing is happ'ng to me and my mind's all what I know.
Oh yeah
Having someone with my woman cause she wouldn't help me now
Ev'ry thing keeps going wrong because my mind's all full of hate
Ev'ry thing is going bad because my fate is no where here
Now want you to see me smile and then I know I know one thing
OZZY: Thank you very much. Thank you.
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 15244
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