

We publish here a contribution (we have also translated from Spanish to French, English and Czech) synthesizing a series of critical discussions on the events in Rojava. This text comes from militants claiming to adhere to anarchism, based in Rosario, Argentina, and it was originally published in their bulletin La Oveja Negra [The Black Sheep].

A state of siege for proletarian masses

On the massacre of Friday 13 November at Paris

After devastation at seven simultaneous and organized Islamist warlike/terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday 10th November 2015 and killing 129 victims and further injuring 41, the state of war peace configuration changes in the center of capitalist world order.

Snitches get Pulitzers

Journalists document social movements solely to advance their careers, but their work often helps the police and employers target people who take direct action

Film on cross-border Amazon workers meeting

Solidarni w walce

We posted a short report and the final statement on the cross-border Amazon workers meeting in mid-September in Poznan. made a film about this meeting.

Greek conscripts: 'we won't take part in fighting migrants'

Migrants - Lesbos, Greece - October 2015

A collective statement on the migrant crisis from “Diktyo Spartakos” (‘Spartacus Net’), a far leftist formation inside the Greek army, and signed by conscript soldiers from 50 different units.

Wildcat strike at SOAS

A crowd gathers at SOAS today

The School of Oriental and African Studies in London has been shut down today after management suspended a union activist. This is a deveoping story, updates in the comments.

Migrant solidarity action at St Pancras, 24th of October

Following this years London Anarchist Bookfair a solidarity demo was organised at the St Pancras station to highlight racist border policies. This article covers some of the events and offers what will hopefully be taken as constructive criticism for future actions.

In the year 1968: on the nationwide strike and university occupation in Helsinki

Imagine the following situation. Due to a strike, public transportation is paralyzed all over the country. Some restaurants and shops shut their doors and 30,000 people are gathered in Helsinki to oppose the current cabinet’s austerity measures, despite of wind and rain.

Why are junior doctors in the UK so pissed off?

Junior doctors marching in central London last weekend

After marching around the country last weekend, junior doctors in the UK are to be balloted on strike action against changes to their contracts. We interview an anarchist junior doctor about what the changes are, and what workers are doing about it.'s London Anarchist Bookfair pub guide

Pints in Millers

We went on a crawl of pubs near the new London Anarchist Bookfair, taking place this Saturday at Central Saint Martin's from 10am till 7pm.