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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link November Socialist Voice is Now Available Online Mon Nov 09, 2015 21:49 | Communist Party of Ireland

offsite link Championing the Self-Employed Thu Nov 05, 2015 22:51 | Michael Taft

offsite link Begruding the Recovery Tue Nov 03, 2015 15:36 | Michael Taft

offsite link Wealth Report Tue Nov 03, 2015 13:00 | Justin O'Hagan

offsite link Zombie Catholicism Wed Oct 28, 2015 22:02 | Seán Sheehan

Irish Left Review >>

Spirit of Contradiction

offsite link Kautsky – The crisis of capitalism and the shortening of working time Mon Nov 09, 2015 22:34 | James O'Brien

offsite link How to do better things with words Fri Oct 23, 2015 07:38 | modulus

offsite link Syriza and Israel: Syriza’s response Thu Aug 20, 2015 18:10 | yeksmesh

offsite link What does a Corbyn victory mean? Tue Aug 18, 2015 00:32 | Sami El-Sayed

offsite link SYRIZA: Was capitulation inevitable? Fri Jul 17, 2015 14:14 | Sami El-Sayed

Spirit of Contradiction >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015


offsite link ALWAYS THE ARTISTS: WEEK THREE OF THE BANK INQUIRY 23:11 Thu Jan 22, 2015


Dublin Opinion >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday November 01, 2015 01:27 by T
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In the last two months, the dramatic and sad photographs of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi, and his brother lying dead on the shores on a beach in Turkey have finally opened the curtain very slightly on the horrors and terror of war in Syria. It is hard to conceive the trauma of this family first seeing one of their other brothers beheaded by ISIS jihadists, then to flee and then for this man's wife and two remaining young children to drown in the sea whilst attempting to escape. If you were to listen to politicans from the UK all the way up to the present prime minister, you would think they were doing this so they could scab off the social welfare but as anyone knows, this was the act of a family desperate to flee the terror in their home country and get to safety at all costs. However Aylan Kurdi and his brother and mother aren't the only ones to drown or being killed in war, there are tens of thousands dead.

dublin / housing Monday March 23, 2015 22:56 by Grangegorman squat
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Baliffs, hired thugs and Garda try
to force their way in. Later they turn violent.

A massive eviction is underway in Dublin. It is at the complex of occupied houses and former factory spaces in Grangegorman. Reports indicate that at 7am in the morning a very large number of private security angle grinder their way through one of the metal gates, invaded the area en massed and are erecting barriers (pictured) inside and trying to evict the occupants.

national / bin tax / household tax / water tax Friday February 20, 2015 16:34 by anti-austerity alliance
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When government propaganda fails,
political policing kicks in...

The Anti-Austerity Alliance has today condemned the jailing of anti-water meter protestors at the behest of Denis O’Brien’s company GMC Sierra.

Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy said “The jailing of these protestors and the arrests in Tallaght is an attack on the right of communities to protest against the imposition of austerity measures, in this case the water charge and meters, which are being imposed by the government despite the massive opposition to them.

national / consumer issues Friday February 20, 2015 16:29 by missing our buses already
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10% to go in 2016 and then decimation beings in earnest

Just three weeks ago the National Transport Authority (NTA) officially started the tendering for 2016 of initially 10% of Dublin Bus routes and a further 10% of all Bus Eireann routes with most of the routes in Waterford City, and a number of Dublin commuter routes are to be privatised. In the original plan a number of Cork City routes were to go but these will probably happen later. This process has been the culmination of a relentless effort by Fine Gael (FG) in the present government and their predecessors and fellow Neo-Liberal ideologists, Fianna Fáil (FF) in the last government where they have consistently pushed for the break up of both Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann so that it can be handed over to their friends in the private sector to run on a profit basis. The NTA is used as a sort of cloak of respectability to give the impression that they will actually be a regulator with teeth of which we know very few regulators have any teeth, with the banking regulator during the Celtic Tiger coming to mind, plus many other examples and the function of NTA is really for propaganda value to convince the middle class. However this whole scheme is about ideology and is NOT about competition but about privatisation.

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2015apecphilippinesworkersprotest.jpg imagePhilippines: Unions decry deceptive, vague ‘labor agenda’ of APEC 02:25 Sun 08 Nov by Sentro 0 comments

ORGANIZED workers sneered at the so-called labor agenda in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Manila next month by describing it as deceptive and vague, which merely reaffirms APEC’s ideology based on the primacy of corporate power and profits over labor and trade union rights.

20151006_dail1.jpg imagevideoSenators and TDs in State of Shock after meeting REGRET Parents in Dáil Éireann. 10:18 Tue 03 Nov by regret 2 comments

On the 6th October, parents representing the Irish Support Group REGRET met with a group of 15 TDs and Senators at the Irish Parliament ('The Dáil') . Maureen O'Sullivan T.D. organized the cross-party meeting to bring attention to the serious adverse reactions suffered by Irish schoolgirls after taking the HPV vaccine 'Gardasil'. R.E.G.R.E.T stands for "Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma"

textPolitical Trial Against Water Protestors Begins Today 22:58 Mon 02 Nov by aaa 0 comments

The political trial of 18 people who delayed Joan Burton in her car began today. It is an escalation in the attempt to demonise and vilify an entire community for rejecting the Labour Party.

Four AAA members were present in court, as part of the targeting of our own organisation by the Gardai and the establishment. On top of these charges, we have had permission to collect money door to door refused in two Garda districts, including Tallaght and there has been the revelations around Operation Mizen which has seen Gardai carry out surveillance on water charge activists including Paul Murphy TD.

Wash area imageIPS respond to Portlaoise pictures with investigation instead of improvement 19:34 Wed 28 Oct by Concerned 0 comments

Prisoners call on the Department of Justice to make public a recent prison doctors report that highlights the dangers prisoners are exposed too, legionnaire’s disease for example and other serious respiratory health risks due to the extremely poor conditions.

videoFracking Free Ireland Network Public Meeting 08:26 Tue 20 Oct by Danny Dullea 0 comments

This is a recording of a public meeting of Fracking Free Network Ireland and Northern Ireland held at the Ballroom of Romance Glenfarne on Saturday October 17 2015. There are two parts. Part 1 is the panel presentations. Part 2 the discussion and Q&A; will follow. For comments or further information please contact me at

textTicknock developer at it again 10:29 Wed 14 Oct by dublin rambler 1 comments

Repeatedly-rejected proposal to isolate old people in the middle of nowhere turns up *again* on Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown agenda

imageIndymedia Returns After Two Week Website Outage 16:01 Tue 13 Oct by 1 of Indymedia 8 comments

The Indymedia website returns to service today after an almost two week outage from Sept 29th until today Oct 13th.

This was an unplanned outage and unfortunately it took much longer than expected to restore and may have led people to think we had shutdown permanently. We hope our contributors and readers will return and continue to make use of Indymedia for it's intended purpose of posting news, reports and events by the public and activist communities.

guards_force_digger_through_crowd_0.jpg imageSpecial Petition - Minister White: Don't reward Shell abuses in Ireland 23:52 Wed 23 Sep by 1 of Indymedia 0 comments

Shell have recently applied for permission to operate their raw gas pipeline linking the Corrib gas field to the Bellanaboy refinery and are asking the Dept of Energy and Minister Alex White for “prompt processing” of its application. We have until the 25th of September to put in objections.

Don’t reward Shell abuses in Ireland! We, the undersigned demand that you reject Shell's request to operate their dangerous raw gas pipeline that will be used to plunder Ireland’s resources.

textOpen letter to Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma 13:46 Wed 16 Sep by Justin Morahan 0 comments

This is an unjust barbaric execution

textLetter to Governor Mary Pallin of Oklahoma 13:34 Wed 16 Sep by Justin Morahan 0 comments

Put a stay on an unjust barbaric execution

more >>

textSecrecy Surrounds Attempts to Kill Free Speech on University of California Campuses Nov 02 by Citizen Sane 0 comments

Herein we will focus on what seems to be a somewhat elaborate, albeit loosely organized, conspiracy (one hesitates to use the word as arguments are quickly dismissed as conspiracy theories) in the making in which a relatively large number of pro-Israeli factions (both students attending American campuses as well as outside organizations as well as outside monies)are attempting to manipulate and intimidate people so Americans relinquish their right to free speech on American campuses—that is the right to say critical things about peoples and organizations including Jews, Zionists and Israelis.

textState Budgets Can Never Serve The Class Interests of Workers Oct 29 by Paddy Hackett 2 comments

The annual budget statement is a bourgeois matter. It is the obligation of communists to highlight the latter rather than getting exclusively immersed in its details. No matter how popularly appealing a budget appears it can never serve the class interests of workers. Sections of the Left relate to state budgets as if they are pliable and can consequently meet workers' needs.

textFuture Violence in Spain Oct 29 by Deaglan O'Riain 0 comments

Is it possible that Europe will sleepwalk into another Yugoslavia.
The prognosis for Europe in general is not good at all!

imageLoud and lively protest at Irish hare coursing event! Oct 18 by Ban hare coursing in Ireland 0 comments

This weekend's two day live hare coursing event at Edenderry, Co. Offaly was the target of a lively and very loud (though non-violent) protest by campaigners against the cruel so-called "sport".

On October 17th, members and supporters of several animal protection groups gathered outside the hare coursing venue, which is located close to the Tesco and Lidl supermarkets in the town.

textThe Scandalous Lack Of Traveller Accommodation Oct 15 by pbp 18 comments

Accommodation is one of the most critical issues for the Traveller community and is identified in the 2013-2020 Healthy Ireland Report as the most significant determinant on health.

The Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998 enshrines in law the requirement of local authorities to provide culturally appropriate accommodation in all its forms, including halting sites, group housing schemes, standard houses and transient accommodation to Travellers.

Local authorities, following a consultation process with locally based Traveller organisations and the Traveller community are required to prepare and adopt a 5 year Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP) to meet the existing and projected accommodation needs of Travellers in their areas.

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imageClonmel based Irish Coursing Club reeling from loss of advertising revenue as anti blood sport organ... Nov 05 0 comments

In the latest blow to Ireland's cruel hare coursing, an Australian company has pulled an advertisement from the Irish Coursing Club website. The move came after the Irish Council Against Blood Sports highlighted the animal cruelty involved in coursing.

textPeople Before Profit condemn lobbying activities of US firm on rent controls Nov 04 0 comments

The lobbying activity of major corporations like Kennedy Wilson on rent controls should not be tolerated, according to Annette Mooney, the People Before Profit representative in Dublin Bay South.

‘There is a large rental sector in this constituency and we have already come across countless cases where people are being effectively evicted because they cannot pay exorbitant demands for rent rises.

‘Rent controls are clearly needed but we now discover that the global real estate company Kennedy Wilson is using economic leverage to influence Irish state policy.

Kennedy Wilson is a huge US company that has become one of the biggest property owners in Ireland since the crash.

imageMore Questions for the Irish Government - this Time about Yemen Oct 24 3 comments

Over the years there have been regular movements of US military refuelling planes through Shannon. The government won't tell us why they land there however. Are they refuelling US military planes just outside Irish airspace? Are they collecting cheap fuel? Are they on their way to warzones to re-fuel fighter jets?

imageBombings at Ankara peace demonstration Oct 15 0 comments

The horrendous double bombing attack that struck a protest rally for peace organized by several trade unions in Ankara, Turkey’s capital city, on Saturday 10 October, led, at the last count, to at least 128 deaths, and hundreds injured. It is the largest terrorist attack in the country’s history. Many victims are still in intensive care units in various hospitals, while a number of bodies, unrecognizable, have not yet been identified. This attack, by its human and political magnitude, has shaken the country to its foundations.

textIf Apple Paid Its Back Taxes, There Would Be No Need For Water Charges Or Property Taxes Sep 23 0 comments

The European Commission has been investigating how Apple got away with paying a tax rate of just 2 percent on massive profits. It has concluded that the company benefited from an illegal deal with the Irish government. This judgement will be announced shortly.

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