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Tim Farron - Leader of the Liberal DemocratsThe Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity.

We champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of individuals, we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full. We aim to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity.

We believe that the role of the state is to enable all citizens to attain these ideals, to contribute fully to their communities and to take part in the decisions which affect their lives.

If you agree with us, why not join the #LibDemFightback today.

  • YorkFlood
    Article: Jan 15, 2016

    The government is responsible for a woeful shortfall in cash needed to fix up flood-affected communities in Northern England, Tim Farron has said. The Liberal Democrat leader also suggested the government would be quicker to react to the problem had it struck in the home counties.

    The government dug deep last December to finance a £300 million scheme to protect the Thames Valley despite rejecting a £180 million scheme to safeguard over 4,000 homes in Leeds, one of the areas worst affected by the Christmas deluge. All parts of the country, Tim believes should get the same protection and focus.

  • Article: Jan 14, 2016

    The Liberal Democrats have committed to holding the Government to account over the promises David Cameron made in the debate over airstrikes in Syria. The Liberal Democrats believe that the UK's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to be a key concern.

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the antithesis of a liberal state. Despite nods to opening up the democratic process in the recent years, the reality is that this is still a country where nearly all freedoms are restricted.

  • Article: Jan 14, 2016

    Tim Farron wrote to the Prime Minister, together with Nick Clegg, Paddy Ashdown, Ming Campbell, Kirsty Williams and Willie Rennie setting out five principles against which the Liberal Democrats would judge the case for extension of military action against ISIL in Syria.

    This is an update on the action taken since the Liberal Democrats supported extending military action against ISIL in Syria, and how it relates to these five principles.

  • Brighton Conference Centre
    Article: Jan 14, 2016
    By Andrew Wiseman, Chair of the Liberal Democrats' Federal Conference Committee

    The Liberal Democrats Federal Conference Committee is very mindful of the cost of attending conference. The cost of coming to Autumn Party conference as well as the overall length is often raised in feedback from members. As well as keeping registrations rates as low as possible to members, launching the conference access fund and negotiating discounts on travel costs we have been looking at the length of the autumn conference. The main costs of attending conference, for most people, is having to take time off work and the cost of accommodation. Many members are not able to take the time off work. There is also increasing pressure on all political parties to reduce the length of all political conferences to minimise the impact on parliamentary time.

  • Article: Jan 13, 2016

    Last night Tim Farron gave a passionate attack against the Government's housing reforms, saying:

    "If we believe that aspiration is right and that the right to own one's home is good and something to work towards, we should be allowing a like-for-like replacement of homes sold off in advance. If we want to destroy social housing, we should do what the Government are doing."

  • Susan Kramer
    Article: Jan 13, 2016

    Commenting on the Royal Bank of Scotland's warning of a 'cataclysmic' year with slumps in shares and oil, Liberal Democrat economy spokesperson Susan Kramer said:

    "The warnings by RBS today expose how complacent George Osborne is being with our economy. Just as experts are telling investors to brace for a return to 2008, the Chancellor is declaring economic turmoil a thing of the past and relaxing rules on the banks.

  • Article: Jan 8, 2016

    Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron MP today accused the Government of using the Paris terror attacks to 'sex up' a letter about the junior doctors strike from the independent Medical Director of NHS England. Tim Farron is also calling for Bruce Keogh and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to both appear before the Health Select Committee.

  • Norman Lamb MP
    Article: Jan 8, 2016

    Liberal Democrat Health Spokesman Norman Lamb, has called for a Cabinet Office inquiry into reports that the Department of Health toughened up the language in a letter from Professor Sir Bruce Keogh to the BMA.

    Norman Lamb said that the revelation raise serious concerns about potential political interference with the independent Medical Director of NHS England, and that an inquiry should be set up by the Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood.

  • Article: Jan 8, 2016

    Commenting on reports that the language in a letter from Professor Sir Bruce Keogh was influenced by the Department of Health, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Norman Lamb said:

    "This revelation raises serious concerns about potential political interference with the independent Medical Director of NHS England. Jeremy Hunt must explain exactly who was involved in toughening up of language in this letter. My fear is that this will damage trust between the Government and junior doctors still further.

  • Norman Lamb MP
    Article: Jan 6, 2016

    Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Norman Lamb has launched proposals for an unprecedented cross party commission into health and social care.

    Norman Lamb, who has received the backing from Conservative and Labour former Health Secretaries Stephen Dorrell and Alan Milburn, believes that only a full non-partisan commission will properly deal with the crisis in health and social care.