Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Allen invasion dream

Is there anything more boring than listening to someone else's dreams - reading about them perhaps :-)

As I've mentioned previously I normally don't recall my dreams unless ill; in those cases rather than fantastical they all seem to make sense with only one or two true oddities creeping in. In this instance it was just so damn detail-oriented.

I was at work with DaBoss and a large shadow passed overhead with an accompanying loud noise. I stepped outside with him and looked up to see a flying ship like an upside pyramid made of metal, the undersides of which were a set of individually moving plates rather than a seamless whole.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sleep paralysis - things falling on you in dreams

Yes I know other people's dreams are boring; if you find that to be the case don't continue I'm not forcing you to read this. Normally I don't recall my dreams. All the ones I remember are narratives and the ones I glimpse before they fade seem to be the same; however there are two recurring ones that I can always remember the cause to the effect they have on me and both are very similar. The preamble often differs, but the conclusion is roughly the same. I'll illustrate with the one from last night.

Dream of Skyrim, Bond, and Silent Hill

I woke up in the middle of the night out of this strange dream and decided to write it down with my mobile instantly. It's so easy to either forget or start editing afterwards ann I wanted the raw weirdness. So here it is.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I woke up early this morning to the darkness feeling a little hot and a little thirsty, thought "hum" and closed my eyes. I opened them to find myself standing in a nearby street, but everything was blurry. I realised I wasn't wearing my glasses. Had I slept-walked out the house? I headed back carefully through the blur and avoided the Christmas Carollers at the end of my street. The front door was unlocked and I headed in to the living room where I warned my father about the carollers heading our way and... wait this isn't right.

I woke up.

Still a little hot and thirsty I got up and padded downstairs where my mother had just finished a fruit cake and was insisting I try it as she'd changed the recipe. I said it was very nice but it was difficult to tell because my mouth was so dry and ... wait this isn't right.

I woke up.

Still a little hot and thirsty and in need for a pee I got up and headed to the toilet. Lost in contemplation I reached over to turn on the tap to the sink to run some water for my glass and... wait this isn't right.

I woke up... at least I think I did. That sort of thing really screws up one's notions of reality.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Newton's Laws lesson plan dream

As I've said I don't normally recount dreams, but I've been having really vivid ones recently and on Saturday night out popped a complete lesson plan for getting children to think about how Newton's Laws work.

In the dream I took a class out into the playground where I'd set up a trolley and chalked some lines next to it. The trolley was purposefully heavy and I demonstrated this by getting one of the pupils to try pushing it. I then recruited several and stated that I was going to time them as to how long it would take for them to push the trolley entirely over the line. I also stated that they weren't to overstrain themselves.

They pushed and it took 10 seconds. I then moved the trolley back to its start position and pointed out another line ten times the length of the trolley away. I then asked if it took 10 seconds to push the trolley the original distance how long would it take to push it to the next line?

Monday, August 09, 2010


I only tend to remember my dreams when ill or placed under some form of discomfort, even then I don't tend to record them as they tend to be boring to all except those who experienced them.This one was slightly different if only for its consistency so please forgive me for writing it down.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Strange nights

The fields stretched endlessly before me and the conveyors went with it carrying their dark brown river. I walked alongside them an outstretched hand brushing along the sides until I come to a point where the machinery had obviously broken down. The belt has been pulled out of line and left to rust by the side; dark beans spill off the belt into a trough filled with straw to be hand picked and transported over to the next belt.

"So this is what unprocessed chocolate looks like" I thought/said.
"Well done oh great Etruscan detective," another voice thinks/says "but that's the least of your concerns"
"I do not fear the Genesis Pig." I reply calmly. "Why use straw, it must make collection difficult?"
"We have too many replicators" thought/said the voice
"You have a replicating replicator." I grow more alert " It must be stopped"