bryyo003 (User)

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Open World Games - a need for change?

bryyo003 | 8d ago
User blog

With the success and improved technology from last generation consoles and the continued innovation of next generation gaming, we have seen many an open world game. Despite experiencing beautiful worlds packed with content, is there a need for change in our open world framework? Without change, the open world template stands to become generic and, ironically, quite linear in its structure. Here are a few ways in which open world game developers could break the habit and create something more refreshing and innovative.

Side Missions

We have all encountered time-killing and soul-destroying optional missions. Kill this, investigate that, collect those and, of course, fetch quests. (ARGH!). You are immersed in a fantastic world; stunning and rich with lore which is glued together with a gripping and engaging story. However, these ridiculous side missions have been around as long as gaming; old relics that need to be discarded, or, at the very least, changed and improved.

Worst Offender – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Although DA:I may not be the worst culprit, but it was certainly the most disappointing. It was one of the first open world RPGs on the next-gen scene and boasted a world you could lose yourself in for hours, as long as you got lost doing boring side quests.

Benchmark – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Yes, The Witcher 3 has over 250 side missions, but this game does a fantastic job at disguising them and driving them with rich characters and a unique story to every single one. Although this doesn't solve the problem, it is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.

Frame Rate Issues

It doesn't matter if the world is vast, gorgeous and full of secrets to explore; if the frame rate drops, the experience is ruined. Developers brag about how massive their world is, but wouldn't we much rather a smaller world with better frame rate mechanics? This way you can lose yourself in a much more enthralling world, rather than literally getting lost and then getting annoyed because the game won’t keep up.

Worst Offenders – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Yes, The Witcher 3 again. The number of frame rate drops, glitches and bugs in this game far surpass any other next-gen title. The Witcher series has nearly perfectly brought the books to life and kept much of the lore and story. Yet, it is difficult to enjoy when you get start stuttering whilst tearing away on horseback from an enormous monster.

Benchmark – Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain

A truly exceptional game; a visual feast for the eyes, brilliant missions and characters with personality, yet not a single drop in fps (at least not in my experience). Hopefully Kojima has set a trend by creating a rightly unforgettable experience and, hopefully, many will follow in its steps by giving us quality over quantity.


There are many of us out there that must complete every story mission, side mission, collect all legendary equipment and full level-up every character. But then again, who has the time these days? The developers boast that a game will take over 100, 200 or even 300+ hours to take-down. If you have a 9-5, pay a mortgage, maybe have kids, then this is simply not a realistic goal. It tarnishes the experience of the game, knowing from the start that you will NEVER fully complete this game. Yes, it is great to find out that a great game is also going to be a long one, but once your quest list gets bogged down, your inventory is officially full and you can’t be bothered to even fast travel anymore, then what is the point?

Worst Offenders – Mass Effect Series

(I couldn’t select The Witcher 3 again…could I? …No better not).

The Mass Effect series is gigantic, with great character progression, immersive landscapes and fantastic story-based decisions. But, unless you’re a diehard fan, when is someone going to be able to complete it all?

Benchmark – Batman Arkham Series

Undoubtedly the most popular superhero based video games of all time. The Arkham series shows us that a great game does not have to be inordinately gargantuan. This series really does prove that bigger is not always better. Don’t get me wrong, Arkham City and Arkham Knight are large games with plenty of content, but it is still realistic that one may complete all the Riddler’s riddles and every other side mission available.

These are only a few issues that need to be addressed for the sake of next generation Open World gaming, but in the meantime, let’s still enjoy the titles that have nailed the open world scene.

Do you agree with this list? Share your thoughts in the comments on what you would like to see change/not change.

thorstein  +   7d ago
I like how you stayed with current gen games to explore these ideas.

As a Dragon (Warrior) Quest fan, I have never encountered a game in the series that wasn't fun from the getgo. And talk about "grinding," DQ games are known for it.

Another good game (though last gen) that does most of what you talk about well is Ni No Kuni.

Of course it is a Level 5/ Studio Ghibli game, so it stands to reason that it is good (yes I am biased). The side quests take you to parts of the world that you may not have explored but also help you with the main story and don't detract from it.
Majin-vegeta  +   6d ago
Im excited to see what GG does with Horizon Open world wise.
sullynathan  +   5d ago
Mass Effect series is not even an open world game series. Why is it here?

I made a blog about this. You should check it out.
martinstrings  +   5d ago
Open world games are constantly evolving. There is always need for change. However expecting immediate and dramatic change is a recipe for disappointment.
Zizi  +   4d ago
Naughty Dog should craft an open-world title someday somehow.

I like it that Guerilla Games has stepped out of their "comfort zone" by making an open-world title called HORIZON, and I think Naughty Dog should do it, too!

Talking about side missions, I guess BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT has the most enjoyable ones this year.
ABizzel1  +   3d ago
Framerate issue has two other contenders that vastly outclass The Witcher. The Witcher has it's issues, but it's nowhere near Assassin's Creed Unity (especially at launch) and Fallout 4 in framerate, bugs, glitches, etc...

With Unity taking the cake by far.
#6 (Edited 3d ago ) | Agree(1) | Disagree(2) | Report | Reply

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