Newly Announced PS4 Exclusive Valkyria: Azure Revolution’s First Screenshots Revealed by Famitsu

As mentioned yesterday, the newly announced Valkyria: Azure Revolution was featured in an article on Famitsu, and it includes quite a few lovely screenshots.

We can see the protagonists Amlet, Ophelia and Brünhilde, and quite a bit of lovely gameplay.

Valkyria: Azure Revolution is a full fledged JRPG, and will be released in Japan in Winter 2016.

You can check out the screenshots below, but remember that those are magazine scans, so the quality isn’t as great as direct feed screenshots.

As a bonus, we also got a few pictures of the upcoming Valkyria Chronicles remaster on PS4.

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  • kudostoyou

    dissapointed because its not SPRG anymore but cant wait to try it

    • WTGHookshot

      Same. I see it this way: it isn’t called Valkyria Chronicles 4 because it is a spin-off. I am okay with a spin-off doing its own thing.

    • Kuzotalis

      Well it is a spin off it would have it different from past 3 Valkyria Chronicles games, so i’m cool with that.

    • WingsOfChicken

      dafuq is SPRG

      • unbiased_gamer

        Strategy Role Playing Game

        • WingsOfChicken

          oh, so SRPG, not SPRG

          • unbiased_gamer

            I have a feeling you knew what he meant lol.

      • James Darkly

        Strategy RPG

  • Terminator

    Is it the same as the first? As in like the game acts like a chest game where you move your units and only take command of them when engaging?

    • kudostoyou

      no more SRPG

      • Terminator

        And that is?

        • Giuseppe Nelva

          Strategy RPG. This is a full fledged JRPG apparently.

          • Terminator

            YES!!!! Always hated the first game because of that Strategy RPG BS

          • Terminator

            Hope its close to what Tales of games are.

          • KnifeAndFork

            It wasn’t BS . It was a great evolution of the genre.

            If you didn’t like it what the hell are you doing here posting lol

          • Terminator

            Because I liked the anime and always wanted a game of it and the first wasn’t what I expected.

          • KnifeAndFork

            The anime was horrible

          • Terminator

            Then we have nothing further to discuss. Good day sir.

          • Agustin Freyre

            Uhmmm that was the whole point of the game. Is like saying you always hated Metal Gear for the stealth BS. What the hell…

          • Terminator

            Dont compare Metal Gear to the Chess type game that was Valkyria.

          • Agustin Freyre

            Why not? You are not making any sense here. Valkyria always was a strategy game. If something is BS here, is changing the genere to action. If you dont like strategy, then you dont like Valkyria.

  • Rob

    The remaster is for Raita fans because Sega wasn’t bringing him back for V:AR. Lol

    Must remember Oppai is Oppai no matter who the artist is. Lol

    • chicha

      and what glorious oppais these are!

    • Cudgiebat

      Next gen Oppai is what the PS4 was made for.

      • StarTsurugi


  • phar0ahad3

    Wtf are they doing with this franchise i love ? where are the guns wheres the strategy ??????

    • WTGHookshot

      This is a spin-off. No need to get into devastated mode for a spin-off made by a different team.

      • phar0ahad3

        But thats not what we want and if this doesnt succeed we probably wont get the true sequel weve been waiting for.!!!!!!!

  • WEL

    looks good. As long as the battle system is not action I will most likely buy the game. Now to pray for localization and 2017.

  • 大王 アレクサンダー

    To all the haters:
    When was the last time we received a home console Valkyria game? 2008. This is not part of the Senjou series, this is something new in another universe but it has shared elements with the Senjou series (ragnite, valkyria and so on). Just because it’s not an SRPG anymore, does not mean it’s bad. At this point its way too early to judge the game.

    They see potential in the series thats why we get something after 7 (in reality 8) years. Provided how much easier is now to develop a game on consoles (compared to PS3’s clusterfuck architecture, was powerful though but complicated) it’s safe to say that if Azure Revolution succeeds then sooner or later we’ll get Valkyria Chronicles 4 (on PS4 at least).

    Consider the Azure Revolution as fan service, that’s how Sega and the developer Media Vision tells that they’ve not abandoned this IP (thankfully). Judging by the screens, the game will be successful in Japan for sure and even though localization has not been confirmed yet, im 99% sure that it will be released in the west (~6 months after Jp release). Releasing VC1 on Steam and topping the charts withing 24 hours opened up Sega’s eyes I guess.

    • Kuzotalis

      Exactly, that’s what they are not getting a bigger picture, and we can agree that we have one valkyria related game that is better than none.

    • Greg

      It’s first person X-Com all over again. Instead of giving people what they been begging for years for, Sega took their unique SRPG and turning it into yet another sword and sorcery JRPG in an already saturated market. This would have been acceptable as a spin off AFTER a true sequel but you don’t revive a franchise after years of dormancy with a game only tangentially related to its predecessors unless you want to fail. The second they announced the patent I knew Sega wasn’t going to leave well enough alone and try to pull some dumb ****.

      • 大王 アレクサンダー

        Many flaws here.
        The sword and sorcery genre was already saturated back in the 90’s (or even before), did that stop developers from creating their own vision in the genre? Thankfully not. And games like Azure Revolution are insanely popular in Japan.
        Also Sega didn’t turn their unique SRPG into something else, Media Vision just approching the Valkyria world from another perspective. People should be happy that there are some devs who are experimenting outside of their confort zone not releasing the same (buggy) assassin’s game or everyone’s favourite shooter every single year. I know it’s impossible to believe but what if Media Vision works on the Azure Revolution meanwhile Sega finishes the Remaster and afterwards they can start working on VC4? Mind-blown

        “you don’t revive a franchise after years of dormancy”
        Valkyria Chronicles PC release: November 11, 2014
        I wouldn’t call that dormant, even though it was just a re-release, also the remaster is on it’s way for PS4.
        Sega just tasted it how huge the demand is for Valkyria games a year ago, give them some time.

        • Greg

          You’re not disproving my point about saturation and a lack of originality by saying it’s been happening for a long time (which strengthens my point) and telling me that people tend to buy what’s available to them. “Also Sega didn’t turn their unique SRPG into something else, Media Vision just approching the Valkyria world from another perspective”, your right- Media Vision did it with Sega’s permission, my mistake. Making yet another RPG about waifish youths who fight evil empires with magic and swords the size of their entire bodies is about as experimental and outside the box as a Call of Duty sequel, they couldn’t get deeper into their comfort zone if they tried. Given how rare squad based SRPGs are, especially given VCs mechanics, a “normal” game would have actually been far more original. I wouldn’t really call a remaster and a remaster of a remaster a reawakening, it’s more of a twitch with this game being the first step forward in years, the only question now is if this game fails to catch on in the East or West what happens to VC4.

  • Tezzer1985

    But the PS4 has no games

    • Kuzotalis

      As they say, but not anymore.

  • DanielGearSolid

    Looks amazing

  • John

    This looks pretty amazing. I just hope the gameplay is deep enough and isn’t another Sword Art Online.

  • Kelborne

    New Valkryria for PS4! Cool!
    Wait. Giant scythes and swords? Running into gunfire like a generic invincible anime idiot? Dafuq?
    Sigh.. Not what I was expecting, but… Scythe girl has nice cans so I’m honor-bound to check it out.

  • 7thlevel JR

    this is going to be great on pc

  • Blaine

    Not a SRPG? Well I just lost most of my interest in this game…

  • Lumego1

    In the interview, they said they wanted to judge the reactions of fans from the demo about the change. I’m wondering if it’s to gauge if they should proceed on this route or return to old or blend both. I’m curious of how the battle system will be implemented as well. Combat gonna be jrpg turnbased or Action-J-RPG. Either way,I’m excited to return to the universe, loved the series and digging the appearance right now. If it is a spin-off, then they may have the start of two different Valkyria series.

  • jakdripr

    Wait… it’s not an SRPG anymore? That’s actually a little disappointing. Of course, ill wait and see what the new combat system looks like before I straight up cry fowl, but it’s certainly a little disappointing.

  • Black Heaven

    Valkyria remaster! I could settle for another dip. Heheh
    Besides I didnt get to finish the ps3 version, and now it’s gonna have trophies!

    Exclusive… any info if it’s console exclusive? They did release valkyria on steam after a few years…

  • Anubisseesall

    simply amazing, now hopefully Sega will bring both over on disc. No way these great games should be locked away from retail shelves

  • Mats Leven

    HOLY PS4


    Hell YES! !!!!!!!

  • Fleming_007

    This better be a timed exclusive.

  • The Silent Hours

    I’ve seen a couple of dualshockers that I like the look of.

  • Heavenly_King

    this screenshot is real time?

    If so….OMG!!!! XD

  • Honza Arenoth Vohlídal

    Iam happy that we get new Valykria chronicles game…but at the same time I am sad. I mean it is not anything like first game which I love to bottom of my heart. It really look like some generic JRPG. When we finally get first Europian War? You know with young Largo and Varrot, Welink’s and Issara’s father…

    I want to support series but I have no assurance that the will come back to good old VC….

  • Leo Liu

    By Winter 2016 is it Jan/Feb 2016 or Nov/Dec 2016?