Submitted by idsanty 1d 6h ago | article

Fallout 4: How to Pick Locks

So, you want to be a thief? Or perhaps you’re just a scavenger in the truest sense of the word? Well, if you’re having trouble picking locks in Fallout 4, this guide is for you. (Fallout 4, PC, PS4, Xbox One)

RedSoakedSponge  +   1d 4h ago
are you kidding me? wtf is this? its explained in the game when you first try picking a lock! how did this get approved?! seriously? this pisses me off lol
TheSaint  +   17h ago
While I agree this is a touch unnecessary, you're reaction is also a touch unnecessary.
RedSoakedSponge  +   16h ago
i know it is. but overreactions get heard. haha :P
ironcrow2386  +   1d 4h ago
Hmm could it be as simple as finding Bobby pins and increasing your lock experience?? I mean what an absolute stupid question I think these writers must be stoned to ask such things
gangsta_red  +   1d 4h ago
Kind of pointless since there is an actual tutorial when you first try and pick a lock.

I know I had to look online to figure out how the heck do you throw a grenade.
BlackTar187  +   1d 2h ago
lol they told me once in game how to throw them and i also had to go online and relearn.
Aenea  +   18h ago
Fun fact: they had not told me in the game yet so found it online, then after throwing grenades and molotov cocktails left and right it suddenly told me how to! That was so weird!
ZaWarudo  +   1d 4h ago
Do a tutorial on how to walk and how to look around.
Hellsvacancy  +   1d 3h ago
I'm still figuring out how to insert the Fallout 4 disk so I can start playing
rdgneoz3  +   1d 2h ago
Wait, I still can't figure out how to get the disk out of the case...
kneon  +   1d 2h ago
we need some instructions to get the plastic wrap off of the case first :)
remixx116  +   1d 1h ago
You guys crack me up
Eidolon  +   1d 3h ago
Another one of these from twinfinite?
Maxor  +   1d 2h ago
No wonder N4G get flagged for malware with garbage links like this.
Knuckle Duster  +   1d 2h ago
Holy crap that made me laugh! Shouldn't have any problems picking locks after that amazing explanation! Sarcasm
BlackTar187  +   1d 2h ago
i do wish they left the back out and re try without losing turns on the bobby pin. I mean it made having multiples worthless but it was better on my heart lol. Whenever i lose a bobby pin a small piece of me dies with it.
RedSoakedSponge  +   15h ago
im struggling with wiping my arse after taking a shit. any chance of a tutorial twinfinite?

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