
Memories of a Metropolitan Indian

A former Metropolitan Indian (member of a situationist-influenced group in Italy) recounts some experiences with the group during the "Years of Lead": the violent late-1970s.

Red Bologna - Max Jäggi, Roger Müller, and Sil Schmid

A post-war history of the Itialian city of Bologna, focusing on its rule by the Italian Communist Party, its movements by various workers councils and co-operatives, and various other fascists of the city.

Ditching the fear! Warehouse workers struggles in Italy and their wider significance

Some AngryWorkers went to Italy to meet workers involved in the logistics struggles there. The article includes some thoughts and context based on our discussions with them, our reflections on differences between the situation here in the UK and Italy, and some critical questions.

Transnational feminism's radical past: Lessons from Italian immigrant women anarchists in industrializing America

An article by Jennifer Guglielmo on the activism of Italian immigrant anarchist women in the US during the early twentieth century.

The moral foundations of anarchy by Pietro Gori

In this 1904 short pamphlet, italian anarchist composer and poet, Pietro Gori draws the evolution of human history from its origins to the present day, in which the relationships between people are still regulated by predatory drifts. Gori challenges the idea of anarchy as disorder spread by authoritarian institutions in order to defame the anarchists, and rejects the argument that violence has anything to do with the anarchist movement; to him, indeed, violence streams from power, and popular struggle is always a favorable reaction against it. The moral foundations of anarchy, then, is the dawn of a new future, founded on new principles, such as mutual aid and solidarity.

Heroin and Italy's 'Disappeared' Generation - Emilio Torrini


An article describing the devastating effects of the Italian Mafia (with conspiracy theories alleging CIA assistance) disseminating cheap heroin within anti-establishment circles in 1970s Italy.

Negri on football and class struggle

In June of 2006, Antonio Negri spoke with Renaud Dely and Rico Rizzitelli, two journalists from Liberation, about football, fordism and class struggle. Translated from Spanish by Guio Jacinto.

We have populism because there is no people - Mario Tronti

Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement

A piece written by Mario Tronti for a recent issue of Democrazia e Diritto (2010, 3–4), dedicated to the question of populism. Translated from Italian by David Broder.

Altai: Wu Ming

Sequel to Q, in which characters from the first book come back to settle old scores, as the Republic of Venice and the whole 16th Century world order seem ready to crumble.

Red years, black years: anarchist resistance to fascism in Italy

Anarchist partisans in Italy

A detailed pamphlet on the history of the Italian anarchist resistance to fascism from the 1920s to 1945 and beyond by region. First published in 1973, translated to English by Alan Hunter and published in 1989 by ASP.