Hillary Clinton已認證帳戶


Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate. Tweets from Hillary signed –H

出生於 1947年10月26日

已封鎖 @HillaryClinton

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  1. 已轉推

    Hillary Clinton is the only Dem running who agrees w/ Pres Obama that we shouldn't raise taxes on families under $250k.

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  2. 已轉推

    When it comes to taxes, has a pledge:

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  3. 已轉推

    SEIU members want justice for immigrant families who've spent too long living in fear in the shadows

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  4. If you like puppies, dancing, and calling out Republicans, you'll love the hillaryclinton Snapchat.

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  5. 51% of the kids in our public schools are eligible for free or reduced cost lunches. We need to raise wages to lift families out of poverty.

    翻譯自 英文

  6. 已轉推

    . has a track record of fighting 4 healthcare access, good jobs, & equal access 2 education 4 working families

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  7. 已轉推

    . realiza evento de campaña en Dallas, Texas. Puedes verlo en vivo aquí: via

    翻譯自 西班牙文

  8. The , representing 2 million workers, has voted to endorse Hillary!

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  9. We've seen a lot of hateful rhetoric from the GOP. But the idea that we'd turn away refugees because of religion is a new low. -H

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  10. Thank you, .

  11. 已轉推

    Members say supports our movement to build a better future for working families. Watch:

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  12. 已轉推

    There was only one candidate on stage at the last weekend who wouldn't raise middle class taxes.

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  13. 已轉推

    Colleges should serve their students, not their bottom-line. Read 's plan:

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  14. Come for the coffee. Stay for the conversation—about one of this campaign's most important issues.

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  15. “It shows her at her wonkish best."

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  16. We asked Senator what a Republican president would mean for women.

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  17. No American should work full-time and struggle to get by. Raising the minimum wage will help lift millions out of poverty.

    翻譯自 英文


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