A Melbourne Wob reviews the 2nd annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair.

The 2nd Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair held on Saturday August 4th 2012. A jovial crowd visited the 40 stalls and 20 workshops/talks at the Abbotsford Convent.

Bookshops, campaigns, Clubs, distributors, networks, solidarity and other stalls were set up from 9am and the space opened to the public at 10am and closed at 6pm (See www.amelbournebookfair.org for more details of stalls and talks/speakers).

The Kids Space had screenprinting, a toy library, art supplies and reading. Next to this was the imaginative “Iddy-biddy anarchist” stall with small figurines assembled as in a protest holding signs attached by the kids and passing adults with creative minds.

Inside the big space IWW had a stall with badges, Cds, Dvds, pamphlets, patches, stickers. t-shirts. The latest edition of our paper Direct Action was distributed too. $300 was made on the stall. This money will be used to pay costs of keep us supplied with materials on the stall for our next public outing.

Wobblies from Adelaide, Brisbane & Sydney met up with Victoria members. Thanks to all who travelled and helped out on the day.

There was a “high tea” outside in the open under a tree in the courtyard at 3pm where Wobs, partners, friends and comrades munched on scones and plotted the downfall of class society.

The talk STUFF YOUR BOSS doesn’t want you to know had IWW and Melbourne Workers Solidarity Network and others talk about exploitation and organising resistance.

An education industry workshop focussed on student struggles with some lecturers and teachers present who spoke about Cuts at TAFEs and Universities.

Latin American Solidarity Network had a stall and did a workshop on Latin American Grassroots Movements and their upcoming conference in November in Melbourne (see www.latinlasnet.org).

Women’s Web had their new book “Betrayal” on women and work in Victoria for sale and we bought copies for the IWW library and stall to have (see www.womensweb.com.au).

Fine weather meant the outdoor courtyard area could be used too: for example a group photograph was taken with individuals wearing t-shirts of letter to spell out “STAND UP FOR THE BURRUP” and a banner signed to hand over to the Elders later this year. This was organised by the Indigenous solidarity (Walmadan Country is Calling, Stand Up for the Burrup, Yindjibarndi) stall crew (see www.indigenousheritage.info).

There was also outside in the courtyard  a debriefing by The Lizard’s Revenge, festival of dissent outside BHP-Billiton’s Olympic Dam copper-uranium mine in outback South Australia. Those present heard of the traditional owners concerns,
– the link with Fukushima nuclear reactor that uses Australian mined uranium,
– of the travellers experiences,
– arrest updates,
– some music and saw or participated in zombie flash dancing etc.
see www.lizardsrevenge.net  &  www.acecollective.org

IWW members participated in the organising collective for the event and plan to do so again next year for the 3rd Bookfair in August 2013.

The next similar event will be “Camp Anarchy” on the Labour Day weekend 9/1011 March 2013
Site is Camp Eureka, 100 Tarrango Road, Yarra Junction Mel Ref 288 K10
$25/20 per night (Waged/Unwaged) kids free.
see www.campanarchy.org

Dear reader please note I could not write about stalls and meetings I did not attend, mostly my time was on bookfair related stall or errands, answering questions for those new to event or seeking people etc. Others who can expand this with their own experiences please share.


About IWW


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