Noticias Zjarr news channel Albania
A wannabe television presenter has managed to land her dream job - by auditioning with her blouse completely undone.
The reporter landed the role after performing a screen test for the Zjarr news channel in Albania.
Wearing a cream blouse, the woman sat with the whole front gaping open as she practised her news slot.
According to the video caption, which has been uploaded to YouTube, the woman
Financat, rënie në shtator - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Kriza fiskale e qeverisë u thellua në shtator duke ngritur pikëpyetjet e para mbi rezultatet e operacionit kundër informalitetit. Pavarësisht kontrolleve masive mbi biznesin dhe ashpërsimit të masave ndëshkuese ndaj evazionit deri në ekstrem, të dhënat e fundit zyrtare nga Ministria e Financave tregojnë se mosrealizimi i të ardhurave nga taksat për nëntëmujorin kërceu në 6.9 miliardë lekë ose gati
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30 - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30
Islanda dëbon familjen shqiptare - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Në Islandë, një familje shqiptare së cilës iu mohua e drejta e azilit, është bërë çështja e ditës. Sipas kryefamiljarit, Hasan Telati, arsyeja e kërkesës për azil është prejardhja e tij komuniste dhe problemet që i lindën nga ky fakt në jetesën e tyre në vendlindje.
Albanian Student Shows Her Breasts, Lands News Anchor Role
21-year-old student and aspiring news presenter Enki Bracaj landed a job on Albanian TV's Zjarr channel after wearing an open top that exposed parts of her breasts during a screen test. We look at the raunchy audition on the Lip News with Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill.
Basha në PPE, denoncon qeverinë - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
I pranishëm në Kongresin e Partive Popullore Europiane që po mbahet në Madrit, kreu i Partisë Demokratike Lulzim Basha, në fjalën e mbajtur përpara të pranishmëve bëri një pasqyrë të situatës aktuale në Shqipëri, të cilën e cilësoi si shumë të rëndë.
Të rinjtë e fshatit... - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
15 kilometra nga Tirana gjendet fshati Zgafram. Prej vitesh, të rinjtë e fshatit sapo mbarojnë shkollën e mesme largohen për mundësi më të mira. Disa ja dalin, ndërsa të tjerë nuk kanë kaq shumë fat. Ardit Maloku është një i ri që ka bërë të kundërtën. Ai pasi ka përfunduar shkollën e lartë është rikthyer në vendin e lindjes.
Netanyahu: Myftiu palestinez frymëzoi Holokaustin - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Në fjalimin e mbajtur përpara Kongresit botëror të Zionizmit në Izrael, Benjamin Netaniahu u përpoq t’ia shkarkonte palestinezëve fajet e holokaustit, e vala e ashpër e reagimeve që pasuan komentet e kryeministrit izraelit ishte padyshim e pritshme.
Europiani sjell miliona euro - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Kualifikimi i Kombëtares shqiptare për herë të parë në një kompeticion europian, përveç entuziazmit dhe rritjes së imazhit të Shqipërisë, pritet të sjellë edhe përfitime të ndjeshme financiare për Federatën Shqiptare të Futbollit.
I sëmuri mendor që u bë terrorist - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Personi që ishte nga Siria dhe që quhej Abdurraman e pyeti në arabisht hoxhën e fshatit se, ‘sa ushtarë kishte marrë me vete?’. Dhe ai iu pëgjigj se ‘të kam bërë dhuratë dy ushtarë’. Mua më thanë se do të ikja në Siri dhe do të shpërblehesha 200 mijë euro dhe se paratë do të m’i jepnin pas 6 muajsh, kur të kthehesha nga lufta.
Kosovë, Visar Ymeri: Qeveria po na provokon - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Opozita në Kosovë tashmë e ka përgatitur skenarin për ta parandaluar seancën e kuvendit të Kosovës këtë të premte. Kryetari i Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje, Visar Ymeri e quan provokim nga ana e kryesisë së Kuvendit vazhdimin e seancave.
Rikthimi në fshatin e lindjes - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Ikja e rinisë nga fshati Baldushk ka qenë një fenomen i zakonshëm gjatë viteve. Të rinjë dhe të reja, në kërkim të mundësive më të mira, janë munduar të përmirësojnë jetën e tyre duke emigruar.
UNESCO, Këshilli Ekzekutiv rekomandon anëtarësimin e Kosovës - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Këshilli Ekzekutiv i UNESCO-s në Paris ka votuar pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës në këtë organizëm ndërkombëtar, me 27 vota pro, 14 kundër dhe 14 abstenim.
Një jetë në fshat - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Prej gati 32 vitesh Muharem dhe Nuhrie Ahmeti rrugët e fshatit i kanë bërë përditë. Çifti me profesion mësues në Baldushk, u njohë fillimisht në shkollën Pedagogjike, Normalja e Elbasanit.
Ekspertët: Të deklarohet minimumi jetik - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Avokati i Popullit, në një auditorium me ekspertë të ekonomisë dhe shkencave sociale, ka thënë se numri i të varfërve në vend është rritur dhe se, qeveria shqiptare duhet të deklarojë minimumin jetik, si një tregues që lidhet jo vetëm me nevojat për mbijetesë, por edhe si bazë e përcaktimit të skemave të mbrojtjes sociale.
Greqi, ligji i ri i emigrantëve - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Prej mëngjesit të së mërkurës, datë 21 tetor, fillojnë të zbatohen në Greqi edhe disa dispozita të përmirësuara të ligjit me numër 4332/2015, i quajtur edhe “ligji i ri i emigracionit”. Pjesa e parë e ligjit, që ka të bëjë me dhënien e nënshtetësisë për fëmijët e emigrantëve, ka disa javë që ka filluar të zbatohet.
Mali i Zi, Nimanbegu: Opozita, me sinjale antishqiptare - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Për shqiptarët e Malit të Zi, protestat e dhunshme në këtë vend janë të nxitura nga kundërshtarët e integrimit të këtij vendi të vogël në Bashkimin Europian dhe në Nato. I këtij mendimi është deputeti shqiptar në Parlamentin e Malit të Zi, Genci Nimanbegu.
Mali i Zi, opozita: Të ikë diktatori Gjukanoviç - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Podgorica duket e qetë, por ka mjaft ankth në pritje të protestës së lajmëruar për ditën e shtunë nga opozita “Fronti Demokratik”, një forcë politike me theks nacionalist proserb.
Papa Françesku me tumor? Vatikani e mohon - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Papa Françesku ka tumor të parrezikshëm në tru? Jo, Vatikani ka mohuar këtë të mërkurë një raportim të mediave italiane se Ati i Shenjtë vuan nga një sëmundje e tillë.
Kosovë, tryezë me shoqërinë civile - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Deputetë të Kuvendit të Kosovës dhe përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile vlerësojnë se kriza politike është në prag të shpërthimit të dhunës edhe jashtë institucioneve.
“Nuk do ta njohim Kosovën” - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Serbia apelon te vendet anëtare të UNESCO-s të mos votojnë pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës.
Botimet "Saras" - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Shtëpia botuese “Saras” ka prezantuar librin më të fundit të saj, “Lufta e shenjtë, e shenjta aleancë”, me autor Manlio Graziano, profesor i gjeopolitikës në Universitetin e Sorbonës, në Paris.
“Gjurmë Shqiptare”, ishulli i panjohur - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
“Gjurmë Shqiptare”, ishulli i panjohur
Noticias Zjarr news channel Albania
A wannabe television presenter has managed to land her dream job - by auditioning with her blouse completely undone.
The reporter landed the role after perform...
A wannabe television presenter has managed to land her dream job - by auditioning with her blouse completely undone.
The reporter landed the role after performing a screen test for the Zjarr news channel in Albania.
Wearing a cream blouse, the woman sat with the whole front gaping open as she practised her news slot.
According to the video caption, which has been uploaded to YouTube, the woman has been named as 21-year-old student Enki Bracaj.
And after her bizarre performance, she managed to walk away with the job.
A spokesperson for the channel said: "Most agree that her presentation style is somewhat awkward, but we are working on that and to be honest it doesn't seem to be doing any harm to her viewing figures."
And Enki has simply described the stunt as "a way to put myself ahead in a competitive industry".
That's one way to make headlines! Wannabe TV reporter becomes a huge hit in Albania after wearing an open blouse for her screen test... and immediately gets the job
Enki Bracaj did screen tests for Zjarr channel wearing an almost open top
Bosses say they were impressed with her audition and gave her the job
The 21-year-old said she 'found a way to put myself ahead' in the industry.
A student has landed a job on Albanian television after showing her breasts through an open top during screen tests.
TV bosses at the network said they were so impressed with Enki Bracaj, from the Albanian capital Tirana, that they offered her a news reader role.
The 21-year-old now presents an international news programme after wearing the revealing outfit during trials - and has already proved a ratings hit, it has been reported.
wn.com/Noticias Zjarr News Channel Albania
A wannabe television presenter has managed to land her dream job - by auditioning with her blouse completely undone.
The reporter landed the role after performing a screen test for the Zjarr news channel in Albania.
Wearing a cream blouse, the woman sat with the whole front gaping open as she practised her news slot.
According to the video caption, which has been uploaded to YouTube, the woman has been named as 21-year-old student Enki Bracaj.
And after her bizarre performance, she managed to walk away with the job.
A spokesperson for the channel said: "Most agree that her presentation style is somewhat awkward, but we are working on that and to be honest it doesn't seem to be doing any harm to her viewing figures."
And Enki has simply described the stunt as "a way to put myself ahead in a competitive industry".
That's one way to make headlines! Wannabe TV reporter becomes a huge hit in Albania after wearing an open blouse for her screen test... and immediately gets the job
Enki Bracaj did screen tests for Zjarr channel wearing an almost open top
Bosses say they were impressed with her audition and gave her the job
The 21-year-old said she 'found a way to put myself ahead' in the industry.
A student has landed a job on Albanian television after showing her breasts through an open top during screen tests.
TV bosses at the network said they were so impressed with Enki Bracaj, from the Albanian capital Tirana, that they offered her a news reader role.
The 21-year-old now presents an international news programme after wearing the revealing outfit during trials - and has already proved a ratings hit, it has been reported.
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 39
Financat, rënie në shtator - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Kriza fiskale e qeverisë u thellua në shtator duke ngritur pikëpyetjet e para mbi rezultatet e operacionit kundër informalitetit. Pavarësisht kontrolleve masive...
Kriza fiskale e qeverisë u thellua në shtator duke ngritur pikëpyetjet e para mbi rezultatet e operacionit kundër informalitetit. Pavarësisht kontrolleve masive mbi biznesin dhe ashpërsimit të masave ndëshkuese ndaj evazionit deri në ekstrem, të dhënat e fundit zyrtare nga Ministria e Financave tregojnë se mosrealizimi i të ardhurave nga taksat për nëntëmujorin kërceu në 6.9 miliardë lekë ose gati 58 milionë dollarë më pak se plani i rishikuar.
wn.com/Financat, Rënie Në Shtator Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Kriza fiskale e qeverisë u thellua në shtator duke ngritur pikëpyetjet e para mbi rezultatet e operacionit kundër informalitetit. Pavarësisht kontrolleve masive mbi biznesin dhe ashpërsimit të masave ndëshkuese ndaj evazionit deri në ekstrem, të dhënat e fundit zyrtare nga Ministria e Financave tregojnë se mosrealizimi i të ardhurave nga taksat për nëntëmujorin kërceu në 6.9 miliardë lekë ose gati 58 milionë dollarë më pak se plani i rishikuar.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 51
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30 - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30...
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30
wn.com/Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19 30 Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Edicioni Informativ, 21 Tetor, Ora 19:30
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 98
Islanda dëbon familjen shqiptare - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Në Islandë, një familje shqiptare së cilës iu mohua e drejta e azilit, është bërë çështja e ditës. Sipas kryefamiljarit, Hasan Telati, arsyeja e kërkesës për az...
Në Islandë, një familje shqiptare së cilës iu mohua e drejta e azilit, është bërë çështja e ditës. Sipas kryefamiljarit, Hasan Telati, arsyeja e kërkesës për azil është prejardhja e tij komuniste dhe problemet që i lindën nga ky fakt në jetesën e tyre në vendlindje.
wn.com/Islanda Dëbon Familjen Shqiptare Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Në Islandë, një familje shqiptare së cilës iu mohua e drejta e azilit, është bërë çështja e ditës. Sipas kryefamiljarit, Hasan Telati, arsyeja e kërkesës për azil është prejardhja e tij komuniste dhe problemet që i lindën nga ky fakt në jetesën e tyre në vendlindje.
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 638
Albanian Student Shows Her Breasts, Lands News Anchor Role
21-year-old student and aspiring news presenter Enki Bracaj landed a job on Albanian TV's Zjarr channel after wearing an open top that exposed parts of her brea...
21-year-old student and aspiring news presenter Enki Bracaj landed a job on Albanian TV's Zjarr channel after wearing an open top that exposed parts of her breasts during a screen test. We look at the raunchy audition on the Lip News with Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill.
Newest Lip News playlist:
BUZZSAW interview clips -
CRIME TIME clips playlist -
BYOD (Bring Your Own Doc) Highlight Videos-
MEDIA MAYHEM short videos playlist -
wn.com/Albanian Student Shows Her Breasts, Lands News Anchor Role
21-year-old student and aspiring news presenter Enki Bracaj landed a job on Albanian TV's Zjarr channel after wearing an open top that exposed parts of her breasts during a screen test. We look at the raunchy audition on the Lip News with Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill.
Newest Lip News playlist:
BUZZSAW interview clips -
CRIME TIME clips playlist -
BYOD (Bring Your Own Doc) Highlight Videos-
MEDIA MAYHEM short videos playlist -
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 680
Basha në PPE, denoncon qeverinë - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
I pranishëm në Kongresin e Partive Popullore Europiane që po mbahet në Madrit, kreu i Partisë Demokratike Lulzim Basha, në fjalën e mbajtur përpara të pranishmë...
I pranishëm në Kongresin e Partive Popullore Europiane që po mbahet në Madrit, kreu i Partisë Demokratike Lulzim Basha, në fjalën e mbajtur përpara të pranishmëve bëri një pasqyrë të situatës aktuale në Shqipëri, të cilën e cilësoi si shumë të rëndë.
wn.com/Basha Në Ppe, Denoncon Qeverinë Top Channel Albania News Lajme
I pranishëm në Kongresin e Partive Popullore Europiane që po mbahet në Madrit, kreu i Partisë Demokratike Lulzim Basha, në fjalën e mbajtur përpara të pranishmëve bëri një pasqyrë të situatës aktuale në Shqipëri, të cilën e cilësoi si shumë të rëndë.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 92
Të rinjtë e fshatit... - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
15 kilometra nga Tirana gjendet fshati Zgafram. Prej vitesh, të rinjtë e fshatit sapo mbarojnë shkollën e mesme largohen për mundësi më të mira. Disa ja dalin, ...
15 kilometra nga Tirana gjendet fshati Zgafram. Prej vitesh, të rinjtë e fshatit sapo mbarojnë shkollën e mesme largohen për mundësi më të mira. Disa ja dalin, ndërsa të tjerë nuk kanë kaq shumë fat. Ardit Maloku është një i ri që ka bërë të kundërtën. Ai pasi ka përfunduar shkollën e lartë është rikthyer në vendin e lindjes.
wn.com/Të Rinjtë E Fshatit... Top Channel Albania News Lajme
15 kilometra nga Tirana gjendet fshati Zgafram. Prej vitesh, të rinjtë e fshatit sapo mbarojnë shkollën e mesme largohen për mundësi më të mira. Disa ja dalin, ndërsa të tjerë nuk kanë kaq shumë fat. Ardit Maloku është një i ri që ka bërë të kundërtën. Ai pasi ka përfunduar shkollën e lartë është rikthyer në vendin e lindjes.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 119
Netanyahu: Myftiu palestinez frymëzoi Holokaustin - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Në fjalimin e mbajtur përpara Kongresit botëror të Zionizmit në Izrael, Benjamin Netaniahu u përpoq t’ia shkarkonte palestinezëve fajet e holokaustit, e vala e ...
Në fjalimin e mbajtur përpara Kongresit botëror të Zionizmit në Izrael, Benjamin Netaniahu u përpoq t’ia shkarkonte palestinezëve fajet e holokaustit, e vala e ashpër e reagimeve që pasuan komentet e kryeministrit izraelit ishte padyshim e pritshme.
wn.com/Netanyahu Myftiu Palestinez Frymëzoi Holokaustin Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Në fjalimin e mbajtur përpara Kongresit botëror të Zionizmit në Izrael, Benjamin Netaniahu u përpoq t’ia shkarkonte palestinezëve fajet e holokaustit, e vala e ashpër e reagimeve që pasuan komentet e kryeministrit izraelit ishte padyshim e pritshme.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 277
Europiani sjell miliona euro - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Kualifikimi i Kombëtares shqiptare për herë të parë në një kompeticion europian, përveç entuziazmit dhe rritjes së imazhit të Shqipërisë, pritet të sjellë edhe ...
Kualifikimi i Kombëtares shqiptare për herë të parë në një kompeticion europian, përveç entuziazmit dhe rritjes së imazhit të Shqipërisë, pritet të sjellë edhe përfitime të ndjeshme financiare për Federatën Shqiptare të Futbollit.
wn.com/Europiani Sjell Miliona Euro Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Kualifikimi i Kombëtares shqiptare për herë të parë në një kompeticion europian, përveç entuziazmit dhe rritjes së imazhit të Shqipërisë, pritet të sjellë edhe përfitime të ndjeshme financiare për Federatën Shqiptare të Futbollit.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 168
I sëmuri mendor që u bë terrorist - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Personi që ishte nga Siria dhe që quhej Abdurraman e pyeti në arabisht hoxhën e fshatit se, ‘sa ushtarë kishte marrë me vete?’. Dhe ai iu pëgjigj se ‘të kam bër...
Personi që ishte nga Siria dhe që quhej Abdurraman e pyeti në arabisht hoxhën e fshatit se, ‘sa ushtarë kishte marrë me vete?’. Dhe ai iu pëgjigj se ‘të kam bërë dhuratë dy ushtarë’. Mua më thanë se do të ikja në Siri dhe do të shpërblehesha 200 mijë euro dhe se paratë do të m’i jepnin pas 6 muajsh, kur të kthehesha nga lufta.
wn.com/I Sëmuri Mendor Që U Bë Terrorist Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Personi që ishte nga Siria dhe që quhej Abdurraman e pyeti në arabisht hoxhën e fshatit se, ‘sa ushtarë kishte marrë me vete?’. Dhe ai iu pëgjigj se ‘të kam bërë dhuratë dy ushtarë’. Mua më thanë se do të ikja në Siri dhe do të shpërblehesha 200 mijë euro dhe se paratë do të m’i jepnin pas 6 muajsh, kur të kthehesha nga lufta.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 148
Kosovë, Visar Ymeri: Qeveria po na provokon - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Opozita në Kosovë tashmë e ka përgatitur skenarin për ta parandaluar seancën e kuvendit të Kosovës këtë të premte. Kryetari i Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje, Visar Ymeri...
Opozita në Kosovë tashmë e ka përgatitur skenarin për ta parandaluar seancën e kuvendit të Kosovës këtë të premte. Kryetari i Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje, Visar Ymeri e quan provokim nga ana e kryesisë së Kuvendit vazhdimin e seancave.
wn.com/Kosovë, Visar Ymeri Qeveria Po Na Provokon Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Opozita në Kosovë tashmë e ka përgatitur skenarin për ta parandaluar seancën e kuvendit të Kosovës këtë të premte. Kryetari i Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje, Visar Ymeri e quan provokim nga ana e kryesisë së Kuvendit vazhdimin e seancave.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 115
Rikthimi në fshatin e lindjes - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Ikja e rinisë nga fshati Baldushk ka qenë një fenomen i zakonshëm gjatë viteve. Të rinjë dhe të reja, në kërkim të mundësive më të mira, janë munduar të përmirë...
Ikja e rinisë nga fshati Baldushk ka qenë një fenomen i zakonshëm gjatë viteve. Të rinjë dhe të reja, në kërkim të mundësive më të mira, janë munduar të përmirësojnë jetën e tyre duke emigruar.
wn.com/Rikthimi Në Fshatin E Lindjes Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Ikja e rinisë nga fshati Baldushk ka qenë një fenomen i zakonshëm gjatë viteve. Të rinjë dhe të reja, në kërkim të mundësive më të mira, janë munduar të përmirësojnë jetën e tyre duke emigruar.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 112
UNESCO, Këshilli Ekzekutiv rekomandon anëtarësimin e Kosovës - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Këshilli Ekzekutiv i UNESCO-s në Paris ka votuar pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës në këtë organizëm ndërkombëtar, me 27 vota pro, 14 kundër dhe 14 abstenim....
Këshilli Ekzekutiv i UNESCO-s në Paris ka votuar pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës në këtë organizëm ndërkombëtar, me 27 vota pro, 14 kundër dhe 14 abstenim.
wn.com/Unesco, Këshilli Ekzekutiv Rekomandon Anëtarësimin E Kosovës Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Këshilli Ekzekutiv i UNESCO-s në Paris ka votuar pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës në këtë organizëm ndërkombëtar, me 27 vota pro, 14 kundër dhe 14 abstenim.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 86
Një jetë në fshat - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Prej gati 32 vitesh Muharem dhe Nuhrie Ahmeti rrugët e fshatit i kanë bërë përditë. Çifti me profesion mësues në Baldushk, u njohë fillimisht në shkollën Pedago...
Prej gati 32 vitesh Muharem dhe Nuhrie Ahmeti rrugët e fshatit i kanë bërë përditë. Çifti me profesion mësues në Baldushk, u njohë fillimisht në shkollën Pedagogjike, Normalja e Elbasanit.
wn.com/Një Jetë Në Fshat Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Prej gati 32 vitesh Muharem dhe Nuhrie Ahmeti rrugët e fshatit i kanë bërë përditë. Çifti me profesion mësues në Baldushk, u njohë fillimisht në shkollën Pedagogjike, Normalja e Elbasanit.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 111
Ekspertët: Të deklarohet minimumi jetik - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Avokati i Popullit, në një auditorium me ekspertë të ekonomisë dhe shkencave sociale, ka thënë se numri i të varfërve në vend është rritur dhe se, qeveria shqip...
Avokati i Popullit, në një auditorium me ekspertë të ekonomisë dhe shkencave sociale, ka thënë se numri i të varfërve në vend është rritur dhe se, qeveria shqiptare duhet të deklarojë minimumin jetik, si një tregues që lidhet jo vetëm me nevojat për mbijetesë, por edhe si bazë e përcaktimit të skemave të mbrojtjes sociale.
wn.com/Ekspertët Të Deklarohet Minimumi Jetik Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Avokati i Popullit, në një auditorium me ekspertë të ekonomisë dhe shkencave sociale, ka thënë se numri i të varfërve në vend është rritur dhe se, qeveria shqiptare duhet të deklarojë minimumin jetik, si një tregues që lidhet jo vetëm me nevojat për mbijetesë, por edhe si bazë e përcaktimit të skemave të mbrojtjes sociale.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 86
Greqi, ligji i ri i emigrantëve - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Prej mëngjesit të së mërkurës, datë 21 tetor, fillojnë të zbatohen në Greqi edhe disa dispozita të përmirësuara të ligjit me numër 4332/2015, i quajtur edhe “li...
Prej mëngjesit të së mërkurës, datë 21 tetor, fillojnë të zbatohen në Greqi edhe disa dispozita të përmirësuara të ligjit me numër 4332/2015, i quajtur edhe “ligji i ri i emigracionit”. Pjesa e parë e ligjit, që ka të bëjë me dhënien e nënshtetësisë për fëmijët e emigrantëve, ka disa javë që ka filluar të zbatohet.
wn.com/Greqi, Ligji I Ri I Emigrantëve Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Prej mëngjesit të së mërkurës, datë 21 tetor, fillojnë të zbatohen në Greqi edhe disa dispozita të përmirësuara të ligjit me numër 4332/2015, i quajtur edhe “ligji i ri i emigracionit”. Pjesa e parë e ligjit, që ka të bëjë me dhënien e nënshtetësisë për fëmijët e emigrantëve, ka disa javë që ka filluar të zbatohet.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 165
Mali i Zi, Nimanbegu: Opozita, me sinjale antishqiptare - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Për shqiptarët e Malit të Zi, protestat e dhunshme në këtë vend janë të nxitura nga kundërshtarët e integrimit të këtij vendi të vogël në Bashkimin Europian dhe...
Për shqiptarët e Malit të Zi, protestat e dhunshme në këtë vend janë të nxitura nga kundërshtarët e integrimit të këtij vendi të vogël në Bashkimin Europian dhe në Nato. I këtij mendimi është deputeti shqiptar në Parlamentin e Malit të Zi, Genci Nimanbegu.
wn.com/Mali I Zi, Nimanbegu Opozita, Me Sinjale Antishqiptare Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Për shqiptarët e Malit të Zi, protestat e dhunshme në këtë vend janë të nxitura nga kundërshtarët e integrimit të këtij vendi të vogël në Bashkimin Europian dhe në Nato. I këtij mendimi është deputeti shqiptar në Parlamentin e Malit të Zi, Genci Nimanbegu.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 267
Mali i Zi, opozita: Të ikë diktatori Gjukanoviç - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Podgorica duket e qetë, por ka mjaft ankth në pritje të protestës së lajmëruar për ditën e shtunë nga opozita “Fronti Demokratik”, një forcë politike me theks n...
Podgorica duket e qetë, por ka mjaft ankth në pritje të protestës së lajmëruar për ditën e shtunë nga opozita “Fronti Demokratik”, një forcë politike me theks nacionalist proserb.
wn.com/Mali I Zi, Opozita Të Ikë Diktatori Gjukanoviç Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Podgorica duket e qetë, por ka mjaft ankth në pritje të protestës së lajmëruar për ditën e shtunë nga opozita “Fronti Demokratik”, një forcë politike me theks nacionalist proserb.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 142
Papa Françesku me tumor? Vatikani e mohon - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Papa Françesku ka tumor të parrezikshëm në tru? Jo, Vatikani ka mohuar këtë të mërkurë një raportim të mediave italiane se Ati i Shenjtë vuan nga një sëmundje e...
Papa Françesku ka tumor të parrezikshëm në tru? Jo, Vatikani ka mohuar këtë të mërkurë një raportim të mediave italiane se Ati i Shenjtë vuan nga një sëmundje e tillë.
wn.com/Papa Françesku Me Tumor Vatikani E Mohon Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Papa Françesku ka tumor të parrezikshëm në tru? Jo, Vatikani ka mohuar këtë të mërkurë një raportim të mediave italiane se Ati i Shenjtë vuan nga një sëmundje e tillë.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 225
Kosovë, tryezë me shoqërinë civile - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Deputetë të Kuvendit të Kosovës dhe përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile vlerësojnë se kriza politike është në prag të shpërthimit të dhunës edhe jashtë institucione...
Deputetë të Kuvendit të Kosovës dhe përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile vlerësojnë se kriza politike është në prag të shpërthimit të dhunës edhe jashtë institucioneve.
wn.com/Kosovë, Tryezë Me Shoqërinë Civile Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Deputetë të Kuvendit të Kosovës dhe përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile vlerësojnë se kriza politike është në prag të shpërthimit të dhunës edhe jashtë institucioneve.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 85
“Nuk do ta njohim Kosovën” - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Serbia apelon te vendet anëtare të UNESCO-s të mos votojnë pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës....
Serbia apelon te vendet anëtare të UNESCO-s të mos votojnë pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës.
wn.com/“Nuk Do Ta Njohim Kosovën” Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Serbia apelon te vendet anëtare të UNESCO-s të mos votojnë pro anëtarësimit të Kosovës.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 167
Botimet "Saras" - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Shtëpia botuese “Saras” ka prezantuar librin më të fundit të saj, “Lufta e shenjtë, e shenjta aleancë”, me autor Manlio Graziano, profesor i gjeopolitikës në Un...
Shtëpia botuese “Saras” ka prezantuar librin më të fundit të saj, “Lufta e shenjtë, e shenjta aleancë”, me autor Manlio Graziano, profesor i gjeopolitikës në Universitetin e Sorbonës, në Paris.
wn.com/Botimet Saras Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Shtëpia botuese “Saras” ka prezantuar librin më të fundit të saj, “Lufta e shenjtë, e shenjta aleancë”, me autor Manlio Graziano, profesor i gjeopolitikës në Universitetin e Sorbonës, në Paris.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 52
Gentian Likaj (Communication Progress) - Challenges of doing Business in Albania Highlights
Startup Grind Tirana presents Gentian Likaj, founder and CEO of Communication Progress. Gentian discusses the
challenges of doing business in Albania and the region, market overview, education and professional training as a key to success, and the importance of decision making based on numbers’ analysis.
Startup Grind Local features incredible talks with entrepreneurs from Startup Grind’s world w
Doing Business in: Albania
This video is about Doing Business in: Albania
Vlora in Albania a "Safe place" for New Business Relocation
Vlora in Albania a beautiful city of South Albania, very close to Greece with an incredible places to visit for vacations and fun, the city of "I'm Made in V...
Albania Business Travel Guide
Find out more about business travel in Albania - airport, luxury travel and transportation system. Albania market economy, GDP and the influence of the private sector.
Yunus Social Business Albania Accelerator Program
Shkelqim talks about YSBA accelerator program.
`Business Guide Albania` - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Botimi i pesëmbëdhjetë i guidës së biznesit “Busines Guide Albania” mblodhi së bashku politikanë, personalitete dhe sipërmarrës vendas e të huaj, të interesuar për të sjellë investimet e tyre në Shqipëri. Për zëvendëskryeministrin Niko Peleshi vendi vuan nga mungesa e promovimit të potencialit ekonomik por në të njëjtën kohë thekson se duhet ende punë për të bërë Shqipërinë në një vend sa më tërhe
Paradiso Europeo per Vacanza e Business - Baia di Valona in Albania
Il Paradiso Europeo per vacanze, divertimento e business, vista della baia di Valona in Albania ideale per la delocalizzazione industriale e produttiva della...
INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK - European Relocation in Vlora Albania
Industrial business park for European manufacturing companies relocation in Vlora Albania, the most important business center of European market, strong econ...
Social Businesses in Albania
The Social Business Movement of Albania is a programme started by Yunus Social Business in April 2012 to initiate and scale up social businesses throughout A...
Small Business Leaders in Albania (2007)
Fushë-Krujë is a city in the Krujë District in Albania.[1] The city has gained wider fame due to President George W. Bush's visit on Sunday, 10 June 2007. Fu...
Raporti i BB 'Doing Business' - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Duke komentuar raportin e fundit të Bankës Botërore për klimën e biznesit, në të cilin Shqipëria kishte pësuar rënie, ministri i Ekonomise Arben Ahmetaj tha ...
Vlora Albania, Sole, Mare, Montagna, Amore e Business sul Canale d'Otranto - Italia
Vlora (chiamata Valona in Italia) è la città Albanese più Italiana giacchè tutti parlano Italiano, si mangia come nel Sud d'Italia, offre 300 giorni di sole,...
ITALIAN CONSUL OF VLORA - Industrial Investment Business Relocation in Vlora Albania
The Italian Consul in Vlora (Console Generale d'Italia a Valona) Dott. SERGIO STROZZI talking about Vlora (Valona) Albania, the environment, the people, the ...
MADE IN VLORA - Corporate Business Relocation in Vlore Albania (Europe)
I'm Made in Vlora too... it's one of the main reasons why Vlora is the perfect location to create your new corporation or to relocate yours, New Business rel...
Albania Social Business - E Jona
E Jona is a café social business start-up that aims to promote the social integration of Albanian youths with disabilities into the local community. E Jona, ...
MCC Albania Threshold Program II: Business Licensing and Registration Centers
The MCC Albania Threshold Programs (Stage 1 and 2) established Albania's National Business Registration (NRC) and Licensing Centers (NLC), as well as regiona...
ProCredit Albania - Business Loans
Don't waste your time talking. If you have an idea on how to develop your business, come to the right place! Our latest campaign produced for ProCredit Bank,...
Vlora City - South of Albania Europe, walking in downtown
Vlora city in Albania a great place to walk around, nice area, young people everywhere, very quite and safe locations, the city called also Vlore... I'm Made...
Business Forum Albania Turkey
Business Forum Albania - Turkey, Ankara
PRIME MINISTER OF ALBANIA Sali Berisha - Made in Vlora Industrial Business Relocation
The Prime Minister of Albania, Mr Sali Berisha, approving the project "MADE IN VLORA" inviting the worldwide industrial corporation to invest in Vlora. Busin...
ON TIME - Shkelzen Marku, YUNUS Social Business Albania
Rozafa - a YSB Social Business in Albania
Rozafa, a social businesses supported by Yunus Social Business (YSB). It manages 15 artisan handicraft workshops in rural Albania. It would like your help to...
Reportage missione Business Cooperation Scutari - Albania.flv
Business Cooperation - Scutari, Albania 1-3 dicembre 2010
Gentian Likaj (Communication Progress) - Challenges of doing Business in Albania Highlights
Startup Grind Tirana presents Gentian Likaj, founder and CEO of Communication Progress. Gentian discusses the
challenges of doing business in Albania and the re...
Startup Grind Tirana presents Gentian Likaj, founder and CEO of Communication Progress. Gentian discusses the
challenges of doing business in Albania and the region, market overview, education and professional training as a key to success, and the importance of decision making based on numbers’ analysis.
Startup Grind Local features incredible talks with entrepreneurs from Startup Grind’s world wide network. StartupGrind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 100 cities and 40 countries featuring successful local
founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead. Subscribe to Startup Grind Local: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHoMFGNx1BTCYNMOL4mHYQ/feed
Startup Grind on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/StartupGrind
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StartupGrind
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Find a Startup Grind event in your area: www.startupgrind.com
wn.com/Gentian Likaj (Communication Progress) Challenges Of Doing Business In Albania Highlights
Startup Grind Tirana presents Gentian Likaj, founder and CEO of Communication Progress. Gentian discusses the
challenges of doing business in Albania and the region, market overview, education and professional training as a key to success, and the importance of decision making based on numbers’ analysis.
Startup Grind Local features incredible talks with entrepreneurs from Startup Grind’s world wide network. StartupGrind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 100 cities and 40 countries featuring successful local
founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead. Subscribe to Startup Grind Local: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHoMFGNx1BTCYNMOL4mHYQ/feed
Startup Grind on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/StartupGrind
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StartupGrind
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StartupGrind
Find a Startup Grind event in your area: www.startupgrind.com
- published: 23 Sep 2014
- views: 95
Doing Business in: Albania
This video is about Doing Business in: Albania...
This video is about Doing Business in: Albania
wn.com/Doing Business In Albania
This video is about Doing Business in: Albania
- published: 15 Apr 2015
- views: 18
Vlora in Albania a "Safe place" for New Business Relocation
Vlora in Albania a beautiful city of South Albania, very close to Greece with an incredible places to visit for vacations and fun, the city of "I'm Made in V......
Vlora in Albania a beautiful city of South Albania, very close to Greece with an incredible places to visit for vacations and fun, the city of "I'm Made in V...
wn.com/Vlora In Albania A Safe Place For New Business Relocation
Vlora in Albania a beautiful city of South Albania, very close to Greece with an incredible places to visit for vacations and fun, the city of "I'm Made in V...
Albania Business Travel Guide
Find out more about business travel in Albania - airport, luxury travel and transportation system. Albania market economy, GDP and the influence of the private ...
Find out more about business travel in Albania - airport, luxury travel and transportation system. Albania market economy, GDP and the influence of the private sector.
wn.com/Albania Business Travel Guide
Find out more about business travel in Albania - airport, luxury travel and transportation system. Albania market economy, GDP and the influence of the private sector.
- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 303
Yunus Social Business Albania Accelerator Program
Shkelqim talks about YSBA accelerator program....
Shkelqim talks about YSBA accelerator program.
wn.com/Yunus Social Business Albania Accelerator Program
Shkelqim talks about YSBA accelerator program.
- published: 18 Oct 2014
- views: 29
`Business Guide Albania` - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Botimi i pesëmbëdhjetë i guidës së biznesit “Busines Guide Albania” mblodhi së bashku politikanë, personalitete dhe sipërmarrës vendas e të huaj, të interesuar ...
Botimi i pesëmbëdhjetë i guidës së biznesit “Busines Guide Albania” mblodhi së bashku politikanë, personalitete dhe sipërmarrës vendas e të huaj, të interesuar për të sjellë investimet e tyre në Shqipëri. Për zëvendëskryeministrin Niko Peleshi vendi vuan nga mungesa e promovimit të potencialit ekonomik por në të njëjtën kohë thekson se duhet ende punë për të bërë Shqipërinë në një vend sa më tërheqës për investitorët e huaj.
wn.com/`Business Guide Albania` Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Botimi i pesëmbëdhjetë i guidës së biznesit “Busines Guide Albania” mblodhi së bashku politikanë, personalitete dhe sipërmarrës vendas e të huaj, të interesuar për të sjellë investimet e tyre në Shqipëri. Për zëvendëskryeministrin Niko Peleshi vendi vuan nga mungesa e promovimit të potencialit ekonomik por në të njëjtën kohë thekson se duhet ende punë për të bërë Shqipërinë në një vend sa më tërheqës për investitorët e huaj.
- published: 25 Sep 2014
- views: 16
Paradiso Europeo per Vacanza e Business - Baia di Valona in Albania
Il Paradiso Europeo per vacanze, divertimento e business, vista della baia di Valona in Albania ideale per la delocalizzazione industriale e produttiva della......
Il Paradiso Europeo per vacanze, divertimento e business, vista della baia di Valona in Albania ideale per la delocalizzazione industriale e produttiva della...
wn.com/Paradiso Europeo Per Vacanza E Business Baia Di Valona In Albania
Il Paradiso Europeo per vacanze, divertimento e business, vista della baia di Valona in Albania ideale per la delocalizzazione industriale e produttiva della...
INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK - European Relocation in Vlora Albania
Industrial business park for European manufacturing companies relocation in Vlora Albania, the most important business center of European market, strong econ......
Industrial business park for European manufacturing companies relocation in Vlora Albania, the most important business center of European market, strong econ...
wn.com/Industrial Business Park European Relocation In Vlora Albania
Industrial business park for European manufacturing companies relocation in Vlora Albania, the most important business center of European market, strong econ...
Social Businesses in Albania
The Social Business Movement of Albania is a programme started by Yunus Social Business in April 2012 to initiate and scale up social businesses throughout A......
The Social Business Movement of Albania is a programme started by Yunus Social Business in April 2012 to initiate and scale up social businesses throughout A...
wn.com/Social Businesses In Albania
The Social Business Movement of Albania is a programme started by Yunus Social Business in April 2012 to initiate and scale up social businesses throughout A...
Small Business Leaders in Albania (2007)
Fushë-Krujë is a city in the Krujë District in Albania.[1] The city has gained wider fame due to President George W. Bush's visit on Sunday, 10 June 2007. Fu......
Fushë-Krujë is a city in the Krujë District in Albania.[1] The city has gained wider fame due to President George W. Bush's visit on Sunday, 10 June 2007. Fu...
wn.com/Small Business Leaders In Albania (2007)
Fushë-Krujë is a city in the Krujë District in Albania.[1] The city has gained wider fame due to President George W. Bush's visit on Sunday, 10 June 2007. Fu...
Raporti i BB 'Doing Business' - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Duke komentuar raportin e fundit të Bankës Botërore për klimën e biznesit, në të cilin Shqipëria kishte pësuar rënie, ministri i Ekonomise Arben Ahmetaj tha ......
Duke komentuar raportin e fundit të Bankës Botërore për klimën e biznesit, në të cilin Shqipëria kishte pësuar rënie, ministri i Ekonomise Arben Ahmetaj tha ...
wn.com/Raporti I Bb 'Doing Business' Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Duke komentuar raportin e fundit të Bankës Botërore për klimën e biznesit, në të cilin Shqipëria kishte pësuar rënie, ministri i Ekonomise Arben Ahmetaj tha ...
Vlora Albania, Sole, Mare, Montagna, Amore e Business sul Canale d'Otranto - Italia
Vlora (chiamata Valona in Italia) è la città Albanese più Italiana giacchè tutti parlano Italiano, si mangia come nel Sud d'Italia, offre 300 giorni di sole,......
Vlora (chiamata Valona in Italia) è la città Albanese più Italiana giacchè tutti parlano Italiano, si mangia come nel Sud d'Italia, offre 300 giorni di sole,...
wn.com/Vlora Albania, Sole, Mare, Montagna, Amore E Business Sul Canale D'Otranto Italia
Vlora (chiamata Valona in Italia) è la città Albanese più Italiana giacchè tutti parlano Italiano, si mangia come nel Sud d'Italia, offre 300 giorni di sole,...
ITALIAN CONSUL OF VLORA - Industrial Investment Business Relocation in Vlora Albania
The Italian Consul in Vlora (Console Generale d'Italia a Valona) Dott. SERGIO STROZZI talking about Vlora (Valona) Albania, the environment, the people, the ......
The Italian Consul in Vlora (Console Generale d'Italia a Valona) Dott. SERGIO STROZZI talking about Vlora (Valona) Albania, the environment, the people, the ...
wn.com/Italian Consul Of Vlora Industrial Investment Business Relocation In Vlora Albania
The Italian Consul in Vlora (Console Generale d'Italia a Valona) Dott. SERGIO STROZZI talking about Vlora (Valona) Albania, the environment, the people, the ...
MADE IN VLORA - Corporate Business Relocation in Vlore Albania (Europe)
I'm Made in Vlora too... it's one of the main reasons why Vlora is the perfect location to create your new corporation or to relocate yours, New Business rel......
I'm Made in Vlora too... it's one of the main reasons why Vlora is the perfect location to create your new corporation or to relocate yours, New Business rel...
wn.com/Made In Vlora Corporate Business Relocation In Vlore Albania (Europe)
I'm Made in Vlora too... it's one of the main reasons why Vlora is the perfect location to create your new corporation or to relocate yours, New Business rel...
Albania Social Business - E Jona
E Jona is a café social business start-up that aims to promote the social integration of Albanian youths with disabilities into the local community. E Jona, ......
E Jona is a café social business start-up that aims to promote the social integration of Albanian youths with disabilities into the local community. E Jona, ...
wn.com/Albania Social Business E Jona
E Jona is a café social business start-up that aims to promote the social integration of Albanian youths with disabilities into the local community. E Jona, ...
MCC Albania Threshold Program II: Business Licensing and Registration Centers
The MCC Albania Threshold Programs (Stage 1 and 2) established Albania's National Business Registration (NRC) and Licensing Centers (NLC), as well as regiona......
The MCC Albania Threshold Programs (Stage 1 and 2) established Albania's National Business Registration (NRC) and Licensing Centers (NLC), as well as regiona...
wn.com/Mcc Albania Threshold Program Ii Business Licensing And Registration Centers
The MCC Albania Threshold Programs (Stage 1 and 2) established Albania's National Business Registration (NRC) and Licensing Centers (NLC), as well as regiona...
ProCredit Albania - Business Loans
Don't waste your time talking. If you have an idea on how to develop your business, come to the right place! Our latest campaign produced for ProCredit Bank,......
Don't waste your time talking. If you have an idea on how to develop your business, come to the right place! Our latest campaign produced for ProCredit Bank,...
wn.com/Procredit Albania Business Loans
Don't waste your time talking. If you have an idea on how to develop your business, come to the right place! Our latest campaign produced for ProCredit Bank,...
Vlora City - South of Albania Europe, walking in downtown
Vlora city in Albania a great place to walk around, nice area, young people everywhere, very quite and safe locations, the city called also Vlore... I'm Made......
Vlora city in Albania a great place to walk around, nice area, young people everywhere, very quite and safe locations, the city called also Vlore... I'm Made...
wn.com/Vlora City South Of Albania Europe, Walking In Downtown
Vlora city in Albania a great place to walk around, nice area, young people everywhere, very quite and safe locations, the city called also Vlore... I'm Made...
Business Forum Albania Turkey
Business Forum Albania - Turkey, Ankara...
Business Forum Albania - Turkey, Ankara
wn.com/Business Forum Albania Turkey
Business Forum Albania - Turkey, Ankara
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 14
PRIME MINISTER OF ALBANIA Sali Berisha - Made in Vlora Industrial Business Relocation
The Prime Minister of Albania, Mr Sali Berisha, approving the project "MADE IN VLORA" inviting the worldwide industrial corporation to invest in Vlora. Busin......
The Prime Minister of Albania, Mr Sali Berisha, approving the project "MADE IN VLORA" inviting the worldwide industrial corporation to invest in Vlora. Busin...
wn.com/Prime Minister Of Albania Sali Berisha Made In Vlora Industrial Business Relocation
The Prime Minister of Albania, Mr Sali Berisha, approving the project "MADE IN VLORA" inviting the worldwide industrial corporation to invest in Vlora. Busin...
Rozafa - a YSB Social Business in Albania
Rozafa, a social businesses supported by Yunus Social Business (YSB). It manages 15 artisan handicraft workshops in rural Albania. It would like your help to......
Rozafa, a social businesses supported by Yunus Social Business (YSB). It manages 15 artisan handicraft workshops in rural Albania. It would like your help to...
wn.com/Rozafa A Ysb Social Business In Albania
Rozafa, a social businesses supported by Yunus Social Business (YSB). It manages 15 artisan handicraft workshops in rural Albania. It would like your help to...
Reportage missione Business Cooperation Scutari - Albania.flv
Business Cooperation - Scutari, Albania 1-3 dicembre 2010...
Business Cooperation - Scutari, Albania 1-3 dicembre 2010
wn.com/Reportage Missione Business Cooperation Scutari Albania.Flv
Business Cooperation - Scutari, Albania 1-3 dicembre 2010
- published: 27 Apr 2012
- views: 47
Albanian cuisine is getting popular due to its tasty and fresh Mediterranean food, cheaper than elsewhere in Europe. Guests are welcomed with traditional dri...
Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tradition in Albania - Interview with chef Gjon Dukgilaj
"Albanians have two important elements on the table: bread and white cheese. If one of these is missing, it means that the food is not delicious" says Gjon D...
The video is about Albanian traditions and culture heritage. The video features Kruja Bazaar with very original Albanian souvenirs and Korca rich of iconography .
Our favorite Greek Cuisine in Athens, Greece
Having spent a decent chunk of time of Greece it didn't take us to develop a love for Greek cuisine. For our final food video in Athens, Greece we visit a traditional Greek restaurant where we dine on dishes such Greek salad, Saganaki (fried-cheese) and Moussaka. If the food wasn't a highlight enough in and of itself we had an extra bonus of having a talented Greek musician playing traditional mus
PEOPLE, FOOD AND DRINK (short documentary about the Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
Chinese Culture And Food
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
China food offers you famous Chinese food, Chinese regional cuisine, Chinese eating habits, Chinese table etiquette and easy DIY recipes.
Here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea i
Katunari rap ( albanische bauer rap 2012) albania mafia me kallash
Katunari rap - Bes kallaku ( albanische bauer rap 2012) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Official V...
Albanian Cultural Evening at RWTH Aachen - ALBAIX Albanian Student Association in Aachen/Germany
In order to give our german society an understanding of the Albanian Culture, we hold a presentation about Albania, served traditional food, presented folk costumes, showed some folk dances and offered many other activities.
Um unseren Mitmenschen hier in Aachen die albanische Kultur näherzubringen, organisierten wir für den 27. Mai einen Länderabend, an dem wir eine Präsentation über Albanien hi
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 )
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 ) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Officia...
What you didn't know about Albania
How much do you know about Albania? What other facts have you heard about it?
More Info:
Enderro Forum Shqiptare - Kosovar refer BLUeLine,Forumi Shqiptar,Portali Shqiptare
http://www.gfx-ks.com Forumi Shqiptar eshte kuvendi me i madh shqiptar ne Internet. Na vizitoni ne adresen Forum Shqiptare,forumi shqiptare forumi, forumi sh...
Recete gatimi Fergese Traditional Albanian Food
Ich habe dieses Video mit der Funktion zum Erstellen von Diashows von YouTube erstellt (http://www.youtube.com/upload).
Albania - People, Food and Drink
This is the short version of the video with the same name. It is about Albanian cuisine, delicious food the lively and friendly people.
Albanian traditional dance
ilir xhambazi,fatmir sula,hekuran xhambazi,aziz dalipi,artur yzeiri,beni lolit,rrafael caka,astrit yzeiri,sajmiri shitiit,altin gunga,ledi durresit,astrit qerimi,bled dapa,genc munaxhiri,mandi durresit,ladi bujarit,liri ketit,ervin gonxhi,tani elbasanit,klodi rakut,gent muhaxhiri,artur yzeiri,shaban cela,
Discover Albania
Http://www.turizmi.com/blog - This video will discover Albania. A walkthrough its history, culture and traditions. A must see video!
"Zenit": Art of Adventure, Adventure of Art
"Art is a big lie through which we look for the truth" says Krenar Zejno, quoting Picasso. This writer, publisher and founder of the bookstore and cultural c...
Hotel Restaurant Taverna "Baron" Tirana Albania
Welcome to Hotel Baron! Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and demands of its customers. Our Hotel is...
TDS ft. Nora Istrefi - Ka je [Official Video]
http://www.enderro.net/ Portali Shqiptare
TDS ft. Nora Istrefi - Ka je [official video],
Mp3, Shqip, Muzik, Shqip, Video, Shqip, Filma, Shqip, Humor, Shqip, Shkarko, Muzike, Shqiptare, Muzika, Shqipe, Albanian, Music, Albenian, Musik, Humora, Shqip, Humore, Shqiptare, Humori, Shqiptar, Filma, Shqip, Filme, Shqiptare, Filmat, Shqiptar, Filmi, Shqiptare, Video, Klipe, Shqip, Klipi, Klipat, Clipe,
Albania truly is a crossroad of culture. A small country with three UNESCO sites, Butrint, Berat and Gjirokastra and numerous ancient sites with live traces of old civilizations. Religious tolerance is one of the best values of Albania
Femra Shqiptare Internetkaffee ( Humor )
sexy femra shqiptare girl teen verstekte kamera kamera e fshehur mp3 shqip, muzik shqip, video shqip, filma shqip, humor shqip, shkarko, muzike shqiptare, mu...
Irfan Salihu - Dynjaja dhe Ahireti
na vizitoni http://rapitful.blogspot.com Dynjaja dhe ahireti, Irfan Salihu ligjerata, vlera e namazit, vlera e ahiretit, ligjerata islame, ligjerata nga Irfa...
Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow - M.F. (Official Video) HD
http://www.enderro.net/ Portali Shqiptare #1 Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow www.enderro.net Portali Shqiptare Mp3, Shq...
Albanian cuisine is getting popular due to its tasty and fresh Mediterranean food, cheaper than elsewhere in Europe. Guests are welcomed with traditional dri......
Albanian cuisine is getting popular due to its tasty and fresh Mediterranean food, cheaper than elsewhere in Europe. Guests are welcomed with traditional dri...
wn.com/Albania People Food Drink
Albanian cuisine is getting popular due to its tasty and fresh Mediterranean food, cheaper than elsewhere in Europe. Guests are welcomed with traditional dri...
Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tradition in Albania - Interview with chef Gjon Dukgilaj
"Albanians have two important elements on the table: bread and white cheese. If one of these is missing, it means that the food is not delicious" says Gjon D......
"Albanians have two important elements on the table: bread and white cheese. If one of these is missing, it means that the food is not delicious" says Gjon D...
wn.com/Gastronomy, Hospitality And Tradition In Albania Interview With Chef Gjon Dukgilaj
"Albanians have two important elements on the table: bread and white cheese. If one of these is missing, it means that the food is not delicious" says Gjon D...
The video is about Albanian traditions and culture heritage. The video features Kruja Bazaar with very original Albanian souvenirs and Korca rich of iconography...
The video is about Albanian traditions and culture heritage. The video features Kruja Bazaar with very original Albanian souvenirs and Korca rich of iconography .
wn.com/Albania Living Art
The video is about Albanian traditions and culture heritage. The video features Kruja Bazaar with very original Albanian souvenirs and Korca rich of iconography .
- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 59
Our favorite Greek Cuisine in Athens, Greece
Having spent a decent chunk of time of Greece it didn't take us to develop a love for Greek cuisine. For our final food video in Athens, Greece we visit a tradi...
Having spent a decent chunk of time of Greece it didn't take us to develop a love for Greek cuisine. For our final food video in Athens, Greece we visit a traditional Greek restaurant where we dine on dishes such Greek salad, Saganaki (fried-cheese) and Moussaka. If the food wasn't a highlight enough in and of itself we had an extra bonus of having a talented Greek musician playing traditional music during our meal.
Our favorite Greek Cuisine in Athens, Greece Travel Video Transcript:
It's lunchtime here in Athens and we are starving because we've been walking around all morning. So we found a little restaurant. We're going to be eating Greek food obviously. And we are starting out with some homemade bread and black olives. Those are really good olives.
The pit. Hahaha.
Bread with olive oil. Can't go wrong.
So we've now been in Greece long enough to know what some of our favorite foods are. And we're having three of them here. We're having Greek salad which doesn't need too much of an introduction, Moussaka and also Saganaki which is a fried Greek cheese.
Yum, now we are just waiting for our order.
So first up we're having something called Saganaki which is a fried cheese. And it gets its name from the pan that it is fried in. Apparently it has two handles and just have a look over here. It's a nice chunk of cheese. Now it is nice and golden from being fried. And it also comes with a little bit of lemon which we can drizzle over top. Oh yeah, drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. And this can be made with three different types of cheese. You can have Gruyère, Halloumi or Sheep's milk. And it is very very salty and very greasy since it has been fried. And it is probably not very healthy but it is so good that we just keep ordering it with every meal here in Athens. Let's have another bite.
Mmmmm. That is really good guys. Good stuff.
And what are you having? Now this next dish is one of personal favorites. It's called Moussaka. And let's take a look down at it. So you can see that there is a layer of Béchamel sauce, you also have minced meat, you have potatoes and you have eggplant.
So apparently this is a pretty old recipe, right? Yeah, this dish dates back to the former Ottoman Empire. And you can also find it in countries such as Albania and Turkey presently.
So time for me to finally have a bit of this. Wow, it is so thick! It's like a Lasagna almost. It almost looks like a Sheppard's Pie to me. Yeah, that's actually a better comparison. Mmmm. That's fantastic.
And because we're trying to keep this a balanced meal we did order a salad. A Greek salad because this is Greece. So as you can see we've got tomatoes, feta, cucumbers, black olives. We've got some peppers and olive oil drizzled all over top with a little bit of oregano sprinkled as well. So it looks really really good. Let's take a bit of that. Oh yeah. Don't forget the feta cheese. Yeah, that's right.
Let's get a bit of everything. Onions. Cheese. Tomato. Hahaha.
That's really nice. The olive oil has a really special flavor here. You can almost taste the olives. It's just really good and a nice and refreshing salad. Really nice.
And price point for that delicious Greek meal? So for all of that food we paid about thirty Euros. Keep in mind we did eat in a touristy zone and if you're in a more residential area you can maybe expect to pay 20, 25 Euros for that.
This is part of our Travel in Greece series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Greek culture, Greek arts, Greek foods, Greek religion, Greek cuisine and Greek people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Our Favorite Greek Cuisine In Athens, Greece
Having spent a decent chunk of time of Greece it didn't take us to develop a love for Greek cuisine. For our final food video in Athens, Greece we visit a traditional Greek restaurant where we dine on dishes such Greek salad, Saganaki (fried-cheese) and Moussaka. If the food wasn't a highlight enough in and of itself we had an extra bonus of having a talented Greek musician playing traditional music during our meal.
Our favorite Greek Cuisine in Athens, Greece Travel Video Transcript:
It's lunchtime here in Athens and we are starving because we've been walking around all morning. So we found a little restaurant. We're going to be eating Greek food obviously. And we are starting out with some homemade bread and black olives. Those are really good olives.
The pit. Hahaha.
Bread with olive oil. Can't go wrong.
So we've now been in Greece long enough to know what some of our favorite foods are. And we're having three of them here. We're having Greek salad which doesn't need too much of an introduction, Moussaka and also Saganaki which is a fried Greek cheese.
Yum, now we are just waiting for our order.
So first up we're having something called Saganaki which is a fried cheese. And it gets its name from the pan that it is fried in. Apparently it has two handles and just have a look over here. It's a nice chunk of cheese. Now it is nice and golden from being fried. And it also comes with a little bit of lemon which we can drizzle over top. Oh yeah, drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. And this can be made with three different types of cheese. You can have Gruyère, Halloumi or Sheep's milk. And it is very very salty and very greasy since it has been fried. And it is probably not very healthy but it is so good that we just keep ordering it with every meal here in Athens. Let's have another bite.
Mmmmm. That is really good guys. Good stuff.
And what are you having? Now this next dish is one of personal favorites. It's called Moussaka. And let's take a look down at it. So you can see that there is a layer of Béchamel sauce, you also have minced meat, you have potatoes and you have eggplant.
So apparently this is a pretty old recipe, right? Yeah, this dish dates back to the former Ottoman Empire. And you can also find it in countries such as Albania and Turkey presently.
So time for me to finally have a bit of this. Wow, it is so thick! It's like a Lasagna almost. It almost looks like a Sheppard's Pie to me. Yeah, that's actually a better comparison. Mmmm. That's fantastic.
And because we're trying to keep this a balanced meal we did order a salad. A Greek salad because this is Greece. So as you can see we've got tomatoes, feta, cucumbers, black olives. We've got some peppers and olive oil drizzled all over top with a little bit of oregano sprinkled as well. So it looks really really good. Let's take a bit of that. Oh yeah. Don't forget the feta cheese. Yeah, that's right.
Let's get a bit of everything. Onions. Cheese. Tomato. Hahaha.
That's really nice. The olive oil has a really special flavor here. You can almost taste the olives. It's just really good and a nice and refreshing salad. Really nice.
And price point for that delicious Greek meal? So for all of that food we paid about thirty Euros. Keep in mind we did eat in a touristy zone and if you're in a more residential area you can maybe expect to pay 20, 25 Euros for that.
This is part of our Travel in Greece series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Greek culture, Greek arts, Greek foods, Greek religion, Greek cuisine and Greek people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 11 Nov 2015
- views: 458
PEOPLE, FOOD AND DRINK (short documentary about the Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of......
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
wn.com/People, Food And Drink (Short Documentary About The Western Balkans)
This documentary was filmed for http://www.balkansgeotourism.travel in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro & Serbia in the summer of...
Chinese Culture And Food
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
China food offers you famous Chinese food, Chinese regional cuisine, Chine...
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
China food offers you famous Chinese food, Chinese regional cuisine, Chinese eating habits, Chinese table etiquette and easy DIY recipes.
Here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this….
As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, Chinese cuisine culture is deep rooted in the history. Table manners play an essential role in the food culture.
Introduction. Chinese cuisine is widely seen as representing one of the richest and most diverse culinary heritages in the world. It originated in different regions...
Below information will help you to get some more though about the subject
2 Sep 2008 ... by K.C. Chang. The importance of food in understanding human culture lies precisely in its infinite variability--variability that is not essential for...
For Chinese food in America, see American Chinese cuisine. ..... Also, there is teaching of food carving in Chinese culture, typically using vegetables as...
Using Food to Teach about Chinese Culture. By Kandice Hauf. In my undergraduate teaching of Chinese and East Asian history to business majors, I find that...
Anyway If you want for more info, you would better continue reading.
The Chinese eat many foods that are unfamiliar to North Americans. ... (Peking was the name of Beijing, the capital of China, until after the Cultural Revolution of...
1 Nov 2000 ... A general article about common foods and the role of food in Chinese culture.
Chinese Food and Drink. Here you will find: Chinese Cuisine -- An Introduction Chinese Cuisine -- Features Food Culture Cooking Techniques Chopsticks
Cooking Chinese food requires more time and effort, and is considered a very ... Chopsticks are the primary eating utensil in Chinese culture for solid foods,...
If you are looking for easy Chinese food recipes then check out these recipes!
17 Apr 2013 ... Chinese culture reflects the customs and traditions of one of the largest countries ... Food. Like other aspects of Chinese life, cuisine is heavily...
4 Jul 2012 ... China cuisine culture also called Chinese food culture is an important part of China culture in the aspect of cooking and leisure. Chinese...
Culture of Afghanistan, Culture of Albania, Culture of Algeria, Culture of American Samoa, Culture of ... Read more about the Food and Cuisine of China. Food in...
Learn Chinese Culture Every Day. Chinese Chengyu and its stories. Chinese Character and the Interpretable Culture. Follow the Recipe to do Chinese Food.
Socializing around food and mealtimes is very important to the Chinese. Much of Chinese family life revolves around the dinner table. Traditionally, Chinese...
Manchu Han... Flour Food and Chinese Culture Flour Food... Chinese Tea Culture: Chinese Tea... Chinese Tea House Chinese Tea... Ditan Park Temple Fair...
Another well-known aspect of Asian and Asian American culture is food, or more ... Arguably, Chinese cuisine has become the most prominent of all Asian styles...
Ancient Chinese culture introduction features art, craft, education, ethnic groups, festivals, food and drink, health and medicine, religion,custom and more.
Most Discuss
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
More Interesting heading about this are..
Chinese Food Culture: Table Manners, Dining Etiquette
The Cultural Heritage of China :: Food & Drink :: Cuisine :: Introduction
Below topics also shows some interset as well
Food in Chinese Culture | Asia Society
Chinese cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Using Food to Teach about Chinese Culture - Association for Asian ...
Hope you will get rough idea as well
China - Food in Every Country
Chinese Food Cultural Profile � EthnoMed
Chinese food and drink - Ucla
Food in China - ShanghaiFinance.com
Easy Chinese Food Recipes - Chinese Traditions and Culture
Chinese Culture: Customs & Traditions of China - LiveScience
China food culture - Lifestyle News - SINA English
China - Countries and Their Cultures
Chinese Culture
Eating and Drinking Customs in China - China culture
Cultral China - video - Chinese Food Culture
Asian Cuisine & Foods : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History ...
Chinese Culture - Customs, Traditions, History, Religion, Food
wn.com/Chinese Culture And Food
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
China food offers you famous Chinese food, Chinese regional cuisine, Chinese eating habits, Chinese table etiquette and easy DIY recipes.
Here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this….
As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, Chinese cuisine culture is deep rooted in the history. Table manners play an essential role in the food culture.
Introduction. Chinese cuisine is widely seen as representing one of the richest and most diverse culinary heritages in the world. It originated in different regions...
Below information will help you to get some more though about the subject
2 Sep 2008 ... by K.C. Chang. The importance of food in understanding human culture lies precisely in its infinite variability--variability that is not essential for...
For Chinese food in America, see American Chinese cuisine. ..... Also, there is teaching of food carving in Chinese culture, typically using vegetables as...
Using Food to Teach about Chinese Culture. By Kandice Hauf. In my undergraduate teaching of Chinese and East Asian history to business majors, I find that...
Anyway If you want for more info, you would better continue reading.
The Chinese eat many foods that are unfamiliar to North Americans. ... (Peking was the name of Beijing, the capital of China, until after the Cultural Revolution of...
1 Nov 2000 ... A general article about common foods and the role of food in Chinese culture.
Chinese Food and Drink. Here you will find: Chinese Cuisine -- An Introduction Chinese Cuisine -- Features Food Culture Cooking Techniques Chopsticks
Cooking Chinese food requires more time and effort, and is considered a very ... Chopsticks are the primary eating utensil in Chinese culture for solid foods,...
If you are looking for easy Chinese food recipes then check out these recipes!
17 Apr 2013 ... Chinese culture reflects the customs and traditions of one of the largest countries ... Food. Like other aspects of Chinese life, cuisine is heavily...
4 Jul 2012 ... China cuisine culture also called Chinese food culture is an important part of China culture in the aspect of cooking and leisure. Chinese...
Culture of Afghanistan, Culture of Albania, Culture of Algeria, Culture of American Samoa, Culture of ... Read more about the Food and Cuisine of China. Food in...
Learn Chinese Culture Every Day. Chinese Chengyu and its stories. Chinese Character and the Interpretable Culture. Follow the Recipe to do Chinese Food.
Socializing around food and mealtimes is very important to the Chinese. Much of Chinese family life revolves around the dinner table. Traditionally, Chinese...
Manchu Han... Flour Food and Chinese Culture Flour Food... Chinese Tea Culture: Chinese Tea... Chinese Tea House Chinese Tea... Ditan Park Temple Fair...
Another well-known aspect of Asian and Asian American culture is food, or more ... Arguably, Chinese cuisine has become the most prominent of all Asian styles...
Ancient Chinese culture introduction features art, craft, education, ethnic groups, festivals, food and drink, health and medicine, religion,custom and more.
Most Discuss
Chinese Food/Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Food Culture, Chinese ...
More Interesting heading about this are..
Chinese Food Culture: Table Manners, Dining Etiquette
The Cultural Heritage of China :: Food & Drink :: Cuisine :: Introduction
Below topics also shows some interset as well
Food in Chinese Culture | Asia Society
Chinese cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Using Food to Teach about Chinese Culture - Association for Asian ...
Hope you will get rough idea as well
China - Food in Every Country
Chinese Food Cultural Profile � EthnoMed
Chinese food and drink - Ucla
Food in China - ShanghaiFinance.com
Easy Chinese Food Recipes - Chinese Traditions and Culture
Chinese Culture: Customs & Traditions of China - LiveScience
China food culture - Lifestyle News - SINA English
China - Countries and Their Cultures
Chinese Culture
Eating and Drinking Customs in China - China culture
Cultral China - video - Chinese Food Culture
Asian Cuisine & Foods : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History ...
Chinese Culture - Customs, Traditions, History, Religion, Food
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 0
Katunari rap ( albanische bauer rap 2012) albania mafia me kallash
Katunari rap - Bes kallaku ( albanische bauer rap 2012) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Official V......
Katunari rap - Bes kallaku ( albanische bauer rap 2012) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Official V...
wn.com/Katunari Rap ( Albanische Bauer Rap 2012) Albania Mafia Me Kallash
Katunari rap - Bes kallaku ( albanische bauer rap 2012) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Official V...
Albanian Cultural Evening at RWTH Aachen - ALBAIX Albanian Student Association in Aachen/Germany
In order to give our german society an understanding of the Albanian Culture, we hold a presentation about Albania, served traditional food, presented folk cost...
In order to give our german society an understanding of the Albanian Culture, we hold a presentation about Albania, served traditional food, presented folk costumes, showed some folk dances and offered many other activities.
Um unseren Mitmenschen hier in Aachen die albanische Kultur näherzubringen, organisierten wir für den 27. Mai einen Länderabend, an dem wir eine Präsentation über Albanien hielten, traditionelles Essen austeilten, unsere Volkstracht präsentierten, einen unserer Volkstänze den Gästen beibrachten und viele andere Aktivitäten im Angebot hatten.
Për ta treguar kulturën shqiptare kundrejt qytetarëve te Aachen-it, ne organizuamë me 27 maj një mbrëmje kushtuar Shqipërise dhe tokave shqiptare, ku do ka pasur një një prezantim, ushqim tradicional, një paraqitje të veshjeve tonakombëtare, valle popullore, si dhe aktivitete të tjera.
wn.com/Albanian Cultural Evening At Rwth Aachen Albaix Albanian Student Association In Aachen Germany
In order to give our german society an understanding of the Albanian Culture, we hold a presentation about Albania, served traditional food, presented folk costumes, showed some folk dances and offered many other activities.
Um unseren Mitmenschen hier in Aachen die albanische Kultur näherzubringen, organisierten wir für den 27. Mai einen Länderabend, an dem wir eine Präsentation über Albanien hielten, traditionelles Essen austeilten, unsere Volkstracht präsentierten, einen unserer Volkstänze den Gästen beibrachten und viele andere Aktivitäten im Angebot hatten.
Për ta treguar kulturën shqiptare kundrejt qytetarëve te Aachen-it, ne organizuamë me 27 maj një mbrëmje kushtuar Shqipërise dhe tokave shqiptare, ku do ka pasur një një prezantim, ushqim tradicional, një paraqitje të veshjeve tonakombëtare, valle popullore, si dhe aktivitete të tjera.
- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 157
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 )
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 ) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Officia......
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 ) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Officia...
wn.com/Beretta Ne Veri Kush ( Albania Mafia Gangster Rap 2012 )
Beretta ne veri - Kush ( albania mafia Gangster rap 2012 ) noizy otr new song noizy the king of albanian ram yeh dibra 4life 2po2 & Capital-T - Qaje (Officia...
What you didn't know about Albania
How much do you know about Albania? What other facts have you heard about it?
More Info:
How much do you know about Albania? What other facts have you heard about it?
More Info:
David Peck – Lunch in a Bag
wn.com/What You Didn't Know About Albania
How much do you know about Albania? What other facts have you heard about it?
More Info:
David Peck – Lunch in a Bag
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 10
Enderro Forum Shqiptare - Kosovar refer BLUeLine,Forumi Shqiptar,Portali Shqiptare
http://www.gfx-ks.com Forumi Shqiptar eshte kuvendi me i madh shqiptar ne Internet. Na vizitoni ne adresen Forum Shqiptare,forumi shqiptare forumi, forumi sh......
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Recete gatimi Fergese Traditional Albanian Food
Ich habe dieses Video mit der Funktion zum Erstellen von Diashows von YouTube erstellt (http://www.youtube.com/upload)....
Ich habe dieses Video mit der Funktion zum Erstellen von Diashows von YouTube erstellt (http://www.youtube.com/upload).
wn.com/Recete Gatimi Fergese Traditional Albanian Food
Ich habe dieses Video mit der Funktion zum Erstellen von Diashows von YouTube erstellt (http://www.youtube.com/upload).
- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 108
author: bala lala
Albania - People, Food and Drink
This is the short version of the video with the same name. It is about Albanian cuisine, delicious food the lively and friendly people....
This is the short version of the video with the same name. It is about Albanian cuisine, delicious food the lively and friendly people.
wn.com/Albania People, Food And Drink
This is the short version of the video with the same name. It is about Albanian cuisine, delicious food the lively and friendly people.
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- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 26
Discover Albania
Http://www.turizmi.com/blog - This video will discover Albania. A walkthrough its history, culture and traditions. A must see video!...
Http://www.turizmi.com/blog - This video will discover Albania. A walkthrough its history, culture and traditions. A must see video!
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Http://www.turizmi.com/blog - This video will discover Albania. A walkthrough its history, culture and traditions. A must see video!
"Zenit": Art of Adventure, Adventure of Art
"Art is a big lie through which we look for the truth" says Krenar Zejno, quoting Picasso. This writer, publisher and founder of the bookstore and cultural c......
"Art is a big lie through which we look for the truth" says Krenar Zejno, quoting Picasso. This writer, publisher and founder of the bookstore and cultural c...
wn.com/Zenit Art Of Adventure, Adventure Of Art
"Art is a big lie through which we look for the truth" says Krenar Zejno, quoting Picasso. This writer, publisher and founder of the bookstore and cultural c...
Hotel Restaurant Taverna "Baron" Tirana Albania
Welcome to Hotel Baron! Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and demands of its customers. Our Hotel is......
Welcome to Hotel Baron! Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and demands of its customers. Our Hotel is...
wn.com/Hotel Restaurant Taverna Baron Tirana Albania
Welcome to Hotel Baron! Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and demands of its customers. Our Hotel is...
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 4443
author: Vilabaron1
TDS ft. Nora Istrefi - Ka je [Official Video]
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TDS ft. Nora Istrefi - Ka je [official video],
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TDS ft. Nora Istrefi - Ka je [official video],
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- published: 01 Sep 2010
- views: 22907
Albania truly is a crossroad of culture. A small country with three UNESCO sites, Butrint, Berat and Gjirokastra and numerous ancient sites with live traces of ...
Albania truly is a crossroad of culture. A small country with three UNESCO sites, Butrint, Berat and Gjirokastra and numerous ancient sites with live traces of old civilizations. Religious tolerance is one of the best values of Albania
wn.com/Albania Crossroads Of Culture
Albania truly is a crossroad of culture. A small country with three UNESCO sites, Butrint, Berat and Gjirokastra and numerous ancient sites with live traces of old civilizations. Religious tolerance is one of the best values of Albania
- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 35
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Irfan Salihu - Dynjaja dhe Ahireti
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- published: 09 Jul 2011
- views: 4387
author: ok oki
Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow - M.F. (Official Video) HD
http://www.enderro.net/ Portali Shqiptare #1 Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow www.enderro.net Portali Shqiptare Mp3, Shq......
http://www.enderro.net/ Portali Shqiptare #1 Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow www.enderro.net Portali Shqiptare Mp3, Shq...
wn.com/Lil Samee Ft. Mc Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo Dj Flow M.F. (Official Video) Hd
http://www.enderro.net/ Portali Shqiptare #1 Lil Samee ft. MC Kresha, Gentz, Dr. Mic, Lavda, Kastro Zizo & DJ Flow www.enderro.net Portali Shqiptare Mp3, Shq...
- published: 30 Jul 2010
- views: 1587
author: EnderroNET
Survey on Albania's Health Care Facilities
USAID provided funding to the organization to conduct a one-day, statistically based observation of health facilities nationwide. The goal of the project was to support local civil society organizations to serve as watchdogs holding public institutions accountable to provide mandated public services.
Albania Hack 🔞Clash of Clans Max Health
Us SBGameHacker
Video Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Albania
UN in Albania is working to disseminate correct information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health through y-peers and through integration of the sexuality education in the school curricula. Young volunteers and young people of school health clubs in the secondary education level are doing a great job to spread the word and raise awareness among their peers. UN is also promoting access to re
Albania Health
This video is about women getting access to mammograms in Albania--from one poorly functioning machine in the capital to four around the country.
Back Home: A supported mental health residence in Cerrik, ALBANIA
December 2008: Twelve men and women, former residents of the psychiatric hospital of Elbasan in Albania do now live in a supported residence at the nearby small town of Cerrik. Social workers and nurses do support the daily living of those who were long ago institutionalized and therefore lost touch with their communities of origin once they entered the hospital door. Their potential for a normal
Albanian's state run health service is being put under severe strain with the increasing number of Kosovar refugees pouring in.
In the capital, Tirana, the population has swelled by a quarter in the last few months, with no additional hospital beds to take the extra strain.
The situation is likely to worsen in the camps as well, as the hot summer is expected to deplete
Voices from Albania - Health care services for the vulnerable groups
It is important to support the most vulnerable and marginalized populations with free of charge health services, including family planning services, so that to ensure sound families.
LR Health & Beauty Systems Albania
LR Health & Beauty Systems Albania
Romania , Albania and Norvegia
A great movie from the project "RESPECT YOUR HEALTH" 2013
Romania , Albania and Norvegia
How Albania Became Europe's Rubbish Tip
Land of Waste - "For me, a normal situation would have been in school studying books instead of studying bins"
Subscribe to Journeyman for news and science reports every weekday: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures.html
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/68066/short-films/land-of-waste.html
Albania is slowly sinking under the weight of Europe's waste. Thi
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania" Date: August 8, 2015
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania"
Date: August 8, 2015
Organized by: Mario Ademaj (Medical Student from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health)
Number of Patients in Attendance: 1,112
Medical Team: 8 physicians (surgery, cardiology, oncology, radiology, family medicine, public health, Obstetrics and Gynecology) trained in the United States, Albania, England, a
Ten facts about Albania
My Health http://www.youtube.com/channel/uc4e_xp_prjqrxmfwoyefxla?sub_confirmation=1 Quick Recipes http://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgugzyme2af9gxu2upy2gvw?su...
Assistance Healthcare Albania project video- Pifworld
Pifworld is a global online platform that brings together people and development projects to make a positive change worldwide. Pifworld is a product of Play it Forward B.V.
Voices from Albania - Comprehensive quality RH services
It is imperative to have qualitative and comprehensive reproductive health services, including family planning services for all women and men at primary health care level.
The People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë. 1944-1991 Without Enver Hoxha Albania today would not even exist! In 1944 the population of Albania was no more ...
Tattooing Inside an Abandoned Communist Bunker
In Albania, there are on average 24 bunkers per square kilometer—that is roughly one for every four inhabitants. The bunkers, built during the 40 years of communist rule, were used as a propaganda tool, leveraging the fear of war to hold power and stamp out dissent.
VICE Serbia went to Albania to meet a notorious Albanian tattoo artist who's set up shop in one of these leftover and forgotten con
USAID Supports Albanian Olive Oil
USAID, AAC-Lushnja, and the Albanian Olive Oil Association developed a campaign for Albanian schools to learn about their country's prized industry and the health benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil.
Albania Investment opportunities
Albania offers many investments opportunities in Energy, Hospitality, Retail, Health.
Immunization information systems: IIS in Albania
IIS is an online immunization information system that can record child immunizations and manage vaccine stock. In 2011, the Albanian Institute of Public Health deployed IIS in the northern Albanian district of Shkoder. This short video shows how IIS works and examines the impact it has had in Albania.
USAID Primary Health Care Program part one
Over the past six years USAID/Albania has worked to strengthen the Government of Albanias health reform efforts to create a fully integrated primary health c...
Rreziku kur nuk ja mëngjes - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Rreziku kardiologjik është më i lartë për njerëzit që braktisin ushqimin e mëngjesit. Alarmi është dhënë nga një studim i kryer në Shtetet e Bashkuara, i pub...
Survey on Albania's Health Care Facilities
USAID provided funding to the organization to conduct a one-day, statistically based observation of health facilities nationwide. The goal of the project was t...
USAID provided funding to the organization to conduct a one-day, statistically based observation of health facilities nationwide. The goal of the project was to support local civil society organizations to serve as watchdogs holding public institutions accountable to provide mandated public services.
wn.com/Survey On Albania's Health Care Facilities
USAID provided funding to the organization to conduct a one-day, statistically based observation of health facilities nationwide. The goal of the project was to support local civil society organizations to serve as watchdogs holding public institutions accountable to provide mandated public services.
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 4
Video Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Albania
UN in Albania is working to disseminate correct information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health through y-peers and through integration of the sexualit...
UN in Albania is working to disseminate correct information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health through y-peers and through integration of the sexuality education in the school curricula. Young volunteers and young people of school health clubs in the secondary education level are doing a great job to spread the word and raise awareness among their peers. UN is also promoting access to reproductive health services for adolescents and young people and encourages integration of youth friendly services at primary health care level.
wn.com/Video Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Albania
UN in Albania is working to disseminate correct information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health through y-peers and through integration of the sexuality education in the school curricula. Young volunteers and young people of school health clubs in the secondary education level are doing a great job to spread the word and raise awareness among their peers. UN is also promoting access to reproductive health services for adolescents and young people and encourages integration of youth friendly services at primary health care level.
- published: 06 Oct 2014
- views: 4
Albania Health
This video is about women getting access to mammograms in Albania--from one poorly functioning machine in the capital to four around the country....
This video is about women getting access to mammograms in Albania--from one poorly functioning machine in the capital to four around the country.
wn.com/Albania Health
This video is about women getting access to mammograms in Albania--from one poorly functioning machine in the capital to four around the country.
- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 147
author: WorldBank
Back Home: A supported mental health residence in Cerrik, ALBANIA
December 2008: Twelve men and women, former residents of the psychiatric hospital of Elbasan in Albania do now live in a supported residence at the nearby small...
December 2008: Twelve men and women, former residents of the psychiatric hospital of Elbasan in Albania do now live in a supported residence at the nearby small town of Cerrik. Social workers and nurses do support the daily living of those who were long ago institutionalized and therefore lost touch with their communities of origin once they entered the hospital door. Their potential for a normal life in the community is shown in their own words. The supported home was part of the WHO support to the Albanian Mental Health reform, with funding from the Swedish and Irish development Agencies (respectively SIDA and Irish Aid)
wn.com/Back Home A Supported Mental Health Residence In Cerrik, Albania
December 2008: Twelve men and women, former residents of the psychiatric hospital of Elbasan in Albania do now live in a supported residence at the nearby small town of Cerrik. Social workers and nurses do support the daily living of those who were long ago institutionalized and therefore lost touch with their communities of origin once they entered the hospital door. Their potential for a normal life in the community is shown in their own words. The supported home was part of the WHO support to the Albanian Mental Health reform, with funding from the Swedish and Irish development Agencies (respectively SIDA and Irish Aid)
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 5
Albanian's state run health service is being put under severe strain with the increasing number of Kosovar refugees pouring in.
In the ...
Albanian's state run health service is being put under severe strain with the increasing number of Kosovar refugees pouring in.
In the capital, Tirana, the population has swelled by a quarter in the last few months, with no additional hospital beds to take the extra strain.
The situation is likely to worsen in the camps as well, as the hot summer is expected to deplete water supplies and increase the likelihood of disease outbreaks.
Currently, there's no health crisis - mortality rates among the camps are no higher than among the ordinary population.
But there are fears this will not last.
The city of Tirana has six state hospitals servicing an estimated 475,000 people.
Doctors say they are struggling to cope with the rise in patient demand.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"We are facing a lot of difficulties with finding somewhere for the patients because the number of beds has not changed for many years.";
SUPER CAPTION: Elizabeth Kuke, cardiologist in charge of emergency unit, Italian military hospital
Dr Kuke says the unsanitary conditions in which Kosovars are living are causing illnesses which can only be properly treated in hospital.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"We have many problems as accommodation is concerned because the Kosovars are living in poor conditions and poor hygiene so we have to find them beds here in order to treat the sicknesses that they have."
SUPER CAPTION: Elizabeth Kuke, cardiologist in charge of emergency unit, Italian military hospital
Where possible the skills of trained Kosovar refugees are being put to use to deal with the health crisis.
Those with medical training are among those most in demand.
Doctor Pal Dushi fled Kosovo in late March and now works at the Italian hospital where he's treated more than 900 patients in the last ten weeks.
He is soon to take charge of a mobile clinic offering primary health care sponsored by the Danish government.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"I think these small satellite clinics will have many benefits. First of all they will help take some of the pressure off other hospitals but also they will provide aid direct to the refugees."
SUPER CAPTION: Doctor Pal Dushi, Kosovar refugee
Dr Dushi outlined the real fears doctors have for their fellow Kosovars in exile.
"The coming summer will bring high temperatures and with this comes several negative consequences. We are afraid of epidemics because there are many people living where hygiene is very bad, where standards of cleanliness are not good. So I'm afraid this (epidemic) will happen."
SUPER CAPTION: Doctor Pal Dushi, Kosovar refugee
The mobile clinics, costing 120 thousand U-S dollars each, are being shipped in and set down wherever the need is greatest.
One Danish spokesman hopes these clinics will also benefit the local population, who are now a lower priority when it comes to health care.
"To improve the divisions between the refugees and the local Albanians because the poor Albanian people have been provided by three clinics and primary health care. But since they are overloaded they are being pushed into the background which means they are not getting health care."
SUPER CAPTION: David Jakobsen, Danish relief coordinator
International relief organisations are continuing mass immunization and vaccination programmes among the refugees, aware of the increased risk that summer presents.
They're also continuing to work alongside the state hospitals.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8133a61dd577fe0955e6ccd18e602393
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Albania Health Service Put Under Severe Strain
Albanian's state run health service is being put under severe strain with the increasing number of Kosovar refugees pouring in.
In the capital, Tirana, the population has swelled by a quarter in the last few months, with no additional hospital beds to take the extra strain.
The situation is likely to worsen in the camps as well, as the hot summer is expected to deplete water supplies and increase the likelihood of disease outbreaks.
Currently, there's no health crisis - mortality rates among the camps are no higher than among the ordinary population.
But there are fears this will not last.
The city of Tirana has six state hospitals servicing an estimated 475,000 people.
Doctors say they are struggling to cope with the rise in patient demand.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"We are facing a lot of difficulties with finding somewhere for the patients because the number of beds has not changed for many years.";
SUPER CAPTION: Elizabeth Kuke, cardiologist in charge of emergency unit, Italian military hospital
Dr Kuke says the unsanitary conditions in which Kosovars are living are causing illnesses which can only be properly treated in hospital.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"We have many problems as accommodation is concerned because the Kosovars are living in poor conditions and poor hygiene so we have to find them beds here in order to treat the sicknesses that they have."
SUPER CAPTION: Elizabeth Kuke, cardiologist in charge of emergency unit, Italian military hospital
Where possible the skills of trained Kosovar refugees are being put to use to deal with the health crisis.
Those with medical training are among those most in demand.
Doctor Pal Dushi fled Kosovo in late March and now works at the Italian hospital where he's treated more than 900 patients in the last ten weeks.
He is soon to take charge of a mobile clinic offering primary health care sponsored by the Danish government.
SOUNDBITE: (Albanian)
"I think these small satellite clinics will have many benefits. First of all they will help take some of the pressure off other hospitals but also they will provide aid direct to the refugees."
SUPER CAPTION: Doctor Pal Dushi, Kosovar refugee
Dr Dushi outlined the real fears doctors have for their fellow Kosovars in exile.
"The coming summer will bring high temperatures and with this comes several negative consequences. We are afraid of epidemics because there are many people living where hygiene is very bad, where standards of cleanliness are not good. So I'm afraid this (epidemic) will happen."
SUPER CAPTION: Doctor Pal Dushi, Kosovar refugee
The mobile clinics, costing 120 thousand U-S dollars each, are being shipped in and set down wherever the need is greatest.
One Danish spokesman hopes these clinics will also benefit the local population, who are now a lower priority when it comes to health care.
"To improve the divisions between the refugees and the local Albanians because the poor Albanian people have been provided by three clinics and primary health care. But since they are overloaded they are being pushed into the background which means they are not getting health care."
SUPER CAPTION: David Jakobsen, Danish relief coordinator
International relief organisations are continuing mass immunization and vaccination programmes among the refugees, aware of the increased risk that summer presents.
They're also continuing to work alongside the state hospitals.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8133a61dd577fe0955e6ccd18e602393
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Voices from Albania - Health care services for the vulnerable groups
It is important to support the most vulnerable and marginalized populations with free of charge health services, including family planning services, so that to ...
It is important to support the most vulnerable and marginalized populations with free of charge health services, including family planning services, so that to ensure sound families.
wn.com/Voices From Albania Health Care Services For The Vulnerable Groups
It is important to support the most vulnerable and marginalized populations with free of charge health services, including family planning services, so that to ensure sound families.
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 5
wn.com/Lr Health Beauty Systems Albania
Romania , Albania and Norvegia
A great movie from the project "RESPECT YOUR HEALTH" 2013
Romania , Albania and Norvegia...
A great movie from the project "RESPECT YOUR HEALTH" 2013
Romania , Albania and Norvegia
wn.com/Project Respect Your Health 2013 Romania , Albania And Norvegia
A great movie from the project "RESPECT YOUR HEALTH" 2013
Romania , Albania and Norvegia
- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 95
How Albania Became Europe's Rubbish Tip
Land of Waste - "For me, a normal situation would have been in school studying books instead of studying bins"
Subscribe to Journeyman for news and science r...
Land of Waste - "For me, a normal situation would have been in school studying books instead of studying bins"
Subscribe to Journeyman for news and science reports every weekday: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures.html
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/68066/short-films/land-of-waste.html
Albania is slowly sinking under the weight of Europe's waste. This report investigates an industry of waste that is both necessary for survival, yet a threat for many Albanians. For how long can it continue?
"For us, the Roma, it is our only work, because nobody will hire us", says Renato, a scavenger earning half the average national wage. In the "dustbin of Europe", countries such as Serbia, Slovenia and Russia dump their scrap in vast quantities. Yet Albania's infrastructure is insufficient for dealing with this often toxic waste. Despite efforts to restrict imports, waste continues to enter under the guise of "raw material". In towns such as Elbasan, home to a large metallurgical plant, the poor control on the industry is beginning to destroy the health of its workers. As one doctor describes, "On one hand, the community has been here for a long time, and needs work. But on the other, it cannot afford the sacrifice".
Wild Angle - Ref 6326
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
wn.com/How Albania Became Europe's Rubbish Tip
Land of Waste - "For me, a normal situation would have been in school studying books instead of studying bins"
Subscribe to Journeyman for news and science reports every weekday: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures.html
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/68066/short-films/land-of-waste.html
Albania is slowly sinking under the weight of Europe's waste. This report investigates an industry of waste that is both necessary for survival, yet a threat for many Albanians. For how long can it continue?
"For us, the Roma, it is our only work, because nobody will hire us", says Renato, a scavenger earning half the average national wage. In the "dustbin of Europe", countries such as Serbia, Slovenia and Russia dump their scrap in vast quantities. Yet Albania's infrastructure is insufficient for dealing with this often toxic waste. Despite efforts to restrict imports, waste continues to enter under the guise of "raw material". In towns such as Elbasan, home to a large metallurgical plant, the poor control on the industry is beginning to destroy the health of its workers. As one doctor describes, "On one hand, the community has been here for a long time, and needs work. But on the other, it cannot afford the sacrifice".
Wild Angle - Ref 6326
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 120398
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania" Date: August 8, 2015
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania"
Date: August 8, 2015
Organized by: Mario Ademaj (Medical Student from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine...
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania"
Date: August 8, 2015
Organized by: Mario Ademaj (Medical Student from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health)
Number of Patients in Attendance: 1,112
Medical Team: 8 physicians (surgery, cardiology, oncology, radiology, family medicine, public health, Obstetrics and Gynecology) trained in the United States, Albania, England, and Macedonia
Volunteers: Students from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan
Diabetes screening, hypertension screening, full physical examinations, free electrocardiograms (EKGs), physician counseling
Sponsored by the Albanian-American Community of Milwaukee
wn.com/Free Medical Clinic In Pogradec, Albania Date August 8, 2015
"Free Medical Clinic in Pogradec, Albania"
Date: August 8, 2015
Organized by: Mario Ademaj (Medical Student from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health)
Number of Patients in Attendance: 1,112
Medical Team: 8 physicians (surgery, cardiology, oncology, radiology, family medicine, public health, Obstetrics and Gynecology) trained in the United States, Albania, England, and Macedonia
Volunteers: Students from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan
Diabetes screening, hypertension screening, full physical examinations, free electrocardiograms (EKGs), physician counseling
Sponsored by the Albanian-American Community of Milwaukee
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 10
Ten facts about Albania
My Health http://www.youtube.com/channel/uc4e_xp_prjqrxmfwoyefxla?sub_confirmation=1 Quick Recipes http://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgugzyme2af9gxu2upy2gvw?su......
My Health http://www.youtube.com/channel/uc4e_xp_prjqrxmfwoyefxla?sub_confirmation=1 Quick Recipes http://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgugzyme2af9gxu2upy2gvw?su...
wn.com/Ten Facts About Albania
My Health http://www.youtube.com/channel/uc4e_xp_prjqrxmfwoyefxla?sub_confirmation=1 Quick Recipes http://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgugzyme2af9gxu2upy2gvw?su...
- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 42
author: MY HEALTH
Assistance Healthcare Albania project video- Pifworld
Pifworld is a global online platform that brings together people and development projects to make a positive change worldwide. Pifworld is a product of Play it ...
Pifworld is a global online platform that brings together people and development projects to make a positive change worldwide. Pifworld is a product of Play it Forward B.V.
wn.com/Assistance Healthcare Albania Project Video Pifworld
Pifworld is a global online platform that brings together people and development projects to make a positive change worldwide. Pifworld is a product of Play it Forward B.V.
- published: 02 Dec 2008
- views: 284
Voices from Albania - Comprehensive quality RH services
It is imperative to have qualitative and comprehensive reproductive health services, including family planning services for all women and men at primary health ...
It is imperative to have qualitative and comprehensive reproductive health services, including family planning services for all women and men at primary health care level.
wn.com/Voices From Albania Comprehensive Quality Rh Services
It is imperative to have qualitative and comprehensive reproductive health services, including family planning services for all women and men at primary health care level.
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 5
The People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë. 1944-1991 Without Enver Hoxha Albania today would not even exist! In 1944 the population of Albania was no more ......
Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë. 1944-1991 Without Enver Hoxha Albania today would not even exist! In 1944 the population of Albania was no more ...
wn.com/The People's Socialist Republic Of Albania
Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë. 1944-1991 Without Enver Hoxha Albania today would not even exist! In 1944 the population of Albania was no more ...
Tattooing Inside an Abandoned Communist Bunker
In Albania, there are on average 24 bunkers per square kilometer—that is roughly one for every four inhabitants. The bunkers, built during the 40 years of commu...
In Albania, there are on average 24 bunkers per square kilometer—that is roughly one for every four inhabitants. The bunkers, built during the 40 years of communist rule, were used as a propaganda tool, leveraging the fear of war to hold power and stamp out dissent.
VICE Serbia went to Albania to meet a notorious Albanian tattoo artist who's set up shop in one of these leftover and forgotten concrete bunkers.
Watch Next: The Sacred Art of the Japanese Tattoo - http://bit.ly/1LfrN8Z
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wn.com/Tattooing Inside An Abandoned Communist Bunker
In Albania, there are on average 24 bunkers per square kilometer—that is roughly one for every four inhabitants. The bunkers, built during the 40 years of communist rule, were used as a propaganda tool, leveraging the fear of war to hold power and stamp out dissent.
VICE Serbia went to Albania to meet a notorious Albanian tattoo artist who's set up shop in one of these leftover and forgotten concrete bunkers.
Watch Next: The Sacred Art of the Japanese Tattoo - http://bit.ly/1LfrN8Z
More VICE International: http://bit.ly/1gFuoMK
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos
Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com
More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideos
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Check out our Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/vicemag
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 35909
USAID Supports Albanian Olive Oil
USAID, AAC-Lushnja, and the Albanian Olive Oil Association developed a campaign for Albanian schools to learn about their country's prized industry and the heal...
USAID, AAC-Lushnja, and the Albanian Olive Oil Association developed a campaign for Albanian schools to learn about their country's prized industry and the health benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil.
wn.com/Usaid Supports Albanian Olive Oil
USAID, AAC-Lushnja, and the Albanian Olive Oil Association developed a campaign for Albanian schools to learn about their country's prized industry and the health benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil.
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 0
Albania Investment opportunities
Albania offers many investments opportunities in Energy, Hospitality, Retail, Health....
Albania offers many investments opportunities in Energy, Hospitality, Retail, Health.
wn.com/Albania Investment Opportunities
Albania offers many investments opportunities in Energy, Hospitality, Retail, Health.
- published: 12 Apr 2009
- views: 1269
author: Balkimo
Immunization information systems: IIS in Albania
IIS is an online immunization information system that can record child immunizations and manage vaccine stock. In 2011, the Albanian Institute of Public Health ...
IIS is an online immunization information system that can record child immunizations and manage vaccine stock. In 2011, the Albanian Institute of Public Health deployed IIS in the northern Albanian district of Shkoder. This short video shows how IIS works and examines the impact it has had in Albania.
wn.com/Immunization Information Systems Iis In Albania
IIS is an online immunization information system that can record child immunizations and manage vaccine stock. In 2011, the Albanian Institute of Public Health deployed IIS in the northern Albanian district of Shkoder. This short video shows how IIS works and examines the impact it has had in Albania.
- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 19
USAID Primary Health Care Program part one
Over the past six years USAID/Albania has worked to strengthen the Government of Albanias health reform efforts to create a fully integrated primary health c......
Over the past six years USAID/Albania has worked to strengthen the Government of Albanias health reform efforts to create a fully integrated primary health c...
wn.com/Usaid Primary Health Care Program Part One
Over the past six years USAID/Albania has worked to strengthen the Government of Albanias health reform efforts to create a fully integrated primary health c...
Rreziku kur nuk ja mëngjes - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Rreziku kardiologjik është më i lartë për njerëzit që braktisin ushqimin e mëngjesit. Alarmi është dhënë nga një studim i kryer në Shtetet e Bashkuara, i pub......
Rreziku kardiologjik është më i lartë për njerëzit që braktisin ushqimin e mëngjesit. Alarmi është dhënë nga një studim i kryer në Shtetet e Bashkuara, i pub...
wn.com/Rreziku Kur Nuk Ja Mëngjes Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Rreziku kardiologjik është më i lartë për njerëzit që braktisin ushqimin e mëngjesit. Alarmi është dhënë nga një studim i kryer në Shtetet e Bashkuara, i pub...
Albania Travel Guide
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demo...
Traveling South Albania (Chillout, Ambient, Downtempo Selection)
This is a part of the road trip from Vlora to Dhermi, Albania.
It was shot by GoPro Hero3+ and edited with Final Cut Pro X.
Enjoy the Trip with Chillout, Ambient and Downtempo music.
Track list:
1. 0:00 Pretty Lights - Still Night
2. 4:15 Pretty Lights - One Day
3. 6:42 Blue Sky Black Death - Gold in Gold out
4. 9:22 Bonobo - Kiara
5. 11:22 Emacipator - Jet Stream (D.V.S Remix)
6. 14:19 Bonobo -
A Tourist's Guide to Tirana, Albania. www.theredquest.com
We fly into Tirana to see the sights in a quick whistelstop tour.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
Albania Tourist Attractions: 14 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Albania? Check out our Albania Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Albania.
Top Best Places to visit in Albania:
National Historical Museum, Mount Dajt, Et'hem Bey Mosque, Skanderbeg Square, Rozafa castle, Butrint National Park, Gjirokaster Fortress, Lekuresi Castle, Albanian Riviera, The Drin, Lake Skadar, Berat Castle, National Arts Gallery of Albania, T
Albania Travel Video Guide spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2014
Nje cikel dokumentaresh vjen se shpejti per ju. Albania Travel Guide © Papadhimitri Production 2015
Albania Video Travel Guide Spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2015
Albania Travel Guide - Visiting the Archaeological City of Butrint
Take a tour of Archaeological City of Butrint in Albania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Archaelogical City of Butrint in Albania resides on the Greek border.
Butrint once served as a port from the Hellenistic era to the Ottoman Empire because of its ideal position in an inlet of the Adriatic Sea.
Italian archaeologists first began excava
Albania Travel Video Guide
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren't choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in
Approaching Sarande,Albania video | sarande 2015 | Sarandë travel guide | Saranda Albania video
Hi in this video i would like to show you about Sarande,Albania places amazing travel HD video photography
with youtube home music I shot today.If you like video and want get amazing updates
on travel HD video with me,Please click here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6D0HCaANSvLRc1IDqEwngA to subscribe.
Qyteti I Sarandes,Hotel NE Sarande,Plazhet E Sarandes,Santa Quaranta Sarande,Sarande Alb
Gay Travel Guide: Tirana, Durrës, Albania
Area: 16 sq mi
Population: 421,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully)
Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
Car: XXX
Population: 115,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising
Things to do: Beach, Cafe
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
Saranda Real Estate, Albania Property, Albanian Travel Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is the original company to market Albania Property and Albania Real Estate to the overseas investor since in 2005.
We provide you with trustworthy Albania Property and Albania Real Estate assistance on every step of this process. We are proud to have served hundreds of foreign clients as well as the large and wealthy Albanian Diaspora that have bought through us.
Informucate Fast Facts Videos cover thousands of topics, with more added daily….and if you like our videos, you will love our unique take on the news at http://www.informucate.com
The Places You Should Go: Tirana, Albania
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/cyclingabout The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third trave...
Albania Tourism 2015
Intervistë me Z. Agim Neza për librin "Albania - Travel Guide"
Në mjediset e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u promovua libri "Albania - Travel Guide" me autor publiçistin Agim Neza me eksperience në fushën e marrëdhënieve publike dhe kontribut në institucione si Kuvendi i Shqiperisë, Ministria e Jashtme, Prokuroria e Përgjithshme, Ministria e Drejtësise si dhe pedagog i lëndës së Marrëdhënieve Publike në Universitetin shteteror të Tiranës. Në intervistë ai fl
Promovohet libri"Albania Travel Guide" i publiçistit Agim Neza
Në ambientet e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u bë promovimi i librit "Albania Travel Guide" me autor Z. Agim Neza. Paneli përbëhej nga Rektori i Sh.L.P "Vit...
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Ne kete gudie do te mesoni per mundesit akomoduese ne Jale, por edhe pershtypjet e atyre qe pushojne ...
Europe Travel Guide - Destinations
European destinations in pictures from Albania to Germany! Travel to Europe for memorable holidays. For more information visit http://europeandestinations.org
Albania Tourist Reviews, Albania Property and Tours Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is present in every coastal city of our country sourcing Albanian properties to the foreign markets. Part of our services is Rental Management, Property Management and Furniture Packages. Our team is best at offering tailor made packages to our clients that have bought a property in Albania.
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Reportazh radiofonik i pergatitur ne datat 16 dhe 17 korrik 2011 ne Sarande nga gazetari i Radio Travel, Amarildo Topi
Blood Debt: Feudal Familial Law in the Balkans
In some parts of the Balkans, families still live by a centuries-old law called "the Canon," which recognizes the right to vengeance—if a man from one family kills another, the family of the victim must respond in kind. This "debt" is usually executed by the eldest male member of the family. It is his duty to avenge his loved one—if he refuses, he declared a coward and renounced by his family.
Albania Travel Guide
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demo......
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demo...
wn.com/Albania Travel Guide
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demo...
Traveling South Albania (Chillout, Ambient, Downtempo Selection)
This is a part of the road trip from Vlora to Dhermi, Albania.
It was shot by GoPro Hero3+ and edited with Final Cut Pro X.
Enjoy the Trip with Chillout, Ambien...
This is a part of the road trip from Vlora to Dhermi, Albania.
It was shot by GoPro Hero3+ and edited with Final Cut Pro X.
Enjoy the Trip with Chillout, Ambient and Downtempo music.
Track list:
1. 0:00 Pretty Lights - Still Night
2. 4:15 Pretty Lights - One Day
3. 6:42 Blue Sky Black Death - Gold in Gold out
4. 9:22 Bonobo - Kiara
5. 11:22 Emacipator - Jet Stream (D.V.S Remix)
6. 14:19 Bonobo - Know You
7. 16:42 Phaeleh - Tokoi
8. 19:05 Emacipator - Valhalla
9. 22:31 Mr. Fijiwiji - The Mentalist
10. 26:03 Phaeleh - In the Twilight
11. 31:17 Bonobo - Antenna
12. 34:37 Emancipator - First Snow (Ooah Remix)
13. 41:08 The Flashbulb - Arrival to an empty room
14. 44:14 Phaeleh - So far away
15. 49:18 Carbon based Lifeforms - Abiogenesis
wn.com/Traveling South Albania (Chillout, Ambient, Downtempo Selection)
This is a part of the road trip from Vlora to Dhermi, Albania.
It was shot by GoPro Hero3+ and edited with Final Cut Pro X.
Enjoy the Trip with Chillout, Ambient and Downtempo music.
Track list:
1. 0:00 Pretty Lights - Still Night
2. 4:15 Pretty Lights - One Day
3. 6:42 Blue Sky Black Death - Gold in Gold out
4. 9:22 Bonobo - Kiara
5. 11:22 Emacipator - Jet Stream (D.V.S Remix)
6. 14:19 Bonobo - Know You
7. 16:42 Phaeleh - Tokoi
8. 19:05 Emacipator - Valhalla
9. 22:31 Mr. Fijiwiji - The Mentalist
10. 26:03 Phaeleh - In the Twilight
11. 31:17 Bonobo - Antenna
12. 34:37 Emancipator - First Snow (Ooah Remix)
13. 41:08 The Flashbulb - Arrival to an empty room
14. 44:14 Phaeleh - So far away
15. 49:18 Carbon based Lifeforms - Abiogenesis
- published: 25 Nov 2014
- views: 886
A Tourist's Guide to Tirana, Albania. www.theredquest.com
We fly into Tirana to see the sights in a quick whistelstop tour.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.ther...
We fly into Tirana to see the sights in a quick whistelstop tour.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Tirana, Albania. Www.Theredquest.Com
We fly into Tirana to see the sights in a quick whistelstop tour.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
- published: 13 Jun 2009
- views: 7863
Albania Tourist Attractions: 14 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Albania? Check out our Albania Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Albania.
Top Best Places to visit in Albania:
Planning to visit Albania? Check out our Albania Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Albania.
Top Best Places to visit in Albania:
National Historical Museum, Mount Dajt, Et'hem Bey Mosque, Skanderbeg Square, Rozafa castle, Butrint National Park, Gjirokaster Fortress, Lekuresi Castle, Albanian Riviera, The Drin, Lake Skadar, Berat Castle, National Arts Gallery of Albania, TID Tower
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1
Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global
Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
wn.com/Albania Tourist Attractions 14 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Albania? Check out our Albania Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Albania.
Top Best Places to visit in Albania:
National Historical Museum, Mount Dajt, Et'hem Bey Mosque, Skanderbeg Square, Rozafa castle, Butrint National Park, Gjirokaster Fortress, Lekuresi Castle, Albanian Riviera, The Drin, Lake Skadar, Berat Castle, National Arts Gallery of Albania, TID Tower
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1
Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global
Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SocialBubbleIn
This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 1
Albania Travel Video Guide spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2014...
© Papadhimitri Production 2014
wn.com/Albania Travel Video Guide Spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2014
- published: 21 Apr 2015
- views: 43
Nje cikel dokumentaresh vjen se shpejti per ju. Albania Travel Guide © Papadhimitri Production 2015...
Nje cikel dokumentaresh vjen se shpejti per ju. Albania Travel Guide © Papadhimitri Production 2015
wn.com/Albania Travel Video Guide Spot
Nje cikel dokumentaresh vjen se shpejti per ju. Albania Travel Guide © Papadhimitri Production 2015
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 531
Albania Video Travel Guide Spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2015...
© Papadhimitri Production 2015
wn.com/Albania Video Travel Guide Spot
© Papadhimitri Production 2015
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 6
Albania Travel Guide - Visiting the Archaeological City of Butrint
Take a tour of Archaeological City of Butrint in Albania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Archaelogical City...
Take a tour of Archaeological City of Butrint in Albania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Archaelogical City of Butrint in Albania resides on the Greek border.
Butrint once served as a port from the Hellenistic era to the Ottoman Empire because of its ideal position in an inlet of the Adriatic Sea.
Italian archaeologists first began excavations in 1928 and the uncovering of the ancient city soon followed.
The wondrous site has been sensitive to the turmoil which has surrounded it, and was especially at risk during political conflict in 1997.
Located atop a hill, the site contains incredible views of the surrounding Butrint National Park.
The mysteries of the Archaeological City of Butrint are sure to inspire all who visit.
wn.com/Albania Travel Guide Visiting The Archaeological City Of Butrint
Take a tour of Archaeological City of Butrint in Albania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Archaelogical City of Butrint in Albania resides on the Greek border.
Butrint once served as a port from the Hellenistic era to the Ottoman Empire because of its ideal position in an inlet of the Adriatic Sea.
Italian archaeologists first began excavations in 1928 and the uncovering of the ancient city soon followed.
The wondrous site has been sensitive to the turmoil which has surrounded it, and was especially at risk during political conflict in 1997.
Located atop a hill, the site contains incredible views of the surrounding Butrint National Park.
The mysteries of the Archaeological City of Butrint are sure to inspire all who visit.
- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 2242
Albania Travel Video Guide
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her citi...
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren't choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in Europe these days -- a glance into a culture that is all its own. Raised on a diet of separation and hardship, Albania is distinctly Albanian.
You'll continue with Albania Travel Video Guide to find beautiful pristine beaches on parts of the Ionian Coast (try the charming town of Saranda, fascinating classical sites like ancient Berat, and dramatic mountain citadels, but the mad traffic of Tirana is symptomatic of a bustling, bright city shrugging off its Stalinist grey patina. Squat toilets are no longer the norm and you can even sip cocktails at hip bars while listening to rock bands. Meanwhile, Northern Albania keeps the country's reputation as a wild frontier alive and well, with bleak mountains and the occasional blood feud.
Beautiful Albania Travel Video Guide
wn.com/Albania Travel Video Guide
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren't choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in Europe these days -- a glance into a culture that is all its own. Raised on a diet of separation and hardship, Albania is distinctly Albanian.
You'll continue with Albania Travel Video Guide to find beautiful pristine beaches on parts of the Ionian Coast (try the charming town of Saranda, fascinating classical sites like ancient Berat, and dramatic mountain citadels, but the mad traffic of Tirana is symptomatic of a bustling, bright city shrugging off its Stalinist grey patina. Squat toilets are no longer the norm and you can even sip cocktails at hip bars while listening to rock bands. Meanwhile, Northern Albania keeps the country's reputation as a wild frontier alive and well, with bleak mountains and the occasional blood feud.
Beautiful Albania Travel Video Guide
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 265
Approaching Sarande,Albania video | sarande 2015 | Sarandë travel guide | Saranda Albania video
Hi in this video i would like to show you about Sarande,Albania places amazing travel HD video photography
with youtube home music I shot today.If you like...
Hi in this video i would like to show you about Sarande,Albania places amazing travel HD video photography
with youtube home music I shot today.If you like video and want get amazing updates
on travel HD video with me,Please click here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6D0HCaANSvLRc1IDqEwngA to subscribe.
Qyteti I Sarandes,Hotel NE Sarande,Plazhet E Sarandes,Santa Quaranta Sarande,Sarande Albania,Hotel Butrinti Sarande,Gjirokastër
,Plazhi I Sarandes,Sarandë (City/Town/Village) #2 Albania (Country) City ,(Ontology Class) , town kurort hotel , resort drive
wn.com/Approaching Sarande,Albania Video | Sarande 2015 | Sarandë Travel Guide | Saranda Albania Video
Hi in this video i would like to show you about Sarande,Albania places amazing travel HD video photography
with youtube home music I shot today.If you like video and want get amazing updates
on travel HD video with me,Please click here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6D0HCaANSvLRc1IDqEwngA to subscribe.
Qyteti I Sarandes,Hotel NE Sarande,Plazhet E Sarandes,Santa Quaranta Sarande,Sarande Albania,Hotel Butrinti Sarande,Gjirokastër
,Plazhi I Sarandes,Sarandë (City/Town/Village) #2 Albania (Country) City ,(Ontology Class) , town kurort hotel , resort drive
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 25
Gay Travel Guide: Tirana, Durrës, Albania
Area: 16 sq mi
Population: 421,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully)
Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXXX
Bike: XX
Public ...
Area: 16 sq mi
Population: 421,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully)
Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
Car: XXX
Population: 115,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising
Things to do: Beach, Cafe
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
wn.com/Gay Travel Guide Tirana, Durrës, Albania
Area: 16 sq mi
Population: 421,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully)
Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
Car: XXX
Population: 115,000
Things to do Gay: Cruising
Things to do: Beach, Cafe
Need Cash: Yes
Walk: XXX
Bike: XX
Public Transit: X
- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 4653
Saranda Real Estate, Albania Property, Albanian Travel Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is the original company to market Albania Property and Albania Real Estate to the overseas investor since in 2005.
We provide you...
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is the original company to market Albania Property and Albania Real Estate to the overseas investor since in 2005.
We provide you with trustworthy Albania Property and Albania Real Estate assistance on every step of this process. We are proud to have served hundreds of foreign clients as well as the large and wealthy Albanian Diaspora that have bought through us.
Albania Estate considers after sale services a process as important as buying services.
wn.com/Saranda Real Estate, Albania Property, Albanian Travel Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is the original company to market Albania Property and Albania Real Estate to the overseas investor since in 2005.
We provide you with trustworthy Albania Property and Albania Real Estate assistance on every step of this process. We are proud to have served hundreds of foreign clients as well as the large and wealthy Albanian Diaspora that have bought through us.
Albania Estate considers after sale services a process as important as buying services.
- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 592
Informucate Fast Facts Videos cover thousands of topics, with more added daily….and if you like our videos, you will love our unique take on the news at http://...
Informucate Fast Facts Videos cover thousands of topics, with more added daily….and if you like our videos, you will love our unique take on the news at http://www.informucate.com
wn.com/Informucate Albania
Informucate Fast Facts Videos cover thousands of topics, with more added daily….and if you like our videos, you will love our unique take on the news at http://www.informucate.com
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 1
The Places You Should Go: Tirana, Albania
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/cyclingabout The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third trave......
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/cyclingabout The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third trave...
wn.com/The Places You Should Go Tirana, Albania
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/cyclingabout The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third trave...
Intervistë me Z. Agim Neza për librin "Albania - Travel Guide"
Në mjediset e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u promovua libri "Albania - Travel Guide" me autor publiçistin Agim Neza me eksperience në fushën e marrëdhënieve p...
Në mjediset e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u promovua libri "Albania - Travel Guide" me autor publiçistin Agim Neza me eksperience në fushën e marrëdhënieve publike dhe kontribut në institucione si Kuvendi i Shqiperisë, Ministria e Jashtme, Prokuroria e Përgjithshme, Ministria e Drejtësise si dhe pedagog i lëndës së Marrëdhënieve Publike në Universitetin shteteror të Tiranës. Në intervistë ai flet se Guida për Shqipërinë është një libër bashkëkohor, praktik, i shkruar me një stil tërheqës, i thjeshtë për t'u përdorur nga të huajt që vizitojnë Shqipërinë. Interesant është fakti që libri përmbajn të dhëna për qytetet historike të Shqipërisë, qendrat më tërheqese arkeologjike siç janë Butrinti dhe Apollonia, bregdeti shqiptar, Durrësi, Vlora, Saranda, Alpet e Shqipërisë, etj. Por përsëri ka nevojë për ndryshime të vendndodhjeve e adresave, që duhen saktësuar.
wn.com/Intervistë Me Z. Agim Neza Për Librin Albania Travel Guide
Në mjediset e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u promovua libri "Albania - Travel Guide" me autor publiçistin Agim Neza me eksperience në fushën e marrëdhënieve publike dhe kontribut në institucione si Kuvendi i Shqiperisë, Ministria e Jashtme, Prokuroria e Përgjithshme, Ministria e Drejtësise si dhe pedagog i lëndës së Marrëdhënieve Publike në Universitetin shteteror të Tiranës. Në intervistë ai flet se Guida për Shqipërinë është një libër bashkëkohor, praktik, i shkruar me një stil tërheqës, i thjeshtë për t'u përdorur nga të huajt që vizitojnë Shqipërinë. Interesant është fakti që libri përmbajn të dhëna për qytetet historike të Shqipërisë, qendrat më tërheqese arkeologjike siç janë Butrinti dhe Apollonia, bregdeti shqiptar, Durrësi, Vlora, Saranda, Alpet e Shqipërisë, etj. Por përsëri ka nevojë për ndryshime të vendndodhjeve e adresave, që duhen saktësuar.
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 128
Promovohet libri"Albania Travel Guide" i publiçistit Agim Neza
Në ambientet e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u bë promovimi i librit "Albania Travel Guide" me autor Z. Agim Neza. Paneli përbëhej nga Rektori i Sh.L.P "Vit......
Në ambientet e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u bë promovimi i librit "Albania Travel Guide" me autor Z. Agim Neza. Paneli përbëhej nga Rektori i Sh.L.P "Vit...
wn.com/Promovohet Libri Albania Travel Guide I Publiçistit Agim Neza
Në ambientet e Kampusit Universitar "Vitrina" u bë promovimi i librit "Albania Travel Guide" me autor Z. Agim Neza. Paneli përbëhej nga Rektori i Sh.L.P "Vit...
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Ne kete gudie do te mesoni per mundesit akomoduese ne Jale, por edhe pershtypjet e atyre qe pushojne ......
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Ne kete gudie do te mesoni per mundesit akomoduese ne Jale, por edhe pershtypjet e atyre qe pushojne ...
wn.com/Jala Guide Albanian Riviera Travel Report
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Ne kete gudie do te mesoni per mundesit akomoduese ne Jale, por edhe pershtypjet e atyre qe pushojne ...
- published: 21 Jul 2011
- views: 18107
author: Rildo Topi
Europe Travel Guide - Destinations
European destinations in pictures from Albania to Germany! Travel to Europe for memorable holidays. For more information visit http://europeandestinations.org...
European destinations in pictures from Albania to Germany! Travel to Europe for memorable holidays. For more information visit http://europeandestinations.org
wn.com/Europe Travel Guide Destinations
European destinations in pictures from Albania to Germany! Travel to Europe for memorable holidays. For more information visit http://europeandestinations.org
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 18364
Albania Tourist Reviews, Albania Property and Tours Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is present in every coastal city of our country sourcing Albanian properties to the foreign markets. Part of our services is Renta...
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is present in every coastal city of our country sourcing Albanian properties to the foreign markets. Part of our services is Rental Management, Property Management and Furniture Packages. Our team is best at offering tailor made packages to our clients that have bought a property in Albania.
wn.com/Albania Tourist Reviews, Albania Property And Tours Guide
http://www.Albania-Estate.com is present in every coastal city of our country sourcing Albanian properties to the foreign markets. Part of our services is Rental Management, Property Management and Furniture Packages. Our team is best at offering tailor made packages to our clients that have bought a property in Albania.
- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 488
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Reportazh radiofonik i pergatitur ne datat 16 dhe 17 korrik 2011 ne Sarande nga gazetari i Radio Travel...
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Reportazh radiofonik i pergatitur ne datat 16 dhe 17 korrik 2011 ne Sarande nga gazetari i Radio Travel, Amarildo Topi
wn.com/Guida E Sarandes Saranda Guide, Albania
https://www.facebook.com/RadioTravel www.radiotravel.al Reportazh radiofonik i pergatitur ne datat 16 dhe 17 korrik 2011 ne Sarande nga gazetari i Radio Travel, Amarildo Topi
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 38784
Blood Debt: Feudal Familial Law in the Balkans
In some parts of the Balkans, families still live by a centuries-old law called "the Canon," which recognizes the right to vengeance—if a man from one family ki...
In some parts of the Balkans, families still live by a centuries-old law called "the Canon," which recognizes the right to vengeance—if a man from one family kills another, the family of the victim must respond in kind. This "debt" is usually executed by the eldest male member of the family. It is his duty to avenge his loved one—if he refuses, he declared a coward and renounced by his family.
VICE Serbia recently traveled from East Montenegro—where some families have experienced four cycles of vengeance—to the north of Albania, where some children never leave their homes in fear of being killed. Along the way they spoke with families of murder victims who, disappointed by the corruption of the official justice system, have taken judgment and punishment into their own hands.
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wn.com/Blood Debt Feudal Familial Law In The Balkans
In some parts of the Balkans, families still live by a centuries-old law called "the Canon," which recognizes the right to vengeance—if a man from one family kills another, the family of the victim must respond in kind. This "debt" is usually executed by the eldest male member of the family. It is his duty to avenge his loved one—if he refuses, he declared a coward and renounced by his family.
VICE Serbia recently traveled from East Montenegro—where some families have experienced four cycles of vengeance—to the north of Albania, where some children never leave their homes in fear of being killed. Along the way they spoke with families of murder victims who, disappointed by the corruption of the official justice system, have taken judgment and punishment into their own hands.
Up Next: Russian Grave Diggers: http://bit.ly/1yGT9L4
Also check out The VICE Guide to the Balkans: http://bit.ly/1xERxGq
Watch more stories from the global VICE family: http://bit.ly/VICE-INTL-
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- published: 02 Apr 2015
- views: 301