China Xinhua NewsVerified account


China Insight, Global View. Xinhua News Agency is the first port of call for the latest China and world news. Email: Tel: 8610 63071183

Headquartered in Beijing, PRC
Joined February 2012

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  1. China archaeologists discover "uncommonly well-preserved" ancient human fossil in E China

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  2. China gov't investment in compulsory education grew 19.4 pct annually over past decade

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  3. Spotlight: , meetings attest to China's commitment to world economic growth

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  4. Chinese Premier arrives in for East Asian leaders' meetings, official visit

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  5. 使馆领事保护电话:00223-78110040,00223-20213597。 外交部全球领保与服务应急呼叫中心电话:0086-10-12308或0086-10-59913991。

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  6. 140 guests, 30 employees "locked in" at Radisson hotel in Bamako, Mali, some Chinese trapped

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  7. conducts military drills in , focusing on anti-submarine warfare

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  8. Find out afterlife of 's damaged 100-yuan banknote, eco-friendly of course (web pic)

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  9. calls on China, Malaysia to continue to grow ties from a new starting point

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  10. : Gunmen hold hostages in hotel attack in Mali's capital Bamako: local media

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  11. Dogs getting healthier with doggy goggles. And they get cooler, too!

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  12. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang leaves for leaders' meetings, official visit to

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  13. Various-shaped sculptures by artists worldwide displayed in Qingdao Intl Festival

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  14. : Premier Li's article on economy; life story of Chinese hostage & more

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  15. Wildlife, wildlands conservation can help African countries alleviate poverty: experts

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