Noon-3pm eastern

Monday-Friday 7pm and 10pm Eastern

Latest Headlines

World leaders agree on broad anti-ISIL plans at G20

World leaders have promised to tighten border controls, step up intelligence sharing and crack down on "terrorist" financing

Obama on ISIS: Our Strategy is Going to Work

During a speech at the G20 conference in Turkey on Monday, President Barack Obama defended his anti-Islamic State (ISIS) strategy

France's state of emergency may last months

French President Francois Hollande will present a bill to extend the state of emergency in France

Today's Radio Show

noon-3:00 pm eastern

Tune in on satellite radio at SiriusXM Progress 127

Be sure to join Thom in our chatroom during the program!

Our newest video is here! Watch RESTORATION - plus check out CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners

Hour One: They're Not Bombing Luxembourg...

Hour Two: Bernie is Right About Paris Attacks & Climate Change

Hour Three: Ohio Corporate Pot Election Far From Settled - Harvey Wasserman, Solartopia

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Daily Poll

Will climate change spawn more violence and unrest?

YES! More people fighting over fewer resources will spark wars.
YES! Bernie’s right. It’s the greatest threat to our national security.

Today's TV Show

7:00 pm-8:00 pm eastern

Be sure to join Thom in our chatroom during the program!

Our newest video is here! Watch RESTORATION - plus check out CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners

NEED TO KNOW: The Endless Cycle of Terrorism - Ivan Eland, The Independent Institute Center on Peace & Liberty/No War for Oil: U.S. Dependency and the Middle East

SCREWED: The Muslim Backlash is Vicious! Nezar Hamze, Council on American Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.)

PLUS, The Link Between Climate Change & Terrorism - Dr. Christian Parenti, New York University/Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence

BEST OF THE REST: The Patriotic Millionaires Who Want Less Power
- Morris Pearl, The Agenda Project
- Jerry Fiddler, Zygote Ventures

PLUS, Why the Postal Workers are for Bernie - Mark Dimondstein, America Postal Workers Union (APWU)

DAILY TAKE: Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS

...LIVE from Washington, DC starting at 7pm Eastern...

Latest From The Big Picture

YouTube Video57:08

Full Show 11/16/15: Dear Republicans, Stop Helping ISIS!

Thom discusses the world’s reaction following Friday’s terrorist attack in Paris with The Independent Institute’s Ivan Eland and CAIR’s Nezar Hamze, how climate change and terrorism are connected with professor Christian Parenti, and the latest union endorsement for Bernie Sanders with the American Postal Workers Union’s Mark Dimondstein. In tonight’s Daily take Thom discusses how the Republican candidates are helping ISIS.

For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!


Thom's Blog

Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS

After the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris we now have a choice: We can either calmly come up with a rational plan to take on this very, very real threat or we can give ISIS everything it wants.

And Republicans, it appears, have decided they’re going to give ISIS everything it wants.

You see, ISIS, like all terrorist groups, thrives on backlash.

Ring of Fire

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Thom Hartmann Radio Program

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Noon - 3pm Eastern
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