Sunday, May 11, 2008


I was never that much into this 2 bands at all! I always found most of BORN AGAINST´s music boring and somehow MAN IS THE BASTARD couldn´t convince me either! the reason I still got this 8" is that there is a track on this record called ALBANY ACADEMY which is one of the few BORN AGAINST songs I consider really good! the 3 other BORN AGAINST tracks are like most of their songs - boring! at least in my ears. it´s a pity! they had one of the best names a band could have, good lyrics and put in a lot of effort but their music is overrated as fuck if you ask me. the flipside serves you 5 MAN IS THE BASTARD tunes that represent the worst they ever did! sounds like very bad MINIMAL HOUSE music at times!

8 Kommentare:

Zmaj said...

Hey man, thanks! Great blog, I'm pretty sure I visited in the past (probably have it bookmarked too hah).
And thanks for the Spazz with Romantic Gorilla / Lack of Interest splits too.

Batguano said...

Albany Acadamy is a great song! It figures that it's one of BA's shortest...

Toxic Molar said...

I completely agree. I couldn't get into either one of these bands, no matter how hard I tried. I downloaded a bunch of Man is the Bastard albums, trying to find one that I found suitable; I really couldn't. It's one of those bands that you really want to like, but you can't really get into them.

Papst Benedikt XVI said...

hm, I talked to quite some people about BORN AGAINST and M.I.T.B. and it seems like most of them agree... now I start to ask myself if anybody at all was really into them or if everybody was just trying? ;-)

Batguano said...

I actually like Born Against a lot. But, I admit that I don't listen to MITB very often. I still love 'em, though, mainly because they gave me 3 of the most intense live music experiences of my life! Their recorded efforts approach nowhere near that level of intensity.

javier said...

born against and mitb kick ass... nine patriotic battle hymns is an incredible album, and so is mancruel or thoughtless by mitb... for me both bands hold a place deep in my heart for being compulsively honest and musically totally original. i'd say they are in the same category as econochrist, jawbreaker and other bands which i didn't really like that much the first time i heard them, but are now part of my favorites...
though, gotta agree, this 8" is not one of the best... ;)

apoxonbothyourhouses said...

you're a complete tool if you think born against is boring

i suppose your metal will have to do with all the screeching about killing pigs and dismembering corpses

while real people with real lives have to deal with real problems and how fucked up it is

Papst Benedikt XVI said...

@ apox....

please leave my blog and never come back you ignorant little fuck! or at least learn reading before you judge other people you don´t know shit about!