Showing posts with label GERMANY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GERMANY. Show all posts

Narsaak-Vatra 7" (1997,Per Koro Records)

This is an amazing piece of vinyl from a now forgotten band which delivered some great records and somehow was ahead of its time: Narsaak formed in Darmstadt, Germany in early '90's and last summer they called a day after their final gig. "The members played in several bands after the split most of them in SKELETON ARMY & BASTARD KING just to name a few. Since late 2006 we are back on the map with almost the same line-up where we broke up 8 years ago". Their discography includes a handful of seven inch releases and weirdly not any lp, Their back catalogue is in their myspace and some of these are already posted here and there (split w Notwehr, split w Dead Beat, split w Stack, Hunde, lust and tod comp, etc, their swan song is the split with Planks which was released recently.
Vatra was released by Per Koro in 1997 and consists of three songs of dark, metallic emotional and crusty hardcore with rough vocals reminding the ferocious heavy crust of His Hero is Gone, though it's mistake to say "they sound like HHIG" since Narsaak existed before HHIG, The description in Per Koro's site about Prasina 7" which was released after a long hiatus says "NARSAAK played (and still playing) melody driven scandinavien hardcore long before WOLFPACK and long before TRAGEDY turned a million americanised trendhoppers onto that stuff." Criminally underrated band.. Dzini the singer sings in German language and lyrics are printed inside the gatefold cover. Unfortunately the record lasts for only 6:40" since two of the tracks are fast and end soon while the third is slower and a little longer.
This is an old rip of mine (and the title is mispelled "Valtra"), i did it sometime in 2009 in the same "ripping session" with Degarne's The Last Dance but never posted it since it was still available from Per Koro but not anymore. And since is an old rip here you got the all the scans. This is probably the last post for this year so have a happy new year and blah blah blah, see you the next year with more crust, cheers!


Jobbykrust/Blurred Vision-split 7" (Grinding Madness,Castafiore Vox,1994)

This is a forgotten and hard to find gem and brigs two obscure acts of Irish scene: Jobbykrust and Blurred Vision share this shit titled A Small Piece Of War/Songs About Shit Things split 7'' which was released in 1994 by Grinding Madness and Castafiore Vox.
First off i need to say that this rip is not mine, i found it on the web and since its about a rare shit and blah blah and blah again here it is for you, many thanks to the guy who ripped and uploaded it.
I don't know anyshit about Blurred Vision (split's inside cover says that they called it day in 1993) but here are some things about Jobbykrust: There is a connection with Dagda, they recorded two demo tapes back in 1992 (Naivity or Hope and We Starve the Starving) and some of these tracks appeared in the split lp w Wisigoth from Canada in 2000(released by Funai Records), apart from the split w Blurred Vision they had split releases with Viktors Hofnarren from France (1996) and Blofeld from Germany (1997) and 'The descent of man" lp (1997, Funai). You can download their entire discography from Peace Not Profit, (but lyrics, playlist and band's history pdf links seem to have a problem)
Blurred Vision bring two tracks (plus one intro) of screamed emotional slow/mid-paced hardcore while Jobbykrust contribute four songs with "the unrelenting mucous flow of Pink Turds in Space, the common sense politics of Disaffect and Sedition, the fugitive taxonomy of Scatha, the tasteful, delicate flourishes of The Dagda". Marc of Fugitive Equilibrium wrote this and describes perfectly the whole shit, btw Marc posted the Jobbykrust/Viktors Hofnarren split lp some time ago. And as for the labels, Grinding Madness stands behind some grindcore releases (Agathocles, Cripple Bastards etc (check here), Dis is Getting Pathetic of Active Minds and was among the labels involved in The Lunatics have taken over the asylum flexi 7".
Here ends the little rant, please write some lines if you know anything about Blurred Vision, thanks again to the unknown ripper!


Mist-Alle räder stehen still 7"

Mist were a short-lived crust act from Bautzen, a town located in eastern Saxony, Germany, they formed in 1997 and recorded two demo tapes: Gerechtigkeit (1997,19 tracks) and Widerstand (1998, 10 tracks), in 1999 they released Alle räder stehen still 7" which is their one and only official release. These little infos there are on their myspace, i dont know any other shit about them so if you know anything (connection with other bands, rumors, gossips,any kind of bullshit) just drop some lines.
Alle räder stehen still 7" was recorded in Berlin and was released by Vulgar Records. Lyrics and everything in the package is written in German so i dont understand what they say (ok, the title of second song says what this track is about..) any help is appreciated. There are six tracks here that last thirteen minutes and deliver crustie flavored heavy hardcore. the guitar is thick, vocals are rough and drums are fast (in some songs the band seems to take off,check "Ignoranz totel"), imagine the harse sound of German hardcore then add a dose of crust, some brutality, some blastbeats, some mid-paced parts here and there, throaty vocals and fast drumming and you got Mist.
Vulgar ran out of this, almost the entire 7" is available for your listening pleasure in their myspace, give it a listening and then get it


Fear Is The Path To The Dark Side-Someday this war is going to end 7"

This was supposed to be the Pohjasakka's Maailma Taynna vihaa 7" but this little piece of shit is lost somewhere in my home. Ii looked everywhere, in every corner but it seems disappered...
This is a repost, "Someday... " was ripped a few months ago and i kept it for a case like this (bored and pissed with Pohjasakka shit). This was posted in October of 2008 and here it is again @320 blah blah blah, i ll type some blurb to fill the space near the picture, (people, do you read all this shit i blurb for years?) for more information you can check the old post or their myspace: FITPTTDS was formed in Mannheim, Germany in 1998 and "Someday..." was released by Scorched Earth Policy in 1999, the rest of their releases can be found in Tatooine's Mosh Eisley in the outer rim territories of Blog-galaxy.
There is a second press with different artwork, a small sheet with lyrics is included
this is the short as a fart rant, get a first shot and then get it and feel Darth Vader's anger

get it here

Acheborn-(The) Demon love 7"/Systral-Maximum Entertainment 7''

I don't know much about Acheborn, i was going to send a mail to Pope since he is the perfect recourse for information when its about a German band but then i saw and old post of him telling that he was bored with this ep, so i had to make in on my onwn. Now honestly, this is not the best advertising for the record but who cares anyway?
We met both bands in their amazing split. Acheborn were from Münster another band of Bremen scene: Their discography includes (The) demon love 7", the split w/ Systral and "Tuesday is dead" lp/cd (1999, Trans Solar Rec.s), i don't know if they released anything else, some members later joined The Data Break.
(The) Demon love 7" was recorded in (where else?) Kuschelrocks Studio in summer of '96 and was released the same year by Defiance Records, it deliver four tracks in the typical Bremen school screamo core with thick guitars, high intensity in riffs and screaming vocals.
This was contributed by Kenny (thanks man!) and covers were found on the web. And as bonus 7" here's Maximum Entertainment tracks from Systral,taken from "Fever...The Maximum Carnage" cd: It was released by Pero Koro back in 1995, the whole record is a kind of concept since the tracks are connected with samples and create a story in a near future cyberworld, imagine a future society in decline and you got the soundtrack of a downfall . There are nine tracks,some of them too short and weave a story of industrial terror. Intensity is the key word: Brutal vocals and high intense riffs delivering the brutality of Morser infiltrated by metalcore and grind filters.
No more rant, go get them and tell which one you like

Acheborn here
Systral-Maximum Entertainment here

Degarne-The last dance 7"

So the shit happened: After the final counterattack of massive uploads during the last weekend, almost all dead links are fixed and some more infos, rumors and blurb were added in some poor old writings, finally it was much easier. Only a 2-3 links are left to be fixed, Hope everything will work fine from now on
I had this discussion with Whispy about removing links from records we post and we missed the fact that are still available:well, there is no doubt, a well known or well distributed band needs no promotion from an obscure blog to be known,(in fact, such posts work as leecher's resources and nothing more) so we don't post the record, this is clear. In a case of a less known or unknown band with a record released about 10-15 years ago and copies still forgotten in label's storage or in several distros here and there, a post could help some stuff to be sold.
I don't know if Degarne are widely known,i guess they are in a middle or less of middle average: If you like Shikari, if you love Acme, Systral and Carol then you are going to love them too: They were from Germany and were another respective member of Bremen school of screaming crust/new school hardcore, call it what ever you like it.They self released Trügerische stille 7"(check the brief Heart Attack review) and 'The last dance' was their second record, released by (who else?) Per Koro in 1999. It comes in a gate fold cover including lyrics (unfortunately there is no translation in English) and the typical artwork for German bands that's not so related with punk/HC cliches once again is here.
Music wise they deliver three tracks very close to the bands mentioned above in a nice blending of emotion and harshness in high intensity riffs and desperate screams. This is another typical Per Koro band.
This is still available from Per Koro in Cheapos section so you understand what that means.. i hope this post will help them to get rid off the last copies...


Jeniger - Captured

Once upon a time there lived a young groupie called Crust. As a young girl, she was out & about - & occasionally deeply into - the british anarchopunk scene, hanging out with local bands & occasionally fantasizing about going to bed with one of them. Young as she was, though - & rather unnoticeable too, for some strange reason - she managed to never get further than offering said bands a couple of handjobs. Until, that is, that fateful day in Devon that she went from prudent to prurient in one fell swoop...

Our young maiden was hanging out in Devon for no particular reason, other than that she had happened to be there with a band whose name has not been recorded in the annals of history. While the rest of the groupies were getting all the action - & some of the drugs, too, may I add - Crust chanced upon some dirty squatters making a hell of a noise in front of a banner with Amebix scribbled on it. That ever-elusive - & some also claim bourgeois-tinged - bliss known as love at first sight grabbed her by her matted hair & swept the littered floor with her. Amebix reciprocated by plunging into a gut-wrenching ode of love & lust & other things better left unmentioned, the likes of which the world had never heard before. That was it, then - love at first sight.

Crust remained Amebix's main squeeze for years to come. Frequent moves from one squat to another, starvation to the point of despair, drug use & abuse, & a host of other rough deals helped her shed her baby fat & blossom into a unique creature described by her devotees as formidable, imposing, galloping, monolithic, demented, & other forgotten words sitting all smudged out on grey, crumbling paper stacked in sunless attics worldwide. Crust was Amebix's muse while their rite of passage lasted, & they, in turn, were devoted to her with a fierce determination that no one has ever fully comprehended. Sure enough, Crust - who had a gentle & compassionate soul underneath the leather jacket & stained tee - popped the cherry for numerous other bands as well. & yet, little of it remains as a memory in her head (though, last time I saw her, she did tend to wistfully plunge into stories about early Hellbastard, Axegrinder, late Anti System, Antisect, & early Sacrilege)...

Following the demise of Amebix, Crust - a mature, world-weary squatter who had seen it all & done it all by now - did the obvious thing: she shacked up with Zygote for a while. Things went pretty well, there were even some memorable moments, but Crust was restless: she wandered around for quite a few years, crashing on squat floors in the UK, Poland, Sweden, Greece, & elsewhere & giving rise to numerous 'Crust sightings' (but, strangely enough, not to rumors about her having been abducted by aliens & made to mate with dead actors). Some say she also spent a lot if time in Japan, but there's no consensus - more eurocentric fans claim that was her twin sister or even a Made-In-Japan Crust look-alike; the issue remains to be resolved in one or another historical thesis published by Farrar, Strauss, & Giroux or, at least, Profane Existence. At any rate, by the time the interlude was over, & following a bad case of diarrhea from tzatziki gone bad, Crust packed up, rode a patched up Zeppelin to the other side of the Atlantic, & swiftly moved to Portland, Oregon where her good friend Discore had been sending raving letters from (that was the mushrooms growing in the vast forests nearby - Discore was a flower child gone to the dogs, after all).

She lived there quite happily, occasionally patting the heads of local bands paying homage to her by laying dead mice at her feet, & even doubling up on them with Discore at the helm. & yet, she was only properly revitalized when she met a young southerner band of idealists calling themselves His Hero Is Gone (From Ashes Rise also got some, of course). Their liaison lasted a long time, during which she toured extensively with them, even going as far as Norway (only to sleep with a band of slobs called Jin'Rik'Sha'). When HHIG disbanded, Crust repeated the pattern she had established more than a decade ago & became the (more autocratic & self-assertive now) muse of one of their offshoots - Tragedy. Oh my, what a relation this has been up to date... Sure enough, there's been little variation in bed - both she & Tragedy have gotten pretty old by now, as our readers surely realize... & Crust sometimes gets either suicidal or homicidal (but definitely depressed) when she thinks of the time the great unwashed got their claws on those cheap, Made-In-Taiwan Crust Plastic Dolls (TM) which find their illicit way into the continent through Gibraltar... But still!

It's been rumored that Crust decided to get that ole' Zeppelin out of the attic, & then attempt the trip back to the UK for the first time in ages, when her parents were found dead (tragically strangled by their own potted aspidistra after watching a rerun of The Little Shop Of Horrors). It's also been rumored that she decided to stay there & shack up with a young band called Fall Of Efrafa & see whether she can't remind the european scene what a wee bit of sex with the original Crust will do to you & your music. That's certainly where I met her on the aforementioned occasion (though Fall Of Efrafa were nowhere to be seen - let that be a lesson to all of you spreading gossip behind people's backs). She was overly excited & looking forward to meeting up with good old trusted lovers Tragedy again, as they will proceed to demolish every squat in their upcoming european tour.

& boy, oh boy, did I get to hear a story or two about a german band called Jeniger or what... How she met their young, grindcoring, all-over-the-place selves & screwed their brains out... & how they gained focus, then, from one day to the next, & rushed into the nearest studio to record the prelude to their 12" masterpiece... & how Crust stood by them all the while, showing them all the tricks she had learned in her heyday & then a few more (the memory of some of the details still makes your humble narrator blush)... Crust handed me a copy of that historical recording, dedicated to her by the band (her indescribable countenance immortalized in the form of a sticker coming with the 7") & shooed me out despite my protestations. I think she clearly did not want to answer questions about how a band playing grindcore in their first 7" managed to turn into a monstrous, demented, lovecraftian deity called Zeroid which went to bed with every dark mistress on the planet (alive or not - & preferably not). I finished my tea & left, the 7" you're about to hear clutched in my sweating fingers. Outside, light was posing theatrically as the debris of dawn.

VA-Lust auf tanzen! (Drei akkorde freiheit)

We have birthday today:it was March 23th of 2007 when this blog started with this post, both i and Whispy have spend much time, we had our ups and downs, sometimes this page was crowded and sometimes a ghost town and now after two years we don't feel tired yet and we want to go on until the day we run out of blurb, records, beers and will to continue. we want to thank all visitors and bloggers who helped us by adding our link in their blog, contributing records, adding infos, correcting the mistakes or just stopping by and saying a few kind words
One year before and the post was this. Seems things getting worse every year: Before twelve months we had government's attack against working class through the reform of social insurance system, now and while depression makes corporations and banks lose billions, government still remains devoted to neoliberal ideals and offers help of billions in banks and once again turns against people with new taxes. The same time companies reduce wages and working time making it flexible, company owners commit suicide, unemployment rises and the public procecutor of supreme court finds the right time to start campaign against squats...shit is everywhere.

This one wasn't sceduled to be a celebration post, actually last night i realized it was the birthday date. Anyway,"Lust auf tanzen!" is a 7" compilation released by Schandmaul Records and Seegang Platten in 1998. I don't know anything about Seegang Platten and only a few about Schandmaul, it was a Berlin based label, in Discogs appers only this compilation and a 10" by a band named Revolte released in 1998 too.
The bands featured here are (almost all) unknown to me:WutEntbrannt deliver two tracks of rough crusty hardcore, Asmodinas Leichenhaus is a fastcore act and bring one song of grinding delirium, White Rabbit were from Beograd, they offer one track of midpaced hardcore with female vocals, Kuchenmesser Nr 8 are in the hardcore fields too but a bit faster, Mrtva Budoucnost is a crust band from Czech Republic and deliver one powerful crust song ,Kort Prosess is the only band known to me, they bring one track,(Kjelli says "the kid with the removal face" is a Dr & the Crippen cover), Burned Out is the last band bringing two tracks of raging hardcore. Apart the from Czech crusties, White Rabbit and Kort Prosess the rest bands come from Germany, if you know any infos about just drop a line (i hope the usual suspect about the German scene will enter and enlighten us again)...
The artwork is black and white copy paste lay out and the package is awesome: There is no neither standard folder nor gate fold, the whole package is the sixteen page mag you see bellow and the vinyl is placed inside, each band has one page delivering lyrics,some statements or artwork plus some pages for the guys from the labels with some personal stuff and a few words about the record, most texts are in Deutsch
This comp. can be found with two names:"Lust auf tanzen!" seem to be the title, though on front page its says "Drei akkorde..Freihet" and could be taken as the title too. ( google search gives results for both titles for the compilation), Heart Fist has still some copies

ps:7inchpunk is back in linklist: Todd's mail explains what happened so there is no reason neither for removing it nor for bad feelings (that i never had, furthermore i dare to say i felt flattered when i saw my crappy writing there)
As for Stew, is worthless to say anything, only this: its a matter of using someone's word behind his back,a matter of copying/pasting someone's effort for your own shit without saying anything where you get this. Excuses are easy to be found but all these crap about copy right and blending punk ethics and way of thinking with stealing music and capitalistic standards about property or even the lessons on anarchy (ha!) is bullshit (a 'thank you" for the once "i have a deal for you".. do you remember?) and reflect your respect on other's effort, grow up first kid, start thinking, learn some things and then we may discuss

V/A-Human dust vol 2

This is a crust/grind compilation released by an unknown label from Dortmund, Germany but what makes it something more than a usual noisy compilation is the tunes of a well known crust legend: Doom appear under a different name and deliver a short grindcore-y track recorded in 1989, This was a surprise for me since there is nothing on front/back cover mentioning about them..
I know nothing about Na Und? Records and only a few about the bands that appear here: The compilation is titled vol 2, sometime before this a vol 1 came out, i have never seen it around though. It comes in foldout cover and purple vinyl and was released in 2000
There are 10 bands and 12 tracks here, most of the them are unknown or at least i never met them before: Basalt is a crust/grind act from Germany and all i know about them is the split w/ Accion Mutante.vÖlkeRmord deliver one track of heavy and sick midpaced stenching crust/grind, they come from Rhur, Germany and they have no any relation to the black metallers from Sweden with the same name. They recorded one demo, they released one lp and according to their myspace they are going to release a split with Instinct of Survival
Tolshock come from Sweden and members were connected with bands such as G-Anx, Counterblast, Farcical ,Warcollapse and many others, they released two 7"s, one split 7" and two 3", Chris posted some of their releases here.
Wartoys come from Germany,all i know about them is "Nachzehrer 7",(thanks to Pope) and Mikes from the band used to run Washingrad Crust blog
Instinct of Survival are the crust dinosaurs from Hamburg and need no any introduction, their tracks come from their early days when they were a grindcore band, once again Pope has posted something for you,here
Tuco Ramirez are absolutely unknown to me but thanks to Bacteria we can lean a few things about them:two tapes, one split w/ Boycot and a few contributions is their history. Music wise they are noisy grinding hardcore
Staniak were from Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, not any infos on their my space
Gmork are the last band from Germany, i dont know anything about them, the black metal band from Russia with the same name has no any relation with them
Sick Terror's track reminds me of Ratos de Porao, they formed in 2000 and they already have a long back catalogue,
And last but not least, Slorm is Doom with John (vocals,)Bri (guitar),Pete(bass) and Stick(drums), the track was recorded in Birmingham in Xmass eve of 1989, there is a small text inside the cover but i don't understand not a single word..i wish only their stuff was a bit more..