June 22nd, 2014

Running order for Punk Illegal 2014!

Friday 27/6

17:00 – 17:30 Motorbreath
17:50 – 18:00 Renegades of Punk
18:40 – 19:10 Dissekerad
19:30 – 20:00 Korp
20:20 – 21:05 Troublemakers
21:25 – 21:55 Kontatto
22:15 – 23:00 Rövsvett
23:20 – 23:50 Exilent
00:10 – 00:55 Extinction of Mankind

Saturday 28/6

17:00 – 17:30 Idiot Ikon
17:50 – 18:20 Deaf Kids
18:40 – 19:10 Besserbitch
19:30 – 20:15 Doom
20:35 – 21:20 Vånna inget
21:40 – 22:25 Terveet Kädet
22:45 – 23:15 Misantropic
23:35 – 00:20 Restarts
00:40 – 01:25 Avskum

A limited amount of one day tickets will be available
at Tickster from Monday 23/6! If there are tickets left
we will sell them at the door, 300 Sek for one day tickets
and 600 Sek for two day tickets.

Cash is king in Alafors! The closest ATM is in Nödinge
(Ale Torg) 5 km from Alafors. The closet systembolag
(for buying alcohol) is also in Nödinge.

There will be buses going from Alafors to Gothenburg on
Friday and Saturday night!

If the mighty weather gods would be against us, remember
that the stage is under roof.

May 23rd, 2014

Alla ni som hört av er till oss angående volontärarbete men ännu inte fått något svar, ta gärna en titt bland er skräppost. Vi misstänker att en del av våra svar kan ha sorterats bort i dessa tråkiga mappar där de inte här hemma.
Är det så att ni inte finner något svar där heller så ber vi er att höra av er till oss igen (volunteer@punkillegal.com) så får vi kika närmare på det.

All of you who have contacted us about volunteering during the festival but have not yet received any reply from us, please have a look through your junkmail. We suspect that some of our answers may have been discarded in these boring folders where they don’t belong.
Is it that you do not find anything there either, get in touch with us again (volunteer@punkillegal.com) and we’ll take a closer look at it.

May 2nd, 2014

February 13th, 2014

December 19th, 2013

Get you tickets for Punk Illegal 2014! Find the on tickster.com

December 13th, 2013

June 15th, 2011

Get your ticket now! It will be possible to buy tickets at the festival, but at a higher price (600SEK) so save some money and help us out by buying your ticket in advance!

May 26th, 2011

Unofficial festival bus drives from Stockholm via E20 route Södertälje – Eskilstuna – Örebro – Mariestad – Lidköping. We leave from Helsinki 1am at night between 22nd and 23rd, book your own ferry ticket! We start from Stockholm/Stadsgården/Viking-terminal thursday 23.6.2011 7 pm and will be in Munkedal around 3-4 am next morning. We start driving back sunday 26.6. around 5-6 pm and will be in Stockholm monday morning before 6 am. Price is 300 sek 1-way from Stockholm to festival area. Price will be cheaper for shorter trips, contact for details. Book your seat preferably by sms to +358-44-3255502 or +358-44-9318545. Please note, bus is organized by finnish punks, not Punk Illegal-crew. Don’t write to them for additional info.

May 2nd, 2011

It’s time for us to introduce the next bunch of bands that are booked for this years festival.
We proudly welcome following bands in to the line-up:

Filth of Mankind (pl)


Gravedigger and the Teatcher


Lastkaj 14


Life Scars (pl)


Sotatila (fi)


Buy your ticket online now.

March 4th, 2011

The second band release is here!

And a reminder: We only release 1000 tickets this year so be sure to get one in time! Buy your ticket here, or sign up as a volunteer here.

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