Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Death in June London Show Cancelled

After receiving complaints from members of the public, the owners of the Union Chapel - the Islington, London venue - have cancelled the booking for Death in June for 9th Dec. According to an email that was passed on to us here at WMTN, the organisers say they decided to cancel having investigated the group and found video of audience members Sieg Heil-ing at an earlier gig.


  1. What a pile of utter pish! D.I.J are not a f**king nazi band! Just because a few misguided 'fans' like to play dress up as an SS Officer and act the fool. I booked accommodation near by the original venue as i'm travelling down from Scotland so hopefully the new venue is fairly central or in the north of London.

    Oh,this site is great. However, you might want to get some of your accusations right. :)

    1. Agreed Never Nazi !
      Seen them last year in London, loved it.
      Yep, one or two dick heads in crowd but that's it.
      Im hopefully heading down from Edinburgh

  2. This is BS. I too hope the new venue is near the original.

  3. Hurts Car Rental7 Nov 2013, 22:22:00

    DIJ are not a nazi band and you are not an idiot - both of these statements hold the same amount of truth - a DIJ title - 'nada'
    You might want to think about getting those stupid tattoos removed.

    1. That's the Latin word for 'nothing'.

  4. I emailed Union Chapel explaining how stupid their decision is.
    Pressure from people who have probably never seen or get DI6.

  5. Would also like to say that I used to support the Revolutionary Communists Party !!
    Still a big believer in the Left and support DI6 !!

  6. By 'Revolutionary Communists Party' (sic), I take it you mean the weird libertarian cult that decried the European Convention on Human Rights, opposed humanitarian intervention and argued for 'a force for social change' without much reference to human wellbeing?

    Not at all 'leftist', really – and hardly at odds with your support for a Third Positionist fascist band. Nice try, though.

    1. Your pinky sand-box fight with the guy above is surely ammusing, but this doesn't make your bullshit about "Third Positionist fascist band" any less bullshit.

  7. Good news then, hope all you Death In June fans have a good night in in your own personal fuhrerbunkers, listening to your rune-embossed CDs of clodhopping Strasserite nursery rhymes and dusting off your ornamental totenkopf presentation plates. Not sure who's more pitiful: Douglas P or his small legion of easily led - er I mean free thinking libertarian - acolytes.

  8. "Union Chapel is today a working church, an award winning venue and a centre for those homeless and in crisis in London"

    As one of the guys, whoes creative effort causes Strelnikov's rectal bleeding over and over again, once sang: "England is funny but sometimes she scares me".

  9. The comment of 8th November and its response seem to sum up the issues here. A defender of an act which many believe to harbour fascist tendencies attempts to present himself as a Leftist. Unfortunately, he chooses to invoke the one of the dodgiest and most politically ambiguous episodes in recent years – the bizarre and utterly discredited malformation of the RCP – probably in the hope that equally unsophisticated Di6 fanboys will be easily impressed by this massive own goal. Misspelling the name of the party rather gives the game away, but no – another illiterate weighs in with a fatuous reference to a "pinky sand-box fight".

    Do either of them understand Third Positionist thinking? Are they capable of discerning between left and right? If this is the 'intelligentsia' at work, then Europe really is fucked, and Douglas Pearce has succeeded in cultivating the most undemanding and malleable bovine fanbase since Tam Paton.

    This site contains page after page of analysis and personal testimonial detailing exactly WHY the aesthetic dead-end pursued by Pearce and Co. leads to danger, and yet the fanboy cannon-fodder placing themselves in the firing line when awkward questions are asked have not a SINGLE cogent argument, beyond crying 'bullshit' and bleating about their cruelly disrupted travel plans. The shocking lack of political nous displayed in these recent comments speaks more eloquently than they ever will – and the last comment of (19:32) is so ineptly expressed as to resist comprehension. Why not direct your ire (if that's what's intended) towards the venue which has had the good sense to cancel your 'fascists welcome' pantomime?

    1. Does anyone except you understand "Thrird Positionist thinking"? Does it exist somwhere outside of your head? The answer to both questions seems to be "no".

    2. K.L. Callan's address book13 Nov 2013, 02:39:00 is an extremely cogent comment from a while ago - to repeat a salient part:

      "you have diverted the attentions of genuine anti-racist activists towards absurdities and irrelevancies to further your own personal non-political vendettas. You have made some enemies for life. And no-one deserves it more than you"

      It all stopped being funny back in mid-2011 for many of us who far from being fanboys would rather poke our own eyes out than listen to the turgid outpourings of DIJ or Sol Invictus.

    3. Nobody's forcing you to listen to them.

    4. "Do either of them understand Third Positionist thinking? Are they capable of discerning between left and right?" - It seems that we must hold DiJ listeners to very high standards. They must all know ideology inside out, not misspell or mis-type anything because that's the only ground we have to stand on when they won't concede the murky waters of these musicians' beliefs. I'm not interested in spelling out what Dij are or are not but what I am interested to discuss is how they "lead to danger". It seems you must consider these folks to have some amount of power and influence among their fanboys etc but does there any evidence that this leads to anything more sinister than people sewing patches onto their jackets, tattooing runes onto their skin and attending the odd concert? Even if they seig heil (and sometimes they do) other than objecting to the aesthetics and the significance of the gesture, what harm is being done?

  10. Keep censorship and obsession over politics!

    Political fanaticism will make your cause even stronger.

  11. Why Union Chapel considered putting on DI6 in the first place is beyond me, and shows a level of stupidity that defies belief. Having blathered on about freedom of speech in the face of angry protests the venue finally saw sense only when they looked at video of a recent DI6 concert in Europe and noticed someone in the audience Seig Heil-ing, and realised that they were about to seriously embarrass themselves and damage their reputation very badly. They learnt a hard lesson. Freedom of speech! Give a break. How about the right to refuse to promote fascism.
    And just to reiterate, the reason given by Union Chapel was that they saw with their own eyes an DI6 audience member Sig Heil-ing.
    A quick look at the DI6 Facebook site has this comment by some fascist asshole called Alvaro Ciglia: "Germans should be proud of The Wehrmach and the Waffen-SS. As they where only defeated by bad military decisions and impossible odds". Another fucking prick calling himself Fernando Bldrts has posted a photo of SS soldiers. Eighteen people have "liked" the photo, including that wanker Miro Snedjr, who plays and records with DI6. Even if you are stupid enough to believe that DI6 are not fascist, you cannot claim that they don't attract fascists. Which is exactly why the concert was cancelled.
    The Underworld is a cesspit, and the management are fascist apologists.

  12. Why Union Chapel considered putting on DI6 in the first place is beyond me, and shows a level of stupidity that defies belief. Having blathered on about freedom of speech in the face of angry protests, the venue finally saw sense only when they looked at video of a recent DI6 concert in Europe and noticed someone in the audience Seig Heil-ing, and realised that they were about to seriously embarrass themselves and damage their reputation very badly. They learnt a hard lesson. Freedom of speech! Give a break. How about the right to refuse to promote fascism.
    And just to reiterate, the reason given by Union Chapel was that they saw with their own eyes an DI6 audience member Sig Heil-ing.
    A quick look at the DI6 Facebook site has this comment by some fascist asshole called Alvaro Ciglia: "Germans should be proud of The Wehrmach and the Waffen-SS. As they where only defeated by bad military decisions and impossible odds". Another fucking prick calling himself Fernando Bldrts has posted a photo of SS soldiers. Eighteen people have "liked" the photo, including that wanker Miro Snedjr, who plays and records with DI6. Even if you are stupid enough to believe that DI6 are not fascist, you cannot claim that they don't attract fascists. Which is exactly why the concert was cancelled.
    The Underworld is a cesspit, and the management are fascist apologists.

  13. Camden Underworld

    Tel: 02074821932

    Fax: 02074821955


  14. The Camden Underworld website advert for the relocated DiJ gig at their venue states: "Death in June are considered controversial due to their use of themes and imagery relating to Nazi Germany".

  15. On the Underworld's facebook event page for the gig, a post by Tony Wakeford of Sol Invictus announces he is going. Wonder if Ian Read of Fire + Ice will be attending?

  16. As we all should know, there are different opinions on DIJ and the others, as nothing is as clear as this website suggests. Hence no concert should be banned only because some people think it would be the end of the world if they happened . I know that a less biased look on the genre is not what this website likes to convey, but still, this book seems to be a good read:

    1. Ha ha ha! I've just wasted ten minutes of my life wading through the first turgid and indigestible paragraph of that 'Looking For Europe' review. Does that constitute an 'unbiased' account in Anon's eyes, then?

      Nothing I've read here paints the devotees of this ridiculously transparent subculture as anything other than over-educated nincompoops with underdeveloped analytical faculties. No concert, to my knowledge, has been 'banned'; certain venues have merely exercised their right to cancel events, so please desist with your bleating.

      I may return with a less 'biased' response in a week or so, when I've found time to tackle the second paragraph of that deathless undergraduate thesis.

  17. Refusing to host a concert is not the same as banning the artist. For example, just because I refuse to let someone hold a gig in my front room it does not follow that I oppose free speech. This is a simply distinction that supporters of dubious neo-folk bands seem incapable of understanding, presumably because it lets them play the victim.

    1. From the pervasively marxian flavour of your critique and the very name you picked for yourself, I would have expected you to appreciate the -rather classical- notion of 'freedom of means' !
      Forgive me if my analogy seems to stretch beyond proportions, but although Putin did not forbade homosexuality as such, his banning it from the public sphere amounts to pretty much the same thing, since both sexuality (much like politics, or even 'subculture') is interpersonal in essence, curtailing its expression amounts to curtailing its existence...

  18. Strelnikov, I fully agree: It is basically a private decision of club owners whether or not they let bands play. However, I disagree with this kind of witch-hunt mobilizations against gigs, which are often based on private opinions, prejudice and disinformation. In many cases, club owners do not cancel a gig because they disagree with the band's views etc. but because they are afraid of possible trouble and harm brought about by "Antifa" activists. If the pros and cons of those bands were properly and fairly communicated to club owners and officials beforehand, there would be no problem in most cases. I miss such fair discussion of the artistic concepts in many posts here.

  19. Great gig last night. No Sieg Heiling, no 'nazis'.

  20. Alvaro Ciglia, Piers Mellor and Eddie Stampton didn't turn up this time, then?

    (Clue: Look 'em up on Facebook!)

  21. Anonymous 10 Dec 13:35. Not entirely sure what your post means, it doesn't make much sense?

    That aside, Piers was there of course, but then he's been a fan of DIJ as long as I can remember (which is almost 15 years). Don't know who the Alvaro guy is and Eddie Stampton doesn't strike me as the type to appreciate the nuances of the dark folk scene, let alone given Doug's sexuality. I can't really see him digging Spiritual Front either,. I've only met the bloke once so can't really comment though.

    The gig was great, no thanks to the 'concerned members of the public' that tried to get the night shut down. The funniest thing is that the pressure put on the Union Chapel to cancel, led to the gig being moved to a much large venue with many more additional tickets going on sale. All you moral arbiters of correct thinking have achieved is putting more money in Mr Pearce's coffers (shit, he may be able to finance the fourth Reich after all). Still makes me chuckle now. Spiritual Front stole the show. DIJ were good, but lacked some of the feeling that was there the past two years. Oh well, C'est la vie.

    Winston Smith


  22. This site contains page after page of analysis and personal testimonial detailing exactly WHY the aesthetic dead-end pursued by Pearce and Co. leads to danger, and yet the fanboy cannon-fodder placing themselves in the firing line when awkward questions are asked have not a SINGLE cogent argument, beyond crying 'bullshit' and bleating about their cruelly disrupted travel plans.
    Cocoa beach

  23. Cancel one venue but many more would be happy to happy to host a Death in June show. Many fans around the world support the efforts. Was James Elenidis a true supporter of our effort, or was he a greedy little piggy who was cursed?

    I support DIJ, yet I appreciate your blog as Douglas is always very vague in his standing. Finding the truth is never a bad thing.

    1. Could you please explain to me why James Elenidis should be greedy little piggy. I only know that he was a producer that collaborated with DIJ. As far as I am concerned I really like DIJ music but their flirting with nazi ideology and symbols is irritating – nevertheless belonging to this kind of music.

  24. I cannot tell you how many people commented on the ambiance of the venue, the stellar wait service and the food! It felt like almost every guest complimented the menu.


Please at least use a pseudonym so it's possible to follow your argument if you make multiple posts