Tech News

Nintendo Has a Separate Handheld and It Had a Codename?

After all the months of news, speculation and rumors that have been floating around regarding the mysterious NX, it seems there might be som...[Read More]

NVIDIA GTX 1080 Full Specs Leak

Last week, NVIDIA unveiled the latest model of their GTX GPU series, the NVIDIA GTX 1080.

The Nepsu Triangle: Express Yourself – Now On

This afternoon, Montreal-based home essential electronics designer Nepsu held their official Indiegogo launch party campaign at the Espace I...[Read More]

The PlayStation NEO Completely Misunderstood

Recently, gaming giant Sony spoke of a new machine that would surpass the PlayStation 4 in terms of power and visual fidelity. Dubbed NEO, o...[Read More]

Don’t Expect a PlayStation 5…Maybe Ever

Technology drives many entertainment media, and this definitely includes cinema and gaming.

Razer’s Turret Lets You Game From The Couch

When it comes down to gaming tech, Razer is one of the leaders thanks to their wide variety of products, ranging from tournament grade keybo...[Read More]

Razer Unveils New Wireless Headset

Today is a great day for Razer! In a press release addressed earlier this morning, the California-based company announced a new addition to ...[Read More]

Nintendo NX Running at 4K?

Remember the whole fiasco on that NX controller? Yeah, the same user who is now being verified has some new information that seems a lot mor...[Read More]

Nintendo Files Patent For An Imaging Device

Nintendo has filed quite a few patent for the last couple of months. Today, we report you yet another patent filed in by the Big N and it...[Read More]

Microsoft Isn’t Working On A Next-Generation Console

Lately, rumors of Microsoft working on a new generation console having for codename “Xbox neXt” have caught everyone’s att...[Read More]

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