Sir Martin John Evans FRS (b. 1 January 1941, Stroud, Gloucestershire) is a British scientist who, with Matthew Kaufman, was the first to culture mice embryonic stem cells and cultivate them in a laboratory in 1981. He is also known, along with Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies, for his work in the development of the knockout mouse and the related technology of gene targeting, a method of using embryonic stem cells to create specific gene modifications in mice. In 2007, the three shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in recognition of their discovery and contribution to the efforts to develop new treatments for illnesses in humans.
He won a major scholarship to Christ's College, University of Cambridge at a time when advances in genetics were occurring there and became interested in biology and biochemistry. He then went to University College London where he learned laboratory skills under Dr Elizabeth Deuchar. In 1978, he moved to the Department of Genetics, at the University of Cambridge, and in 1980 began his collaboration with Matthew Kaufman. They explored the method of using blastocysts for the isolation of embryonic stem cells. After Kaufman left, Evans continued his work, upgrading his laboratory skills to the newest technologies, isolated the embryonic stem cell of the early mouse embryo and established it in a cell culture. He genetically modified and implanted it into adult female mice with the intent of creating genetically modified offspring, work for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007. Today, genetically modified mice are considered vital for medical research.
Martin Evans Stand Up
Nobel prize winner SIr Martin Evans speaks about his work
Dead Funny - Meet Martin Evans
Agent profile - Martin Evans
Martin Evans Contracting
Victoria Martin Evans Georgian College BINT grad
BBC News Drug trafficker Martin Evans arrested after years on run
Martin Evans SEO
Professor Sir Martin Evans
Martin Evans' Comedy Set - Synergy 2011
Martin Evans Nevis Arc New Zealand 26May2010
Eagle, 2 1/2" gauge Martin Evans Design
Jesus (Martin Evans Kids)
rodeo sheep larry martin evans.wmv
Released from a navy hospital following WW II, Lon Evans learns that he faces eventual blindness and returns to his Wyoming ranch. He sees a beautiful white stallion named Starlight and his cowhands Lem and Yancy say he is a killer and cannot be trained. Lon disproves this by training the stallion to act as his guide in preparation for his future blindness. He meets Jeanne Barton, who is staying at a nearby dude ranch and they fall in love, but Lon, knowing that he is going blind, decides he cannot marry Jeanne, and avoids her. A wild black stallion that also roams on Lon's ranch jumps in the corral and kills Lon's pinto stallion.
Keywords: animal-fight, blindness, dude-ranch, ex-marine, going-blind, horse-breaking, jeep, naval-hospital, nurse, opthamologist
Fight Fear... Fighting Fire... He's A Fighting Fury!
[first lines]::[after gloomily reading Lon's medical report]::Commander Patrick: Have him come in.
Commander Patrick: Understand you're leaving us.::Lon Evans: Yes sir. I finally got my papers and I'm goin' home - good old Wyoming.::Commander Patrick: Little better than Tarawa, huh?::Lon Evans: And the jungles of the Phillipines. That was the longest three years of my life, but it would have been a lot workse if I hadn't had the memory of the most wonderful country in the world to think about.
Commander Patrick: Evans, I'm going to give it to you straight. That occasional blurring you've been complaining of - I'm afraid there's nothing that we can do for you. You're gradually losing your sight. In time, months, a year, perhaps sooner, you'll be blind. By comparison, you're more fortunate that some of the others. At least you can prepare for it.
Lon Evans: Braille? Training the blind? A seeing-eye dog? What use would a seeing-eye dog be in a country where a man judges distance by the horizon; where a man can ride all day without seeing another soul; where the only creatures that live inside are caged birds? What good would a seeing-eye dog be on a branding job or a cattle round-up? No thanks, Doc.
Lon Evans: Hello. You must be from the Indian Head Dude Ranch.::Jeanne Barton: Are you one of those fortune tellers who knows all and tells all?::Lon Evans: Nope, that one was easy. I could tell by the brand on your horse where you're from and judging from the distance to there you must be lost.::Jeanne Barton: Your calculations are quire correct, my dear Watson. I'm a tenderfoot as green as they come and I am lost.
Lon Evans: I'm not one of your patients. I don't want your pity.::Jeanne Barton: Pity? I don't pity you! I don't even feel sorry for you. I'll reserve that for the boys who really need it, the ones who are a lot worse off than you - the men who can't take a girl in their arms because they haven't any arms!
Jeanne Barton: I've shown all the initiative in first round; I'll be waiting to see what you do in the second.
Lon Evans: Now you know why I trained Starlight. He's to be my eyes.
Yancy: You know, folks all over Wyoming are talkin' about the seeing-eye horse, Starlight.
[last lines]::Jeanne Barton: [reading a letter] Oh, this is wonderful news! You remember that doctor I worked with in the service - you know, the one who performed that incredible eye operation?::Lon Evans: Yes, you told me about him.::Jeanne Barton: Well, by a very strange coincidence, he wrote me that he's going to spend his vacation here in Wyoming. He feels sure he can restore your sight.::Lon Evans: That is good news!::Jeanne Barton: I know this doctor can't miss.::Lon Evans: And if he does, I still have Starlight... and you.
Martin Evans Stand Up
Nobel prize winner SIr Martin Evans speaks about his work
Dead Funny - Meet Martin Evans
Agent profile - Martin Evans
Martin Evans Contracting
Victoria Martin Evans Georgian College BINT grad
BBC News Drug trafficker Martin Evans arrested after years on run
Martin Evans SEO
Professor Sir Martin Evans
Martin Evans' Comedy Set - Synergy 2011
Martin Evans Nevis Arc New Zealand 26May2010
Eagle, 2 1/2" gauge Martin Evans Design
Jesus (Martin Evans Kids)
rodeo sheep larry martin evans.wmv
Martin Evans on working for Dairy Crest/Unigate
Brighton - 5 inch LBSC Terrier build to Martin Evans Boxhill design - part II
Martin Evans: Ekotectura 2011
3 1/2 inch gauge Martin Evans "William"
BioQatar Symposium 2008 - 3 - Sir Martin Evans opening 1-3.mp4
An Energy Efficient Country House - Martin Evans, Malthouse Consultancy
Martin Evans in "FBPK"
BioQatar Symposium 2008 - 4 - Sir Martin Evans 2-3.mp4
3 1/2" g martin evans jubilee /br std 2 6 4t live steam in bundaberg
1970- Bill Evans, Eddie Gomez, Martin Morrel- Interview & Concert
Interview of Sir Martin Evans
Interview: Richard Armitage,Martin Freeman,Luke Evans,Lee Pace & Evangeline Lilly & Orlando Bloom
The Hobbit 3: The Battle of the Five Armies Cast Interviews - Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage
Interview: Ian McKellen, Luke Evans & Martin Freeman - 'The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies'
Luke Evans Interview - The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies World Premiere
Luke Evans Talks THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES, J. R. R. Tolkien, Deleted Scenes
Chris Evans Exclusive Interview for the movies Puncture, Captain America, The Avengers
Richard, Benedict, Martin & the Rest of 'The Hobbit' Cast Become INVISIBLE
Luke Evans Interview - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Luke Evans - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Interview HD
Hollywood Happenings - Martin Freeman and Luke Evans
Chris Evans Roundtable Interview for the movies Puncture, Captain America, The Avengers
Faith Evans Interview - Studio Q TV
Jessie Evans- SPIN Interview
The interview with Adam Jones - Grand Slam celebration 2012
'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' Insider Access: Feet
Luke Evans Interview - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Premiere
Bentley Kyle Evans Interview - Black Hollywood Live's Write-On
Interview: Luke Evans | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (The Fan Carpet)
Junket Luke Evans