The Examiner Eat a Rainbow on Your Plate The easiest way to lower high blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease is by improving your diet. The rule of thumb is to “eat a rainbow.” The more colorful the food is on your plate, the healthier the meal. Fruits and vegetables contain essential minerals and nutrients like Vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, fiber and...
The Examiner March is National Nutrition Month and this years theme is “Eat right with color.” The focus is for people to explore the different colors of food and different nutrients provided by those foods. Of course it’s important to point out that we are talking about natural colors here, not artificial! So why is color important? Foods get their color from different nutrients present in...
The Examiner We previously examined balancing the portions on a plate, with less meat and more vegetables. In this article, we'll focus on colors. In short, the more colorful the plate is, typically, the mure nutrient-dense. Different plant pigments corollate to a wide variety of useful micronutrients, notably vitamins and anti-oxidants. A plate that is mostly brown probably isn't very well...
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