Pastor Wendell Davis


And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) (We follow back) (Assoc. of ) (Global Ministry)


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  1. Have confidence in to work through your weaknesses.

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  2. When you pray, I mean sincerely pray, acts!

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  3. Something is happening in me that makes me want to let do a work in my life! Thank for bringing me to this discernment.

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  4. There are some people who will never change. Be mindful however, not to let them take away your joy.

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  5. Sometimes, we need to see demanding times as an audition to exercise our faith, because we serve an unlimited !

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  6. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have 's Son does not have life. 1 Jn 5:12

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  7. We may not have all the answers...but, let us keep holding the hand of the One who does… .

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  8. The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. (Proverbs 15:29)

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  9. We will never be truly happy until we make through the source of our fulfillment.

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  10. has objective for your pain, a reason for your struggle and a gift for your faithfulness. Don't give up!

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  11. Things will never be the same. PRAISE !

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  12. It's a beautiful thing when you find your rhythm and get in sync with 's plan for your life.

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  13. You don't have to rob a bank to go to heaven. HEAVEN IS FREE! Your ticket number is "John 316"

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  14. For the most dedicated , it is sometimes difficult to be gentle with some folks. Focus on & receive a loving spirit.

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  15. Been moving and nothing has been happening in your life. Try !

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  16. Remember, is deliberate and there are no options. The Potter did not have to ask the cup, "How would you like for me to make you?"

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  17. wants us to use our ears to hear the cries of the lost, the frustrated, and the needy.

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  18. 's intentions for your life govern your design, function and nature.

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  19. Lean on for everything that you do.

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  20. The economy in Heaven is doing just fine and you don't need a credit check.

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