Dying Gaul, c. 220 B.C.E.
The Dying Gaul
Majesty/Grace in Death - Loacoon and His Sons vs Dying Gaul [Angelica Casas/CameronCrabtree]
The Dying Gaul (2005) - Movie Trailer
Capitoline Museums, Dying Gaul - il Galata Morente (manortiz)
Peter Sarsgaard 1 -The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
Dying Gaul 360 View
The Dying Gaul Statue
The Dying Gaul and the Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife (manortiz)
Khufu Pyramid/Dying Gaul
Virtual Volumes of Technical Incompetence: Volume LXXIII The Dying Gaul
Dying Gaul, c. 220 B.C.E.
The Dying Gaul
Majesty/Grace in Death - Loacoon and His Sons vs Dying Gaul [Angelica Casas/CameronCrabtree]
The Dying Gaul (2005) - Movie Trailer
Capitoline Museums, Dying Gaul - il Galata Morente (manortiz)
Peter Sarsgaard 1 -The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul
Dying Gaul 360 View
The Dying Gaul Statue
The Dying Gaul and the Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife (manortiz)
Khufu Pyramid/Dying Gaul
Virtual Volumes of Technical Incompetence: Volume LXXIII The Dying Gaul
Dying Gaul (Dying Galatian) National Gallery, Washington DC, 2014.
Il Galata Morente - The Dying Gaul, with the Ride of the Valkyries (manortiz)
"The Dying Gaul" - Total War: Rome II Machinima (without Greek Narration)
Blue Sky Media - The Dying Gaul - SD Trailer
Dying Gaul
Dad Reciting "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" at The Dying Gaul
Anatomy Study: The Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul Full Movie
Capitoline Museum (2) : Statues of Apollo, Juno and Dying Gaul
The Dying Gaul (in Italian: Galata Morente), formerly known as the Dying Gladiator, is an ancient Roman marble copy of a lost Hellenistic sculpture that is thought to have been executed in bronze, which was commissioned some time between 230 BC and 220 BC by Attalus I of Pergamon to celebrate his victory over the Celtic Galatians in Anatolia. The present base was added after its rediscovery. The identity of the sculptor of the original is unknown, but it has been suggested that Epigonus, the court sculptor of the Attalid dynasty of Pergamon, may have been its sculptor.
The statue depicts a dying Celt with remarkable realism, particularly in the face, and may have been painted. He is represented as a Gallic warrior with a typically Gallic hairstyle and moustache. The figure is nude save for a neck torc. He lies on his fallen shield while his sword and other objects lie beside him.
The statue was most commonly known as the Dying Gladiator until the twentieth century, on the assumption that it depicted a wounded gladiator in the Roman amphitheatre. Scholars had identified it as a Gaul by the mid nineteenth century, but it took many decades for the new label to become the norm.
John Peter Sarsgaard (pronounced /ˈsɑrzɡɑrd/; born March 7, 1971) is an American film and stage actor. He landed his first feature role in the movie Dead Man Walking in 1995. He then appeared in the 1998 independent films Another Day in Paradise and Desert Blue. That same year, Sarsgaard received a substantial role in The Man in the Iron Mask (1998), playing Raoul, the ill-fated son of Athos. Sarsgaard later achieved critical recognition when he was cast in Boys Don't Cry (1999) as John Lotter. He landed his first leading role in the 2001 film The Center of the World. The following year, he played supporting roles in Empire, The Salton Sea, and K-19: The Widowmaker.
For his portrayal of Charles Lane in Shattered Glass, Sarsgaard won the Online Film Critics Society Award in the category for Best Supporting Actor and was nominated for the 2004 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Sarsgaard has appeared in an eclectic range of films, including the 2004 comedy Garden State, the biographical film Kinsey (2004), the drama The Dying Gaul (2005) and big-budget films such as Flightplan (2005), Jarhead (2005), Orphan (2009), Knight and Day (2010), and the superhero film Green Lantern (2011).