
Elu suttina kote-Ee srushti enthaa
published: 04 Apr 2010
author: harishcandy
Elu suttina kote-Ee srushti enthaa
published: 04 Apr 2010
views: 3423

infinit ja sabrina - 3 elu 2 surma
published: 13 Oct 2009
author: Kätlin fabian
infinit ja sabrina - 3 elu 2 surma

"La Belle Verte" (Full Version, Multi-Languages Subs)
Full Movie...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: TheGreenBeautiful
"La Belle Verte" (Full Version, Multi-Languages Subs)

Christmas Song in Nigerian Language (Yoruba) 1/3
Nigerian Christmas Songs, sang in Yoruba, Efik and Igbo...
published: 30 Dec 2008
author: eiete
Christmas Song in Nigerian Language (Yoruba) 1/3
Nigerian Christmas Songs, sang in Yoruba, Efik and Igbo
published: 30 Dec 2008
author: eiete
views: 48619

mezmur by Gutu feat- Tsebaot (Elu)
song by Gutu feat Tsebot Girma Aranged by Gutu and Mihiretab Recorded by Mihiretab...
published: 01 Mar 2011
author: GutuGeneti
mezmur by Gutu feat- Tsebaot (Elu)
song by Gutu feat Tsebot Girma Aranged by Gutu and Mihiretab Recorded by Mihiretab
published: 01 Mar 2011
author: GutuGeneti
views: 7238

musica infantil japonesa,com legendas em ingles!...
published: 29 Oct 2009
musica infantil japonesa,com legendas em ingles!
published: 29 Oct 2009
views: 55249

Agogo Keresi (Christmas Bells)
A Christmas song in Yoruba language, one of the 3 major languages in Nigeria. The song sim...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: Muyiwa Matuluko
Agogo Keresi (Christmas Bells)
A Christmas song in Yoruba language, one of the 3 major languages in Nigeria. The song simply tells us to ring the Christmas Bells for our saviour is come Performed by St. Sabinas Catholic Church as an invited choir at the service of 9 Lessons and Carols, hosted by Our Lady of The Holy Rosary Catholic Central Choir, Ogba Lagos, on 11th December 2011
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: Muyiwa Matuluko
views: 451

Pamela Churchill Harriman - Biography Documentary - Female Narrator - SUBTITLED in 15 Languages
Narrated by Carol Meier. Professional female voice over narrator film television documenta...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: revoeciov
Pamela Churchill Harriman - Biography Documentary - Female Narrator - SUBTITLED in 15 Languages
Narrated by Carol Meier. Professional female voice over narrator film television documentary history biography narrations. Traces the lovers in Pamela Harriman's life. Courtesan of the 20th Century. Her rise in the Democratic Party to become American Ambassador to France. Subtitled in: ARABIC, ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, GREEK, GERMAN, JAPANESE, HEBREW, HINDI, PORTUGUESE, LITHUANIAN, SWEDISH, POLISH, RUSSIAN www.carolmeiervoiceover.com
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: revoeciov
views: 2061

Homophobia is so gay - Subtitles in many languages: click on "CC"
# Click "CC"-button to activate subtitles in ENGLISH, ESPAÑOL, 日本語, PORTUGUÊS, العربية, РУ...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: masetube
Homophobia is so gay - Subtitles in many languages: click on "CC"
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: masetube
views: 127708

Beaglebone: An I2C Tutorial - Interfacing to a BMA180 Accelerometer
In this video I continue my series on the beaglebone to discuss the I2C bus and how we can...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: Derek Molloy
Beaglebone: An I2C Tutorial - Interfacing to a BMA180 Accelerometer
In this video I continue my series on the beaglebone to discuss the I2C bus and how we can connect and program devices attached to the bus using C/C++. I explain the use of i2c-tools on embedded Linux and then show how we can interface to a digital accelerometer (Bosch BMA180) or any other I2C device. Finally, I show how we can use sysfs to build a C++ class that wraps the functionality of the digital accelerometer. Source code included! This video builds on the three previous videos: The introduction to the Beaglebone; Setting up a C/C++ Development Environment; and, Programming with GPIOs. So, I recommend that you view those videos first. This video is part of a series that I have developed in the School of Electronic Engineering at Dublin City University. The NXP I2C Specification document is at: www.nxp.com The source code discussed in this video is available at: docs.google.com Please note that I have mixed up the words bit and byte a few times in this video -- apologies, I do know the difference(!) but I seem to have a problem when describing some points in this video.
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: Derek Molloy
views: 5718
Vimeo results:

Speak Hebrew - Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
I/I am
We/We are
You/You are(ma...
published: 09 Dec 2011
author: Heb4You
Speak Hebrew - Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
I/I am
We/We are
You/You are(male)
You/You are (female)
-At (pronounce like 'hat')
You/You are (male plural)
You/You are (female plural)
He/He is
She/She is
They/They are (male)
They/They are (female)
It/It is
This/This is (male)
This/This is (female)
That/That is
These/These are (male)
These (female, male)

Eesti lipp / Estonian Flag 0:01:47
Eesti keeles
Selle video kohta algatatud lipu rüvetamist puudutav kriminaalasi on seisuga...
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: Fideelia-Signe Roots
Eesti lipp / Estonian Flag 0:01:47
Eesti keeles
Selle video kohta algatatud lipu rüvetamist puudutav kriminaalasi on seisuga 12.04.2010 lõpetatud.
"Eesti lipp" on performance- laadne video, kus astuvad üles inimene ja inimese sõber koer. Töö analüüsib selliseid eesti rahvussümboleid nagu lipp ja hümn. Tegevus toimub lumisel küntud põllul, mis on tammsaarelik-patriarhaalne põllumajandusliku korra ja eestluse tunnus. Iga eestlane teab, mida ütles Vargamäe Andres oma pojale Indrekule: “Tee tööd, siis tuleb armastus”. Paljud ei tea või ei taha teada, et Indrek vastas: “Sa oled elu aeg tööd teinud, aga armastust pole tulnud!”. Must värv lipul näitab, et eestlaste juured on mustas mullas. Mida must veel tähendab? Ütleme neegri või tõmmunahalise kohta “must”, sest “neeger” olevat sõimusõna. Must on eestlaste suhtes Teine. “Mustade sissetungi niipea karta pole,” ilmuvad rahustavad artiklid ajakirjanduses. Hetkel on rohkem probleeme idanaabritega. “Vanem vend” ja “Vene karu,” öeldakse. Selles on midagi maskuliinset. Kiskja ootab hetke, et saaks meie rahvuslipu puruks käristada ning meid endale allutada nagu see on juba ajaloos korduvalt toimunud. Valge on lootuse ja lume värv. Sinine on usu ja taeva värv.
Videos võitlevad lipu pärast valge ja must. Must on agressiivsem, saab valgelt lipu kätte ning rebib puruks. Pole kindel, kummale lipp tegelikult kuulub, sest video alguses see lihtsalt langeb taevast nagu Taani lipp Tallinna vallutamisel. Valge esindab globaliseerunud eestlast, sest afropatsid on pigem mustade kultuuri osa. Teda tegelikult väga ei kisugi enam oma kodumaa poole ja ta loovutab lipu pärast lühikest rüselust. Valges domineerib kalkuleeriv ja kartesiaanlik puhas mõistus ning mustas instinktid, nn. vene hing, seiklused ja romantika. Must pole nii maskuliine nagu tundub: nimelt on tegemist kastreeritud isasega. Võib vaid kujutleda seda pimedat viha ja aktiivsust, mis temas keeks, kui ta oleks kastreerimata. Musta näol on tegemist bioloogia ja kultuuri seguga kõige puhtamal kujul. Valge ei ole nii bioloogiline, meenutades rohkem kultuurinähtust nagu arst või kosmosejaama spetsialist.
Ajakirjanduses on viimasel ajal arutatud eesti hümni vahetamist. Video algab tavapärase Paciuse hümniga ja lõpeb Ernesaksa viisiga “Mu isamaa on minu arm”. Kahjuks on selleks ajaks eestlaste võitlus kaotatud ja põld tühi.
Lõpetuseks veel, et ma ei anna selle videoga hinnanguid. Ma ei arva, et must on halb ja valge hea või vastupidi. Mul isiklikult pole ühegi rahva vastu vimma. Ma ei usu ei vene hinge ega ameeriklaste lollust. Need on vaid eelarvamused ja müüdid. Antud teos on võimu ja poliitika pinnal hargnevate konfliktide peegeldus ja analüüs.
In English
26.08.2008 the criminal case was started about this video and I was told to take the video down from internet. Someone had reported this video to police and I was suddenly under suspection of bastardising Estonian national flag. Bastardising flag is a serious crime in Estonia and it is possible to inprison people for that. Me and my sister, who did the filming, were invited to police station where we were asked questions about the video. I gave them proofs that I am a professional artist and the video is made on art purposes only. They started to investigate this case and during this time me and my sister were not allowed to leave home for more than 24 hours. The investigation lasted until 12.04.2010. Now the criminal case is closed and we are not quilty. I uploaded the video online again.
This video analyzes the symbols of national identity: flag and anthem. The two main characters, white human being and black dog symbolize two opposite forces, fighting over the flag. Estonians have always been occupied by other countries. Our national flag and anthem have been thus very important to Estonians and people feel very strongly for any attack towards these symbols. In my video black dog is like "Russian bear" or "Big brother" who threatens Estonians' freedom. Black stands for passion and nature, white stands for ratio and culture. Since the world is globalizing and Estonians take over foreign culture in almost dangerous amount - youngsters speak Estonian-English mixed language - the white person gives up easily and black forces tear our flag into pieces.
Our anthem has been an issue in media. Many people wish to change it, because they dislike the athemn, created by German author Pacius. Estonian author Gustav Ernesaks has also created a song in 1950es, which matters much more so people would like it to be an anthem. That is why I start with the regular Pacius' song and finish with Ernesaks' song.
I personally have never preferred one nation to other and I am against myths about "fool Americans and "passionate Russians". My message is that small country should be able to hold on its own, if it wants to remain independent. At the same time they shouldn't be too nationalistic and csenophobic, which, I guess Estoni

Eluveitie - "Inis Mona" (2008)
Eluveitie (pronounced /ɛlˈveɪti/ el-vay-ti) is a folk metal band from Winterthur, Switzerl...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: Xemdryam
Eluveitie - "Inis Mona" (2008)
Eluveitie (pronounced /ɛlˈveɪti/ el-vay-ti) is a folk metal band from Winterthur, Switzerland. The founder of this band was Chrigel Glanzmann. The band formed in 2002 and their first EP, Vên came out in 2003. Vên was a studio album but after that they formed a real band. They describe themselves as "The new wave of folk metal".
Eluveitie use traditional instruments amidst guitars and harsh vocals. The lyrics are often in the extinct language Gaulish. The name of the band comes from a graffito on a vessel from Mantua (ca. 300 BC).
The inscription in Etruscan letters reads eluveitie, which has been interpreted as the Etruscan form of the Celtic (h)elvetios (“the Helvetian”), presumably referring to a man of Helvetian descent living in Mantua.
Eluveitie infuses traditional Celtic folk melodies with Gothenburg-styled melodic death metal. Eluveitie uses traditional folk instruments in their music, such as fiddles, tin whistles and flutes, bag pipes and hurdy gurdies. The traditional folk tunes in their songs have been drawn from various sources, such as traditional Irish reels. While many of their lyrics are in English, some are in the ancient extinct Gaulish language. All of the lyrics on their 2009 release Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion are in Gaulish (except the first song "Sacrapos - At First Glance"). Their lyrics are based on texts written in Gaulish such as prayers, invocations of the gods and other spirits.
Helvetii ... ^^
The Helvetii were a Celtic tribe or tribal confederation occupying most of the Swiss plateau at the time of their contact with the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC. According to Julius Caesar, the Helvetians were divided into four subgroups or pagi. Of these Caesar only names the Verbigeni and the Tigurini, while Poseidonios mentions the Tigurini and the Toygenoi (Τωυγενοί).
They feature prominently in the Commentaries on the Gallic War, with their failed migration attempt to southwestern Gaul (58 BC) serving as a catalyst for Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
The endonym Helvetii may be derived from the root elw that is seen in Welsh, meaning "gain" or "profit," and the Old Irish prefix il-, meaning "many" or "multiple." The name has also been interpreted as meaning "rich in land," from elu-, "numerous," and *etu-, "terrain, grassland."
The name of the national personification of Switzerland, Helvetia, and the country's Neo-Latin name, Confoederatio Helvetica, are both derived from the name of the Helvetii..... ^^
fuente: wiki...
Youtube results:

Tamil Movie Song - Rasigan Oru Rasigai - Ezhisai Geethame Enakkoru Jeevan Neeye (Female)
Movie name: Rasigan Oru Rasigai (1986) || Language: Tamil || Actors: Ambika, Ramesh || Sin...
published: 13 Mar 2011
author: RajsMed
Tamil Movie Song - Rasigan Oru Rasigai - Ezhisai Geethame Enakkoru Jeevan Neeye (Female)
Movie name: Rasigan Oru Rasigai (1986) || Language: Tamil || Actors: Ambika, Ramesh || Singers: KSChithra || Music Director: Raveendran
published: 13 Mar 2011
author: RajsMed
views: 8819

Andavo Andavu Kannada Naadu-Ambrish
Andavo Andavu Kannada Naadu is a popular kannada song from the movie Mallige Hoove (1992) ...
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: pavankunch
Andavo Andavu Kannada Naadu-Ambrish
Andavo Andavu Kannada Naadu is a popular kannada song from the movie Mallige Hoove (1992) The sweetness of Kannada language is highlighted in this song when the hero remembers his loved one and compares her with landmarks in karnataka.The song is sung by KJ Yesudas.The music is scored by Naadabramha Hamsalekha.
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: pavankunch
views: 30025

RSMV - Esmaspäev on selleks loodud
PS - This video contains Estonian language. Comment and Rate please :P (Video gets bad in ...
published: 03 Mar 2010
author: rs122rs
RSMV - Esmaspäev on selleks loodud
PS - This video contains Estonian language. Comment and Rate please :P (Video gets bad in 2:04... Don´t have that problem on original video... so idk whats the problem)
published: 03 Mar 2010
author: rs122rs
views: 14407

midnight crew igwe lyrics
Famous Gospel song with a combination of english, yoruba and igbo. Kosobabire (There's no ...
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: playgirl419
midnight crew igwe lyrics
Famous Gospel song with a combination of english, yoruba and igbo. Kosobabire (There's no king like you) Kosi Baba bire (There's no father like you) Ko ma s'Olorun bi ire (There's no God like you) (Response) Igwe! (Your Majesty) 2x E ba mi gb'Olorun tobi (Magnify the Lord with me) (Response) Oba nla oba to ga (Great King, Mighty King) E ba mi gb'Olorun tobi (Magnify the Lord with me) (Response) Edumare oba to ga(Great King, Mighty King) Igwe (Oh King!) (4x) Kosobabire (There's no king like you) Laye at'orun (In heaven and on earth) Ko ma s'Olorun bire(There's no God like you) (Response) Igwe!!(Your Majesty!) Kosoba bire(There's no king like you) Ko si baba bi re(In heaven and on earth) Ko ma s'Olorun bire(There's no God like you) Igwe!(Your Majesty!!) E ba mi gbolorun tobi(Magnify the Lord with me) (Response) Oba nla oba to ga(Great King, Mighty King) E ba mi gbolorun tobi(Magnify the Lord with me) (Response) Edumare oba to ga (Great King, Mighty King) Igwe! (Your Majesty!)(4x) Eze ndieze(King of Kings) Idi egwo(You are too much) Onye nabia ozo(The soon coming King) Idi egwo(You are too good) Onyedikagi (Who is like thee) Onyedikachukwu (Who is like God) Omalecha (Beautiful God) Agwunechemba ONE (The no 1 great warrior that watches the city) (Chorus) Bulieya (Lift him higher) Elu (Higher) Bulie Jesus (Lift Jesus high) Elu (Higher) Bia Bulie ya (Come lift him him higher) Elu (Higher) Bulie Jesus (Lift Jesus High) Elu (Higher) Igwe (Your Majesty!!!!!!) (Repeat)
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: playgirl419
views: 201354