TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 9
Fa molt temps que la Blanca no sap res del Víctor,
però finalment avui han quedat i hauran de ser sincers l'un
amb l'altre. També fa molt que la Paula no veu la Sofia, i
també elles hauran de plantar cara a la veritat i encarar
les seves realitats.
TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 12
Aquesta nit la Clàudia ha quedat amb en Carles, un home que amaga un secret que sorprendrà la Clàudia i quecapgirarà la cita. Mentrestant, l'Octavi queda amb un desconegut, l'Isma, per tenir-hi una trobada purament sexual. La nit acabarà d'una manera que no s'esperen.
TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 13
Últim capítol de la Temporada:
Avui és Sant Jordi. L'Edu i la Judith han quedatper fer un cafè junts, com fan normalment des del dia en què es van conèixer. Només són amics, però avui l'Edu vol fer unpas endavant i ha preparat una sorpresa. La Judith ni s'ho imagina, i ell no sap com reaccionarà. Ells dos no seran els únics per a qui el dia de Sant Jordi serà crucial.
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle)
Two girls, Paula and Sofia agree to meet in a disko.
(Dos chicas, Paula y Sofia están de acuerdo en conocerse en una discoteca).
PAULA -Laia Costa
SOFIA - Nausicaa Bonnín
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 2
PART 2. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 9. Channel TV3.
Enjoy it.
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 3
PART 3. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 13. Channel TV3.
"Cites" Sofia and Paula
Cites by TV3. "Cites" is the Catalan adaptation of the British series "Dates".
Official website: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
Cites - Sofia i Paula (part 1) en CATALÀ
Relació entre la Paula i la Sofia en el capítol 2 de "Cites", la nova sèrie de TV3.
Cites - Sofia i Paula (part 2) en CATALÀ
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites by TV3.
Paula played by Laia Costa and Silvia played by Mima Riera.
Paula and Sofia in "Cites" part 1
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
Paula and Sofia in "Cites" part 2
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 27/04/2015
"Cites 2.0" és un programa que complementa la sèrie "Cites". Té personalitat pròpia, però utilitza alguns dels moments del capítol que la precedeix com a fil conductor per obrir un debat que doni informació a l'espectador, però sobretot l'entretingui. Es parlarà de l'amor en l'era de les noves tecnologies: com ha canviat la manera de lligar, buscar parella, enamorar-se...
A la primera entrega o
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 15/06/2015
El bon sexe, el desenamorament, històries sentimentals de les que marquen... són alguns dels temes dels que parlaran els convidats d'aquesta setmana a Cites 2.0. Descobrirem quants homes han de passar per la vida d'una dona fins a que arribi el príncep blau o per què a Facebook tothom és feliç. Finalment, reviurem la primera cita que li va preparar el Juan a l'Esther en funció dels gustos que ella
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 27/07/2015
A l'últim episodi de Cites 2.0 parlarem de sexe, amor i aplicacions amb els convidats que han visitat el plató durant tota la temporada. Tindrem una cita amb l'Elisenda i veurem com la seva vida ha fet un gir de 180 graus des que la vam conèixer al primer programa. També farem un repàs dels estudis més sorprenents sobre les relacions i recordarem els moments més divertits al carrer.
"Cites" Paula and David - part 1
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
I'll upload English subtitles soon.
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
Official webpage: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
"Cites" Paula and David - part 2
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
Capçalera de la sèrie de TV3 Cites
Cançó: Luthea Salom - Blank Piece Of Paper
Lindsey Graham Cites 'The Princess Bride' In GOP Debate
Watch Full Debates:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
Check out our website - and become a member - at:
Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at:
Polònia - Cites
Sempre hi ha una primera vegada per començar a pactar. Els principals líders polítics inicien els contactes per després de les eleccions.
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. Pour saluer les Journées du patrimoine, C'e...
Renard Caids des Cites Grand Banditisme
Renard le voleur de Voiture en RS6- Caids des Cites Le Nouveau Grand Banditisme.
TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 9
Fa molt temps que la Blanca no sap res del Víctor,
però finalment avui han quedat i hauran de ser sincers l'un
amb l'altre. També fa molt que la Paula no veu la...
Fa molt temps que la Blanca no sap res del Víctor,
però finalment avui han quedat i hauran de ser sincers l'un
amb l'altre. També fa molt que la Paula no veu la Sofia, i
també elles hauran de plantar cara a la veritat i encarar
les seves realitats.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites Cites Capítol 9
Fa molt temps que la Blanca no sap res del Víctor,
però finalment avui han quedat i hauran de ser sincers l'un
amb l'altre. També fa molt que la Paula no veu la Sofia, i
també elles hauran de plantar cara a la veritat i encarar
les seves realitats.
- published: 01 Jul 2015
- views: 1569
TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 12
Aquesta nit la Clàudia ha quedat amb en Carles, un home que amaga un secret que sorprendrà la Clàudia i quecapgirarà la cita. Mentrestant, l'Octavi queda amb un...
Aquesta nit la Clàudia ha quedat amb en Carles, un home que amaga un secret que sorprendrà la Clàudia i quecapgirarà la cita. Mentrestant, l'Octavi queda amb un desconegut, l'Isma, per tenir-hi una trobada purament sexual. La nit acabarà d'una manera que no s'esperen.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites Cites Capítol 12
Aquesta nit la Clàudia ha quedat amb en Carles, un home que amaga un secret que sorprendrà la Clàudia i quecapgirarà la cita. Mentrestant, l'Octavi queda amb un desconegut, l'Isma, per tenir-hi una trobada purament sexual. La nit acabarà d'una manera que no s'esperen.
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 2191
TV3 - Cites - Cites - capítol 13
Últim capítol de la Temporada:
Avui és Sant Jordi. L'Edu i la Judith han quedatper fer un cafè junts, com fan normalment des del dia en què es van conèixer. No...
Últim capítol de la Temporada:
Avui és Sant Jordi. L'Edu i la Judith han quedatper fer un cafè junts, com fan normalment des del dia en què es van conèixer. Només són amics, però avui l'Edu vol fer unpas endavant i ha preparat una sorpresa. La Judith ni s'ho imagina, i ell no sap com reaccionarà. Ells dos no seran els únics per a qui el dia de Sant Jordi serà crucial.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites Cites Capítol 13
Últim capítol de la Temporada:
Avui és Sant Jordi. L'Edu i la Judith han quedatper fer un cafè junts, com fan normalment des del dia en què es van conèixer. Només són amics, però avui l'Edu vol fer unpas endavant i ha preparat una sorpresa. La Judith ni s'ho imagina, i ell no sap com reaccionarà. Ells dos no seran els únics per a qui el dia de Sant Jordi serà crucial.
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 3267
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle)
Two girls, Paula and Sofia agree to meet in a disko.
(Dos chicas, Paula y Sofia están de acuerdo en conocerse en una discoteca).
PAULA -Laia Costa
SOFIA - Nau...
Two girls, Paula and Sofia agree to meet in a disko.
(Dos chicas, Paula y Sofia están de acuerdo en conocerse en una discoteca).
PAULA -Laia Costa
SOFIA - Nausicaa Bonnín
wn.com/Lesbian Couple Cites Paula Sofia (Eng Subtitle)
Two girls, Paula and Sofia agree to meet in a disko.
(Dos chicas, Paula y Sofia están de acuerdo en conocerse en una discoteca).
PAULA -Laia Costa
SOFIA - Nausicaa Bonnín
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 3
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 2
PART 2. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 9. Channel TV3.
Enjoy it....
PART 2. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 9. Channel TV3.
Enjoy it.
wn.com/Lesbian Couple Cites Paula Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 2
PART 2. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 9. Channel TV3.
Enjoy it.
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 129
[Lesbian couple] Cites - Paula & Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 3
PART 3. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 13. Channel TV3....
PART 3. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 13. Channel TV3.
wn.com/Lesbian Couple Cites Paula Sofia (Eng Subtitle) 3
PART 3. Scenes lesbian couple Sofia & Paula. TV Show Cites. Chapter 13. Channel TV3.
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 7436
"Cites" Sofia and Paula
Cites by TV3. "Cites" is the Catalan adaptation of the British series "Dates".
Official website: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/...
Cites by TV3. "Cites" is the Catalan adaptation of the British series "Dates".
Official website: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
wn.com/Cites Sofia And Paula
Cites by TV3. "Cites" is the Catalan adaptation of the British series "Dates".
Official website: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 2184
Cites - Sofia i Paula (part 1) en CATALÀ
Relació entre la Paula i la Sofia en el capítol 2 de "Cites", la nova sèrie de TV3....
Relació entre la Paula i la Sofia en el capítol 2 de "Cites", la nova sèrie de TV3.
wn.com/Cites Sofia I Paula (Part 1) En Català
Relació entre la Paula i la Sofia en el capítol 2 de "Cites", la nova sèrie de TV3.
- published: 01 Jul 2015
- views: 427
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites by TV3.
Paula played by Laia Costa and Silvia played by Mima Riera.
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites by TV3.
Paula played by Laia Costa and Silvia played by Mima Riera.
wn.com/Date Of Paula And Silvia In Cites
Date of Paula and Silvia in Cites by TV3.
Paula played by Laia Costa and Silvia played by Mima Riera.
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 2688
Paula and Sofia in "Cites" part 1
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites"....
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
wn.com/Paula And Sofia In Cites Part 1
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 1747
Paula and Sofia in "Cites" part 2
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites"....
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
wn.com/Paula And Sofia In Cites Part 2
Second date of Paula and Sofia in "Cites".
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 1742
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 27/04/2015
"Cites 2.0" és un programa que complementa la sèrie "Cites". Té personalitat pròpia, però utilitza alguns dels moments del capítol que la precedeix com a fil co...
"Cites 2.0" és un programa que complementa la sèrie "Cites". Té personalitat pròpia, però utilitza alguns dels moments del capítol que la precedeix com a fil conductor per obrir un debat que doni informació a l'espectador, però sobretot l'entretingui. Es parlarà de l'amor en l'era de les noves tecnologies: com ha canviat la manera de lligar, buscar parella, enamorar-se...
A la primera entrega obrirem una "guerra de sexes" al voltant de la discussió entre l'Ona i l'Àlex: la gent busca amor... o sexe? És cert el tòpic que els homes busquen sexe i les dones amor?
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 27 04 2015
"Cites 2.0" és un programa que complementa la sèrie "Cites". Té personalitat pròpia, però utilitza alguns dels moments del capítol que la precedeix com a fil conductor per obrir un debat que doni informació a l'espectador, però sobretot l'entretingui. Es parlarà de l'amor en l'era de les noves tecnologies: com ha canviat la manera de lligar, buscar parella, enamorar-se...
A la primera entrega obrirem una "guerra de sexes" al voltant de la discussió entre l'Ona i l'Àlex: la gent busca amor... o sexe? És cert el tòpic que els homes busquen sexe i les dones amor?
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 2113
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 15/06/2015
El bon sexe, el desenamorament, històries sentimentals de les que marquen... són alguns dels temes dels que parlaran els convidats d'aquesta setmana a Cites 2.0...
El bon sexe, el desenamorament, històries sentimentals de les que marquen... són alguns dels temes dels que parlaran els convidats d'aquesta setmana a Cites 2.0. Descobrirem quants homes han de passar per la vida d'una dona fins a que arribi el príncep blau o per què a Facebook tothom és feliç. Finalment, reviurem la primera cita que li va preparar el Juan a l'Esther en funció dels gustos que ella havia posat a la seva pàgina de perfil de Meetic.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 15 06 2015
El bon sexe, el desenamorament, històries sentimentals de les que marquen... són alguns dels temes dels que parlaran els convidats d'aquesta setmana a Cites 2.0. Descobrirem quants homes han de passar per la vida d'una dona fins a que arribi el príncep blau o per què a Facebook tothom és feliç. Finalment, reviurem la primera cita que li va preparar el Juan a l'Esther en funció dels gustos que ella havia posat a la seva pàgina de perfil de Meetic.
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 825
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015...
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 20 07 2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 20/07/2015
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 482
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 27/07/2015
A l'últim episodi de Cites 2.0 parlarem de sexe, amor i aplicacions amb els convidats que han visitat el plató durant tota la temporada. Tindrem una cita amb l'...
A l'últim episodi de Cites 2.0 parlarem de sexe, amor i aplicacions amb els convidats que han visitat el plató durant tota la temporada. Tindrem una cita amb l'Elisenda i veurem com la seva vida ha fet un gir de 180 graus des que la vam conèixer al primer programa. També farem un repàs dels estudis més sorprenents sobre les relacions i recordarem els moments més divertits al carrer.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 27 07 2015
A l'últim episodi de Cites 2.0 parlarem de sexe, amor i aplicacions amb els convidats que han visitat el plató durant tota la temporada. Tindrem una cita amb l'Elisenda i veurem com la seva vida ha fet un gir de 180 graus des que la vam conèixer al primer programa. També farem un repàs dels estudis més sorprenents sobre les relacions i recordarem els moments més divertits al carrer.
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 525
"Cites" Paula and David - part 1
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
I'll upload English subtitles soon.
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
Official webpage: http...
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
I'll upload English subtitles soon.
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
Official webpage: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
wn.com/Cites Paula And David Part 1
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
I'll upload English subtitles soon.
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
Official webpage: http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/cites/
- published: 07 Jun 2015
- views: 252
"Cites" Paula and David - part 2
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández....
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
wn.com/Cites Paula And David Part 2
Paula and David in "Cites" by TV3
Paula played by Laia Costa and David played by Miquel Fernández.
- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 463
Capçalera de la sèrie de TV3 Cites
Cançó: Luthea Salom - Blank Piece Of Paper...
Capçalera de la sèrie de TV3 Cites
Cançó: Luthea Salom - Blank Piece Of Paper
Capçalera de la sèrie de TV3 Cites
Cançó: Luthea Salom - Blank Piece Of Paper
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 717
Lindsey Graham Cites 'The Princess Bride' In GOP Debate
Watch Full Debates:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live ...
Watch Full Debates:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
Check out our website - and become a member - at:
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AMAZON LINK: (Bookmark this link to support the show for free!!!)
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Cites 'The Princess Bride' In Gop Debate
Watch Full Debates:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
Check out our website - and become a member - at:
Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at:
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Friends Of SecularTalk:
AMAZON LINK: (Bookmark this link to support the show for free!!!)
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 25635
Polònia - Cites
Sempre hi ha una primera vegada per començar a pactar. Els principals líders polítics inicien els contactes per després de les eleccions....
Sempre hi ha una primera vegada per començar a pactar. Els principals líders polítics inicien els contactes per després de les eleccions.
wn.com/Polònia Cites
Sempre hi ha una primera vegada per començar a pactar. Els principals líders polítics inicien els contactes per després de les eleccions.
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 2288
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. Pour saluer les Journées du patrimoine, C'e......
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. Pour saluer les Journées du patrimoine, C'e...
wn.com/C'Est Pas Sorcier Cites Englouties D'Egypte
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3. C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science. Pour saluer les Journées du patrimoine, C'e...
Renard Caids des Cites Grand Banditisme
Renard le voleur de Voiture en RS6- Caids des Cites Le Nouveau Grand Banditisme....
Renard le voleur de Voiture en RS6- Caids des Cites Le Nouveau Grand Banditisme.
wn.com/Renard Caids Des Cites Grand Banditisme
Renard le voleur de Voiture en RS6- Caids des Cites Le Nouveau Grand Banditisme.
- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 1096
Lindsey Graham Interview: 'Trump Would Be A Terrible President' | msnbc
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joins Morning Joe to discuss everything from the Iran nuclear deal to why Donald Trump would be a terrible president.
» Subscribe to msnbc: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc
About: msnbc is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide,
Sen. Lindsey Graham on State of the Union: Full Interview
In the wake of horrific terror attacks in Paris, Sen. Lindsey Graham describes how he would deal with ISIS as president and what he thinks of Obama's response.
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham recently blamed Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity for polarization, and tonight the latter confronted Graham about that jab.
Graham explained to Hannity that he might agree with him more than he does with Maddow, but all the partisan bickering doesn’t actually solve any problems.
Lindsey Graham Exits GOP Presidential Race
Continuing to stuggle with low poll numbers, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham suspends his campaign urging restoration of the military and defeat of the Islamic State. Courtesy Lindsey Graham Campaign. (Dec. 21)
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Get updates and more Breaking News here: http://smarturl.it/APBreakingNews
The Associated Press is the essent
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham suspends presidential campaign
Candidate tells CNN in an exclusive interview that, "I've hit a wall."
Sen. Lindsey Graham drops out of GOP race
Sen. Lindsey Graham announces that he's dropping out of the Republican presidential primary race.
Graham: Trump a 'race-baiting, xenophobic religious ...
Sen. Lindsey Graham had harsh words for fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on CNN's New Day.
A Message From Lindsey Graham. I QUIT!
The Republican primary field just became a little less crowded, Senator Lindsey Graham has announced that he will be leaving the race for President in 2016. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola of The Young Turks discuss. Did you predict Sen. Lindsey Graham would drop out so quickly? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-graha
Full interview: Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, November 29
Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, join CBS' "Face the Nation" from Baghdad to discuss Obama's foreign policy and the war against ISIS
War Hawk Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Presidential Race
Read More At:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
Check out our website - and become a member - at:
Listen t
Lindsey Graham Interview: 'I Would Send 10,000 Troops To Fight ISIS' | MSNBC
GOP 2016 candidate, Sen. Lindsey Graham joins Morning Joe to discuss the threat of ISIS, Ben Carson, the 2016 race and how he would handle ISIS.
» Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc
About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MS
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump is a 'jackass'
CNN's Kate Bolduan talks to Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham about Donald Trump and his comments about former prisoner of war John McCain.
Bret Baier interview with Lindsey Graham
Grahams focus on ISIS is all well and good but ignores the Iranian Shia Militias already in control of Baghdad. To return American soldiers to Iraq is to put them in between two terrorist armies.
Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden
In this preview clip from '16 and President, Senator Lindsey Graham gets emotional when discussing his longtime friend Vice President Joe Biden.
Read full article here: http://huff.to/1KwVLn0
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Story Writte
Sen. Lindsey Graham suspends 2016 presidential campaign
Fallout from South Carolina Republican leaving race discussed on 'America's Newsroom'
Watch Bill Hemmer and Pete Hegseth talk about Apple News, Elections, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans on Americas Newsroom.
Senator Lindsey Graham on Donald Trump's Campaign - Late Night with Seth Meyers
Graham doesn't approve of Donald Trump's campaign tactics.
» Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth
» Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/
» Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC.
Follow Late Night on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth
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Lindsey Graham to Trump: "Stop being a jackass"
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination, is a close friend of Sen. John McCain. Graham was with McCain Monday at a town hall in New York where they discussed the Iran nuclear deal. Graham, who recently retired from the Air Force reserve, joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss Trump's recent remarks about the former Vietnam prisoner of war and the Iran nuclear d
Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Phone Number at South Carolina Rally
Donald Trump Gave Out Lindsey Graham’s Private Phone Number. Here Is What You Hear When You Call It Donald Trump has been feuding with his fellow Republican candidates for President almost nonstop since he announced his intent to seek the White House. Now he’s decided to take aim at South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. Trump hit on Graham for asking him for help and then displayed Graham’s priva
Lindsey Graham: Trump is a "wrecking ball"
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham called Donald Trump a "demagogue" and a "wrecking ball" after Trump's immigration comments.
Turns Out Lindsey Graham Is Hilarious
His favorite comedian? Richard Pryor.
Lindsey Graham: 'How Am I Losing To These People?'
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), in an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday, sized up his competition in the Republican primary race for the White House and wondered, "How am I losing to these people?"
Media Research Center
Lindsey Graham Blows Up at GOP Debate: I Am Tired of Telling People What They Want to Hear!
Lindsey Graham got pretty pissed off at the CNBC undercard debate tonight and practically shouted, “I am trying to solve a problem and win an election! I’m tired of losing!” Moderator Carl Quintanilla brought up Graham’s views on climate change, immigration, and other issues, asking, “Are you in the wrong party’s debate?”
Graham insisted he’s just trying to solve problems and said, “I am tired of
Donald Trump announces Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number during speech in South Carolina
FULL SPEECH: https://youtu.be/kj9xsrhJKOQ
related: Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Mobile, Alabama
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives out his rival Lindsey Graham's cell phone number Tuesday.
Donald Trump gave Lindsey Graham’s cell phone numbers to millions of his supporters.
update: Sen. Lindsey Graham posts satirical video about destroying his phone after Donald Trump
Lindsey Graham Interview: 'Trump Would Be A Terrible President' | msnbc
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joins Morning Joe to discuss everything from the Iran nuclear deal to why Donald Trump would be a terrible president.
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Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joins Morning Joe to discuss everything from the Iran nuclear deal to why Donald Trump would be a terrible president.
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Lindsey Graham Interview: 'Trump Would Be A Terrible President' | msnbc
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Interview 'Trump Would Be A Terrible President' | Msnbc
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joins Morning Joe to discuss everything from the Iran nuclear deal to why Donald Trump would be a terrible president.
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About: msnbc is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, msnbc offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Lindsey Graham Interview: 'Trump Would Be A Terrible President' | msnbc
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 167
Sen. Lindsey Graham on State of the Union: Full Interview
In the wake of horrific terror attacks in Paris, Sen. Lindsey Graham describes how he would deal with ISIS as president and what he thinks of Obama's response....
In the wake of horrific terror attacks in Paris, Sen. Lindsey Graham describes how he would deal with ISIS as president and what he thinks of Obama's response.
wn.com/Sen. Lindsey Graham On State Of The Union Full Interview
In the wake of horrific terror attacks in Paris, Sen. Lindsey Graham describes how he would deal with ISIS as president and what he thinks of Obama's response.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 6255
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham recently blamed Rachel Maddow and Sean Hann...
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham recently blamed Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity for polarization, and tonight the latter confronted Graham about that jab.
Graham explained to Hannity that he might agree with him more than he does with Maddow, but all the partisan bickering doesn’t actually solve any problems.
Hannity responded by asking, “Wasn’t Martin Luther King Jr. polarizing in a good way for justice?”
hannity guest storms off
hannity guest leaves
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment
hannity guest storms
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment on walter scott shooting 'i'm done
hannity guest walks off set
hannity guest storms off show
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment on walter scott shooting
hannity guest storms off camera
hannity palestinian guest
Hannity Guest w
hannity guest walks off
wn.com/Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham For Blaming Him For Polarization
Hannity Confronts Lindsey Graham for Blaming Him for Polarization
Senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham recently blamed Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity for polarization, and tonight the latter confronted Graham about that jab.
Graham explained to Hannity that he might agree with him more than he does with Maddow, but all the partisan bickering doesn’t actually solve any problems.
Hannity responded by asking, “Wasn’t Martin Luther King Jr. polarizing in a good way for justice?”
hannity guest storms off
hannity guest leaves
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment
hannity guest storms
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment on walter scott shooting 'i'm done
hannity guest walks off set
hannity guest storms off show
hannity guest leaves in middle of segment on walter scott shooting
hannity guest storms off camera
hannity palestinian guest
Hannity Guest w
hannity guest walks off
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 18074
Lindsey Graham Exits GOP Presidential Race
Continuing to stuggle with low poll numbers, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham suspends his campaign urging restoration of the military and defeat of the Is...
Continuing to stuggle with low poll numbers, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham suspends his campaign urging restoration of the military and defeat of the Islamic State. Courtesy Lindsey Graham Campaign. (Dec. 21)
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wn.com/Lindsey Graham Exits Gop Presidential Race
Continuing to stuggle with low poll numbers, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham suspends his campaign urging restoration of the military and defeat of the Islamic State. Courtesy Lindsey Graham Campaign. (Dec. 21)
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Get updates and more Breaking News here: http://smarturl.it/APBreakingNews
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats.
AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information.
Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 4262
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham suspends presidential campaign
Candidate tells CNN in an exclusive interview that, "I've hit a wall."...
Candidate tells CNN in an exclusive interview that, "I've hit a wall."
wn.com/U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham Suspends Presidential Campaign
Candidate tells CNN in an exclusive interview that, "I've hit a wall."
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 3471
Sen. Lindsey Graham drops out of GOP race
Sen. Lindsey Graham announces that he's dropping out of the Republican presidential primary race....
Sen. Lindsey Graham announces that he's dropping out of the Republican presidential primary race.
wn.com/Sen. Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Gop Race
Sen. Lindsey Graham announces that he's dropping out of the Republican presidential primary race.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 5319
Graham: Trump a 'race-baiting, xenophobic religious ...
Sen. Lindsey Graham had harsh words for fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on CNN's New Day....
Sen. Lindsey Graham had harsh words for fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on CNN's New Day.
wn.com/Graham Trump A 'Race Baiting, Xenophobic Religious ...
Sen. Lindsey Graham had harsh words for fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on CNN's New Day.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 51180
A Message From Lindsey Graham. I QUIT!
The Republican primary field just became a little less crowded, Senator Lindsey Graham has announced that he will be leaving the race for President in 2016. Cen...
The Republican primary field just became a little less crowded, Senator Lindsey Graham has announced that he will be leaving the race for President in 2016. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola of The Young Turks discuss. Did you predict Sen. Lindsey Graham would drop out so quickly? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-graham-idUSKBN0U41R920151221
"Senator Lindsey Graham, a respected conservative voice on defense and foreign policy issues, dropped out of the 2016 Republican presidential race on Monday after months of barely registering in opinion polls.
Graham struggled to gain traction in a crowded Republican field dominated by front-runner Donald Trump, and he faced the potentially embarrassing prospect of being trounced in the Feb. 20 primary in his home state of South Carolina.
Graham, an early and staunch advocate of using U.S. ground troops against Islamic State, said his long-shot campaign had made headway in influencing the party's debate on the conflict.
"I got into this race to put forward a plan to win a war that we cannot afford to lose, and to turn back the tide of isolationism that was rising in our party. I believe we've made enormous progress in this effort," he said in a video posted on YouTube."
The Young Turks December 21, 2015 Hour 1
VIDEO in Anthony Cumia's Assault Case Leads to Arrest
Trump Supporter Arrested After Plotting To Murder Muslims
A Message From Lindsey Graham. I QUIT!
HISTORIC Election Results In Spain
Martin O'Malley Interview With TYT's New Reporter Jordan Chariton
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.
Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)
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wn.com/A Message From Lindsey Graham. I Quit
The Republican primary field just became a little less crowded, Senator Lindsey Graham has announced that he will be leaving the race for President in 2016. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola of The Young Turks discuss. Did you predict Sen. Lindsey Graham would drop out so quickly? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-graham-idUSKBN0U41R920151221
"Senator Lindsey Graham, a respected conservative voice on defense and foreign policy issues, dropped out of the 2016 Republican presidential race on Monday after months of barely registering in opinion polls.
Graham struggled to gain traction in a crowded Republican field dominated by front-runner Donald Trump, and he faced the potentially embarrassing prospect of being trounced in the Feb. 20 primary in his home state of South Carolina.
Graham, an early and staunch advocate of using U.S. ground troops against Islamic State, said his long-shot campaign had made headway in influencing the party's debate on the conflict.
"I got into this race to put forward a plan to win a war that we cannot afford to lose, and to turn back the tide of isolationism that was rising in our party. I believe we've made enormous progress in this effort," he said in a video posted on YouTube."
The Young Turks December 21, 2015 Hour 1
VIDEO in Anthony Cumia's Assault Case Leads to Arrest
Trump Supporter Arrested After Plotting To Murder Muslims
A Message From Lindsey Graham. I QUIT!
HISTORIC Election Results In Spain
Martin O'Malley Interview With TYT's New Reporter Jordan Chariton
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.
Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)
Get The Young Turks Mobile App Today!
Download the iOS version here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-young-turks/id412793195?ls=1&mt;=8
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- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 58956
Full interview: Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, November 29
Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, join CBS' "Face the Nation" from Baghdad to discuss Obama's foreign policy and the war again...
Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, join CBS' "Face the Nation" from Baghdad to discuss Obama's foreign policy and the war against ISIS
wn.com/Full Interview Sens. John Mccain, Lindsey Graham, November 29
Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, join CBS' "Face the Nation" from Baghdad to discuss Obama's foreign policy and the war against ISIS
- published: 29 Nov 2015
- views: 55
War Hawk Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Presidential Race
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wn.com/War Hawk Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Presidential Race
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- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 12382
Lindsey Graham Interview: 'I Would Send 10,000 Troops To Fight ISIS' | MSNBC
GOP 2016 candidate, Sen. Lindsey Graham joins Morning Joe to discuss the threat of ISIS, Ben Carson, the 2016 race and how he would handle ISIS.
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GOP 2016 candidate, Sen. Lindsey Graham joins Morning Joe to discuss the threat of ISIS, Ben Carson, the 2016 race and how he would handle ISIS.
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About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Lindsey Graham Interview: 'I Would Send 10,000 Troops To Fight ISIS' | MSNBC
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Interview 'I Would Send 10,000 Troops To Fight Isis' | Msnbc
GOP 2016 candidate, Sen. Lindsey Graham joins Morning Joe to discuss the threat of ISIS, Ben Carson, the 2016 race and how he would handle ISIS.
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About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Lindsey Graham Interview: 'I Would Send 10,000 Troops To Fight ISIS' | MSNBC
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 207
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump is a 'jackass'
CNN's Kate Bolduan talks to Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham about Donald Trump and his comments about former prisoner of war John McCai...
CNN's Kate Bolduan talks to Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham about Donald Trump and his comments about former prisoner of war John McCain.
wn.com/Sen. Lindsey Graham Donald Trump Is A 'jackass'
CNN's Kate Bolduan talks to Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham about Donald Trump and his comments about former prisoner of war John McCain.
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 32214
Bret Baier interview with Lindsey Graham
Grahams focus on ISIS is all well and good but ignores the Iranian Shia Militias already in control of Baghdad. To return American soldiers to Iraq is to put th...
Grahams focus on ISIS is all well and good but ignores the Iranian Shia Militias already in control of Baghdad. To return American soldiers to Iraq is to put them in between two terrorist armies.
wn.com/Bret Baier Interview With Lindsey Graham
Grahams focus on ISIS is all well and good but ignores the Iranian Shia Militias already in control of Baghdad. To return American soldiers to Iraq is to put them in between two terrorist armies.
- published: 20 Jun 2015
- views: 13
Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden
In this preview clip from '16 and President, Senator Lindsey Graham gets emotional when discussing his longtime friend Vice President Joe Biden.
Read full artic...
In this preview clip from '16 and President, Senator Lindsey Graham gets emotional when discussing his longtime friend Vice President Joe Biden.
Read full article here: http://huff.to/1KwVLn0
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Story Written By Scott Conroy
Video Produced By Jon Strauss
Cinematography By Jon Strauss and Samuel Wilkes
Associate Production By Marielle Olentine
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden
In this preview clip from '16 and President, Senator Lindsey Graham gets emotional when discussing his longtime friend Vice President Joe Biden.
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Story Written By Scott Conroy
Video Produced By Jon Strauss
Cinematography By Jon Strauss and Samuel Wilkes
Associate Production By Marielle Olentine
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 19205
Sen. Lindsey Graham suspends 2016 presidential campaign
Fallout from South Carolina Republican leaving race discussed on 'America's Newsroom'
Watch Bill Hemmer and Pete Hegseth talk about Apple News, Elections, Presi...
Fallout from South Carolina Republican leaving race discussed on 'America's Newsroom'
Watch Bill Hemmer and Pete Hegseth talk about Apple News, Elections, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans on Americas Newsroom.
wn.com/Sen. Lindsey Graham Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign
Fallout from South Carolina Republican leaving race discussed on 'America's Newsroom'
Watch Bill Hemmer and Pete Hegseth talk about Apple News, Elections, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans on Americas Newsroom.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 2383
Senator Lindsey Graham on Donald Trump's Campaign - Late Night with Seth Meyers
Graham doesn't approve of Donald Trump's campaign tactics.
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Graham doesn't approve of Donald Trump's campaign tactics.
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Senator Lindsey Graham on Donald Trump's Campaign - Late Night with Seth Meyers
wn.com/Senator Lindsey Graham On Donald Trump's Campaign Late Night With Seth Meyers
Graham doesn't approve of Donald Trump's campaign tactics.
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Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube features A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy, and topical monologue jokes.
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Senator Lindsey Graham on Donald Trump's Campaign - Late Night with Seth Meyers
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 3204
Lindsey Graham to Trump: "Stop being a jackass"
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination, is a close friend of Sen. John McCain. Graham was with McCain Monday at a town ...
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination, is a close friend of Sen. John McCain. Graham was with McCain Monday at a town hall in New York where they discussed the Iran nuclear deal. Graham, who recently retired from the Air Force reserve, joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss Trump's recent remarks about the former Vietnam prisoner of war and the Iran nuclear deal.
wn.com/Lindsey Graham To Trump Stop Being A Jackass
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination, is a close friend of Sen. John McCain. Graham was with McCain Monday at a town hall in New York where they discussed the Iran nuclear deal. Graham, who recently retired from the Air Force reserve, joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss Trump's recent remarks about the former Vietnam prisoner of war and the Iran nuclear deal.
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 11
Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Phone Number at South Carolina Rally
Donald Trump Gave Out Lindsey Graham’s Private Phone Number. Here Is What You Hear When You Call It Donald Trump has been feuding with his fellow Republican can...
Donald Trump Gave Out Lindsey Graham’s Private Phone Number. Here Is What You Hear When You Call It Donald Trump has been feuding with his fellow Republican candidates for President almost nonstop since he announced his intent to seek the White House. Now he’s decided to take aim at South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. Trump hit on Graham for asking him for help and then displayed Graham’s private cell phone number. When you call the number, you get this:
wn.com/Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’S Phone Number At South Carolina Rally
Donald Trump Gave Out Lindsey Graham’s Private Phone Number. Here Is What You Hear When You Call It Donald Trump has been feuding with his fellow Republican candidates for President almost nonstop since he announced his intent to seek the White House. Now he’s decided to take aim at South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. Trump hit on Graham for asking him for help and then displayed Graham’s private cell phone number. When you call the number, you get this:
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 94
Lindsey Graham: Trump is a "wrecking ball"
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham called Donald Trump a "demagogue" and a "wrecking ball" after Trump's immigration comments....
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham called Donald Trump a "demagogue" and a "wrecking ball" after Trump's immigration comments.
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Trump Is A Wrecking Ball
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham called Donald Trump a "demagogue" and a "wrecking ball" after Trump's immigration comments.
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 37410
Turns Out Lindsey Graham Is Hilarious
His favorite comedian? Richard Pryor....
His favorite comedian? Richard Pryor.
wn.com/Turns Out Lindsey Graham Is Hilarious
His favorite comedian? Richard Pryor.
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 25
Lindsey Graham: 'How Am I Losing To These People?'
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), in an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday, sized up his competition in the Republican primary race for the White House ...
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), in an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday, sized up his competition in the Republican primary race for the White House and wondered, "How am I losing to these people?"
Media Research Center
wn.com/Lindsey Graham 'How Am I Losing To These People '
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), in an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday, sized up his competition in the Republican primary race for the White House and wondered, "How am I losing to these people?"
Media Research Center
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Lindsey Graham Blows Up at GOP Debate: I Am Tired of Telling People What They Want to Hear!
Lindsey Graham got pretty pissed off at the CNBC undercard debate tonight and practically shouted, “I am trying to solve a problem and win an election! I’m tire...
Lindsey Graham got pretty pissed off at the CNBC undercard debate tonight and practically shouted, “I am trying to solve a problem and win an election! I’m tired of losing!” Moderator Carl Quintanilla brought up Graham’s views on climate change, immigration, and other issues, asking, “Are you in the wrong party’s debate?”
Graham insisted he’s just trying to solve problems and said, “I am tired of telling people things that they want to hear that we know we’re not gonna do.”
He appeared to be taking clear shots at rivals who have refused to come together with Democrats to solve problems, but he also took some shots at his Democratic campaign rivals.
Graham swiped at Clinton for her infamous “dead broke” remark and said of Bernie Sanders, “The number two guy went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon lindsey graham spoke on climate change and immigration at the cnbc gop debate. senator graham took positions that may not be popular with republican voters but says he wants to find real solutions. lindsey graham speaks on a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. watch lindsey graham video at the cnbc gop debate
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Blows Up At Gop Debate I Am Tired Of Telling People What They Want To Hear
Lindsey Graham got pretty pissed off at the CNBC undercard debate tonight and practically shouted, “I am trying to solve a problem and win an election! I’m tired of losing!” Moderator Carl Quintanilla brought up Graham’s views on climate change, immigration, and other issues, asking, “Are you in the wrong party’s debate?”
Graham insisted he’s just trying to solve problems and said, “I am tired of telling people things that they want to hear that we know we’re not gonna do.”
He appeared to be taking clear shots at rivals who have refused to come together with Democrats to solve problems, but he also took some shots at his Democratic campaign rivals.
Graham swiped at Clinton for her infamous “dead broke” remark and said of Bernie Sanders, “The number two guy went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon lindsey graham spoke on climate change and immigration at the cnbc gop debate. senator graham took positions that may not be popular with republican voters but says he wants to find real solutions. lindsey graham speaks on a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. watch lindsey graham video at the cnbc gop debate
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 23993
Donald Trump announces Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number during speech in South Carolina
FULL SPEECH: https://youtu.be/kj9xsrhJKOQ
related: Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Mobile, Alabama
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives...
FULL SPEECH: https://youtu.be/kj9xsrhJKOQ
related: Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Mobile, Alabama
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives out his rival Lindsey Graham's cell phone number Tuesday.
Donald Trump gave Lindsey Graham’s cell phone numbers to millions of his supporters.
update: Sen. Lindsey Graham posts satirical video about destroying his phone after Donald Trump gives out phone number on TV
Speaking at a campaign event in South Carolina, Trump blasted the senator — and then proceeded to give out his fellow presidential hopeful’s digits.
Trump explained that the Graham gave him the cell phone number “three or four years ago."
Related: Donald Trump’s Iran Plan: ‘Knock the Hell Out of Them, Take the Oil’
Graham called Trump, hoping the bussiness mogel could help him get on Fox News. Trump said he would try to talk to his friends at 'Fox and Friends," and then took down the senator's number on a Post-It note
On Tuesday, Trump showed off the yellow note — and then proceeded to read the number to the crowd, twice.
The phone number went straight to voicemail but a recorded message said it was the inbox for Lindsay Graham.
"He doesn’t seem like a very bright guy," Trump said of Graham.
The phone number went straight to voicemail but a recorded message said it was the inbox for Lindsay Graham. CBS News confirmed that the number is Graham's cell.
Graham wasn’t Trump’s only target during the Tuesday event, which was broadcast live. He also claimed presidential candidate Rick Perry wears glasses "to look smart" and blasted Macy's for cutting business ties with him.
Donald Trump Heaps Insults on Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Other Foes
Unrepentant, unleashed, on attack. A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday, most notably calling South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot” handing out Graham’s cell phone number to the whole world
He dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration,” and mocked Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s glasses and Hillary Clinton’s hand wave.
“What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way he has registered zero in the polls,” Trump said, at an appearance in Bluffton, S.C. “A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn’t get a job.”
Earlier in the day, Graham called Trump a “jackass.” In response, Trump called Graham an “idiot” and held up a card that included Graham’s personal phone number, then asked his supporters to call Graham. “I don’t know, give it a shot,” he said.
Graham’s campaign manager, Christian Ferry, said in a statement that Trump “continues to show hourly that he is ill-prepared to be commander-in-chief.”
“Because of Trump’s bombastic and ridiculous campaign, we aren’t talking about [President] Obama’s horrible deal with Iran or Hillary Clinton’s plans to continue Obama’s failed national security agenda,” Ferry continued.
Trump’s rambling address found several other targets. “Bush said my tone is not right,” Trump said about another rival. “I said, ‘Tone, we need tone, we need enthusiasm, we need tone.'”
“I’m not a fan of Jeb Bush,” he went on. “Jeb bush is in favor of Common Core and he is weak on immigration. . . . Who would you rather have negotiating with China. Trump or Jeb? Or Trump or Hillary?” When he mentioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he waved his hand to pantomime her approach to diplomacy.
There were others that played the role of Trump targets, including the senior Senator from Arizona. “John McCain is totally about open borders and all of this stuff,” he continued, describing his anger against the Arizona senator who called some in Trump’s crowds “crazies.” “I know crazies. These are patriotic Americans.”
“I think Rick Perry is probably smarter than Lindsey Graham. But what do I know?” he said, after mocking Perry’s new glasses—”He’s got the glasses, oh oh oh.” Trump previously tweeted that Rick Perry should have an IQ test before getting on the debate stage, a comment he repeated in South Carolina. “I think Rick Perry is probably smarter than Lindsey Graham. But what do I know?” he said.
Trump said “The reason they are hitting me in all fairness,” Trump continued. “When you are registering zero in the polls, you’ve got nothing to lose.”
He repeated many of the central themes of his campaign, planning to change American leadership and make the country great. “If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there is probably something wrong with you,” he said. “These politicains they run and they run and they win and they lose. . . . They don’t do anything when the get there. I know better than anyone.”
As it now stands, Trump leads the national Republican primary polls.
wn.com/Donald Trump Announces Lindsey Graham’S Cell Phone Number During Speech In South Carolina
FULL SPEECH: https://youtu.be/kj9xsrhJKOQ
related: Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Mobile, Alabama
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives out his rival Lindsey Graham's cell phone number Tuesday.
Donald Trump gave Lindsey Graham’s cell phone numbers to millions of his supporters.
update: Sen. Lindsey Graham posts satirical video about destroying his phone after Donald Trump gives out phone number on TV
Speaking at a campaign event in South Carolina, Trump blasted the senator — and then proceeded to give out his fellow presidential hopeful’s digits.
Trump explained that the Graham gave him the cell phone number “three or four years ago."
Related: Donald Trump’s Iran Plan: ‘Knock the Hell Out of Them, Take the Oil’
Graham called Trump, hoping the bussiness mogel could help him get on Fox News. Trump said he would try to talk to his friends at 'Fox and Friends," and then took down the senator's number on a Post-It note
On Tuesday, Trump showed off the yellow note — and then proceeded to read the number to the crowd, twice.
The phone number went straight to voicemail but a recorded message said it was the inbox for Lindsay Graham.
"He doesn’t seem like a very bright guy," Trump said of Graham.
The phone number went straight to voicemail but a recorded message said it was the inbox for Lindsay Graham. CBS News confirmed that the number is Graham's cell.
Graham wasn’t Trump’s only target during the Tuesday event, which was broadcast live. He also claimed presidential candidate Rick Perry wears glasses "to look smart" and blasted Macy's for cutting business ties with him.
Donald Trump Heaps Insults on Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Other Foes
Unrepentant, unleashed, on attack. A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday, most notably calling South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot” handing out Graham’s cell phone number to the whole world
He dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration,” and mocked Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s glasses and Hillary Clinton’s hand wave.
“What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way he has registered zero in the polls,” Trump said, at an appearance in Bluffton, S.C. “A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn’t get a job.”
Earlier in the day, Graham called Trump a “jackass.” In response, Trump called Graham an “idiot” and held up a card that included Graham’s personal phone number, then asked his supporters to call Graham. “I don’t know, give it a shot,” he said.
Graham’s campaign manager, Christian Ferry, said in a statement that Trump “continues to show hourly that he is ill-prepared to be commander-in-chief.”
“Because of Trump’s bombastic and ridiculous campaign, we aren’t talking about [President] Obama’s horrible deal with Iran or Hillary Clinton’s plans to continue Obama’s failed national security agenda,” Ferry continued.
Trump’s rambling address found several other targets. “Bush said my tone is not right,” Trump said about another rival. “I said, ‘Tone, we need tone, we need enthusiasm, we need tone.'”
“I’m not a fan of Jeb Bush,” he went on. “Jeb bush is in favor of Common Core and he is weak on immigration. . . . Who would you rather have negotiating with China. Trump or Jeb? Or Trump or Hillary?” When he mentioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he waved his hand to pantomime her approach to diplomacy.
There were others that played the role of Trump targets, including the senior Senator from Arizona. “John McCain is totally about open borders and all of this stuff,” he continued, describing his anger against the Arizona senator who called some in Trump’s crowds “crazies.” “I know crazies. These are patriotic Americans.”
“I think Rick Perry is probably smarter than Lindsey Graham. But what do I know?” he said, after mocking Perry’s new glasses—”He’s got the glasses, oh oh oh.” Trump previously tweeted that Rick Perry should have an IQ test before getting on the debate stage, a comment he repeated in South Carolina. “I think Rick Perry is probably smarter than Lindsey Graham. But what do I know?” he said.
Trump said “The reason they are hitting me in all fairness,” Trump continued. “When you are registering zero in the polls, you’ve got nothing to lose.”
He repeated many of the central themes of his campaign, planning to change American leadership and make the country great. “If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there is probably something wrong with you,” he said. “These politicains they run and they run and they win and they lose. . . . They don’t do anything when the get there. I know better than anyone.”
As it now stands, Trump leads the national Republican primary polls.
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 138431
Jeopardy!' contestant cites 'SNL' sketch, makes Alex Trebek say 'Turd Ferguson'
Lets Play! Cites Skylines #5 Back to Square One.
Well after enjoying the first four episodes, I unexpectedly didn't know how the game somehow desired to delete my save. So I'm back on Square One. Dammit!
Are you new to my channel? I'm DatPika and this is my channel where I showcase gaming videos like PAYDAY2, Train Simulator Series, an coming series Dovetail Fishing Simulator, Dirty Bomb and more. So why not chuck a comment like or a subscribe!
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record 0 Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
Federal Reserve Finally Raises Interest Rates, Cites Strong Economy
--The Federal Reserve finally raises interest rates citing a strong economy
Bowe Bergdahl, accused USA army deserter, cites ‘leadership failure’ in Serial interview
“This really starts to sink in, that I really did something bad”, he says.
The popular podcast’s new season tells the story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier who was a prisoner of the Taliban for almost five years.
Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 after he left his post in Afghanistan unarmed.
He says after the sun came up, a group of men on motorcycles captured him as he walked through nearby
Lawyer For Suspended UN Diplomat Cites Immunity
A suspended deputy U.N. ambassador from the Dominican Republic has asked a U.S. judge to dismiss an indictment accusing him of participating in a bribery scheme. The deputy is citing diplomatic immunity. A lawyer for 48 year old Francis Lorenzo, filed papers in federal court in Manhattan late on Monday. The papers ask U.S. District Judge Vernon Broderick to dismiss charges including bribery and
Morning Joe Corrects Purge Of Cruz From Vegas Debate Image: Cites NewsBusters
Here's the clip from later in the show where Joe discusses the blooper, cites NB and this NewsBuster, and jokingly outs the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson, who good-naturedly acknowledges his "guilt." Here's the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson: jokingly outed by Joe Scarborough!
NewsBusters: Purged! Morning Joe Drops Ted Cruz from Vegas D
Official cites San Bernardino attack in school closure
L.A. Superintendent Ramon Cortines cites the attack in San Bernardino as a reason why all Los Angeles schools are being closed today due to an electronic threat.
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Mann vs. Machine - Tale of Two Cites Tour Loot #3
Decided to bring this series back since I have been playing MvM as of recent so expect more of these videos as well as new videos soon. Leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you in the next one!
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Trump's doctor cites candidate's 'excellent' health
The doctor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he is in "excellent" health and has had no significant medical problems.
Mr Trump had been under pressure to release his medical history after several other candidates had done so.
If elected, the 69-year-old real estate tycoon would become the oldest president in US history.
However, his physician said he would be the "healt
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
After Donald Trump described presidential rival Ted Cruz, the first-term U.S. Senator from Texas, as a little bit of a maniac, Cruz has fired back on Twitter, but in a way that preserves the bromance b
Fox & Friends Cites Ryan Mauro on Role of Muslims in Stopping Terrorism
During a "Fox & Friends" interview with Father Jonathan Morris, it is mentioned that Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro emphasized how important Muslim informants have been in arresting ISIS sympathizers before they can join the terrorist group overseas.
Airdate: 12/6/2015
First Knowledge about life: The Cites
A documentary video for Kids. Present by the comic figure Mr Sostos. Writhed by Eleftherios Katsaros - Translated and formatted by Gus Georgilas. Copyright 2002 – 2015 by Eleftherios and Bill Katsaros. All rights reserved.
Cites: Skylines #05 - Viele Pläne, Green Energy - 1080p - German
In diesem Part bauen wir die Stadt weiter aus, sorgen für grüne Energie mit Windrädern und planen die weiteren Schritte für Rockvalley.
Viel Spaß.
PNOY cites Gov Malanyaon, Davao Oriental's 'Pablo' rehab
WATCH VIDEO: President Aquino cites Gov. Malanyaon, Davao Oriental’s Pablo rehab
PROVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL – President Benigno S. Aquino III cited Davao Oriental’s typhoon Pablo rehabilitation stirred by Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon during the Open Forum at the Annual Bulong Pulongan held at Sofitel Hotel in Pasay City, yesterday, December 11, 2015.
During the forum, journalist Chai Santiago a
Cites Startups Edicion
Entrevista al equipo de trabajo de Cites y a las start
CITES es la primer one stop-shop tech-incubator de management privado de América Latina.
Participamos de las Startups aportando hasta USD 500.000 de inversión y espacio de incubación exclusivo con acceso a laboratorios equipados y management de negocios y tecnológico. Nos focalizamos en Startups Tecnológicas que se basan en la implementación de ideas disruptivas con propiedad intelectual complej
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Trump cites Roosevelt′s policies to defend Muslim ban
'무슬림 입국금지' 비판 들끓어도 트럼프 "개의치 않는다"
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has faced an onslaught of criticism after calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States.
He continus to defend himself however..., likening his plan to those implemented by former presidents.
Sohn Jung-in looks into the repercussions of Trump′s latest blunt and unwise remarks.
Republican presidential front-runne
Lets Play! Cites Skylines #5 Back to Square One.
Well after enjoying the first four episodes, I unexpectedly didn't know how the game somehow desired to delete my save. So I'm back on Square One. Dammit!
Are ...
Well after enjoying the first four episodes, I unexpectedly didn't know how the game somehow desired to delete my save. So I'm back on Square One. Dammit!
Are you new to my channel? I'm DatPika and this is my channel where I showcase gaming videos like PAYDAY2, Train Simulator Series, an coming series Dovetail Fishing Simulator, Dirty Bomb and more. So why not chuck a comment like or a subscribe!
Specs: Alienware Alpha
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┳┻| _
┻┳| •.• ) -Daddy, when is DatPika on?
wn.com/Lets Play Cites Skylines 5 Back To Square One.
Well after enjoying the first four episodes, I unexpectedly didn't know how the game somehow desired to delete my save. So I'm back on Square One. Dammit!
Are you new to my channel? I'm DatPika and this is my channel where I showcase gaming videos like PAYDAY2, Train Simulator Series, an coming series Dovetail Fishing Simulator, Dirty Bomb and more. So why not chuck a comment like or a subscribe!
Specs: Alienware Alpha
CPU: i3 4100t 3.0GHz
Ram: 8GB DDR3L
GPU: GTX Alienware Modified 860m
AlienFX: Lime Green
Secondary Computer:
Macbook Pro 2015 13'
CPU: Intel i5 Dual Core
Storage: 256 SSD
Ram: 4GB DDR3L
GPU: Intel Iris Graphics 6100
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DatPika
Pateron Page: https://www.patreon.com/Pikachuash4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DatPikaYT
┳┻| _
┻┳| •.• ) -Daddy, when is DatPika on?
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 6
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record 0 Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record...
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record 0 Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
wn.com/Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record 0 Aam Aadmi Party Defends Rajendra Kumar; Cites His 'Clean' Service Record
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 37
Federal Reserve Finally Raises Interest Rates, Cites Strong Economy
--The Federal Reserve finally raises interest rates citing a strong economy
--The Federal Reserve finally raises interest rates citing a strong economy
On the Bonus Show: The insane world of Star Wars merchandising, the email that shut down LA schools, alleged cannibal castaway is sued, more...
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Broadcast on December 17, 2015
wn.com/Federal Reserve Finally Raises Interest Rates, Cites Strong Economy
--The Federal Reserve finally raises interest rates citing a strong economy
On the Bonus Show: The insane world of Star Wars merchandising, the email that shut down LA schools, alleged cannibal castaway is sued, more...
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Broadcast on December 17, 2015
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 275
Bowe Bergdahl, accused USA army deserter, cites ‘leadership failure’ in Serial interview
“This really starts to sink in, that I really did something bad”, he says.
The popular podcast’s new season tells the story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier ...
“This really starts to sink in, that I really did something bad”, he says.
The popular podcast’s new season tells the story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier who was a prisoner of the Taliban for almost five years.
Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 after he left his post in Afghanistan unarmed.
He says after the sun came up, a group of men on motorcycles captured him as he walked through nearby flatland desert.
Bergdahl would spend the next five years of his life in Taliban captivity, where military officials said he was tortured and kept in solitary confinement. “You’re standing in this blackened, dirt room that’s tiny and just on the other side of that flimsy wooden door that you could probably easily rip off the hinges is the entire world out there, it is everything that you’re missing”.
What’s Happening Now: Beyond “Episode 01: DUSTWUN“, there’s more news about Bergdahl today: The House Armed Services Committee released a report, concluding that by trading five Guantánamo detainees for Bergdahl without giving 30 days advance notice to Congress, the Obama administration broke the law.
“Perhaps the most vexing moment in episode one comes from Boal’s description of Bergdahl; he says, “… he’s a mystery.
Mr Addicott said Bergdahl’s comment that he purchased Afghan clothing and took $US300 out of his account before leaving showed his preparations and intention to flee his post, critical in proving the desertion charge.
After the trade, Bergdahl was called a traitor and deserter by some. General Robert Abrams, the head of U.S. Army Forces Command, is now weighing whether to accept that recommendation or if Bergdahl should face any kind of a court martial at all.
Bergdahl says, as a private first class, he would not have been taken seriously.
The series reporter didn’t speak with Bergdahl directly but used Bergdahl’s recorded conversations with Mark Boal, who is working on a film about Bergdahl’s odyssey.
He said he figured he’d be sent to prison, but that would be better than seeing fellow soldiers killed.
“The basic fats in the case of Bergdahl are known, and most parties involved agree on what they are”, explains The New Yorker. The report also argued that the five detainees transferred were too unsafe to be released.
Serial, a mix of investigative journalism and first-person narrative, has interviewed former soldiers deployed with Bergdahl and promises that the second episode will present the Taliban’s version of events.
Sarah Koenig, the host and executive producer of Serial, describes Bergdahl as a “radical, idiosyncratic” man. Far from just wandering off, she says Bergdahl shipped his personal items home, bought local attire and pulled out $300 in USA dollars and Afghanis before leaving the base.
The first season of the podcast examined a complicated murder case in Baltimore, Maryland, and hinged on the main source’s proclaimed innocence. “I don’t know, Jason Bourne”.
After Serial’s first season dug into Adnan Syed’s questionable 1999 trial, a judge re-opened his case in November to investigate possible cell tower evidence and an abili witness, Asia McClain, who Syed’s lawyer did not previously contact.
wn.com/Bowe Bergdahl, Accused USA Army Deserter, Cites ‘Leadership Failure’ In Serial Interview
“This really starts to sink in, that I really did something bad”, he says.
The popular podcast’s new season tells the story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier who was a prisoner of the Taliban for almost five years.
Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 after he left his post in Afghanistan unarmed.
He says after the sun came up, a group of men on motorcycles captured him as he walked through nearby flatland desert.
Bergdahl would spend the next five years of his life in Taliban captivity, where military officials said he was tortured and kept in solitary confinement. “You’re standing in this blackened, dirt room that’s tiny and just on the other side of that flimsy wooden door that you could probably easily rip off the hinges is the entire world out there, it is everything that you’re missing”.
What’s Happening Now: Beyond “Episode 01: DUSTWUN“, there’s more news about Bergdahl today: The House Armed Services Committee released a report, concluding that by trading five Guantánamo detainees for Bergdahl without giving 30 days advance notice to Congress, the Obama administration broke the law.
“Perhaps the most vexing moment in episode one comes from Boal’s description of Bergdahl; he says, “… he’s a mystery.
Mr Addicott said Bergdahl’s comment that he purchased Afghan clothing and took $US300 out of his account before leaving showed his preparations and intention to flee his post, critical in proving the desertion charge.
After the trade, Bergdahl was called a traitor and deserter by some. General Robert Abrams, the head of U.S. Army Forces Command, is now weighing whether to accept that recommendation or if Bergdahl should face any kind of a court martial at all.
Bergdahl says, as a private first class, he would not have been taken seriously.
The series reporter didn’t speak with Bergdahl directly but used Bergdahl’s recorded conversations with Mark Boal, who is working on a film about Bergdahl’s odyssey.
He said he figured he’d be sent to prison, but that would be better than seeing fellow soldiers killed.
“The basic fats in the case of Bergdahl are known, and most parties involved agree on what they are”, explains The New Yorker. The report also argued that the five detainees transferred were too unsafe to be released.
Serial, a mix of investigative journalism and first-person narrative, has interviewed former soldiers deployed with Bergdahl and promises that the second episode will present the Taliban’s version of events.
Sarah Koenig, the host and executive producer of Serial, describes Bergdahl as a “radical, idiosyncratic” man. Far from just wandering off, she says Bergdahl shipped his personal items home, bought local attire and pulled out $300 in USA dollars and Afghanis before leaving the base.
The first season of the podcast examined a complicated murder case in Baltimore, Maryland, and hinged on the main source’s proclaimed innocence. “I don’t know, Jason Bourne”.
After Serial’s first season dug into Adnan Syed’s questionable 1999 trial, a judge re-opened his case in November to investigate possible cell tower evidence and an abili witness, Asia McClain, who Syed’s lawyer did not previously contact.
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 1
Lawyer For Suspended UN Diplomat Cites Immunity
A suspended deputy U.N. ambassador from the Dominican Republic has asked a U.S. judge to dismiss an indictment accusing him of participating in a bribery scheme...
A suspended deputy U.N. ambassador from the Dominican Republic has asked a U.S. judge to dismiss an indictment accusing him of participating in a bribery scheme. The deputy is citing diplomatic immunity. A lawyer for 48 year old Francis Lorenzo, filed papers in federal court in Manhattan late on Monday. The papers ask U.S. District Judge Vernon Broderick to dismiss charges including bribery and money laundering facing the diplomat.
He is one of six individuals facing charges in connection with an alleged scheme to pay more than $1.3 million in bribes to John Ashe. Ashe is a former U.N. ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda and onetime General Assembly president.
This video was produced by YT Wochit News using http://wochit.com
wn.com/Lawyer For Suspended Un Diplomat Cites Immunity
A suspended deputy U.N. ambassador from the Dominican Republic has asked a U.S. judge to dismiss an indictment accusing him of participating in a bribery scheme. The deputy is citing diplomatic immunity. A lawyer for 48 year old Francis Lorenzo, filed papers in federal court in Manhattan late on Monday. The papers ask U.S. District Judge Vernon Broderick to dismiss charges including bribery and money laundering facing the diplomat.
He is one of six individuals facing charges in connection with an alleged scheme to pay more than $1.3 million in bribes to John Ashe. Ashe is a former U.N. ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda and onetime General Assembly president.
This video was produced by YT Wochit News using http://wochit.com
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 40
Morning Joe Corrects Purge Of Cruz From Vegas Debate Image: Cites NewsBusters
Here's the clip from later in the show where Joe discusses the blooper, cites NB and this NewsBuster, and jokingly outs the "commie" in the control room: Execut...
Here's the clip from later in the show where Joe discusses the blooper, cites NB and this NewsBuster, and jokingly outs the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson, who good-naturedly acknowledges his "guilt." Here's the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson: jokingly outed by Joe Scarborough!
NewsBusters: Purged! Morning Joe Drops Ted Cruz from Vegas Debate Image
wn.com/Morning Joe Corrects Purge Of Cruz From Vegas Debate Image Cites Newsbusters
Here's the clip from later in the show where Joe discusses the blooper, cites NB and this NewsBuster, and jokingly outs the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson, who good-naturedly acknowledges his "guilt." Here's the "commie" in the control room: Executive Producer Alex Korson: jokingly outed by Joe Scarborough!
NewsBusters: Purged! Morning Joe Drops Ted Cruz from Vegas Debate Image
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 56
Official cites San Bernardino attack in school closure
L.A. Superintendent Ramon Cortines cites the attack in San Bernardino as a reason why all Los Angeles schools are being closed today due to an electronic threat...
L.A. Superintendent Ramon Cortines cites the attack in San Bernardino as a reason why all Los Angeles schools are being closed today due to an electronic threat.
wn.com/Official Cites San Bernardino Attack In School Closure
L.A. Superintendent Ramon Cortines cites the attack in San Bernardino as a reason why all Los Angeles schools are being closed today due to an electronic threat.
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 18
Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health
Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health 0 Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health...
Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health 0 Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health
wn.com/Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health
Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health 0 Donald Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'Excellent' Health
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 5
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File...
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
wn.com/Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
Media Cites Fiorina Rhetoric In Shooting The Kelly File
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 1
Mann vs. Machine - Tale of Two Cites Tour Loot #3
Decided to bring this series back since I have been playing MvM as of recent so expect more of these videos as well as new videos soon. Leave a like if you enjo...
Decided to bring this series back since I have been playing MvM as of recent so expect more of these videos as well as new videos soon. Leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you in the next one!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/blazingvictini22
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/victini22
PSN ► antoniocarta1
wn.com/Mann Vs. Machine Tale Of Two Cites Tour Loot 3
Decided to bring this series back since I have been playing MvM as of recent so expect more of these videos as well as new videos soon. Leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you in the next one!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/blazingvictini22
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/victini22
PSN ► antoniocarta1
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 35
Trump's doctor cites candidate's 'excellent' health
The doctor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he is in "excellent" health and has had no significant medical problems.
Mr Trump had bee...
The doctor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he is in "excellent" health and has had no significant medical problems.
Mr Trump had been under pressure to release his medical history after several other candidates had done so.
If elected, the 69-year-old real estate tycoon would become the oldest president in US history.
However, his physician said he would be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency".
New York City-based physician Harold Bornstein said his physical strength and stamina are "extraordinary".
Promising to release it a few weeks ago, he tweeted that his medical report would show "perfection".
The release follows other presidential candidates including Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Jeb Bush sharing their medical histories.
"I am fortunate to have been blessed with great genes," Mr Trump wrote on Facebook. "People have been impressed by my stamina, but to me it has been easy because I am truly doing something that I love."
Mr Bornstein writes in a note that he has been Mr Trump's personal physician since 1980, and that in 39 years, he has had no major issues.
His blood pressure and laboratory tests are "astonishingly excellent" and he has lost 15 pounds (7kg) in the past year, according to Mr Bornstein.
Mr Trump has said Ms Clinton may not have the "stamina" to be president.
Her physician described the presidential candidate as a "healthy 67-year-old female whose current medical conditions include hypothyroidism and seasonal pollen allergies", with a concussion, elbow fracture and blood clot in her record.
Ms Clinton does exercise regularly and eats a diet "rich in lean protein", physician Lisa Bardack noted.
Jeb Bush's doctor, Alberto Mitranin, described him as a "healthy a vigorous 62-year-old man" in "excellent physical and mental condition".
wn.com/Trump's Doctor Cites Candidate's 'excellent' Health
The doctor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he is in "excellent" health and has had no significant medical problems.
Mr Trump had been under pressure to release his medical history after several other candidates had done so.
If elected, the 69-year-old real estate tycoon would become the oldest president in US history.
However, his physician said he would be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency".
New York City-based physician Harold Bornstein said his physical strength and stamina are "extraordinary".
Promising to release it a few weeks ago, he tweeted that his medical report would show "perfection".
The release follows other presidential candidates including Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Jeb Bush sharing their medical histories.
"I am fortunate to have been blessed with great genes," Mr Trump wrote on Facebook. "People have been impressed by my stamina, but to me it has been easy because I am truly doing something that I love."
Mr Bornstein writes in a note that he has been Mr Trump's personal physician since 1980, and that in 39 years, he has had no major issues.
His blood pressure and laboratory tests are "astonishingly excellent" and he has lost 15 pounds (7kg) in the past year, according to Mr Bornstein.
Mr Trump has said Ms Clinton may not have the "stamina" to be president.
Her physician described the presidential candidate as a "healthy 67-year-old female whose current medical conditions include hypothyroidism and seasonal pollen allergies", with a concussion, elbow fracture and blood clot in her record.
Ms Clinton does exercise regularly and eats a diet "rich in lean protein", physician Lisa Bardack noted.
Jeb Bush's doctor, Alberto Mitranin, described him as a "healthy a vigorous 62-year-old man" in "excellent physical and mental condition".
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 25
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' ...
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
After Donald Trump described presidential rival Ted Cruz, the first-term U.S. Senator from Texas, as a little bit of a maniac, Cruz has fired back on Twitter, but in a way that preserves the bromance between the two, at least for now. Cruz, who has surged into first place in Iowa among Republican voters, according to one poll, and has maintained a cordial relationship with the GOP front-runner during the campaign season, offered an unconventional yet non-confrontational response. It’s getting close to crunch time as the Iowa Caucus is February 1, followed by the New Hampshire Primary on February 9. Trump still maintains a big lead on a national basis and in other states with the GOP and GOP-leaning electorate, assuming the polling data is accurate. On Fox News Sunday today, one of several media interviews, Trump questioned Cruz’s qualifications to be president.
wn.com/Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' In Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response To Donald Trump Criticism
After Donald Trump described presidential rival Ted Cruz, the first-term U.S. Senator from Texas, as a little bit of a maniac, Cruz has fired back on Twitter, but in a way that preserves the bromance between the two, at least for now. Cruz, who has surged into first place in Iowa among Republican voters, according to one poll, and has maintained a cordial relationship with the GOP front-runner during the campaign season, offered an unconventional yet non-confrontational response. It’s getting close to crunch time as the Iowa Caucus is February 1, followed by the New Hampshire Primary on February 9. Trump still maintains a big lead on a national basis and in other states with the GOP and GOP-leaning electorate, assuming the polling data is accurate. On Fox News Sunday today, one of several media interviews, Trump questioned Cruz’s qualifications to be president.
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 51
Fox & Friends Cites Ryan Mauro on Role of Muslims in Stopping Terrorism
During a "Fox & Friends" interview with Father Jonathan Morris, it is mentioned that Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro emphasized how importa...
During a "Fox & Friends" interview with Father Jonathan Morris, it is mentioned that Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro emphasized how important Muslim informants have been in arresting ISIS sympathizers before they can join the terrorist group overseas.
Airdate: 12/6/2015
wn.com/Fox Friends Cites Ryan Mauro On Role Of Muslims In Stopping Terrorism
During a "Fox & Friends" interview with Father Jonathan Morris, it is mentioned that Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro emphasized how important Muslim informants have been in arresting ISIS sympathizers before they can join the terrorist group overseas.
Airdate: 12/6/2015
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 12
First Knowledge about life: The Cites
A documentary video for Kids. Present by the comic figure Mr Sostos. Writhed by Eleftherios Katsaros - Translated and formatted by Gus Georgilas. Copyright 2002...
A documentary video for Kids. Present by the comic figure Mr Sostos. Writhed by Eleftherios Katsaros - Translated and formatted by Gus Georgilas. Copyright 2002 – 2015 by Eleftherios and Bill Katsaros. All rights reserved.
wn.com/First Knowledge About Life The Cites
A documentary video for Kids. Present by the comic figure Mr Sostos. Writhed by Eleftherios Katsaros - Translated and formatted by Gus Georgilas. Copyright 2002 – 2015 by Eleftherios and Bill Katsaros. All rights reserved.
- published: 13 Dec 2015
- views: 2
Cites: Skylines #05 - Viele Pläne, Green Energy - 1080p - German
In diesem Part bauen wir die Stadt weiter aus, sorgen für grüne Energie mit Windrädern und planen die weiteren Schritte für Rockvalley.
Viel Spaß....
In diesem Part bauen wir die Stadt weiter aus, sorgen für grüne Energie mit Windrädern und planen die weiteren Schritte für Rockvalley.
Viel Spaß.
wn.com/Cites Skylines 05 Viele Pläne, Green Energy 1080P German
In diesem Part bauen wir die Stadt weiter aus, sorgen für grüne Energie mit Windrädern und planen die weiteren Schritte für Rockvalley.
Viel Spaß.
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 0
PNOY cites Gov Malanyaon, Davao Oriental's 'Pablo' rehab
WATCH VIDEO: President Aquino cites Gov. Malanyaon, Davao Oriental’s Pablo rehab
PROVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL – President Benigno S. Aquino III cited Davao Orien...
WATCH VIDEO: President Aquino cites Gov. Malanyaon, Davao Oriental’s Pablo rehab
PROVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL – President Benigno S. Aquino III cited Davao Oriental’s typhoon Pablo rehabilitation stirred by Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon during the Open Forum at the Annual Bulong Pulongan held at Sofitel Hotel in Pasay City, yesterday, December 11, 2015.
During the forum, journalist Chai Santiago asked the President about his thoughts on three things—the people power, the media and who is Benigno Aquino III now.
Responding to the third question about who he is now, President Aquino said he has grown as a person owed to some challenges he had faced—challenges he never thought he could imagine facing. “I tend to be a person who prepares for the worse but hopes for the best,” he said. He then mentioned typhoon Pablo that hit Davao Oriental on December 4, 2012 -- Christmas season.
He recounted: “We went to Davao Oriental and as far as the eye can see there is no single coconut left standing. Everybody depends on coconut for their livelihood and the coconut needs five to seven years to grow. What do we actually do for this people for the next five to seven years?” he said.
“And lo and behold, Cora Malanyaon does not talk about increase poverty in her province, she talks about rising inflation. There is so much cash awash in terms of the rebuilding that has been going on and the livelihood opportunities,” the President said, emphasizing his astonishment of the Provincial Government’s determination to rise from the ruins of ‘Pablo’ through the local government’s initiatives and the downpour of support coming from the national government.
He also cited the province’s booming hot chili industry. “They have a product. Actually it’s pepper. They turn it to powder form. It’s a crop that matures in about four months and they actually call it Hot Pablo – [named] after the typhoon – because it was the impetus to plant it,” he said.
“For the investment of P90,000 per hectare, they gross over to P200,000 per hectare and a net of over a hundred thousand per hectare compared to coconut which is only producing P20,000 hectares per hectare per annum,” he added.
“So that encapsulates that every time we have a problem, then there are also actually opportunities that came about,” the President concluded, noting the dramatic increase in the standard of living in the areas affected by ‘Pablo’.
Video Courtesy of PCOO EDP.To watch the full video, click the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcHNOKdtbkQ
wn.com/Pnoy Cites Gov Malanyaon, Davao Oriental's 'Pablo' Rehab
WATCH VIDEO: President Aquino cites Gov. Malanyaon, Davao Oriental’s Pablo rehab
PROVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL – President Benigno S. Aquino III cited Davao Oriental’s typhoon Pablo rehabilitation stirred by Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon during the Open Forum at the Annual Bulong Pulongan held at Sofitel Hotel in Pasay City, yesterday, December 11, 2015.
During the forum, journalist Chai Santiago asked the President about his thoughts on three things—the people power, the media and who is Benigno Aquino III now.
Responding to the third question about who he is now, President Aquino said he has grown as a person owed to some challenges he had faced—challenges he never thought he could imagine facing. “I tend to be a person who prepares for the worse but hopes for the best,” he said. He then mentioned typhoon Pablo that hit Davao Oriental on December 4, 2012 -- Christmas season.
He recounted: “We went to Davao Oriental and as far as the eye can see there is no single coconut left standing. Everybody depends on coconut for their livelihood and the coconut needs five to seven years to grow. What do we actually do for this people for the next five to seven years?” he said.
“And lo and behold, Cora Malanyaon does not talk about increase poverty in her province, she talks about rising inflation. There is so much cash awash in terms of the rebuilding that has been going on and the livelihood opportunities,” the President said, emphasizing his astonishment of the Provincial Government’s determination to rise from the ruins of ‘Pablo’ through the local government’s initiatives and the downpour of support coming from the national government.
He also cited the province’s booming hot chili industry. “They have a product. Actually it’s pepper. They turn it to powder form. It’s a crop that matures in about four months and they actually call it Hot Pablo – [named] after the typhoon – because it was the impetus to plant it,” he said.
“For the investment of P90,000 per hectare, they gross over to P200,000 per hectare and a net of over a hundred thousand per hectare compared to coconut which is only producing P20,000 hectares per hectare per annum,” he added.
“So that encapsulates that every time we have a problem, then there are also actually opportunities that came about,” the President concluded, noting the dramatic increase in the standard of living in the areas affected by ‘Pablo’.
Video Courtesy of PCOO EDP.To watch the full video, click the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcHNOKdtbkQ
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 109
Cites Startups Edicion
Entrevista al equipo de trabajo de Cites y a las start...
Entrevista al equipo de trabajo de Cites y a las start
wn.com/Cites Startups Edicion
Entrevista al equipo de trabajo de Cites y a las start
- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 3
CITES es la primer one stop-shop tech-incubator de management privado de América Latina.
Participamos de las Startups aportando hasta USD 500.000 de inversión...
CITES es la primer one stop-shop tech-incubator de management privado de América Latina.
Participamos de las Startups aportando hasta USD 500.000 de inversión y espacio de incubación exclusivo con acceso a laboratorios equipados y management de negocios y tecnológico. Nos focalizamos en Startups Tecnológicas que se basan en la implementación de ideas disruptivas con propiedad intelectual compleja, convirtiéndolas en Empresas que contribuyen al desarrollo de soluciones para mercados regionales y globales.
CITES es la primer one stop-shop tech-incubator de management privado de América Latina.
Participamos de las Startups aportando hasta USD 500.000 de inversión y espacio de incubación exclusivo con acceso a laboratorios equipados y management de negocios y tecnológico. Nos focalizamos en Startups Tecnológicas que se basan en la implementación de ideas disruptivas con propiedad intelectual compleja, convirtiéndolas en Empresas que contribuyen al desarrollo de soluciones para mercados regionales y globales.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 35
Trump cites Roosevelt′s policies to defend Muslim ban
'무슬림 입국금지' 비판 들끓어도 트럼프 "개의치 않는다"
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has faced an onslaught of criticism after calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the ...
'무슬림 입국금지' 비판 들끓어도 트럼프 "개의치 않는다"
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has faced an onslaught of criticism after calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States.
He continus to defend himself however..., likening his plan to those implemented by former presidents.
Sohn Jung-in looks into the repercussions of Trump′s latest blunt and unwise remarks.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is standing by his anti-Muslim campaign, comparing his plan to that of former U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt during World War Two.
Speaking to ABC News on Tuesday, local time, the billionaire businessman said a stronger policy was implemented by Roosevelt the day after the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941.
Trump was referring to the proclamations made by Roosevelt which limited the rights of Japanese, German and Italian nationals living in the United States.
Trump′s statement came in response to widespread criticism following his call for the U.S. to refuse entry to foreign Muslims in the wake of a shooting spree last week in Southern California.
The suspects were Muslims who authorities said were radicalized.
The White House says Trump′s comments have disqualified him from the office of the president.
″...And the fact is that what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president, and for Republican candidates for president to stand by their pledge to support Mr. Trump, that in and of itself is disqualifying.″
Trump′s comments also drew swift rebukes from State Department, Pentagon officials and several Republican candidates.
Defense Department spokesman Peter Cook said the U.S. was working with Muslim nations to combat the Islamic State militant group and added such comments threatened national security.
This is not the first time during this presidential campaign that Trump has stirred controversy.
In June, Trump caused outrage by making inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants.
Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Facebook Page
wn.com/Trump Cites Roosevelt′S Policies To Defend Muslim Ban
'무슬림 입국금지' 비판 들끓어도 트럼프 "개의치 않는다"
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has faced an onslaught of criticism after calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States.
He continus to defend himself however..., likening his plan to those implemented by former presidents.
Sohn Jung-in looks into the repercussions of Trump′s latest blunt and unwise remarks.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is standing by his anti-Muslim campaign, comparing his plan to that of former U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt during World War Two.
Speaking to ABC News on Tuesday, local time, the billionaire businessman said a stronger policy was implemented by Roosevelt the day after the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941.
Trump was referring to the proclamations made by Roosevelt which limited the rights of Japanese, German and Italian nationals living in the United States.
Trump′s statement came in response to widespread criticism following his call for the U.S. to refuse entry to foreign Muslims in the wake of a shooting spree last week in Southern California.
The suspects were Muslims who authorities said were radicalized.
The White House says Trump′s comments have disqualified him from the office of the president.
″...And the fact is that what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president, and for Republican candidates for president to stand by their pledge to support Mr. Trump, that in and of itself is disqualifying.″
Trump′s comments also drew swift rebukes from State Department, Pentagon officials and several Republican candidates.
Defense Department spokesman Peter Cook said the U.S. was working with Muslim nations to combat the Islamic State militant group and added such comments threatened national security.
This is not the first time during this presidential campaign that Trump has stirred controversy.
In June, Trump caused outrage by making inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants.
Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Facebook Page
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 167
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 01/06/2015
Aquesta setmana, a "Cites 2.0", parlarem de l'amor i la mort. També descobrirem quines són les pitjors frases que es poden utilitzar en una cita "online" i les aplicacions que es fan servir després de la vida. Coneixerem la cita del Jordi i la Sílvia, una història d'amor que va començar amb una nit de festa al Poble-sec.
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 08/06/2015
Aquesta setmana, els testimonis de "Cites 2.0" ens parlaran sobre el romanticisme i l'enamorament. Coneixerem la història d'amor del Jordi i la Mireia, que van passar la seva infantesa i adolescència junts i que no es van tornar a veure fins al cap de 20 anys, gràcies a les xarxes socials. Ens visitaran Àngel Daró i la Luana, especialistes en seducció que imparteixen tallers. També descobrirem per
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 06/07/2015
Per què a Facebook tothom és feliç i té una vida envejable? Què projectem a les xarxes socials? Per què hi ha cites que no van bé? Aquesta setmana, els convidats de CITES 2.0 parlaran sobre aquests temes i ens explicaran quines són les seves tàctiques a l'hora de lligar. Per altra banda, descobrirem quin és el secret per fer-se la foto de perfil perfecta i quins són els cinc errors garrafals que n
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 13/07/2015
Ser pare avui dia, no és fàcil. Ser fill tampoc ho és. I ser adolescent, encara menys. En aquest episodi de Cites 2.0, parlarem d'aquests temes amb un grup de companys de pis, en Biel i l'Anna, en Jordi i la Renata ¿ que ens visita de nou després d'haver estat mare.
La Júlia, una nena de cinc anys, ens explicarà com creu que es van conèixer els seus pares, la Bàrbara i el Víctor ¿ els protagonist
Enquete sur les cites disparues Sodome et Gomorrhe
Sodome est une ville mentionnée dans la Genèse1. La tradition biblique la situe au sud de la mer Morte, dans l'actuel Palestine, au sud de la forteresse de M...
Saga cites sa ce passe comme sa a la faourette
saga cité sur la faourette en 2001.
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary
09 Le Mystere des cites Mayas
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 01/06/2015
Aquesta setmana, a "Cites 2.0", parlarem de l'amor i la mort. També descobrirem quines són les pitjors frases que es poden utilitzar en una cita "online" i les ...
Aquesta setmana, a "Cites 2.0", parlarem de l'amor i la mort. També descobrirem quines són les pitjors frases que es poden utilitzar en una cita "online" i les aplicacions que es fan servir després de la vida. Coneixerem la cita del Jordi i la Sílvia, una història d'amor que va començar amb una nit de festa al Poble-sec.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 01 06 2015
Aquesta setmana, a "Cites 2.0", parlarem de l'amor i la mort. També descobrirem quines són les pitjors frases que es poden utilitzar en una cita "online" i les aplicacions que es fan servir després de la vida. Coneixerem la cita del Jordi i la Sílvia, una història d'amor que va començar amb una nit de festa al Poble-sec.
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 1079
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 08/06/2015
Aquesta setmana, els testimonis de "Cites 2.0" ens parlaran sobre el romanticisme i l'enamorament. Coneixerem la història d'amor del Jordi i la Mireia, que van ...
Aquesta setmana, els testimonis de "Cites 2.0" ens parlaran sobre el romanticisme i l'enamorament. Coneixerem la història d'amor del Jordi i la Mireia, que van passar la seva infantesa i adolescència junts i que no es van tornar a veure fins al cap de 20 anys, gràcies a les xarxes socials. Ens visitaran Àngel Daró i la Luana, especialistes en seducció que imparteixen tallers. També descobrirem per què els efectes de l'amor són semblants als de l'alcohol o aplicacions exclusives per utilitzar amb la parella.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 08 06 2015
Aquesta setmana, els testimonis de "Cites 2.0" ens parlaran sobre el romanticisme i l'enamorament. Coneixerem la història d'amor del Jordi i la Mireia, que van passar la seva infantesa i adolescència junts i que no es van tornar a veure fins al cap de 20 anys, gràcies a les xarxes socials. Ens visitaran Àngel Daró i la Luana, especialistes en seducció que imparteixen tallers. També descobrirem per què els efectes de l'amor són semblants als de l'alcohol o aplicacions exclusives per utilitzar amb la parella.
- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 763
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015...
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 22 06 2015
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 22/06/2015
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 539
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 06/07/2015
Per què a Facebook tothom és feliç i té una vida envejable? Què projectem a les xarxes socials? Per què hi ha cites que no van bé? Aquesta setmana, els convidat...
Per què a Facebook tothom és feliç i té una vida envejable? Què projectem a les xarxes socials? Per què hi ha cites que no van bé? Aquesta setmana, els convidats de CITES 2.0 parlaran sobre aquests temes i ens explicaran quines són les seves tàctiques a l'hora de lligar. Per altra banda, descobrirem quin és el secret per fer-se la foto de perfil perfecta i quins són els cinc errors garrafals que no s'han de cometre si es vol trobar parella online. Pujarem a bord d'un creuer amb el Pep i la Marian, una parella que va néixer arrel d'un viatge de singles pel Mediterrani.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 06 07 2015
Per què a Facebook tothom és feliç i té una vida envejable? Què projectem a les xarxes socials? Per què hi ha cites que no van bé? Aquesta setmana, els convidats de CITES 2.0 parlaran sobre aquests temes i ens explicaran quines són les seves tàctiques a l'hora de lligar. Per altra banda, descobrirem quin és el secret per fer-se la foto de perfil perfecta i quins són els cinc errors garrafals que no s'han de cometre si es vol trobar parella online. Pujarem a bord d'un creuer amb el Pep i la Marian, una parella que va néixer arrel d'un viatge de singles pel Mediterrani.
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 530
TV3 - Cites 2.0 - Cites 2.0 - 13/07/2015
Ser pare avui dia, no és fàcil. Ser fill tampoc ho és. I ser adolescent, encara menys. En aquest episodi de Cites 2.0, parlarem d'aquests temes amb un grup de ...
Ser pare avui dia, no és fàcil. Ser fill tampoc ho és. I ser adolescent, encara menys. En aquest episodi de Cites 2.0, parlarem d'aquests temes amb un grup de companys de pis, en Biel i l'Anna, en Jordi i la Renata ¿ que ens visita de nou després d'haver estat mare.
La Júlia, una nena de cinc anys, ens explicarà com creu que es van conèixer els seus pares, la Bàrbara i el Víctor ¿ els protagonistes de la cita d'aquesta setmana.
A part, descobrirem què és un Millennial i farem una crida al carrer per a que la gent deixi un missatge per la seva mare.
wn.com/Tv3 Cites 2.0 Cites 2.0 13 07 2015
Ser pare avui dia, no és fàcil. Ser fill tampoc ho és. I ser adolescent, encara menys. En aquest episodi de Cites 2.0, parlarem d'aquests temes amb un grup de companys de pis, en Biel i l'Anna, en Jordi i la Renata ¿ que ens visita de nou després d'haver estat mare.
La Júlia, una nena de cinc anys, ens explicarà com creu que es van conèixer els seus pares, la Bàrbara i el Víctor ¿ els protagonistes de la cita d'aquesta setmana.
A part, descobrirem què és un Millennial i farem una crida al carrer per a que la gent deixi un missatge per la seva mare.
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 687
Enquete sur les cites disparues Sodome et Gomorrhe
Sodome est une ville mentionnée dans la Genèse1. La tradition biblique la situe au sud de la mer Morte, dans l'actuel Palestine, au sud de la forteresse de M......
Sodome est une ville mentionnée dans la Genèse1. La tradition biblique la situe au sud de la mer Morte, dans l'actuel Palestine, au sud de la forteresse de M...
wn.com/Enquete Sur Les Cites Disparues Sodome Et Gomorrhe
Sodome est une ville mentionnée dans la Genèse1. La tradition biblique la situe au sud de la mer Morte, dans l'actuel Palestine, au sud de la forteresse de M...
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 48107
author: MrNorexus
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary...
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary
wn.com/Underwater Cites Ancient Mysteries History Channel Documentary
Underwater cites ANCIENT MYSTERIES History Channel Documentary
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 3340