Shop frontiers: the rise of cross-border buying around the world

Edit The Guardian 02 Jul 2015
In an increasingly globalised world, thrifty consumers everywhere are crossing borders to bag bargains. But what goods are being bought and where?. This article is 5 months old ... Twitter ... But now the Russians have other pursuits in mind. Graphic ... Mosonmagyaróvár’s secret is hinted at by the signs and hoardings on the sleepy high street that direct visitors to Laserdent, Eurodent, 5Dent and sundry other related businesses ... ....

Wider Screen: Authenticity in Chipmusic

Edit Boing Boing 16 Apr 2014
Yesterday I wrote about the new scene issue in Wider Screen, where several noteworthy scholars write on chipmusic, demoscene and warez culture. Today I return to that, to discuss the ethnographic study of authenticity in the chipscene ... Perhaps even more diverse than the chipscene is now ... They borrowed extensively from contemporaries such as Iron Maiden, Laserdance and Madonna and tried to make acid house, new beat, synth pop, etc....