Imereti (Georgian: იმერეთი) is a province in Georgia situated along the middle and upper reaches of the Rioni river. It consists of the following Georgian administrative-territorial units:
The province's main city is Kutaisi; other urban industrial centers include Samtredia, Chiatura (manganese production centre), Tkibuli (coal mining centre), Zestaponi (known for metals production), Khoni, and Sachkhere. Traditionally, Imereti is an agricultural region, known for its mulberries and grapes.
The 800,000 Imeretians speak a Georgiandialect; they are one of the local culture-groups of the ethnically subdivided Georgian people.
In late antiquity and early Middle Ages the ancient western Georgian kingdom of Egrisi existed on the territory of Imereti. Its king declared Christianity as an official religion of Egrisi in 523 AD. In 975-1466 Imereti was part of the united Georgian Kingdom. Since its disintegration in the 15th century, Imereti was an independent kingdom.
In the 17th-18th centuries the kingdom of Imereti suffered frequent invasions by the Turks and recognized to patronage of Ottoman Empire until 1810, when it was occupied and annexed by the Russian Empire. The last King of Imereti was Solomon II (1789-1810).
გამოიწერე სიახლეები!
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი "ლაშარი" ჩამოყალიბდა 1994 წელს. ანსამბლის რეპერტუარში შესულია საქართველოს ყველა კუთხის სიმღერები, რომლებიც გამოირჩევა ახლებური შესრულებით. ანსამბლი მჭიდროდ თანამშრომლობს საქართველოს რადიოს ოქროს ფონდთან და აღდგენილი აქვს მრავალი უნიკალური ხალხური სიმღერა, რომელიც საუკუნეა არ შესრულებულა.
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo Simgerebi - Imereti.
imereti იმერეთი
imereti იმერეთი
imereti იმერეთი
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
vokaluri trio "imereti"
vokaluri trio "imereti"
vokaluri trio "imereti" mob: 591162160
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
გამოიწერე სიახლეები!
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი "ლაშარი" ჩამოყალიბდა 1994 წელს. ანსამბლის რეპერტუარში შესულია საქართველოს ყველა კუთხის სიმღერები, რომლებიც გამოირჩევა ახლებური შესრულებით. ანსამბლი მჭიდროდ თანამშრომლობს საქართველოს რადიოს ოქროს ფონდთან და აღდგენილი აქვს მრავალი უნიკალური ხალხური სიმღერა, რომელიც საუკუნეა არ შესრულებულა.
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
4 გია - იმერეთი / 4 gia - imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo - Imereti
Saqeifo Simgerebi - Imereti.
imereti იმერეთი
imereti იმერეთი
imereti იმერეთი
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
Ansambli Imereti - Popuri
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
FC Dinamo 2 7:0 FC Imereti Khoni
vokaluri trio "imereti"
vokaluri trio "imereti"
vokaluri trio "imereti" mob: 591162160
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
Ansambli Imereti - ,,Afxazuri" ანსამბლი იმერეთი - ,,აფხაზური"
Vani, Imereti, Georgia
Vani, Imereti, Georgia
Vani, Imereti, Georgia
Georgia. Imereti
Georgia. Imereti
Georgia. Imereti
The historic region of Imereti in western Georgia is the region of the legendary Golden Fleece this is where the long quest for the Golden Fleece took Jason ...
dzveli imereti giorgi bochorishvili14
dzveli imereti giorgi bochorishvili14
dzveli imereti giorgi bochorishvili14
dzveli imereti giorgi bochorishvili14
FC Imereti Khoni 1:2 FC Dinamo Tbilisi-2
FC Imereti Khoni 1:2 FC Dinamo Tbilisi-2
FC Imereti Khoni 1:2 FC Dinamo Tbilisi-2
FC Imereti Khoni 1:2 FC Dinamo Tbilisi-2
ქვაციხე--საკურწე(ზემო იმერეთი)
ქვაციხე--საკურწე(ზემო იმერეთი)
ქვაციხე--საკურწე(ზემო იმერეთი)
შეილება რაღაც განსაკუთრებული არაფერია,მარა ვისაც რაღაც მომენტში მონატრების სურვილი გაუჩნდება იმერეთის,მაგ პონტში მემგონი წავა...
გამოიწერე სიახლეები!
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი "ლაშარი" ჩამოყალიბდა 1994 წელს. ანსამბლის რეპერტუარში შესულია საქართველოს ყველა კუთხის სიმღერები, რომლებიც გამოირჩევა ახლებური შესრულებით. ანსამბლი მჭიდროდ თანამშრომლობს საქართველოს რადიოს ოქროს ფონდთან და აღდგენილი აქვს მრავალი უნიკალური ხალხური სიმღერა, რომელიც საუკუნეა არ შესრულებულა.
გამოიწერე სიახლეები!
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი "ლაშარი" ჩამოყალიბდა 1994 წელს. ანსამბლის რეპერტუარში შესულია საქართველოს ყველა კუთხის სიმღერები, რომლებიც გამოირჩევა ახლებური შესრულებით. ანსამბლი მჭიდროდ თანამშრომლობს საქართველოს რადიოს ოქროს ფონდთან და აღდგენილი აქვს მრავალი უნიკალური ხალხური სიმღერა, რომელიც საუკუნეა არ შესრულებულა.
The historic region of Imereti in western Georgia is the region of the legendary Golden Fleece this is where the long quest for the Golden Fleece took Jason ...
The historic region of Imereti in western Georgia is the region of the legendary Golden Fleece this is where the long quest for the Golden Fleece took Jason ...
Feature of the cheese trade in Georgia: cut off a piece and give a try before you buy. National tasting. Video archive. Only non-commercial use. Traveling to...
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
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Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
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投稿:辻田将信(Masanobu Tsujita)
Rice peddy on sado island.[japanese scene/japan travel]
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Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
Summery: Archeologists try to solve the secrets left behind by architects of an eighth century temple. These ruins in the Imereti lowlands of the Caucasus are considered among the most prized discoveries in the area. When the Imereti lowlands was picked As a construction site for future Olympic venues for the Sochi Winter games in 2014, almost every corner was carefully surveyed and that's when this part of history was rediscovered.
Location: Sochi, Russia
Date Shot: October 21, 2010
Duration: 2:45
Original source and
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety, etc.
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
путешествие в верхние сванети, одно из самых красивых горных регионов в грузии ,
Montpellier Travel Video - It might not carry quite the same cachet as some of southern Frances cities, but in its own graceful, easy-going way, Montpellier is every bit the equal of Marseille and Nice. With its elegant buildings, grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) and stately boulevards, its a quietly stylish metropolis with just a hint of Barcelona about its atmospheric old quarter, shady backstreets and leafy squares.
Unlike many other southern towns, Montpellier has no Roman heritage. Instead it was founded in the 10th century by the counts of Toulouse, and later became a prosperous trading port as well as a scholarly centre (Eu
"Kutaisi" Sianandjim's photos around Kutaisi, Georgia (republic of georgia travel blog)
"Kutaisi" Sianandjim's photos around Kutaisi, Georgia (republic of georgia travel blog)
"Kutaisi" Sianandjim's photos around Kutaisi, Georgia (republic of georgia travel blog)
Preview of Sianandjim's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
Svaneti travel
Svaneti travel
Svaneti travel
travel to Svaneti, Georgia, jule-august 2014.
Bob Kalal "New"-Travel Show in Hanover Park Pt 1
Bob Kalal "New"-Travel Show in Hanover Park Pt 1
Bob Kalal "New"-Travel Show in Hanover Park Pt 1
Fun show with "Musical" songs about Travel and Destinations.
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
The Kunisaki Peninsula's terrain consists of the 721 meter tall Mount Futago at the center and a series of valleys radiating from it. The region's calm countryside is dotted with dozens of temples and some shrines and was traditionally divided into six areas. The region was therefore collectively known as Rokugo Manzan (Six Towns Full Mountain).
The unique local religious culture of Rokugo Manzan contains elements of Buddhism, Shinto and mountain worship. A worthy of special mention characteristic of the Rokugo Manzan culture is the predominance of stone statues of Buddhas
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is test
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MAGIC TRAVEL סיורים בגאורגיה tours in georgia.mp4
MAGIC TRAVEL סיורים בגאורגיה tours in georgia.mp4
ტურისტული მომსახურება კომპანია "MAGIC TRAVEL" თავისი მომხმარებლისთვის უზრუნველვყოფს განურჩევლად (ინდივიდუალური და ტურისტული ჯგუფებისა) სასტუმროების მომენტალუ...
Travel in Pescara 7 august 2011
Travel in Pescara 7 august 2011
Travel in Pescara 7 august 2011
Travel in Pescara 7 august 2011.
Traveling to Georgia
Traveling to Georgia
Traveling to Georgia
Georgia Inside - Poor Nature -- Tru Egzotic...
Traveling in georgia
Traveling in georgia
Traveling in georgia
Khachapuri Adjara. Georgian cuisine
Khachapuri Adjara. Georgian cuisine
Khachapuri Adjara. Georgian cuisine
Khachapuri — Georgian national flour product, which is a tortilla with cheese. The name comes from the words "bread" ("Puri") and "quark" ("Chaco").
Khachapuri is of many types. They are open and closed; khachapuri can be baked in the oven and broil in the pan. Form khachapuri can be oval, square, and most common, round. Adjarian khachapuri is baked in the form of boats and pour the egg.
Khachapuri in Georgian execution is, of course, a culinary masterpiece, but we will try.
Ingredients for Khachapuri Adjara
flour 200 g white
milk 50 ml
water boiled with 80 ml
dry yeast 1 tsp.
white sugar 0.5 tsp.
salt 0.25 tsp
vegetable oil wi
Georgia. Kutaisi.
Georgia. Kutaisi.
Georgia. Kutaisi.
Georgia. Kutaisi.
Georgia Legends of Nature
Georgia Legends of Nature
Georgia Legends of Nature
Follow us on a fascinating journey through Georgia and the beautiful Caucasus region! Delve into the mesmerizing richness and diversity of one of the most th...
Georgia_Kutaisi Guide_ Ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom
Georgia_Kutaisi Guide_ Ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom
Georgia_Kutaisi Guide_ Ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom
Kutaisi. What to look? Sights of the city. Temples of Kutaisi: Motsameta, Gelati, Bagrati Cathedral. Monuments of the Georgian culture. The most interesting places of Kutaisi. Kutaisi guide and its vicinities. A photo gallery of beautiful places of the city of Kutaisi: first the metal bridge in the Caucasus, a cult place on Rioni's (Phase) river, insuperable Motsameta, the Gelatsky complex, spirit of the ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom.
Кутаиси.Что посмотреть? Достопримечательности города. Храмы Кутаиси: Моцамета, Гелати, Храм Баграта. Памятники грузинской культуры. Самые интересные места Кутаиси. Путеводитель по Кутаиси и его окрестно
Georgia in June
Georgia in June
Georgia in June
Visiting the Republic of Georgia: Tbilisi, Borjomi Kharagauli National Park, Bakuriani, Gori - places to visit where you can relax and enjoy the sights of th...
Feature of the cheese trade in Georgia: cut off a piece and give a try before you buy. National tasting. Video archive. Only non-commercial use. Traveling to...
Feature of the cheese trade in Georgia: cut off a piece and give a try before you buy. National tasting. Video archive. Only non-commercial use. Traveling to...
Summery: Archeologists try to solve the secrets left behind by architects of an eighth century temple. These ruins in the Imereti lowlands of the Caucasus are considered among the most prized discoveries in the area. When the Imereti lowlands was picked As a construction site for future Olympic venues for the Sochi Winter games in 2014, almost every corner was carefully surveyed and that's when this part of history was rediscovered.
Location: Sochi, Russia
Date Shot: October 21, 2010
Duration: 2:45
Original source and
Summery: Archeologists try to solve the secrets left behind by architects of an eighth century temple. These ruins in the Imereti lowlands of the Caucasus are considered among the most prized discoveries in the area. When the Imereti lowlands was picked As a construction site for future Olympic venues for the Sochi Winter games in 2014, almost every corner was carefully surveyed and that's when this part of history was rediscovered.
Location: Sochi, Russia
Date Shot: October 21, 2010
Duration: 2:45
Original source and
published:22 Sep 2013
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety
Montpellier Travel Video - It might not carry quite the same cachet as some of southern Frances cities, but in its own graceful, easy-going way, Montpellier is every bit the equal of Marseille and Nice. With its elegant buildings, grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) and stately boulevards, its a quietly stylish metropolis with just a hint of Barcelona about its atmospheric old quarter, shady backstreets and leafy squares.
Unlike many other southern towns, Montpellier has no Roman heritage. Instead it was founded in the 10th century by the counts of Toulouse, and later became a prosperous trading port as well as a scholarly centre (Europes first medical school was founded here in the 12th century).
The population swelled in the 1960s when many French settlers left independent Algeria and settled here, and its now one of southern Frances most multicultural cities -- and with students making up over a third of the population, its also a place that seems eternally young at heart.
Three high-speed tram routes circle around the old quarter before heading out into the suburbs.
Enjoy Your Montpellier Travel Video!
Montpellier Travel Video - It might not carry quite the same cachet as some of southern Frances cities, but in its own graceful, easy-going way, Montpellier is every bit the equal of Marseille and Nice. With its elegant buildings, grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) and stately boulevards, its a quietly stylish metropolis with just a hint of Barcelona about its atmospheric old quarter, shady backstreets and leafy squares.
Unlike many other southern towns, Montpellier has no Roman heritage. Instead it was founded in the 10th century by the counts of Toulouse, and later became a prosperous trading port as well as a scholarly centre (Europes first medical school was founded here in the 12th century).
The population swelled in the 1960s when many French settlers left independent Algeria and settled here, and its now one of southern Frances most multicultural cities -- and with students making up over a third of the population, its also a place that seems eternally young at heart.
Three high-speed tram routes circle around the old quarter before heading out into the suburbs.
Enjoy Your Montpellier Travel Video!
published:11 Aug 2014
"Kutaisi" Sianandjim's photos around Kutaisi, Georgia (republic of georgia travel blog)
Preview of Sianandjim's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
Preview of Sianandjim's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
The Kunisaki Peninsula's terrain consists of the 721 meter tall Mount Futago at the center and a series of valleys radiating from it. The region's calm countryside is dotted with dozens of temples and some shrines and was traditionally divided into six areas. The region was therefore collectively known as Rokugo Manzan (Six Towns Full Mountain).
The unique local religious culture of Rokugo Manzan contains elements of Buddhism, Shinto and mountain worship. A worthy of special mention characteristic of the Rokugo Manzan culture is the predominance of stone statues of Buddhas and other deities and guardians.
Futagoji Temple (両子寺)
Located close to the peak of Mount Futago is Futagoji, an important temple with a history of over1300 years. The temple was prosperities as religious austerities place in AD 900~1200. Futagoji's grounds cover a wide area on the forested slopes of the mountain, with stone and gravel paths. A pair of stone Nio Guardians stand at the start of the traditional temple approach below the parking lots, from where a ten minute ascent up a flight of steps brings you to the main temple buildings. Among them are the Gomado Hall which is dedicated to Fudomyoo, a protector of Buddhism, and the Okunoin Hall, which enshrines the thousand-armed Kannon Bodhisattva. For the more adventurous, there is a slightly challenging path to climb, which beyond the temple buildings to see several natural creations such as narrow openings through large rocks.
Hours: 8:00 to 17:00 (8:30 to 16:30 from December to February)
Admission ends 30 minutes before closing
Closed: Opened All Year round
Admission: 200 yen
Access Information:
Because of public transport, it is very inconvenient to get to the temples. The most convenient method to get around is a rental car. Rental car outlets can be found at Oita Airport and in Usa and Beppu.
There is also a daily guided bus tour of the Kunisaki Peninsula in Japanese, which covers Usa Shrine and the other temples. The bus departs from Oita Station and also stops at Beppu and Usa Stations before visiting the various shrines and temples and returning via Oita Airport to Beppu and Oita. The cost is between 3000 and 5500 yen depending on boarding and alighting stations.
Subscribe link :
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
The Kunisaki Peninsula's terrain consists of the 721 meter tall Mount Futago at the center and a series of valleys radiating from it. The region's calm countryside is dotted with dozens of temples and some shrines and was traditionally divided into six areas. The region was therefore collectively known as Rokugo Manzan (Six Towns Full Mountain).
The unique local religious culture of Rokugo Manzan contains elements of Buddhism, Shinto and mountain worship. A worthy of special mention characteristic of the Rokugo Manzan culture is the predominance of stone statues of Buddhas and other deities and guardians.
Futagoji Temple (両子寺)
Located close to the peak of Mount Futago is Futagoji, an important temple with a history of over1300 years. The temple was prosperities as religious austerities place in AD 900~1200. Futagoji's grounds cover a wide area on the forested slopes of the mountain, with stone and gravel paths. A pair of stone Nio Guardians stand at the start of the traditional temple approach below the parking lots, from where a ten minute ascent up a flight of steps brings you to the main temple buildings. Among them are the Gomado Hall which is dedicated to Fudomyoo, a protector of Buddhism, and the Okunoin Hall, which enshrines the thousand-armed Kannon Bodhisattva. For the more adventurous, there is a slightly challenging path to climb, which beyond the temple buildings to see several natural creations such as narrow openings through large rocks.
Hours: 8:00 to 17:00 (8:30 to 16:30 from December to February)
Admission ends 30 minutes before closing
Closed: Opened All Year round
Admission: 200 yen
Access Information:
Because of public transport, it is very inconvenient to get to the temples. The most convenient method to get around is a rental car. Rental car outlets can be found at Oita Airport and in Usa and Beppu.
There is also a daily guided bus tour of the Kunisaki Peninsula in Japanese, which covers Usa Shrine and the other temples. The bus departs from Oita Station and also stops at Beppu and Usa Stations before visiting the various shrines and temples and returning via Oita Airport to Beppu and Oita. The cost is between 3000 and 5500 yen depending on boarding and alighting stations.
Subscribe link :
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
ტურისტული მომსახურება კომპანია "MAGIC TRAVEL" თავისი მომხმარებლისთვის უზრუნველვყოფს განურჩევლად (ინდივიდუალური და ტურისტული ჯგუფებისა) სასტუმროების მომენტალუ...
ტურისტული მომსახურება კომპანია "MAGIC TRAVEL" თავისი მომხმარებლისთვის უზრუნველვყოფს განურჩევლად (ინდივიდუალური და ტურისტული ჯგუფებისა) სასტუმროების მომენტალუ...
Khachapuri — Georgian national flour product, which is a tortilla with cheese. The name comes from the words "bread" ("Puri") and "quark" ("Chaco").
Khachapuri is of many types. They are open and closed; khachapuri can be baked in the oven and broil in the pan. Form khachapuri can be oval, square, and most common, round. Adjarian khachapuri is baked in the form of boats and pour the egg.
Khachapuri in Georgian execution is, of course, a culinary masterpiece, but we will try.
Ingredients for Khachapuri Adjara
flour 200 g white
milk 50 ml
water boiled with 80 ml
dry yeast 1 tsp.
white sugar 0.5 tsp.
salt 0.25 tsp
vegetable oil without smell 1 tbsp
cheese 300 g
(Imereti) for the filling
eggs 4 Pcs
1 - for the filling, 1 grease, 2-for filing
water boiled cold 25 ml
for the filling
butter-20 g
for the filling
Based on materials
Khachapuri Adjara recipe
Khachapuri — Georgian national flour product, which is a tortilla with cheese. The name comes from the words "bread" ("Puri") and "quark" ("Chaco").
Khachapuri is of many types. They are open and closed; khachapuri can be baked in the oven and broil in the pan. Form khachapuri can be oval, square, and most common, round. Adjarian khachapuri is baked in the form of boats and pour the egg.
Khachapuri in Georgian execution is, of course, a culinary masterpiece, but we will try.
Ingredients for Khachapuri Adjara
flour 200 g white
milk 50 ml
water boiled with 80 ml
dry yeast 1 tsp.
white sugar 0.5 tsp.
salt 0.25 tsp
vegetable oil without smell 1 tbsp
cheese 300 g
(Imereti) for the filling
eggs 4 Pcs
1 - for the filling, 1 grease, 2-for filing
water boiled cold 25 ml
for the filling
butter-20 g
for the filling
Based on materials
Khachapuri Adjara recipe
Follow us on a fascinating journey through Georgia and the beautiful Caucasus region! Delve into the mesmerizing richness and diversity of one of the most th...
Follow us on a fascinating journey through Georgia and the beautiful Caucasus region! Delve into the mesmerizing richness and diversity of one of the most th...
Kutaisi. What to look? Sights of the city. Temples of Kutaisi: Motsameta, Gelati, Bagrati Cathedral. Monuments of the Georgian culture. The most interesting places of Kutaisi. Kutaisi guide and its vicinities. A photo gallery of beautiful places of the city of Kutaisi: first the metal bridge in the Caucasus, a cult place on Rioni's (Phase) river, insuperable Motsameta, the Gelatsky complex, spirit of the ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom.
Кутаиси.Что посмотреть? Достопримечательности города. Храмы Кутаиси: Моцамета, Гелати, Храм Баграта. Памятники грузинской культуры. Самые интересные места Кутаиси. Путеводитель по Кутаиси и его окрестностям. Фотогалерея красивых мест города Кутаиси: первый металлический мост на Кавказе, культовое место на реке Риони(Фазис), непреодолимая Моцамета, Гелатский комплекс, дух древней столицы Колхидского царства.
Kutaisi. What to look? Sights of the city. Temples of Kutaisi: Motsameta, Gelati, Bagrati Cathedral. Monuments of the Georgian culture. The most interesting places of Kutaisi. Kutaisi guide and its vicinities. A photo gallery of beautiful places of the city of Kutaisi: first the metal bridge in the Caucasus, a cult place on Rioni's (Phase) river, insuperable Motsameta, the Gelatsky complex, spirit of the ancient capital of the Colchis kingdom.
Кутаиси.Что посмотреть? Достопримечательности города. Храмы Кутаиси: Моцамета, Гелати, Храм Баграта. Памятники грузинской культуры. Самые интересные места Кутаиси. Путеводитель по Кутаиси и его окрестностям. Фотогалерея красивых мест города Кутаиси: первый металлический мост на Кавказе, культовое место на реке Риони(Фазис), непреодолимая Моцамета, Гелатский комплекс, дух древней столицы Колхидского царства.
Visiting the Republic of Georgia: Tbilisi, Borjomi Kharagauli National Park, Bakuriani, Gori - places to visit where you can relax and enjoy the sights of th...
Visiting the Republic of Georgia: Tbilisi, Borjomi Kharagauli National Park, Bakuriani, Gori - places to visit where you can relax and enjoy the sights of th...
გამოიწერე სიახლეები!
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი "ლაშარი" ჩამოყალიბდა 1994 წელს. ანსამბლის რეპერტუარში შესულია საქართველოს ყველა კუთხის სიმღერები, რომლებიც გამოირჩევა ახლებური შესრულებით. ანსამბლი მჭიდროდ თანამშრომლობს საქართველოს რადიოს ოქროს ფონდთან და აღდგენილი აქვს მრავალი უნიკალური ხალხური სიმღერა, რომელიც საუკუნეა არ შესრულებულა.
Feature of the cheese trade in Georgia: cut off a piece and give a try before you buy. National tasting. Video archive. Only non-commercial use. Traveling to...
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
published:07 Jun 2015
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
TRAVEL GUIDE: Revisiting Vigan
published:07 Jun 2015
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
published:05 May 2015
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
published:05 May 2015
Japan travel guide on sado island.[japan nature/japan forests/japan rivers]
投稿:辻田将信(Masanobu Tsujita)
Rice peddy on sado island.[japanese scene/japan travel]
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Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
Summery: Archeologists try to solve the secrets left behind by architects of an eighth cen...
published:22 Sep 2013
Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
Ancient temple uncovered as Sochi Olympics construction goes on
published:22 Sep 2013
Summery: Archeologists try to solve the secrets left behind by architects of an eighth century temple. These ruins in the Imereti lowlands of the Caucasus are considered among the most prized discoveries in the area. When the Imereti lowlands was picked As a construction site for future Olympic venues for the Sochi Winter games in 2014, almost every corner was carefully surveyed and that's when this part of history was rediscovered.
Location: Sochi, Russia
Date Shot: October 21, 2010
Duration: 2:45
Original source and
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety, etc....
published:17 Apr 2014
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety
Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety
published:17 Apr 2014
views:41 Republic of Georgia Travel Tips: Transportation, Safety, etc.
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
Cebu Tourism Advertisement...
published:26 Dec 2013
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
published:26 Dec 2013
Cebu Tourism Advertisement
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
путешествие в верхние сванети, одно из самых красивых горных регионов в грузии ,...
published:17 Oct 2013
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
best tour georgia. travel in svaneti.
published:17 Oct 2013
путешествие в верхние сванети, одно из самых красивых горных регионов в грузии ,
Montpellier Travel Video - It might not carry quite the same cachet as some of southern Fr...
published:11 Aug 2014
Montpellier Travel Video
Montpellier Travel Video
published:11 Aug 2014
Montpellier Travel Video - It might not carry quite the same cachet as some of southern Frances cities, but in its own graceful, easy-going way, Montpellier is every bit the equal of Marseille and Nice. With its elegant buildings, grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) and stately boulevards, its a quietly stylish metropolis with just a hint of Barcelona about its atmospheric old quarter, shady backstreets and leafy squares.
Unlike many other southern towns, Montpellier has no Roman heritage. Instead it was founded in the 10th century by the counts of Toulouse, and later became a prosperous trading port as well as a scholarly centre (Europes first medical school was founded here in the 12th century).
The population swelled in the 1960s when many French settlers left independent Algeria and settled here, and its now one of southern Frances most multicultural cities -- and with students making up over a third of the population, its also a place that seems eternally young at heart.
Three high-speed tram routes circle around the old quarter before heading out into the suburbs.
Enjoy Your Montpellier Travel Video!
"Kutaisi" Sianandjim's photos around Kutaisi, Georgia (republic of georgia travel blog)
Preview of Sianandjim's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.c...
Preview of Sianandjim's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
Fun show with "Musical" songs about Travel and Destinations....
published:25 Sep 2013
Bob Kalal "New"-Travel Show in Hanover Park Pt 1
Bob Kalal "New"-Travel Show in Hanover Park Pt 1
published:25 Sep 2013
Fun show with "Musical" songs about Travel and Destinations.
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
The Kunisaki Penins...
published:20 Jan 2015
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
published:20 Jan 2015
Japan Travel: Rokugo Manzan Futagoji Temple Fudomyoo, kyushu, Oita031
The Kunisaki Peninsula's terrain consists of the 721 meter tall Mount Futago at the center and a series of valleys radiating from it. The region's calm countryside is dotted with dozens of temples and some shrines and was traditionally divided into six areas. The region was therefore collectively known as Rokugo Manzan (Six Towns Full Mountain).
The unique local religious culture of Rokugo Manzan contains elements of Buddhism, Shinto and mountain worship. A worthy of special mention characteristic of the Rokugo Manzan culture is the predominance of stone statues of Buddhas and other deities and guardians.
Futagoji Temple (両子寺)
Located close to the peak of Mount Futago is Futagoji, an important temple with a history of over1300 years. The temple was prosperities as religious austerities place in AD 900~1200. Futagoji's grounds cover a wide area on the forested slopes of the mountain, with stone and gravel paths. A pair of stone Nio Guardians stand at the start of the traditional temple approach below the parking lots, from where a ten minute ascent up a flight of steps brings you to the main temple buildings. Among them are the Gomado Hall which is dedicated to Fudomyoo, a protector of Buddhism, and the Okunoin Hall, which enshrines the thousand-armed Kannon Bodhisattva. For the more adventurous, there is a slightly challenging path to climb, which beyond the temple buildings to see several natural creations such as narrow openings through large rocks.
Hours: 8:00 to 17:00 (8:30 to 16:30 from December to February)
Admission ends 30 minutes before closing
Closed: Opened All Year round
Admission: 200 yen
Access Information:
Because of public transport, it is very inconvenient to get to the temples. The most convenient method to get around is a rental car. Rental car outlets can be found at Oita Airport and in Usa and Beppu.
There is also a daily guided bus tour of the Kunisaki Peninsula in Japanese, which covers Usa Shrine and the other temples. The bus departs from Oita Station and also stops at Beppu and Usa Stations before visiting the various shrines and temples and returning via Oita Airport to Beppu and Oita. The cost is between 3000 and 5500 yen depending on boarding and alighting stations.
Subscribe link :
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia tra...
published:21 Oct 2014
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
published:21 Oct 2014
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
Valencia travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) have destroyed the nearly 2,000-year-old Arch of Triumph in the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria's head of antiquities and activists have said. The arch was one of the most recognisable sites in Palmyra, the central city affectionately known by Syrians as the "Bride of the Desert," which ISIL seized in May ... "This is a systematic destruction of the city. They want to raze it completely ... Source ... ....
PresidentBashar al-Assad said the success of a military campaign by Russia, Syria and its allies was vital to save the Middle East from destruction, a day after Moscow said it would step up air strikes against Islamic State targets across Syria ... “It must succeed, otherwise we face the destruction of the entire region and not only one or two states,” he said in an interview with Iranian television broadcast on Sunday ... Rival insurgents....
WASHINGTON (AP) — Set 'em up, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and lend an ear to the troubles of a presidential candidate. The front-runner for the Democratic nomination appeared on the season opener of "Saturday Night Live" as a wise bartender named Val who pours a drink or two for, ahem, Hillary Clinton (played by "SNL" regular Kate McKinnon) ... "So, Hillary," Clinton asks McKinnon, "what brings you here tonight?" ... . ... ....
MOSCOW/AMMAN. Russia said on Saturday it will step up air strikes in Syria, escalating a military intervention which Moscow says is weakening Islamic State militants but which Western powers say aims to support PresidentBashar al-Assad. A senior Russian military officer said Russian jets based in western Syria had carried out more than 60 sorties in 72 hours across Syria. "We will not only continue strikes... Western-backed rebels hit ... ....
Flash flooding around the French Riviera has killed at least 16 people, including some trapped in cars, a campsite and a retirement home. Torrents of muddy water also inundated buildings, roads and railway tracks, disrupting car and train traffic along the Mediterranean coast...PresidentFrancois Hollande said the overall death toll by midday today was 16, with three people still missing ... From the web. Comments (0). ....
(Source. FC Dinamo Tbilisi). FC Dinamo Tbilisi will host FC Zugdidi in XXVII national championship V round match at Dinamo Arena. The match will start at 18.00 and official web-page of our team will offer text and video live of the match. Our rival ... After the Civil War in GeorgiaZugdidi's team left national championship ... After that our rival defeated FC Imereti in Georgian Cup 1/16 final 2.1 and played draw with FC Torpdo Kutaisi1.1....
(Source. FC Dinamo Tbilisi). Dinamo Tbilisi will compete with FC Sapovnela Terjola in Georgian 27th national championship first round match at Dinamo Arena. The match will start at 20.00 and official web-page of our club will offer text and video report of the match. Our rival. FC Sapovnela Terjola was established in 1985... After 20 years pause Imereti club returned in Umaghlesi Liga. Before that it played even in Regional league ... (noodl....
(Source. IFS - Industrial & Financial SystemsAB) ... About JSC ENERGO-PRO Georgia... The company's service area covers over 70% of Georgia; it serves over 860,000 customers in the Adjara, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Guria, Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi, Shida Kartli, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, and Kvemo Kartli; out of which 980,000 customers represent households and commercial and state organizations ... More information.
The full transformation of Sochi from an Olympic host city to a "normal" resort city will take about five to seven years, said Andrei Elinson, the managing director of the "Imereti Valley" resort project in Sochi ... of the rouble," said ShevchenkoRuslan, a project manager of the "Imereti Valley", where the Olympic village was once located....
(Source. Government of Georgia) ...The Prime Minister congratulated the successful project implementation to the investors. "Totally 105 enterprises were funded in the frameworks of the Preferential Agrocredit Project and "Produce in Georgia" ... Imereti Greenery includes greenhouse/warehouse farming and transport and distribution network equipped with the refrigerators ... distributed by ... (noodl. 26357742) ....
(Source. Government of Georgia) The Georgian Government continues presentation of the report of two-year activities in the regions. 2014-12-10. After Imereti and Kakheti the Government members arrived in Racha and presented detailed information on the projects implemented for the past 2 years, also planned events for 2015 to the population ... Both years the price of Aleksandrouli and Mujuretuli amounted to 8 GEL ... distributed by ... (noodl....
The first presentation of the government report was held first in Imereti region where the high-rank officials of the ministries gave the public comprehensive information on projects, programs and also future plans implemented for two years. With the government members one-year activity report was presented to the local people in Imereti by the state attorney-governor Zaza Meparishvili....
(Source. Government of Georgia). 2014-10-19. Since morning there have been strong wind and heavy rain in some regions of Georgia that have caused different types of damages ... As a result of measures taken the situation is completely under control at the moment. Imereti, Samegrelo, Guria and Adjara regions were affected after the disaster ... There were landslide events....
(Source. Government of Georgia). 2014-09-28. The task force created with the Prime Minister's instruction led by the deputy state security and crisis management council Mindia Janelidze, met in Kutaisi today. There are the representatives of the ministries of regional development and infrastructure, environment, internal affairs, the municipalities of Samegrelo, Guria, Imereti and Adjara on the spot ... distributed by ... (noodl....