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Busy Perth to bake in 38 degree scorcher

  • 15 reading now

Adrian Beattie

Perth is in for a scorcher on Saturday.

Perth is in for a scorcher on Saturday.

The mercury has soared above the expected top of 38 degrees to deliver one of Perth's hottest November days in recent history as storms moved in over inland parts of the state.

The temperature hit 39.4 degrees shortly before noon, less than a degree shy of the 40.3-degree record set in 1913 and again in 2003.

It's a busy weekend for Perth with a royal visit, international cricket at the WACA and the massive Beaufort Street festival, and all of it taking place in scorching temperatures.

Those who can't find any shade at the WACA could feel even hotter, but with Australia firmly in control of the test locals won't mind the heat - hoping it's cause the New Zealanders to wilt.

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall will escape the hottest part of the day in Perth by flying south to Albany where the forecast maximum is a mere 27 degrees. They'll be visiting the Albany Agricultural Show and the ANZAC centre. By the time they get to Perth in the late afternoon the Fremantle Doctor will have begun to cool down the city. 

But it'll be a day of slip, slop, slap and drink plenty of water for those going to the Beaufort Street festival. About 160,000 people attended last year's event and despite the hot temperatures expected today the organisers are hoping to better that figure. The festival runs from midday until 9pm.

Tomorrow should be cooler across the Perth metropolitan area with a forecast high of 30.

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