Submitted by Eonjay 1d 5h ago | news

The Best Selling Games of October Announced

The top selling game for the month of October was Halo 5: Guardians, according to numbers published today by the NPD Group.

Directly behind Halo 5 was NBA 2K16, which was knocked out of the number one spot it grabbed during its debut month. The big news is that while NBA 2K16 is sold on all consoles, Halo 5: Guardians is an Xbox One exclusive. Assassin's Creed Syndicate came in third place for the month. (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Halo 5: Guardians, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

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Genuine-User  +   1d 5h ago
Congrats to 343i and Microsoft for topping the NPD charts.


PS4 lead software sales
Xbox One lead hardware sales
#1 (Edited 1d 5h ago ) | Agree(38) | Disagree(51) | Report | Reply
Foehammer   1d 5h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(10)
Eonjay  +   1d 5h ago
Indeed. Congrats to 343i and Microsoft for topping the charts.
Ezz2013  +   16h ago
So sales matters again as it seems

i just don't understand how any one from Xbox camp can claim a victory
when in Halo's month
It didn't even break a 1 million
and Xbox manage to only outsell Ps4 by 25K in US
While Ps4 outsold it Worldwide yet again
and Sony said :
"Thanks for making PlayStation 4 the top selling console globally."

and some comments here are really saying The tides have turned and Xbox won ?! ...for real now ?!
#1.2.1 (Edited 15h ago) | Agree(30) | Disagree(11) | Report
Ripsta7th  +   9h ago
i have yet that see any comment claiming MS won anything
All i see is people saying good job MS
S2Killinit  +   1d 5h ago
Where did you get hardware from?
Shaalashaska  +   1d 4h ago
I think that's where he got it from.

#1.3.1 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(4) | Disagree(0) | Report
Letthewookiewin  +   1d 4h ago
Hardware was really bad for both consoles

X1- 305k meaning PS4 was lower than that. Ouch. Pretty boring month really. Definitely thought X1 would be way higher for a Halo month, and the gap between them would be more pronounced. It's obvious people who wanted Halo already had X1's. The win is bitter sweet I guess. Oh and congratulations are in order for MS :)

@shloo- Read what I said. It's a HALO month... No the numbers are not good for a HALO month... There's no stealth trolling what I have said is valid, I'm not making anything up and in any case it's my opinion, I'm not sorry you don't agree but it's ok we will both live. Lastly with the Halo limited edition X1's that were on pre order, and day of sales, the writing is on the wall.
#1.3.3 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(24) | Disagree(20) | Report
shloobmm3  +   1d 4h ago

since when is over 300k a bad hardware month? Last october was considered a good month at 170k. Halo came out at the end of the month. Stop stealth trolling.
ElGordo  +   1d 4h ago
Yeah those numbers aren't that great letthewookie.

Considering Destiny sold over 500k PS4's Last year. Xbox fanboys talk about how Halo is superior. Yet Halo 5 didn't do for Xbone what Destiny did for PS4 even though it was a multiplatform title.

Not that great considering Halo is Microsofts flagship game
#1.3.5 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(41) | Disagree(26) | Report
star_lancer   1d 2h ago | Trolling | show
Knushwood Butt  +   19h ago
It was bad for WiiU
LAWSON72   1d 4h ago | Off topic | show | Replies(1)
PudgeyBurrito  +   23h ago
NPD only counts North American Stats, Far off from worldwide stats. So misleading to say they won October. Will see the other regions in a few days most likely.
#1.5 (Edited 23h ago) | Agree(20) | Disagree(6) | Report | Reply
drpepperdude   18h ago | Trolling | show
iNFAMOUZ1   21h ago | Trolling | show
Dee_Blessed   20h ago | Trolling | show
Christopher  +   17h ago
Glad to see an Assassin's Creed game stomped in sales. Not just by a bigger AAA exclusive title, but by another annual release game.

I'm hoping the decrease in sales will force Ubisoft to go back and improve on the whole element and actually think about moving the story forward rather than selling us the same thing over and over.
Genuine-User  +   17h ago
I fully agree with your opinion.
Nodoze  +   16h ago
199% agree. Ubisoft is becoming worse than EA.
Malice-Flare  +   16h ago
some details, if true...


[PS4] 275k
[XB1] 303k
[WiU] 65k


Halo 5: Guardians sold 935k physical units including bundles...
Lenrulesdaworld  +   14h ago
thats bs, do the math Halo 5 made 400 million in a week between the halo 5 limited edition console & the software it's self. even if took the 303 number & multiply that times 500 that 151,500,000. If take that and subtract that from 400,000,000 million that leaves, 248,500,000 for software. Halo easily broke a million or more, just not as much as 2,3 & possibly 4.
Tobsesan  +   14h ago

I dont think DIGITAL sales are included, also alot of people here in europe got Halo 5 as well. Im from germany (PLAYSTATION LAND) and i only have 13 people in my friendslist that got COD but 42 People that got Halo 5.
#1.9.2 (Edited 14h ago) | Agree(6) | Disagree(1) | Report
DeepEnigma  +   12h ago
That 400 Million was Sell In, as in shipped, not Sell through to customers.
memots  +   15h ago
But sale don't matter right? At least for the other 10months of the years we hear that lol
butchertroll  +   15h ago
Little above 900k at retail for Halo 5. Damn, what a decline!

I expect big number of disagree votes, but facts are facts!

#1.11 (Edited 14h ago) | Agree(6) | Disagree(5) | Report | Reply
3-4-5  +   8h ago
"Here's the complete list of games in the top 10 for October 2015:

Halo 5: Guardians (XBO)
NBA 2K16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4, XBO)
Madden NFL 16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
WWE 2K16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
FIFA 16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
Destiny: The Taken King (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
Yoshi's Wooly World (NWU)
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PS4)
Rock Band 4 (XBO, PS4)"

"In an interesting note made by the NPD Group in its report, when ranking software on a SKU-basis, "NWU Super Mario Maker would rank in the top 10" for the month. "
#1.12 (Edited 8h ago) | Agree(0) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply
XiKurapikaKurta  +   1d 5h ago
No way PS4 was gonna win october with Halo 5. Congrats Microsoft and 343i
#2 (Edited 1d 5h ago ) | Agree(34) | Disagree(17) | Report | Reply
Masterchief_thegoat   1d 4h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(6)
nitus10   1d 3h ago | Off topic | show
madmonkey01   21h ago | Off topic | show
Big-finger  +   16h ago
Actually ps4 is very likely to win in October worldwide.
kraenk12  +   6h ago
They were just a few thousand off. And only I the US
MJunior  +   1d 5h ago
That was a good month.
HaydenJameSmith  +   1d 5h ago
Congrats to MS and 343i for their huge success with Halo 5.

2 disagrees straight away o_O
#4 (Edited 1d 5h ago ) | Agree(33) | Disagree(31) | Report | Reply
Black0ut  +   1d 3h ago
Ignore the disagrees friend. Unfortunately, if you remotely like anything MS/Xbox on this site you WILL get downvoted and downbubbed to oblivion. It's how its always been.

Very good month for Microsoft and 343. BRILLIANT job guys keep it up!!!
HaydenJameSmith  +   1d 3h ago
Don't worry I know the drill.

I was just surprised that I got disagreed with about 5-10 secs after I posted the comment. Their response time is impeccable...
PudgeyBurrito   23h ago | Trolling | show
Black0ut  +   23h ago
@burrito care to point out ONE single post of mine where I even try to claim a "win"? You haven't the slightest idea. You don't even know me, you're generalising and you're reaching.

Tell me, you came to this conclusion because I congratulated Microsoft and 343? I do the same for Sony (again, look at all my posts). Talk about jumping the gun.

I don't play numbers and I never will. I play games pal, regardless of the platform. What a joke of comment.
#4.1.3 (Edited 23h ago) | Agree(6) | Disagree(8) | Report
MichaelLito79  +   17h ago
Congratulations to 343 and MS teams, Halo is fantastic game love the SP and MP.
kraenk12  +   6h ago
People are just not sure if one of the worst Halo launches in history really can be called a huge success. They barely won this month.
Masterchief_thegoat  +   1d 5h ago
halo 5 still ms biggest title
#5 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(15) | Disagree(13) | Report | Reply
Septic  +   1d 4h ago
Although the series has seen a decline in sales momentum, it still uncontested in the genre in terms of platform exclusive.
Masterchief_thegoat  +   1d 4h ago
is not on decline, is just ps4 is still the system that gamer pick for this gen.... look below and you see other games sold better on ps4...
#5.1.1 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(15) | Disagree(13) | Report
butchertroll  +   15h ago
Yes it is. Halo series is in decline.
MultiConsoleGamer  +   1d 4h ago
Halo V was on sale for only 4 days and it topped the charts and helped propel the Xbox One to the top spot.

MS will probably take November and December too.

Sad to see Uncharted Collection charting so low. PS4 still dominates in multiplatform software.
Christopher  +   17h ago
***Halo V was on sale for only 4 days and it topped the charts***

Am I the only one that realizes that the mass majority of sales are day 1 because of pre-orders? That's normal for pretty much any game out there that day 1 will result in at least 50% of its total sold in the first 3 months.
butchertroll  +   15h ago
All bigger games sold the majority of their first month copies in their first week.
Tobsesan  +   14h ago
I think it depands on the game. Titles like Grand Turismo sell all gen while COD and FIFA only sells in its first weeks.
I cant say how it is with halo, but i assume it will sell well over the next few month due to its constant playlist updates and free maps + replay value, but thats just my opinion. Correct me if im wrong.
GrubsterBeater  +   8h ago
I still don't know why people aren't realizing this, and think pre-orders weren't included in those numbers and believe they sold all that in only a few days...
MichaelLito79  +   17h ago
That's because predominantly people passed up the third party titles for Halo. I personally passed up a few third party titles.
#6.2 (Edited 17h ago) | Agree(1) | Disagree(4) | Report | Reply
RAM0N   1d 4h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(4)
theFro  +   1d 4h ago
Keep in mind, Halo is on one platform, it also released towards the end of October.

No shock at all..

Congrats to 343i and MS for putting out quality.
#8 (Edited 1d 4h ago ) | Agree(22) | Disagree(18) | Report | Reply
bleedsoe9mm  +   1d 4h ago
halo effect should carry over into november and with a great TR its going to be another great month for ms
NovaCorps  +   1d 4h ago
with fallout 4 ?
no it wont
JasonKCK  +   1d 1h ago
Keep in mind. The same people who are saying TR will fail because of Fallout 4 are the same people Who said Halo 5 would fail.
Chevalier  +   1d 1h ago
With Star Wars and COD bundles topping charts for PS4? Doubtful
Rookie_Monster   1d 4h ago | Trolling | show
Hazardman79  +   1d 4h ago
Yes yes ya and it dont stop..... Congrats MS and 343i. Halo is a very good game. Halo is back and the online multiplayer is the best Ive played so far this gen.
animalia  +   1d 4h ago
Things will only get better for Xbox one and Microsoft. All those loyal 360 gamers are coming and its going to explode in sales.
medman   1d 1h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(1)
medman  +   13h ago
LOL..poor thing. The writing is on the wall son. Learn to read.
Dee_Blessed  +   1d 4h ago
The reason most gamers are on xbox one is because of halo ofcourse lots held put until halo was close to being released. This literally is not surprising
CPTN MITCHELL   1d 4h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(3)
elda  +   1d 4h ago
I don't own a XBO but they may take Nov also because of Rise of the Tomb Raider...js.
NeoGamer232  +   1d 1h ago

Halo rated 85 on Metacritic making it one of the highest rated FPS so far this gen.

Rise of Tomb Raider timed exclusive on X1 is rated 87 on Metacritic

Forza Motorsports 6 rated 87 and is highest rated racing sim this generation on Metacritic

MS brought a very good lineup of games to gamers for this holiday!

Next up Fable Legends!
Rimeskeem  +   23h ago
While this is true do remember that BO3 and Battlefront (two most anticipated shooters of the year) are both advertised for PS4.

But hey, i hope to enjoy RotTR. As for Halo, no splitscreen = no buy
Spotie  +   12h ago
Probably not, though. If anything, TR is a slow burn type of series, meaning it earns its numbers over time. That, and it's not that large of a franchise, anymore: people are simply overestimating the numbers it can do.

Add to that the likelihood that most that would get an XB1 for Tomb Raider will likely have gotten one for Halo or Forza, as well as the ill-will generated by the timed exclusivity deal, and you're not likely to see it move much in the way of hardware.

Not to mention that Tomb Raider has always been bigger on PlayStation, and odds are that many TR fans who owned an Xbox last gen are now on PlayStation(based on Sony's saying how many PS4 owners didn't own a PS3 last generation). I highly doubt any significant number of people will be buying an XB1 solely for Tomb Raider.
trywizardo  +   1d 3h ago
Halo 5 805M$ RESPECT
can't wait to see who conquered who in nov Fallout 4 or BO3
Rimeskeem  +   23h ago
where did you get that number?
trywizardo  +   16h ago
NPD official site ...
TKCMuzzer  +   10h ago
You should always post a link when quoting a number, especially when you have the number wrong.

$805 million is how much US gamers spent on gaming in the month of October, that is for all platforms.

A second tip, always read the information properly before jumping into a comments section.
TKCMuzzer  +   59m ago
You have posted a link that says what I mention, Halo only contributed to that figure, it did NOT do $805 million on it's own. Read the article, the clue is in the first paragraph.
rashonray1  +   1d 3h ago
Great work Microsoft keep it up so proud of Xbox and PlayStation they are doing very well just keep it gaming.
Feedogg6  +   1d 3h ago
HALO truly is king! Big Hi five to MS!
timotim  +   1d 3h ago
Congrats MS and 343!!! Halo 5 deserves all the praise it gets...best MP in the series by far and with BTB coming, things are only going to get better.
agame914   1d 2h ago | Trolling | show | Replies(1)
ironmonkey  +   1d 2h ago
Congratz ms and 343 on its success loving halo 5. ADD ME Djsamsung..
agame914   1d 2h ago | Trolling | show
GamerGT  +   1d 2h ago
As a PS4 owner, congratulations Microsoft on Halo hardware and software push. Makes the competition even up the odds.
fulnattybrah   1d ago | Trolling | show
magiciandude  +   1d ago
That is some massive damage done by Halo 5. Congrats Microsoft!
TKCMuzzer  +   10h ago
er, massive, they beat their nearest rival by just over 20,000 consoles. Massive damage would have been 300,000 and above, worldwide they didn't even beat their nearest rival even with their biggest franchise.
Deep down I think Microsoft would have hoped for more from a world wide perspective.
horndog  +   23h ago
The force is strong with the Halo. Well I guess the ps4 won't go 12 for 12 again this year not if the chief had something to say about that. Bauhahahha!!
bmky   21h ago | Trolling | show
TKCMuzzer  +   10h ago
Ah the chief, if only he had actually played a bigger part in the story itself, the game might have sold even more copies.
#25.2 (Edited 10h ago) | Agree(1) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply
Mike04  +   21h ago
Thats why they remove the split-screen because they want to sell console thats a fact..MS and 343 clearly just want your money. They market chief vs locke. And they introduce microtransaction. never seem to make me smile, defending what is obviously wrong is the new right? Lolz
#26 (Edited 21h ago) | Agree(7) | Disagree(6) | Report | Reply
frankdrebin72  +   16h ago
Remove split screen to sell more consoles...fact??
Care to explain how you can prove such findings?
343i just want your money?? Lol of course they do, you silly boy. Here is a secret,...EVERY game Dev does!
Micro transactions??...better get used to having the CHOICE of purchasing them then as if I am not mistaken Some other games are employing this also..does UC4 have it? SWBF have it?
Defending what YOU perceive as being wrong and what others PERCEIVE as being wrong doesn't always match up.
Is micro transactions right??
Do you have to buy them?
Should YOUR opinion stop others from wishing to buy them?

343i have done an excellent job.
Halo 5 and the profit it's generated shows it's a big hitter.

Enjoy your games.
Let others worry about what they spend THEIR money on.
Brisco  +   21h ago
Wow that's really impressive. Halo that beast
squeezx  +   20h ago
Wow Metal Gear completely dropped off the top charts.
Father__Merrin  +   20h ago
it hasnt sold well. it should be double what it is now
Jivesh   20h ago | Trolling | show
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