Submitted by purebennyc 3d ago | review

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Review - ThoseGamers

Ben from TG writes: Assassin’s Creed, the annual franchise from Ubisoft has had its ups and downs, as does any annual franchise. The 2014 offering, Unity attracted some fairly harsh criticism due to a launch that was riddled with so many flaws that you’d have sworn The Incredible Hulk had gone on a rampage through the code right as it was about to go Gold. Yes it had A LOT of issues but once I looked beyond those I actually had a lot of fun with Unity so coming into 2015 I had high hopes that Ubisoft would take on board the lessons from Unity to make Syndicate an excellent installment in the Assassin’s franchise. (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, PS4, Xbox One) 9/10

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