- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 709
- author: Brian Hews

Your City TV: Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca recognizes Norwalk Sheriff efforts
The MedicAlert Foundation recognized a detective of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Depar...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: Brian Hews
Your City TV: Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca recognizes Norwalk Sheriff efforts
The MedicAlert Foundation recognized a detective of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Norwalk Station for coming to the aid of a MedicAlert Foundation member. MedicAlert Foundation Board Member, Tom Levin, presented an Extraordinary Meritorious Service Award to Detective Mark Christiansen this afternoon at the Norwalk Sheriff's Station, 12335 Civic Center Drive, Norwalk. Detective Christiansen was responsible for caring for an adult MedicAlert member with autism who wandered away from home. Detective Christiansen's recognition and response to the member's MedicAlert ID enabled him to instantly access the member's medical history and to identify the patient's needs. MedicAlert's emergency response team worked with Detective Christiansen to ensure that the member was safely returned home. The MedicAlert Foundation Extraordinary Meritorious Service Award honors first responders who have recognized the MedicAlert medical ID and contacted MedicAlert's 24/7 Live Emergency Response Service Center to access vital medical and identification information to provide the best care and services for members of MedicAlert Foundation. Detective Christiansen has described his actions after receiving a call about a man wandering the campus of Norwalk High School: "School security advised me that the individual was cooperative, however unable to speak. I initially tried to get him to write down his name or any information regarding who he was. He was unable to perform this task ...
- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 709
- author: Brian Hews

LASD Update: Forensic Artist, Inmate Fire Camp Program, 2012 Toy Drive
Segments: LASD Profile on Forensic Artist, Inmate Fire Camp Program, 2012 Toy Drive...
published: 04 Dec 2012
author: LACountySheriff
LASD Update: Forensic Artist, Inmate Fire Camp Program, 2012 Toy Drive
Segments: LASD Profile on Forensic Artist, Inmate Fire Camp Program, 2012 Toy Drive
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 839
- author: LACountySheriff

Sheriff Lee Baca Vs Judge James Grey on Prop 19
Sheriff Lee Baca Opposes Prop 19. He gets confused and does make a statement in favor of P...
published: 03 Oct 2010
author: plagick
Sheriff Lee Baca Vs Judge James Grey on Prop 19
Sheriff Lee Baca Opposes Prop 19. He gets confused and does make a statement in favor of Proposition 19 The Jude makes the point the there would be more strict regulation on providing pot to kids and
- published: 03 Oct 2010
- views: 1691
- author: plagick

MMA Event Lee Baca Vs Ryan Baca
MMA Event Round Valley AZ 1-1-11...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: HereIsYourSunshine
MMA Event Lee Baca Vs Ryan Baca
MMA Event Round Valley AZ 1-1-11
- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 1818
- author: HereIsYourSunshine

Sheriff Lee Baca addresses Social Justice
Commander of the largest sheriff's department in the nation, Lee Baca's leadership has res...
published: 20 Apr 2009
author: USCSocialWork
Sheriff Lee Baca addresses Social Justice
Commander of the largest sheriff's department in the nation, Lee Baca's leadership has resulted in viable solutions to many of Los Angeles' social problems including drug addiction, domestic violence, homlessness, ganga, illiteracy, at-risk youth, parenting and improved quality of life in improverished neighborhoods. His innovative approach to crime fighting has endeared him to those who traditionally mistrust the police and made him one of the county's most popular and successful elected officials.
- published: 20 Apr 2009
- views: 784
- author: USCSocialWork

YOR Health: LA County Sheriff Lee Baca - Part 1
Sheriff Baca shares with us his outlook on life and his experience with the YOR Health pro...
published: 02 Oct 2010
YOR Health: LA County Sheriff Lee Baca - Part 1
Sheriff Baca shares with us his outlook on life and his experience with the YOR Health product line. Sheriff Baca also expresses the key role that we all play in spreading the importance of good nutrition and bettering the health of future generations Part 1
- published: 02 Oct 2010
- views: 515
- author: YORHEALTH

WeAreChangeLA informs LA Sheriff Lee Baca about 9/11 Black Op Demolitions
Barack Obama was in Southern California over a few days in March 2009. After an event in D...
published: 08 Apr 2009
author: wearechangela
WeAreChangeLA informs LA Sheriff Lee Baca about 9/11 Black Op Demolitions
Barack Obama was in Southern California over a few days in March 2009. After an event in Downtown Los Angeles on March 19, 2009, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA Citizen's Media asked the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, Lee Baca, whether President Obama had mentioned clearing up the ongoing cover-up of the 9/11 black op. "Did President Obama say anything--did he say anything about clearing up the biggest crime of the century, the 9/11 black op, and the continuing cover-up after it? Because we still have 30-something Angelenos whose murders are unsolved from that day and a lot of us, including all the family members, want justice." Sheriff Baca, apparently confused, about what Rothe-Kushel was referring to, responded by asking "what is that again?" Rothe-Kushel responded by saying "the 9/11... the black op. You know, like all the explosive evidence that the buildings were blown up from the inside out. Even Chief Bratton has connections with the security firm that must have allowed for these explosives to be placed. So, we're dealing with the biggest crime of the century that is completely unaccounted for, justice undone. So, did Obama say anything about clearing that up or was there any suggestion that we're going to deal with this?" Sheriff Baca who initially appeared to be confused by what Rothe-Kushel was asking about, then, after receiving and glancing at an information card from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth- www.ae911truth.org - said that "nothing was ...
- published: 08 Apr 2009
- views: 6991
- author: wearechangela

Sheriff Lee Baca of Los Angeles on Islam and America
An interview between Professor Akbar Ahmed and Sheriff Lee Baca in his office in Los Angel...
published: 04 Dec 2008
author: journeyintoamerica
Sheriff Lee Baca of Los Angeles on Islam and America
An interview between Professor Akbar Ahmed and Sheriff Lee Baca in his office in Los Angeles, California. www.journeyintoamerica.wordpress.com Produced by Akbar Ahmed Directed, filmed and edited by Craig Considine
- published: 04 Dec 2008
- views: 1533
- author: journeyintoamerica

Michael Richardson confronts Chief Baca, claims Sheriffs killed Mitrice Richardson
Michael Richards father of slain woman Mitrice Richards, confronts Sheriff chief Lee Baca ...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: HoodNews
Michael Richardson confronts Chief Baca, claims Sheriffs killed Mitrice Richardson
Michael Richards father of slain woman Mitrice Richards, confronts Sheriff chief Lee Baca over suppressed evidence, mishandling of the investigation, customer service and a possible police killing of his daughter. Mr. Richards lays it all on the line for this 18 mins.
- published: 22 Dec 2010
- views: 2164
- author: HoodNews

Scientology: June 1, 2010 Cults Never End Well
June 1, 2010 Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. AnonOrange Source: June 1, 2010 Publ...
published: 02 Jun 2010
author: mnql1
Scientology: June 1, 2010 Cults Never End Well
June 1, 2010 Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. AnonOrange Source: June 1, 2010 Public Comments bosvideoap.co.la.ca.us 04:19:00 - 04:22:04 Scientology and Human Trafficking? You decide. www.youtube.com Ex-Scientologists Speak Out www.youtube.com
- published: 02 Jun 2010
- views: 1470
- author: mnql1

LASD Deputies Fired Upon by AK-47 Suspects; Two Suspects in Custody. January 8, 2013
Century Sheriff's Station deputies were fired upon during a brief pursuit near Lynwood. Th...
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: LACountySheriff
LASD Deputies Fired Upon by AK-47 Suspects; Two Suspects in Custody. January 8, 2013
Century Sheriff's Station deputies were fired upon during a brief pursuit near Lynwood. The two deputies were on patrol when they heard the sound of an assault weapon being fired nearby. They drove toward the sound and observed a gunshot victim lying on the street. Simultaneously, the deputies saw the suspect vehicle speeding away. While calling for medical help for the victim, the deputies went in pursuit of the suspect vehicle. During the pursuit, the suspect in the passenger seat leaned out the car window and began to shoot at the pursuing deputies with an AK-47 type assault rifle. The deputies continued to pursue and the shooter jumped from the car and ran into the neighborhood. Shortly thereafter, the driver crashed near Santa Fe Avenue and Pine Street, where the driver was taken into custody. A containment of the area was set up for the fleeing passenger and the passenger suspect was also taken into custody. An assault rifle was recovered during a search of the area. The victim, a male adult, was shot multiple times and is listed stable condition. "We are relieved that our deputies were not hit by gunfire. We thank them for their bravery and willingness to risk their lives to protect the public." Captain Mike Parker (Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau) There is no additional information available at this time. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Operation Safe Streets (Compton) at (310) 605-6525. If you ...
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 2194
- author: LACountySheriff

2012 Medal of Valor Awards Ceremony Held
The Valor Awards were held September 19, 2012 at the Quiet Cannon in the city of Montebell...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: LACountySheriff
2012 Medal of Valor Awards Ceremony Held
The Valor Awards were held September 19, 2012 at the Quiet Cannon in the city of Montebello. The event was sponsored by Galpin Motors and the Commerce Casino. The Valor and Meritorious Conduct medals are awarded annually to those who have performed acts of great bravery or heroism, above and beyond the call of duty, to save the lives of others while placing their own lives at risk. The Master of Ceremonies, CBS 2 / KCAL 9 News Reporter Suraya Fadel, narrated the awards, recounting the heroic actions of each award recipient before an audience of over 500 Department personnel and their guests. Sheriff Lee Baca presented 26 members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department with highest honors during the Valor Awards Ceremony. The afternoon also included Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau Captain Mike Parker, who introduced the honored guest speakers appearing on stage.
- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 979
- author: LACountySheriff

Sungmin Lee: Beethoven - 'Moonlight Sonata' - Classical Guitar
Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com 'Moonlight Sonata' composed b...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: Sungmin Lee
Sungmin Lee: Beethoven - 'Moonlight Sonata' - Classical Guitar
Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com 'Moonlight Sonata' composed by Beethoven Hey guys! :D Here's one of the hardest songs I've played on the classical guitar. It consists of billions of bar chords that tire me out lol xD I tried recording this a long time ago, after a week of practicing this song, but it literally sucked so I just deleted that take. After like 2 more weeks, I tried it again in one take, and it turned out all right. This was the take, and I'm satisfied with it! Since I'm not a pro, I guess it doesn't really matter if it's perfect or not. I was in Virginia for the past week so I was not able to upload a video since the hotel we stayed at had the worst service. I literally had to wait like 5 hours for a video to upload. However, the videos that were "uploaded" turned out to fail to get on youtube. So I'm now back home, and I uploaded this video. It took way shorter than 5 hours back here in my house. Around 30 minutes lol xDD Although the internet service there was bad, I had fun there. I got to drive a go-kart in Motor World! :D My first time driving a vehicle. :) I just wanted to mention that I learned a lot of how to play this song by watching Eric Henderson's video of this song. I mean I learned the notes by reading the sheet music, but I learned like techniques and better fingerings by watching his video. You should check him out here: www.youtube.com He's great! :D Here's the sheet music too if you'd like to learn this song ...
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 17248
- author: Sungmin Lee

Horrific deputy-on-inmate brutality in LA jails
The ACLU has released a report that for the first time cites chaplains and other civilian ...
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: ACLU SouthernCalifornia
Horrific deputy-on-inmate brutality in LA jails
The ACLU has released a report that for the first time cites chaplains and other civilian witnesses to deputy-on-inmate brutality in Los Angeles County Jails. Sign the petition to recall Sheriff Lee Baca here: bit.ly
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 10118
- author: ACLU SouthernCalifornia
Youtube results:

USC CREATE: Creating Dialogue: Radicalization, Law Enforcement, and Civil Rights
On March 10th, 2011 US Congressional Representative Peter King (R-NY) convened a hearing o...
published: 11 May 2011
author: USCSPPD
USC CREATE: Creating Dialogue: Radicalization, Law Enforcement, and Civil Rights
On March 10th, 2011 US Congressional Representative Peter King (R-NY) convened a hearing on "The extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community's Response." The focus of this hearing was to explore alleged trends into the radicalization of Muslims in the US In the spirit of creating dialogue, a coalition of students at the University of Southern California have worked with the Office of Religious LIfe (ORL) and Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS) in organizing a panel discussion that will focus on this hearing in the context of Radicalization, Law Enforcement, and Civil Rights. The panel will be anchored by Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who was the only law enforcement official that testified in this original hearing that was held in Washington DC Panelists: Sheriff Lee Baca Sheriff of Los Angeles County Erroll Southers Associate Director USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Dr. Laurie Brand Professor, International Relations USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences Dr. Stephen O' Leary Associate Professor USC Annenberg School for Communication
- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 227
- author: USCSPPD

Expert sheds light on pervasive brutality in LA jails
Jails expert Tom Parker describes the pattern of violence in the LA Jails system. Sign the...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: ACLU SouthernCalifornia
Expert sheds light on pervasive brutality in LA jails
Jails expert Tom Parker describes the pattern of violence in the LA Jails system. Sign the petition to recall Sheriff Lee Baca here: bit.ly
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 599
- author: ACLU SouthernCalifornia

What Happened To Mitrice Richardson
Based on the facts I was told, I believe she was raped, tortured and murdered in a snuff f...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: TheHappyHookerTV
What Happened To Mitrice Richardson
Based on the facts I was told, I believe she was raped, tortured and murdered in a snuff film. Here is why. For those who don't know who Mitrice is, Mitrice Richardson was the Cal State Fullerton Grad who went to Geoffrey's Restaurant on September 16, 2009. While there, the restaurant complained of her acting weirdly and not paying her bill. She was picked up for being a 5150 and brought to the Lost Hills Sheriff's station. Her mother found out and she received CONSTANT ASSURANCE as you will hear on tape from deputies telling her that they were NOT going to release her daughter until the next morning at around 6:30am. However, Mitrice was released at 12:30am midnight in which surveillance tapes - which the station initially refused to release - shows her leaving through a side entrance with Deputy Ismael Rodriguez following right behind her. A year later, Mitrice's nude and mummified body was found in a ravine next to the "porn ranch" owned by famous pornographer, Suze Randall. Many weird things happen there when you are around folks with money and power and I am quite certain that this is not the first...nor will it be the last that something like this happens in Malibu, hence why I did this documentary so as to bring attention to it! Watch.
- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 487
- author: TheHappyHookerTV

David Johnson at the Sheriff Baca Prayer Breakfast
Djohn reciting excerpts from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in Los Angeles, CA. on Jan...
published: 22 Jan 2011
author: djohnstl
David Johnson at the Sheriff Baca Prayer Breakfast
Djohn reciting excerpts from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in Los Angeles, CA. on January 17, 2011.
- published: 22 Jan 2011
- views: 212
- author: djohnstl