Capcom Talk Nintendo NX, PlayStation Virtual Reality and Monster Hunter Online


Looks like Capcom wants to work on bigger projects starting 2016. During a recent Q&A, the company revealed some of their interests on the horizon.

At the Briefing of Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter of the Year, there was, as usual, a Q&A session where the company responded to a few questions. This briefing was about the ending of the second quarter of Capcom’s fiscal year, which ends on the 31st of March. As questions, we see the company touching up on a few subjects such mobile gaming as well as the online PC market.

PC and Mobile Markets:

They mention that they do not have any ambitious projects down the line and that they are focusing in releasing their current developments on both mobile and PC platforms. According to them, this will greatly set them on their desired path. One such PC project that directly inquired was the infamous Monster Hunter Online, developed by Tencent. If you do not know, Monster Hunter Online is a PC MMO-RPG set in the universe of Monster Hunter. The biggest highlight of this game is no doubt the incredible realism in graphics powered by CryENGINE 3. Capcom confirmed that more details on the game will come to light tomorrow, November 13th, at the Tencent Game Carnival.

In the mobile department, the company believes that the experience gained from their latest mobile game, Monster Hunter Explorer, will help continue the growth in that sector. Capcom sees that users who enjoy their game seem to become more accustomed to full-scale games which can only lead to more activity is developed. Therefore, the team wishes to increase employment in both Mobile and PC sectors.

NX, PlayStation VR and More:

Q. What are your plans involving new platforms (NX, PlayStation® VR and others) and the timing of launches of Capcom titles for these platforms?

A. Our R&D operations are working on technologies for many types of hardware. We will consider the possibility of creating technology demonstrations and making versions of titles under development for these new platforms. At this time, we have not announced any plans for specific products or the timing of a product launch.

Indeed, the company is researching on these new technologies. The gaming industry is shifting to unknown lands with the arrival of Virtual Reality as well as brand new console that not much is known, the NX. Time will tell if Capcom will properly jump on the bandwagon and demonstrate its franchises on these platforms.

Street Fighter V and the eSports Community:

Q. What are you doing in the field of e-Sports?

A. e-Sports are very popular in Europe and North America. We plan to use e-Sports as part of our promotional activities. For “Street Fighter V”, which we plan to start selling in February 2016, we expect to utilize the e-Sports infrastructure we have created around the Capcom Pro Tour, in order to maintain the popularity of this new title for a long time.

Street Fighter has always been number one in terms of fighting games tournaments and Capcom wants to continue that support with Street Fighter V on the Capcom Pro Tour. Time will tell if the company has more in store.

All this and more was touched on during the Q&A session. However, we can agree that the more juicy elements are no doubt Capcom’s potential involvement in the new technologies coming in 2016. Can we expect a Resident Evil or Monster Hunter using Virtual Reality? Also, we do not know what the NX is capable of so far. Did you check out Monster Hunter Online? MH fans should  no doubt be excited for a visually impressive Monster Hunter, as I am as well!

What are you most excited about? What would you want Capcom to make next? Of course, this has to exclude any new Mega Man game for obvious reasons.

Smasher, analyst and has sworn allegiance to Hyrule, Seif Mazzene is the Executive Editor at IMGMR. He also hosts a weekly Smash Bros. Wii U tournament on his Twitch channel: SimbaarRagehowl.

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