Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider Companion Map Apps released

Prima Games has released the Companion Map Apps for Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. If you are interested, you can purchase the products with the following links:

Both products will help you locate all the collectibles in the two games. If Fallout 4 case, you will be able to use the interactive map to find bottle caps, fusion cores, holo tapes, Nuka Cola, safes along with primary and secondary edition.

These map apps should also be included (at no additional costs) in the official strategy guides, which were also published by Prima Games. You can check out the physical books on Amazon below:

The latest Fallout and Tomb Raider releases are huge games. If you want to find everything on the maps, you might want to check out the standalone map apps (or the official strategy guides if you need help in other areas).