Submitted by htogaming 1d 4h ago | news

Short No Man's Sky News, Delayed and Costs 60$?

I am actually excited to see what no man’s sky has to offer with its infinite universe. For better or worst no man’s sky is set to release at AAA price of 60$, which I think sucks because now I got pay more for an awesome game, but what you going to do. (No Man's Sky, PC, PS4)

Update I am actually excited to see what no man’s sky has to offer with its infinite universe. For better or worst no man’s sky is set to release at triple AAA price tag of 60$. Which I think sucks because now I got to pay more for an awesome game, but what you going to do.

gangsta_red  +   1d 9h ago
Why shouldn't it cost $60? It's by no means a small game and it has gotten the same type of production a triple A title might have.

I would be more concerned about if this title actually does what it claims will do and if they game is going to pushed back even more.
Flo-con  +   20h ago
I don't think it's the same type of production a triple A game might have. Those can have hundreds of people working on them for years.
Hello game only have like 10. No man's sky doesn't seem story driven either and so there isn't mocap etc...

Not to say that it won't be a good game. In fact I'm most likely getting it. I'm just not sure it should be priced $60.
htogaming  +   1d 9h ago
Yup it does, I think it's fair price. I'm just little cheap.
MoveTheGlow  +   1d 4h ago
Wait, is this American $, or is Htogaming from a different country? Maybe $60 isn't usual there...?
KiwiViper85  +   1d 8h ago
Id rather pay $60 than have it F2P, which for some reason I thought it was, for the longest time.
htogaming  +   1d 7h ago
What would be difference? One is 60$ and other is free with in-game purchases?
FlexLuger  +   1d 7h ago

You can also end up spending a lot more than 60 bucks with F2P games. You should see how much crap I bought on neverwinter! (who am I kidding I love that game. Ill buy more nice shit..just because)
KiwiViper85  +   1d 7h ago
On the surface yes, but F2P usually have a difficulty curve that requires you to spend money, or a "Paywall". To get the most out a F2P you could end up spending even more than $60, you just don't realize because your only spending $5 at a time. Say your space ship runs out of fuel in the middle of space... Game Over? or $5 to refill your tank? If your invested in the game, and really want to reach the next planet, you would pay.

Id rather pay an upfront cost of $60 and know that extra purchases are not required.

Plus I prefer disks for resale value...
htogaming  +   1d 6h ago
I see your points, probably better in end to just have to pay 60$.

Good example would be Guild Wars 2 model.
Palitera  +   1d 4h ago
F2P games are designed to force players into micro transactions. That's why.
amnalehu  +   1d 4h ago
How is it "delayed"?
brianunfried  +   1d 3h ago
It's not delayed because it has never been officially announced.
KwietStorm  +   1d 4h ago
So grammar checking comes at a premium huh.
azshorty2003  +   1d 3h ago
Yea.I was going to read the article, but then I read the paragraph summary and said 'nope!'
yomfweeee  +   1d 2h ago
Proper grammar is an in-article purchase for 99 cents.
#5.2 (Edited 1d 2h ago ) | Agree(4) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply
Rookie_Monster  +   1d 3h ago
There is no official release date so how can it be delayed?
UltraNova  +   20h ago
That's what happens when you announce/show your game too early. I just wish devs take a page from Bethesda's book, announce today release 3-4 months later.
immabadguy  +   1d 2h ago
$60 for an indie game? The most I would spend would be $30. Guess I'll wait for a sale.
KwietStorm  +   1d 2h ago
Serious question. What about being developed by an independent studio brings down the value?
samden  +   14h ago
Somehow "indie" has gained this negative stigma and I don't understand why. Naughty Dog was indie back with the made all of the Crash games, and those were some of the best games on PS1! But I guess I will have to agree with this guy because The Witcher 3 was made by an indie dev as well and that game is only worth $30 /s
deadfrag  +   1d 2h ago
Frankly i have a feeling this game will be cheaper on PC or it will not sell much at $60.The hype this game is having seems bigger from PS4 owners than people that are PC centric that i know ,maybe Hello Games and Sony think they can shove a $60 price tag at PS4 fans because they are releasing this first on PS4.I think it too much for this kind of game;theres no logic story in the game,no multiplayer in the common sense,it seems its only an exploratory game with random generate infinite planets... that after some time will become boring to explore.Comes from an known indie developer that that dont have any track record of making triple A prodution.There are already games that seem to share this kind of ideias and better ones even if they are not so big,The Long Dark ,Starbound,Rust the upcoming Boundless and cost half or even less of the price of NMS.
#8 (Edited 1d 2h ago ) | Agree(0) | Disagree(4) | Report | Reply
frostypants  +   1d 2h ago
Really need to stop accepting submissions written by 12 year olds.
Satyre28  +   1d 1h ago
Yea right if this game launches at 60$ goodluck.
s45gr32  +   23h ago
Useless clickbait article.

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