Submitted by MrBT 1d 4h ago | news

Fallout 4 Pip-Boy GAME preorders lost by courier

Cat Evans of This is Xbox writes, "After talking with someone on the GAME online chat this morning, I was informed that DPD, the courier service delivering the coveted collector’s edition to our doors, has misplaced a delivery batch which GAME sent on November 6. However, this vital information has not been made public, and I only know this by contacting GAME directly." (Fallout 4, PC, PS4, Xbox One)

My_Outer_Heaven  +   1d 16h ago
Seems I'm affected by this... I've still not got my order.

At the moment DPD have written in the tracking:
Sorry, your Game parcel has not arrived with us; we'll let you know as soon as it does and confirm it's on its way to you.

Question is how does a whole batch of preorders go missing? Theft or electronic error?

Something dodgy is definitely happening here!
#1 (Edited 1d 16h ago ) | Agree(3) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply
TLG1991  +   1d 16h ago
I saw simplygames selling "very limited stock" and a friend also said they come on sale at Zavvi the day of launch.

So i wouldn't be surprised if some of the "Missing" ones have been sold on through other retailers. as i thought they where exclusive to game.
RosweeSon  +   1d 3h ago
That really sucks especially as it seems a lot of people have bought them just to put them up on eBay. Hope yours turns up soon and GAME over you compo for it being so late now and all the hassle. Reward points at least.
MrBT  +   1d 15h ago
It does all sound a bit dodgy, particualrly as GAME had 'issues' when processing some people's pre-orders, emailing out that their payment had failed!
#2 (Edited 1d 15h ago ) | Agree(1) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply
My_Outer_Heaven  +   1d 15h ago
More fuel for the fire: After being on hold for over an hour I just finally got in contact with someone via phone and I told them I have not received my order yet.

After some digging around the guy that was tracking my order down told me that DPD have lost a whole batch of orders. Lost huh?, more like stolen!

They gave me a choice of cancelling for a full refund or sending a replacement, I opted for the latter obviously. I preordered back in June during E3 2015.

It seems DPD or Game have some answering to do.. how does a whole batch of orders get lost?! Cancelling is one thing but losing a whole batch of dispatched orders is really strange!
rainslacker  +   21h ago
Based on your first comment above it sounds like Game initiated the shipping process...automated for a company like that when they process your order, but then the carrier never received the package.

I doubt DPD had anything to do with it, because the people that pick up the packages would be picking up large quantities of packages, and if they were just stealing them, then it would be a problem for more than just this one game, and Game would certainly know about it.

I'm not sure what DPD does for it's first scan that they do on pick up. Here in the US for the USPS or UPS it's usually like this

1. "Seller has provided a tracking number, but no carrier scans are present"(paraphrased)(sel ler brought postage, carrier is going to pick it up, or will wait for it to drop off).

2. "Acceptace" or "Picked Up"(Varies by carrier) Depends on if it's picked up or dropped off at the post office, but this is the official scan from a carrier which lets you know that at least something was shipped with that label.

Anything after that is en route info. Sounds like your package is stuck on step one.

It's weird though, because typically companies like Game would have a master scan form which would include all packages being shipped out to the carrier, and the carrier would assume they are all present. It seems if DPD didn't have a large number of packages from that manifest list present, then they would know about it.
2pacalypsenow  +   1d 3h ago
Same thing happened with my Best Buy pre order, its still in transit
specialguest  +   1d 3h ago
My gut instinct tells me it was stolen. How do you just lose a batch of orders?
Skate-AK  +   1d 3h ago
Maybe the courier didn't understand the importance of what he was carrying. Was led to the the desert, shot in the head and burried, only to survive and get dug out of his grave by a robot. That is where his journey to get his stolen item back starts.

This sounds really famillar...kind of like I have played it before.
ColonelHugh  +   1d 3h ago
You beat me to it!

Funny bubs
-Foxtrot  +   1d 2h ago
This has went past a f****** joke now

Still not got my Pipboy edition, had to buy the game on release

They said send an email, I did on Friday and it's a week later and guess what? STILL NO PHONECALL

I think I'm going to at least get get the season pass out of them
GeorgeZimmerman  +   1d 2h ago
I think GAME need to purchase every one of the Pipboy Editions off of Ebay & send them to customers along with a Fallout 4 guide with a $150.00 credit for the troubles. For those that they couldn't get a Pipboy Ed. they could send the standard ed. Fallout 4 with guide & $400.00 credit
GeorgeZimmerman  +   1d 2h ago
I think that if GAME had to do something like this then the jackasses at GAME may put a little more effort into making sure that they don't have another problem like this
paul-p1988  +   20h ago
Game barely put any effort into training their staff, I wouldn't expect them to put much effort into this!
zugdar  +   1d 2h ago
This is not the first time orders have gone "missing" from GAME. I'm not a UK citizen but seems like a place to avoid.
My_Outer_Heaven  +   22h ago
Great news, I think my copy of Fallout 4 is finally on its way now, I'd laugh if two copies came to my door but its doubtful, I hope I get the right copy... PC version what I've ordered and I've heard that some people have been getting Console versions accidentally.
rainslacker  +   21h ago
Good to hear. :)

Got my PS4 version on Tuesday release. Love amazon. Even if there's a problem they don't dick around and play the dumb act, they simply fix it.

Wish I had brought two. Keeping it sealed for collection purposes, but would love to open it up to play around with the pip boy, and the game might be fun too.:)
MrBT  +   20h ago
Excellent news – I hope this expereinece doesn't sour your expereince of the game – nothing worse than waiting excited for something that comes late, or just doesn't arrive!
My_Outer_Heaven  +   19h ago
My pipboy edition has finally arrived, my original order apparently got lost in transit. People have said the build quality looks cheap but I disagree, for £99 your getting a frigging pipboy! It looks cool and will look awesome on my shelf.

This to me personally is the best limited collectors edition I've ever bought. I had the MGSV collectors edition but this blows it out of the water.

It looks so frigging cool and was totally worth the wait.
I bought it on PC, my PC is about 3 years old now but it should handle the game fine, after all my PC was high spec for its time. 2600k oveclocked to a safe 4.3GHz and two GTX680s with 4GB GDDR5 instead of 2GB. 16GB of DD3 Ram, it's more than enough power to edit films and create art.

Now I'm installing the game onto my PC, I was told the Xbox version has stuttering caused by HDD speed's so to avoid this I'm putting it on my Samsung SSD for that added extra performance.

I will need to do some tweaking to get SLI to work, I wish this feature was added to begin with. SLI is supported by Fallout 3 and Skyrim why not Fallout 4?

I so can't wait to play Fallout 4 for the first time, I suspect patches will come out for this game periodically. I have the season pass too.

One thing worries me, how will I get time to play all these games! Star Wars Battlefront is coming next week!
paul-p1988  +   20h ago

Give it a week and they will ALL be on ebay!

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